Men and Women: If a woman like this hits a man do you think she should be hit back?
2010-08-17 01:40:07 UTC
I know most people might say no, men shouldn't hit a woman back. But I think that if a woman thinks shes big enough to hit a man she should be hit back. I think that a man should only hit a woman in self defense. There are women out there that hit men when they get mad over something stupid and expect not to get hit back and sometimes they try to fight the man, while they expect him to do nothing but walk away. Im a woman and I think that if a woman hits a man she should be hit back. Just like if a man hits a woman for no reason she should hit him back. Im not saying that a woman should be beaten by a man though.

Men: if she comes up to you and hits you multiple times are you going to hit her back? cause that would be self-defense right? for someone strong like her

Women: Do you think if that woman attacked a man he has the right to hit her back?

Just wondering to see people's opinions...
29 answers:
2010-08-17 02:13:06 UTC
i think that since men are stronger (usually) they shouldnt hit a woman.. i mean, its not right to hit a man either!

i've slapped my bf twice, i was really mad. he never did anything about it. he wasnt happy about it, he just told me if i ever hit him again, it would be the last time i saw him.. nobody has to put up with it! & if he wouldve hit me back, he probably wouldve knocked me out!

to answer your question, no one has the right to hit anyone, but they shouldnt hit back! simply, do not put up with it.. i know i wouldnt! if it happens once, it will very likely happen again.
2010-08-17 10:12:41 UTC
There are two ways you can go with this. I can completely understand where your mindset is on this, some people can say it'd be right to defend yourself, others claim it to be wrong.

Honestly if a woman randomly came up and hit me and I had no idea who she was an why she was hitting me, I'd probably be too damned confused to do anything besides push her away period because I'd be too busy trying to figure out why she's hitting me in the first place. In my experience I've never been hit by a woman for no reason at all. (excluding when I was younger and girls my age were... well girls my age.) Usually a woman has a damn good reason when she hits a man and for that no I can't condone hitting a woman back even if she hits the man multiple times. I can condone pushing a woman away or putting her to the ground. But to me it's a respect issue, my parents raised me traditionally... I was taught to respect women no matter what and that's what I'll do an that's what I'll preach. In all honesty in a relationship if a woman ever hit me, the relationship would be done on the spot right there.

The difference is, what do you consider women. To me a tramp, slut, whore whatever you wish to call it I don't consider them women, in my opinion they give women a bad name and don't have half the qualities of a true woman. In those circumstances which are considered in the question when applied to a whore or junkie, etc. Then I'd say sure go ahead and defend yourself but don't result to beating them.

A man that literally beats a woman no matter who she is should be beaten to death.
V.G. Grace
2010-08-17 09:16:24 UTC
When women are the victims of domestic abuse, I would highly recommend they do NOT fight back, because that will only serve to provoke the abuser. They should run as fast as they can out of the residence and immediately go to their local police precinct. The key is to get away from the situation.

When men are the victims of domestic abuse, I would also highly recommend they do NOT fight back, leave the situation as fast as possible, and alert the police. This goes both ways--absolutely nobody has the right to assault their spouse or girlfriend/boyfriend for any reason, whatsoever. The only way I would recommend for a person, man or woman, to fight back is when it is absolutely a LIFE and DEATH situation where it is impossible to escape/survive except by self-defense.
2010-08-18 06:30:23 UTC
Men shouldnt ever hit a women, if he has to stop her from hurting him then so be it but he should never punch her or beat her. Just grab her or something to stop her hitting him
2010-08-20 05:08:44 UTC
Speaking as a woman, it's sexist not to hit back if you think she deserves it, because not doing so because of gender alone implies that women are weaker or more fragile than men.
2010-08-17 09:56:04 UTC
He should be able to hit her back. Unfortunately, in cases of mutual fighting and violence between a man and a woman, the man is often the only one who is held accountable for the violence, and the woman is presumed to be too weak to cause serious damage.
2010-08-17 12:54:53 UTC
Multiple times??? If a woman comes up to me and hits me ONCE, I am going to hit her back as hard as I can.

I would treat her the same way as I would treat a man who comes up to me and hits me, I do not practice gender discrimination.

It's the same as if I came up to Mike Tyson and hit him, and expected not to get hit right back. That would be retarded and arrogant, and I would soon be in the hospital.
2010-08-17 10:14:10 UTC
As a man I would never hit a woman!

I would walk away - see you.

In my books, honour and chivalry are not dead. Sometimes I feel sorry for the loose morals of the younger generation.
2010-08-17 09:13:32 UTC
I have never hit a woman but have certainly felt like it.

Normally guys hit girls because they know they are going to win the encounter, but the same guy would never hit another guy because he knows he is gonna get as good as he gives or worse, a coward if you like.

you can argue without fighting,
2010-08-18 05:45:52 UTC
No i dont think he has a right to hit back but he does have the right to call the police
2010-08-19 09:22:34 UTC
I'll most likely aggressively hold your arms down.

Hitting her back isn't self defense. Self defense is to defend yourself and sometime that requires to hurt the opposing force.
2010-08-17 12:34:49 UTC
If a woman hits you, do not hesitate in hitting her back. Hard.

Some people need to be taught respect.

If you call the police, you're the one will be taken to jail regardless.
2010-08-17 10:16:30 UTC
Only a Real man would Walk Away
2010-08-17 09:07:23 UTC
Nope,there's an unbalanced physical power for favour of men. A man can easily restrain a woman to prevent being hit. Imagine you punch Muhammed Ali or Mike Tyson once and he punchs you back.Equality?
Rina Toin 01
2010-08-19 00:51:08 UTC
umm if they're going to hit each other then why are they together? seriously if they are going to do that then they shouldnt be going out or whatever
2010-08-17 09:04:46 UTC
He has the right to defend himself, although it is preferable if he can just get out of there or use minimum force.
2010-08-17 08:53:44 UTC
yes, he should have the right to hit her back. I used to hit my ex. and he would never hit me back. the one time he did though, i never hit him again after that. Grown up since then.

but the point is everyone deserves to learn that lesson if theyre askin for it.
2010-08-17 08:56:30 UTC

Screw the men and women theme you've worked in here. The bigger thing to do is simply let it go. An eye for and eye and the whole world goes blind.

What was it again about turning the other cheek? Despite the morals we preach, we all think them inferior to our ideas of "fairness" and thus never heed them.

This however, is not about standing their like a punching bag. If someone is running at me about to hit me I'm not going to stick out my "cheek" like a shield.
2010-08-17 09:15:24 UTC
No, i don't think a man should EVER hit a women. But if your female attacks you, hold her a** down look into her eyes and F*c*ing make it clear to her that you are not gonna take that s***! Be aggressive! Best believe she'll think twice before hitting you again!
2010-08-18 05:50:30 UTC
if my life were on the line i'd hit back. that's it though.
♫Grappler's Crossing ♂ ♪
2010-08-17 11:17:22 UTC
Yo, Adrienne! I got dis caller here, wansa know 'bout my next fight, ye know? Like, I took down all dose guys 'n stuff, 'n now I gotta go up against dat boxing lady - ya know - aaah - dat - aaaah jeez - whassername now - oh yeah - da Kinghit Queen! yeah - dat's it!

So, uh - wadd'm I gonna tell dis caller, Adrienne? Yeah...yeah... OK -

Er, yeah, buddy - I'm jes' gonna knock 'er out like all dem udder punks - OK? Yeah, yeah - the Italian Stallion gonna ride again! Yeah - so long! Be at the fight!
2010-08-17 13:11:42 UTC
Violence is never the answer. Report for harassment and legally extract money out of her.
2010-08-17 09:49:54 UTC
honestly I dont fight, I run!
2010-08-17 09:21:28 UTC
I don't know why she would want to hit.

Stun gun, then hit him with a rubber hose. he ain't nothin' but a bi tch anyway.
Mike Jones
2010-08-17 10:14:21 UTC
I have no idea
2010-08-17 09:53:28 UTC
He should not hit her. How barbaric. Break her arm.
2010-08-17 09:16:55 UTC
No she shouldn't be hit. Men are biologically designed to defend women. It is their job to go, fight, and die for us. A man breaking that law should be executed.
2010-08-20 08:17:31 UTC
no not ever
2010-08-17 09:34:21 UTC
No you ******* asshole.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.