do you feel WOMEN ARE EQUALLY CAPABLE as men in everything, some things, or none?
2016-01-29 10:12:44 UTC
do you feel WOMEN ARE EQUALLY CAPABLE as men in everything, some things, or none?
228 answers:
2016-01-31 21:49:59 UTC
I am reading some of this comments and I see that some women think because they work out at a gym, that their strength is equal to that of a man. Uh NO...that is feminist thinking but not reality. I work out at the gym too and am quite fit but my husband is still a lot bigger than I, and certainly is a lot stronger.

I accept the fact that women and men are different, We are just designed to do things in our own unique ways. Unless she's a trained fighter, then maybe she could kick a out of shape man's behind.

However there are SOME jobs that a woman can do as well as a man. And then there are some jobs they have no business being in because we are homonal & the weather, dark & stormy one day, sunshining another day, raining another day.

Poster James P.T. Quirque put it well and the reality of it. He wrote :

" I don't agree that women are capable of doing some things that only strong and fit men can do. I have never seen a female tradesperson, mechanic, or even a female furniture delivery truck driver.

Women are not capable of making objective decisions. They get emotional and discriminate against anyone they dislike or don't get on well with at the workplace. That is my opinion based on many years working with females".
2016-01-30 05:38:23 UTC
Some things but not all. As previously said a man cannot birth a child and a woman cannot create a life without the assistance of a man. However in other things such as strength and mental capabilities then a woman can and does have the ability to be equal BUT they have to choose it. I personally DECIDED to stay at home with my children however I am quite capable of doing any job a man can do. My strength is equal to that of an average male because I DECIDED to strengthen my body.

I DECIDED to learn from those who know more than me and in the last 10 years that has been mainly my husband so now I am able to do any diy job, change any tire and do basic maintenance of a car and as my dad used to say I'm the only girl who 'gets' the offside rule.

However at the end of the day what does it matter?

Just a point to someone who posted earlier on yes women can be raped and attacked but so can men and actually in some circumstances easier than a woman.
2016-01-29 11:02:31 UTC
"Do you feel WOMEN ARE EQUALLY CAPABLE as men in everything, some things, or none?"

As a group? No. But individually, there are going to be persons of either gender that will be equally or more capable that others of the opposite gender. This is no different that between individual capability for persons of the same gender. Not every man is equally capable to every other man, not every woman is equally capable to other women.

This is why the only important aspect for equality is equal Rights and equal Opportunities. And not the feminist insistence to treat men as an "oppressive" group and women as a "victim" class. All that does is further divide us along gender lines.
2016-01-29 11:04:44 UTC
Do you feel WOMEN ARE EQUALLY CAPABLE as men in everything, some things, or none?


Weight of woman's heart is 100 grams less.

Weight of her brain is also less.

Weight of her bones and muscles is also less.

She lacks physical strength.

She has hard time controlling emotions, harder compared to guys.(these things were comparison b/w average of men and women)

She needs protection, an improvished guy won't be attacked by anyone but a woman could be raped so she's a liability.

Women are evolved in a way to stay at home, men are evolved for work. A 50 years old movement cannot change thousands of years of evolution. Maybe women will get better at work in next century than they are now, but still they would always lag behind. That is why even feminists lobby for affirmative action, this demand is loudly saying "we are not equal" we need law in our favor.
2016-02-01 05:16:30 UTC
This is a question which might take an age to answer.

Of course women should have equality in all things, in an arena where that equality is able to co-exist: however in certain arenas this 'equality' is not justifiable.

A single example:

The Fire Service - Should it be a 'natural' right for a woman to hold this job?

Only in such as ALL women, at ALL times, if they wish to hold this position, can take actions as required on an equal level as men.

If all/any male Fireman might be required to ascend a ladder, at any time, and carry a 200lb person to safety, then equality states that for the sake of 'equality' all Firewomen, at all and any times, when required by the necessity of the task, must step forward upon command and carry out this task.

If this task is designated and rotated within a team of 5 men and 1 woman, just through the men, due to physical capability, this is a far cry from 'equality'.

Additionally, in respect that there may be 1 woman, somewhere, who can carry out this task it befalls the laws of 'equality' that all women must hold this capability within the task, or ALL the women in this arena must be denied.

Ergo; unless ALL women can rescue the same 'load' as and when required, by fair rota, as their male counterparts; women should have no part in the Fire Service.
2016-02-03 16:35:11 UTC
Most things. It is scientifically proven that men have a stronger muscle build up. Women, even ones on steroids or ladies who are bodybuilders, are not physically stronger than men. However, that doesn't mean women can't be better fighters. A woman can still beat a man's @$$!

Women are smart as are men. It depends on the individual person more than anything. Women are equal to men and always have been. They're capable of just as many things. Society does not see this. It's not just my own belief but it's scientifically proven that women are equal to men. We're all mankind here. Hope this helped.
2016-01-30 21:13:48 UTC
Most things. It is scientifically proven that men have a stronger muscle build up. Women, even ones on steroids or ladies who are bodybuilders, are not physically stronger than men. However, that doesn't mean women can't be better fighters. A woman can still beat a man's @$$!

Women are smart as are men. It depends on the individual person more than anything. Women are equal to men and always have been. They're capable of just as many things. Society does not see this. It's not just my own belief but it's scientifically proven that women are equal to men. We're all mankind here. Hope this helped.
2016-01-29 17:39:13 UTC
Women can't inseminate women and get them pregnant, can they? Just as men can't get pregnant or suckle a child, can they?

Once a woman is pregnant, she can't do anything more for her reproductive success than continue to look after that child. But once a man gets a woman pregnant, he can continue to increase his reproductive success over and over again by impregnating more women.

This means that the sexes have different capacities and interests in reproduction. They are not equal, and sometimes their interests are antagonistic. There is no reason why women should benefit from ANY policy benefitting their sex-specific interests at men's expense.

Your question springs from the unspoken idea at the basis of all feminist ideology, that men and women are the same, because the question would not make sense if this were not the underlying assumption.

It's false, simple as that. It's just factually untrue.

It's also untrue as a matter of value, because people value males more highly for some things, and females more highly for others. There is no reason why people should assume or pretend that they are the same, far less that they should be forced by the law to pretend so.

This fact completely invalidates the entire political ideology of feminism.
2016-01-31 01:17:48 UTC
how could women be equally capable as men? nature has designed men and women each for a different purpose the 2 can not be compared but as for which of the two species is more capable and innovative men are generally more capable, smarter and stronger. This is why women have been and always will be dominated by men. Don't listen to the mentally challenged feminists they are all sad ugly women who were rejected by men their whole life so they like to form in these groups and talk about living in a fantasy world that doesn't exist. basic psychology
2016-01-30 02:54:34 UTC
Some things only, equally men are not capable of everything a woman can do as already pointed out by previous answers.

It's a nice thought to make everyone equal but for crying out loud nature has made us different, we should stop fighting it and accept it!

This being said, when it comes to EQUAL RIGHTS (true feminism), that's what I believe men and women should have equal rights as human beings, something modern feminism has ruined and turned it a man-hating movement.
2016-01-31 16:20:22 UTC
I feel that this is a really biased question. No, women are not equally capable as men in everything, but men are not equally capable as women in everything either. We are at a point in time where women are "catching up" to men. They are slowly working jobs that used to be male dominated, they are voting, and they are not doing all of the cooking and cleaning either. Women are so much more athletic than they were 30 years ago, it is amazing.
Why We Here Doe
2016-01-29 12:10:17 UTC
Some things. Just like some men aren't equally capable as women are in everything.
2016-01-30 12:45:13 UTC
I used to work in a large warehouse where the majority of the staff were women. They were paid the same rate of pay as I was paid but I did most of the heavy workload. Yet, I never receive any extra pay because I was a man. Why should women get paid more for doing less?

I don't agree that women are capable of doing some things that only strong and fit men can do. I have never seen a female tradesperson, mechanic, or even a female furniture delivery truck driver.

Women are not capable of making objective decisions. They get emotional and discriminate against anyone they dislike or don't get on well with at the workplace. That is my opinion based on many years working with females.
2016-01-29 10:24:18 UTC
women have an education attainment rate that is close to men. On the knowledge and education side, the gender gaps are indeed small. I dont see why such wide gender disparities exist. Women are indeed behind men in a wide range of areas. some of its related to caring for kids, some is related to discrimination and barriers, and some is women just is not applying themselves enough. and yes, women can do construction. Far more are doing it now than ever before. women can paint a house where it looks indeed very great.

WOMEN ARE NOT LESS CAPABLE THAN MEN. of course, dont expect any cities, counties, states, or countries to be women run or dominated soon. There is many religious and historical contexts as to why women are so far behind the men. The women will not come into power any time soon. women overseas do indeed have far less rights and freedom than women in the usa
Jedi Jan
2016-01-31 18:35:04 UTC
Yes and no, as ambiguous as that sounds. Most women are equally capable of performing just about anything that men can achieve, and vice versa, not forgetting that men can be equally so capable of performing as well as women. Some things, like child bearing, are obvious sex limiting attributes, but some men can be just as good as women at child rearing, as some women can do heavy manual labouring.

I don't think it is wise to stereotype male/female attributes. I know some women who are extremely strong and fit people, and some men who have shown great child rearing, as solo parenting fathers.

Women and men enjoy a better working environment these days due to the barriers of sex discrimination being removed. We should all celebrate this emerging culture and support our children to look into all professions they may wish to enter; to not be deterred by old sexist attitudes.
Unknown Human 2
2016-01-30 13:28:35 UTC
Some things... You don't see many women in construction work jobs. Its mostly men doing the heavy lifting. Women won't put themselves in jobs they can lose their life or get hurt. Technology however makes life much easier for women. And they can do a lot of things on their own because of it. But take technology away, and life would be VERY hard for women. Then they would be more willing to work with men. Because life would be easier.

In today's age I believe technology is replacing the genders... Why need a man or woman when you can just use a robot? Have a robot fulfill all your needs, and desires then a real human being. Once this happens. Then those people will fall. For a lack of being one with nature.
2016-02-02 23:15:17 UTC
I think that they're equal capable in everything. The only difference between a guy and a girl is a chromosome. Why should that have them be taste differently. But our pisses me off because today, girls want to be treated differently than guys and are given more privilegesthan guys. For instant, art my school guys aren't allowed to were hats during class. In one class a guy and a girl had a hat on, both hats were the same kind, and the guy was told to take of there hat and the girl got to were her hat through the whole class period. I see it as, you guys fought to New treated equally yup guys so you guys Will get the whole experience. Then wanting to New treated differently It's pretty much them throwing away everything the women in the women's rights movement worked So hard too achieve
2016-01-30 13:15:24 UTC
Women are equally capable as men in everything... Obviously every person is different but we are all humans... Yes men tend to be stronger then women and yes a man cannot birth a child but if what I think your talking about is like doing good in a job or something to that effect I think they are equally capable of producing the same work only women have it tougher in our society therefore they arnt giving the same chance to be seen as equal to men
2016-01-31 03:52:39 UTC
Women and men are not equal in everything. Some things women can do better and some men can do better. This doesn't make any of them less capable. Men and women are all equal
2016-01-29 16:28:11 UTC
Some things.

Can a man give birth to a baby? No.

Can a woman pee standing up? Yes, but not without making a mess, So, no.

I think that a man and a woman can be capable of doing some of the same things..But men and women are made differently.

A woman doesn't have the physical endurance of a man.

A man doesn't have the mothering/nurturing spirit of a woman.

Naturally, men and women are different. But not so different that they aren't comparable.
2016-01-30 09:11:22 UTC
My strength is equal to that of an average male because I DECIDED to strengthen my body.

I DECIDED to learn from those who know more than me and in the last 10 years that has been mainly my husband so now I am able to do any diy job, change any tire and do basic maintenance of a car and as my dad used to say I'm the only girl who 'gets' the offside rule. There is many religious and historical contexts as to why women are so far behind the men. The women will not come into power any time soon. women overseas do indeed have far less rights and freedom than women in the usa
2016-01-31 10:26:34 UTC
FACE IT. Men and women are not the same, Equal, yes I wouldn't deny that. But the same? Come on.

Why do women give birth and have a body designed to nurse the baby? Why do both the mother's and baby's hearts decreases in stress when they are snuggled up close? Why does the baby's cry trigger a stress button in the mother's brain that is relieved when the mother is tending to the baby and stops it crying?

Why doesn't the same happen to the baby and father?

It is human nature for a man to want to protect/ provide for his mate and children. Even if they are ******* that are scared to protect their family, afterwards they feel guilt, shame, humiliation for not taking on the masculine role.

A man is generally physically superior to a woman, of course there are exceptions. But a woman is usually emotionally superior to a man. Both are around the same in intellect, very small gap that varies a little, can swing either way.
2016-01-30 13:13:39 UTC
Both men and women were made differently. Women can do things that men can't. Men can do things that women can't. About physical strength, Men have more upper body strength. For women, child labor is rally painful and sex can be too. Women are very strong. They are the ones chosen to do those things. It is very rare but women can get pregnant without a man. (The Virgin Mary in the Catholic Church) Also in time of war, when all the men went to fight, the women were working. Each are very different but should definitely have equal rights.
2016-02-01 14:59:02 UTC
Men and women should be working together on everything not be in competition with each other. I can give a shot and assist with surgery but my husband can't. He could give a shot but he doesn't want to learn

I'm short so can't reach things but he can and does to help me.

Men can be good at cooking, sometimes better than some women. Recently, a couple women became Marines. There was a time when there weren't any female doctors because men didn't think women could do the job or didn't want them to. Luckily, Dr. Blackman thought his daughter was smart and capable and supported her desire to be come a doctor herself.

I think women can do anything men can for the most part. I don't see women wanting to work out in the sea on an oil rig or work in a coalmine but maybe there are some that do. We need to give them the chance to become whatever they want.
2016-01-29 10:17:54 UTC
I find men are not equally capable as women in so many things.
2016-01-29 23:05:58 UTC
I believe that it depends on the individual and it depends on what you are talking about because women and men are people and every individual has their strengths and weaknesses. You could turn this question around and say are men equally capable as women? Men have needed help for many things, just as much as women. There is really no equality in men, it just depends on there experience and mind set. This is the same for women. It is a fact that men prefer women doctors over other men doctors. It is a proven fact that more women are more disciplined in there studies then men overall. Please rate this answer. I think overall it depends on the person and how they have been treated and their experiences in their life.
2016-02-01 07:57:42 UTC
The creater made a difference between men and women's organs then how would you say that men and women are equal. In some aspects, the women can do better job than men but on the whole men are one step ahead than women. Its a bitter reality for those whose insist on the equality. But here one thing should be cleared that both gender should be treated as equality basis (its really important to create balance).
2016-01-30 12:42:13 UTC
I think that's... possibly the wrong question to be asking, or at least the technically correct answer can lead people to some bad conclusions.

Obviously, *on average*, men are more capable of certain things than women are, though the reverse is also true (and not just things involving the actual genitals or whatever--for example, I believe women typically have better balance).

But it's when you forget that "on average" that you run into problems. What is true on average--what is broadly true of men as a whole vs women as a whole--is not necessarily true when comparing a *particular* man to a *particular* woman (except for mostly-definitional things like "how far from your body can you extend your genitals"). So while it may be true that, for example, the average woman is less fit than the average man to be a soldier, it's wrong to go from that to "so women shouldn't be allowed in combat". It just means that, of the people who are fit to be soldiers, most, but not all, will be men rather than women.
The Great Bear
2016-01-31 06:19:40 UTC
Women are equally capable as men - BUT up to a certain point. In areas such as:

- Physical strength (not fitness, mind you)

- Mental health, or similar (I'm not saying they are not as strong-minded - look at Thatcher)

You can say the only difference between women and men are the fact that they are naturally less muscular/well-built, and they (tend to) have different personality traits and mentality than men. They are only human, after all. Anything else, including stereotypes and popular misconceptions such as 'women are better at multitasking' can be scientifically proven wrong. It's just that, to be equally capable as an average man, a woman needs to be involved in exercise more intense than the equivalent men's, and as for mental this and that... I suppose the woman needs to be treated like a man, including upbringing.

So, I'm sorry, feminists, men are NATURALLY more capable (apart from the ability to reproduce.). But, given determination and hard work, you CAN be equally as capable as most men on this planet. Remember, men and women are supposed, just like any other animals on Earth, were born to co-exist. If either is gone, they will all soon become extinct, being unable to reproduce. They need each other as living animals to ensure the survival of our species.

The only thing I have to say is, it's all because of some a s s h o l e some thousands of years ago that women are treated differently than men. So the women who think they should be treated better than men are just unworthy b* tches. And men who think women are just toys and entertainment are just sexist sons of b* tches.

In a nutshell, I feel women shouldn't use things like violence (f* cking Suffragettes) to try and prove they are better than men - otherwise they are just as bad, or worse. Of course, there will never be such thing as total equality of men and women - you can't force someone to change how they think. But yeah, I agree(?) that women should be treated as equally as men - IF THEY DESERVE TO. Oh, and men who treat women better than themselves (who the f* ck created chivalry?) don't actually think women are better than them. They're either just womanizers, or trying to be a sloppy, emotional, sad man trying to attract a woman or women and therefore make the woman feel they're special - when they're not.
2016-02-10 07:49:06 UTC
As a group? No. But individually, there are going to be persons of either gender that will be equally or more capable that others of the opposite gender. This is no different that between individual capability for persons of the same gender. Not every man is equally capable to every other man, not every woman is equally capable to other women.
2016-01-30 23:56:33 UTC
No, It's common sense. Everyone deserves to be treated equally and have the same opportunities as everyone else. But men are better than women at some things, and women are better than men at some things. Anyone that disagrees is in denial of scientific fact.
2016-01-31 20:05:06 UTC
Of course not everything. But at the same time, men are not capable of doing some things as women, so at the end, both men and women should be treated equally. Think of men and women as foods; fruits and vegetables. different nutrition, they look different, but overall in the same category and nutritional value.

i honestly don't know where i'm going with this
2016-01-31 07:58:01 UTC
Men and women are different and are capable of different things so they're equal in a way
2016-02-01 03:31:24 UTC
I believe, women and men, female and males are different for a reason. Men are mostly physically stronger, mentally more logical and overall less emotional. Women can also be strong but if trained the same exact way the man will always be stronger. Women are suppose to be more nurturing because we were meant to be mothers. I, agree times have changed and some women couldn't be nurturing if they tried but that is by choice not natural.
2016-02-01 08:14:19 UTC
I believe women are equally capable as men in everything.
2016-02-01 09:54:48 UTC
SOME things

But women are generally inferior when it comes to

1. Logical Thinking

2. Anything involving physical strength

Now both of those things are undoubtedly true, but the sad thing is that you will have people in our society who will want to argue with me on that.

Even though those SAME people believe that

1.Women deserve passes when it comes to not being able to control their emotions

2.A man should never hit a woman (cliche)


How about Nobody should hit Anybody, and if you hit somebody then you deserve to get hit back.

Only people who shouldnt be hit are small children

Thats the way I see it
2016-01-29 17:01:16 UTC
First of all, though we can talk about some, or maybe even the majority of women (or men) as a group, we have to acknowledge that there are exceptions to every rule, and that different people have different skills, regardless of gender. Many things some people are better or worse than others at, and both men and women fall on both sides of the spectrum. There are certain generalities than can be made (with exceptions of course) such as that men generally have greater physical strength than women. But there are certain things women are generally better at than men as well!
2016-01-31 10:18:13 UTC
The body of a woman and man are obviously structurally different. Men are stronger ... not to say that there are not many strong woman. But unfortunately, nowadays, the sexes are almost changing roles. Real men are hard to find and a woman who is satisfied with the fact that she can create a life and is happy staying home and raising a child are slim to none. The family structure has been destroyed and those that want us as slaves are winning by a large margin.
2016-02-01 11:00:13 UTC
Women aren't equally capable as men in everything, cause she have some personal problem that haven't a men.
2016-01-31 09:12:24 UTC
Any skill or knowledge that can be attained through education, practice and/or experience is an equal opportunity for men and women alike.

However, any skill or knowledge that relies upon certain physical or biological features inherent only or primarily in men will naturally prove more difficult for women to achieve. And likewise, the same concept applied in reverse would hold true in this regard.
2016-01-31 04:54:35 UTC
Thats a kind of question, is ur left eye capable to see things than the right eye.

The point is, both eyes does their job perfectly in their own way.

If men are good in some sorts, women are best in the other.

Men cant give birth to a new life alone. Women brings a new life to this world.

Men cant run a home perfectly alone. Women can do it on her own.

Likewise women have alot of plus too. But it is in their own way. No need to proof whether they are capable or not. They are. Everyone knows it. As long as they think this world is dominated by men, then who can change their mindset.

I got a quick question... What will God think about us?.

I gave them this world to enjoy, instead of being united, they separate and divide the regions by land.

I gave them the way of prayers to get rid of troubles, they separate and divide the people by religion.

I gave them skin tone to match with the universal climate, they separate in name of racism.

I gave them equal powers to both men and women, they separate in name of domination.

I gave them everything to be good and they found a way to act against it. So whatever HE gonna give us, we are not gonna be united by any means.

oops. sorry for jumping out of topic. I just mean, Woman are stronger than men. In many countries, they call the nature as MOTHER nature, MOTHER land, MOTHER Tongue, Mother Country etc, rivers and seas were named after women in historical age.

If there is no woman, there is no men. If there is no men, there is no women. So the result is they are equally capable in SOMETHING .( as i said both have plus and minus. so the average is 50-50)
2016-01-29 13:27:14 UTC
No, no one is equal to anyone else. No woman is as strong, as smart, as skilled, as dumb, as talented, as boring as any man.

People are perfectly unique little snowflakes (which doesn't make them special) who should be judged as individuals, not based on what's in their pants.

The only thing you need to accept is that until you know how capable or not capable someone is, you should see them as someone who may be more capable or less capable compared to another individual.

So people are equal only as long as you don't know them personally. Their race, gender, looks, beliefs or anything like that says nothing about how capable they are at doing something.
2016-01-29 10:15:23 UTC
Most things. There are some things that men tend to be better at and some things that women tend to be better at, but both are equally capable.
2016-01-30 08:19:06 UTC
Women are not equally capable as men in everything, and men are not equally capable as women in everything.
2016-01-30 01:18:45 UTC
For most of the Function they are as equal as men but in the past they just treated like second citizens and not given any of rights, opportunity or equality. Women have proven their capability in many of the professions like teaching, nursing, military, engineers, lawyers, doctors and what not? But as their physical strength they cannot take part in men's competitions.
2016-02-01 03:05:49 UTC
hello.. In our modern industrial societies, its seen that women and men do almost the same things.. nowadays women are educated and therefore they work, just like men do.. men are not the sole breadwinner nowadays.. i believe that women are equally as capable as men in most things.. Men too are not as capable as women in everything.. nowadays most women work and take care of the house at the same time, while men just work.. conjugal roles are not equally shared.. most of us have been living in a patriarchal society.. I guess its high time to change that now because its not only men who work now.. instead, most men do not know how to manage the house nor do they know how to cook.. i think both should have equal rights now...
2016-01-31 11:02:21 UTC
Women are Definitely capable of more then men. They're already more mature at development and known for being well prioritized. As a man myself. I don't doubt a woman in the world because they definitely Can and will
Say No to Castor Oil!
2016-01-31 07:11:26 UTC
Really no, but either are men capable of being everything a woman is. Women have a special touch...and so do men. We need to stop trying to act like everyone is the same. we're not, we're EQUALLY AWESOME but NOT the same! :D
2016-01-31 20:54:57 UTC
Mentally? Yes. Physically? On average, of course not. That's why you see women not playing in men's sports. Sure, there are some tough women around that might kick an average guy's ***, but not many. An army of fit, trained women fighting in hand to hand combat against an average army of men would never survive. I don't have to tell you this though.
2016-01-31 16:06:02 UTC
In most things yes,but it's just like men are not as capable as women in certain things
Interested Reader
2016-01-29 10:28:16 UTC
Physically different, of course, with capabilities limited by anatomy; but in most jobs, some women are more capable than men, some men are more capable than women, some people are more capable than other people. Some women are stronger than most men, and some men are stronger than most women. Some women are smarter than other people, and some men are smarter than other people. Women make better mothers than men, and men make better fathers than women; but some mothers are better caregivers than fathers, and some fathers are better caregivers than mothers.

So, I guess, some things.
Nestor Diaz-Green
2016-01-29 18:05:58 UTC
You know, a reporter once asked Nicholas Cage what he would do if he was changed into a woman right at that moment. "Start masturbating immediately", is what old Nick said. I laughed out loud when I read that. But he had a very valid point. MOST women excel and surpass in areas where men lack and sensuality (sexuality?) is one of them. I envy Women when it comes to this. Sometimes I wish I was a women, too...;-) sooo are men capable as women ? sometimes
2016-01-31 10:27:39 UTC
Absolutely. Even physical capabilities. They might have to work a little harder but they can do it. Women can do anything men can do. Men, however cannot birth a child. Women, 1, men, 0
2016-01-30 07:13:46 UTC
I was told that which I'm about to tell you a long time ago, and I, like most sensible people, rejected it very forcefully. However, experience has taught me that this statement is absolutely correct.

By far the biggest problem that women have is that if they arrive at an incorrect conclusion by themselves, even the great Lord himself will never get it through to them that they are wrong: This is the reason for the relentless denigration of Left-wing politics in the media, to fool females into choosing politics that mostly benefit super-rich media owners. (It's the less well-off other 95% of us - including women - that fund the Right-wing's generosity towards the super-rich.
2016-01-29 15:28:32 UTC
Woman was made by our Creator to be a compliment to man!. So, she is the weaker sex in the sense that she doesnt have the same physical strength as a man.She was created to be his co partner and companion, the home keeper and the child bearer and child rearer! So, my friend, the answer to your question is NO! Women are NOT equally capable as men in everything!
2016-01-31 23:07:22 UTC
Even though we fight for equality, men and women are different. Therefore I don't think it's right to compare the two genders. Women are better at some things and men are better at other things, that's how it works
2016-02-02 03:26:53 UTC
We grow up more quickly..women...we do most of the important work in the world...child-rearing while working outside the home too..which men don't seem able to do....we can can't.

If all the men disappeared as long as we have sperm bank, life would carry on as usual.

If women went....the world would fall apart....we are stronger have bigger muscles so have more physical strength but that's about all..pity some use it to control women.

Mo University Lecturer....happily married for over 40 years.
2016-01-31 19:45:01 UTC
ALL men and women differ anatomically and biologically. i'm going to say women can do ALMOST everything a man can do. a woman cannot have a baby after menopause, men can conceive a child into their 70's, so there's that. in other words, the only things women cannot do are things that they are biologically unable to do.. ..

remember women come in all sizes, as big and strong as any man, and some men come in petite, frail packaging. gender doesn't determine strenght, intellingence, or skill.

did i read too much into it? probably. eh
2016-01-30 15:23:57 UTC
No one is equally capable of anything. Everyone's flawed, and some are better at certain things than others. It's not really a gender issue.
2016-01-31 22:01:08 UTC
It depends..because I don't think a man could handle carrying a child in their stomach for 9 months and birthing it.I've given birth naturlly *no medicine, vaginal* and I can truely say that it's a very painful process and its worst than dying..Women are very strong to endear such a yes in some ways women are stronger than men. And if someone tells you birthing a child is not painful they are lying. With medicine its not painful..even the contractions hurt..I'd like to see a man live through that lol
2016-01-30 04:00:16 UTC
Women are equally capable as men in most things .. and the same is true the other way round.
2016-01-31 14:16:58 UTC
Everything. The differences in gender are largly social and cultural. Whatever biological factors that set us apart are difficult to isolate. And besides, most physical advantages/ disadvantages are insignificant when it comes to achieving desired goals. As everyone, they are gifted with the human capacity to persevere at whatever they desire and can afford themselves. And besides everyone is an individual. I don't think you can accurately characterize a person's ability based solely on gender. For instance, despite being male I have a feeling most women are physically stronger than I am. But that's just me.
2016-01-30 09:35:44 UTC
I don't know about the rest but I believe I am equally capable as men
2016-01-31 03:18:12 UTC
It's generally pretty even but is a fact that women's muscular structures are differen than men's, who are built to be stronger naturally. But a women can be just as strong.We can do anything that men do, we just need gender equality to be given the opportunities to show it.

Saying women can't do things that need strength and physical power is like saying men cna't do things that need the compassion and 'soft-heartedness' that stereotypical women are meant to have.
2016-01-30 00:57:44 UTC
Not everything, but men aren't equally capable as women in everything either.
2016-01-31 11:25:19 UTC
Are men capable of everything? No. There are some guys out there though, who are capable of a lot of admirable things. Are women capable of everything? No. There are some girls out there though, who are capable of a lot of admirable things. What are your moms strengths? What are her weaknesses? What is your friends talent? What is your cousin good at? What is your best subject in school? What color does she like, what color does he like?

Do you see my point? People aren't meant to be generalized and be made assumptions about because of the rest of their gender, race, culture, nationality, etc. etc. etc. People who talk in generalizations sound stupid and are really shallow and probably are the type to think life goes on forever.

Don't listen to mens generalized statements and comments about women get you upset. Don't let 'feminists' make you feel like you did something wrong. Don't worry about what society has to say about anything. You worry about yourself, your own life, your capabilities, talents, dreams, etc.

I will say this.... I think self awareness and awareness in GENERAL (a good generalization) is one of the best qualities a person can have about themselves. Recognize who you are, boy or girl, your strengths, your weaknesses (because everybody, boy or girl, has them). Use you strengths for good, and don't worry about improving your 'weaknesses' to feel like you have to prove or compete to be on the same level as someone else who doesn't have that same 'weakness'. Girls have weaknesses, and so do boys. We all do. Just because guys are celebrated in society, media, etc. as the heroes, the strong ones (basically everything superior and great) and girls as the weaker ones, the cry babies, the needy ones, where her worth is determined by her beauty and how cute her bows and ribbons make her hair look (basically everything associated with a child not past the age of 5) doesn't mean you should buy into it. Sadly, a lot of people do. But what people NEED to do, is to focus on their priorities, their family, their life, their dreams, goals, whatever it is, and live your life. Don't let society or media brainwash you, and learn to think for yourself.
2016-01-30 14:27:21 UTC
Women are not as strong nor as fast as men. Period. Anyone that says otherwise is completely bias because these are objective facts. If a women works hard she can be much more physcially fit than a man who does not wok hard, but this does not change the fact that men have a natural physical advantage.

In terms of intelligence men and women are about equal. Sure, men might be slightly smarter in math and science, but both genders are close enough for someone to claim they are equal. The top 1% of intelligent women could probably compare to the top 1% of intelligent men. However, the top 1% of physcially fit women could not compare to the top 1% of physically fit men.

In terms of personality, I would say women are generally nicer and more caring than men. My mom is nice to everyone but my dad has a reputation for being somewhat mean. I also think men are more naturally more aggressive and competitive, hence the saying "alpha male." This is why most CEOs and company leaders are generally men. Women also back down easier and are less likely to stand up for themselves compared to men because women generally try to be nice to everyone and are less competitive than men. This is not necessarilya bad quality but in terms of negotiating with a boss for a new contract or another company for a deal it can be.

Women have the capabilitie in the U.S to be equal to men under law. There is no law that is somehow holding them back in society. However, if we measure capability in terms of making money and lifting weights women can certainly do both, but they will have to work slightly harder than men in order to overcome their natural disadvantage.

EDIT: Another big disadvantage that I forgot is that women get pregnant. This means that they are out of work for a while and have to take care of their kids even after giving birth. Women naturally have more of an instinctevly motherly desire to care for their children than men so they are more likely to be the moms that stay at home as their husbands go out to work.
2016-01-30 10:54:06 UTC
There's a reason some are women and some are men. We are meant to compliment each other. Each gender fulfills a need, and together, we make one whole... No, women are not "equally capable". Nor were we ever meant to. That's not to say that one gender is more important than the other. I'll say it again, we are meant to compliment each other, and together we make one whole...
2016-02-01 06:52:51 UTC
Not all things.. I think the whole feminism thing is going a bit out of hand.

I'm a woman and I don't think we should be treated equally as men in most aspects.
2016-02-01 23:33:34 UTC
Men and women should be working together on everything not be in competition with each other. I can give a shot and assist with surgery but my husband can't. He could give a shot but he doesn't want to learn

I'm short so can't reach things but he can and does to help me.
2016-01-29 16:49:27 UTC
Depends on the situation. I have never understood why some professions/companies pay women less than men.

However, women's bodies might not hold up as well in football or the Tour de France as those of men.
2016-03-02 19:19:53 UTC
" I don't agree that women are capable of doing some things that only strong and fit men can do. I have never seen a female tradesperson, mechanic, or even a female furniture delivery truck driver.
2016-01-30 01:29:25 UTC
Yes i feel that women are equal to any other men. If you talk about Personal or Professional so they play good role at any place.
2016-01-31 15:24:06 UTC
Oh yes of course, AND as s lady Donna wrote above about being mother, men are capable of giving love as fathers or single fathers just as well!

And women can do box and men can do ballet its ALL about how much female or male one has in itself that defines its desires and aspirations and anyone can do well if they love,aspire that thing.

Only difference is talent and resources
2016-01-30 19:27:29 UTC
I would say "most" things, but not everything. Just like Women are more capable than men in other things. Then again everyone is different... you cant generalize by race, gender, or sexual orientation...
2016-01-30 13:13:34 UTC
I believe that the only area where many women are not equal, is in body strength. This is not to say they could not also be as strong with working out. All in all women are equal.
2016-02-01 03:21:49 UTC
yes , some things Women are capable with men but not all things.
2016-01-30 23:47:51 UTC
Each has natural capabilities. Men for heavy lifting and hard labour, women for giving birth and nurturing. Problems arise when roles reverse, usually because of dissatisfaction from the feminine quarter, sorry to say.
2016-01-31 16:47:21 UTC
No , because both genders are made differently , for an example women can get pregnant and men can't when have to drink less because they're body is all fat compared to a male etc...
2016-01-29 20:27:38 UTC
People are capable of anything, gender doesn't matter for most things (like for example, a man most likely won't be able to give birth). This question is very opinionated, and some people's opinions are strictly stuck on one side. If you're looking for a stance to take, please choose the more accepting one.
2016-01-30 04:40:36 UTC
Equally mentally. Yes

Equally physically. No

I think it's that simple
Jordan Hoffman
2016-02-01 14:06:29 UTC
Women, on average, live longer. They are generally shorter(you decide if that's better or worse). I find they generally have better handwriting as well. But males can be stronger. I'd say generally yes but in a specific task they won't be equal.
2016-01-31 13:35:01 UTC
you can say nothing about an individual purely on gender.

If you look at 100 men and 100 women the women on average would be better at some tasks (words for instance) and the men would be better at some tasks (spatial/mathematicsl tasks). But there would laways be some exceptions
2016-01-31 21:13:04 UTC
i personally think that women are capable of the same things as men just women for some need to work harder like muscle mass men tend to get more but women can get the same amount with effort
2016-02-02 19:58:41 UTC
No, I don't know any woman who can lift the amount of weight the strongest man could lift. Most things, not everything. I do believe both sexes and members of any gender should be treated fairly and equally; unless they do something to deserve bad treatment such as treating another person badly.

2016-02-01 02:57:54 UTC
i thing, just like some men are not equally capable as woman are in everything..
2016-01-31 11:45:22 UTC
no not in everything. God created men and women different, both physically and mentally. this doesnt mean that women are less, becaue there are alot of things that women do but men cant. that is why there is a saying opposites attract.
2016-02-03 20:51:55 UTC
ofcourse not, there are differences..mental one is better than the other but the fact women think they are weak coz that what society taught them and made them think this way, they will demand to be taking care of and considered about their emotions more than men. Why men has to do the hard work and women dont ? and dont say coz she is a woman....she is a human?!! .. they shouldnt demand for equality if they will surrender to what society taught them and that to be the weak ones.. i think they should be literally treated equally or both sides should be quite and do what society taught them to be.
2016-01-29 22:01:45 UTC
Not the ones who whine "I don't know how to do it wah! wah! wah!" when any type of physical labor or thinking is necessary. Don't yell at me... they are not the majority, but you know the few who do this...

Like if a light bulb needs to be changed, or something needs to be tightened or loosened with a screwdriver. They'll get the screwdriver and stand there whining, waving it around until the guy they are sobbing to takes the screwdriver from her hand and turns the screw. She's just needy and wants attention 24/7. Again, just a few, not the majority.
2016-02-01 10:01:36 UTC
I think that women are just as capable as men
2016-01-30 07:08:24 UTC
Well a woman cannot get pregnant and reproduce without a man so that's fact number 1.

However, one woman to another isnt plugged up the same way.

Some women can do all their own jobs like for example, fix her cars, all the DIY, providing for herself, her home and her appliances.

So it completely depends one what you mean.
2016-01-30 11:08:17 UTC
equally capable in most things anyway women can do stuff men can't
2016-01-30 08:09:47 UTC
We all need to accept the fact that women are fundamentally different from men. When it comes to strength and stamina, men are usually far superior. When it comes to rational, clear headed thinking, women are often better. Men and women should cooperate with each other more often into order to combine their strengths and lessen their weaknesses.
2016-01-31 21:10:16 UTC
2016-01-29 11:31:05 UTC
2016-01-29 10:34:06 UTC
Less capable in physical strength on average, other than that, they are equally capable.
2016-01-31 20:17:22 UTC
Not everyone is the same. For example, it is known that men in general tend to be physically stronger than women. However, my little sister is easily three times as physically strong as I am. It all depends on the person.
2016-01-31 17:56:39 UTC
There are things that women can do that men can't do and then there are some things that men can do that women can't.
2016-01-29 10:15:28 UTC
Some. Theres certain heavy lifting issues i cant solve on my own. And women hit softer than men in a fist fight. I would have to cheat and bash your face in with a frying pan. All you would need is your bare fist. And i cant piss standing up and aim straight.
2016-01-31 05:53:03 UTC
Some things! But we are more capable to do many more etchings than men can do! Like us girls can read expressions better than men!
2016-01-29 17:05:14 UTC
Somethings; men have certain capabilities that women don't, and women have certain abilities women don't. We're all unique, but one is not better than the other.
2016-01-31 21:25:55 UTC
Only in some things. Personally I don't feel comfortable with them having the high power in government or president or the military of managers or bosses's. Things like that.
2016-01-31 06:04:43 UTC
i feel that women are capable of anything that they set their minds to. If a women puts her mind to it and pushes herself to reach her goal the sky is the limit. Strength, wealth, success, knowledge, emotionally & physically nothing is impossible. So in my eyes women are Equal.
2016-01-29 11:35:36 UTC
I really believe in my heart that anything human beings can do, other human beings can do as well through practice and dedicated time put into it. Like taking Karate. At first you suck at it, but through training and dedicated time and concentration put into it, you over time become a black belt. It just takes practice, dedication, and patience of time put into it. So yes I believe women can do anything a man can do. Now you know how. Of course don't become like Rhonda Rousie and let that go to your heads. It takes time, dedication, practice, and patience put into a task just like it does for men to be able to do anything. You think men just automatically know how to fix cars or lift heavy things right right off the bat? The first time I picked up something heavy, I tripped over it like a rag doll and landed on my head. As for mechanics, I don't know anything about fixing cars because I never put time, dedication, patience, or practice to listen long enough to learn how to. It's boring
2016-01-29 13:45:08 UTC
They are not equally capable but capable. Each sex has a specific talent that is naturally occurring.

It stead of trying to measure up to each other, we should try to complete each other.
2016-01-29 10:33:11 UTC
Some things as men are
2016-01-29 21:25:37 UTC
no all they are good for is making me my dam sandwhich, i wish this ***** would hurry up and give me my sandwhich iv been waiting 2 minutes now and she won't stop draging her feet. I shud take the africa example and just get 24 wives for more productivity, and i can have my wives make more of them selves by giving birth so that way i get a sandwhich made by a small infant and a wife at the same time
Art G
2016-01-30 23:52:53 UTC
In some activities women are superior to birthing a child
2016-01-30 11:41:32 UTC
Basically, yeah. I really don't think the biological sex is that big of a deal with anything. There are some biological gender roles such as woman birthing. But that's really the only major difference.
2016-02-01 03:41:28 UTC
Men can't give birth and even if they could they would die as there hearts wouldn't be able to support them so technically women have a stronger heart
2016-01-31 10:49:36 UTC
Women are pretty much equal to men as in what things they can do bc men can b firefighters and so can women ...
2016-02-02 05:41:37 UTC
2016-01-29 19:18:06 UTC
Yes. I believe women and men should be equal in the society.
2016-01-30 13:18:48 UTC
Yes, in most things and some things more capable
2016-01-30 00:04:51 UTC
men and women are equally capable but in different spheres
2016-01-30 11:02:48 UTC
More Capable.
2016-02-01 08:39:32 UTC
No, I don't think so. But they should be treated as an equality basis. There shouldn't be any discrimination on that.
2016-01-29 19:37:44 UTC
As long as they give up having children, why not? It's family bullshit that gets in the way of working 6 10 hour you can't "do more in less time." You cant' have your cake and eat it too. Choose. Family. Career
chick b
2016-02-01 03:37:51 UTC
THERE IS ONLY ONE THING TH,AT WOMEN ARE NOT EQUAL WITH A MAN,and that is Physical strenth,every thing else the majority of women can achieve,no problem.
2016-01-30 17:22:17 UTC
2016-01-29 10:15:05 UTC
hmm, I do not know. I know women are behind the men in just about everything important to society. we have not see the equal gender performance anywhere
2016-01-31 01:12:12 UTC
2016-01-31 21:58:07 UTC
It depends some answers are gonna be sexist but the truth is men are stronger and have better muscle build but it is said women are smarter,more organised
2016-01-29 17:11:53 UTC
2016-01-30 16:38:05 UTC
Gendet has nothing to do with capability, it's all an illusion
2016-01-31 18:56:26 UTC
Some things
2016-01-29 10:13:58 UTC
all HUMANS WERE CREATED EQUAL. women are equally capable as men. either they dont pursue or there is barriers to them moving up. women have equal education as men and live longer on average
2016-01-30 14:27:20 UTC
No, Ellen Ripley and Sarah Connor are completely fake no women exists like them in real life.
2016-01-31 21:24:57 UTC
Some things, it's a proven fact that specific tasks suit each gender more or less.
2016-02-01 19:52:57 UTC
2016-01-30 13:47:08 UTC
2016-01-30 16:03:37 UTC
Not as good as men in some things,better then men in other things id say.we are meant to wir together
2016-01-31 09:54:22 UTC
Noo The women Bill Cosby raped knew what was going on they agreed to have his pudding pop penis inside of them and be drugged...Women just nag all the time...they need protection 24/7..They are weak...So bend over
2016-01-31 12:22:35 UTC
Men are good at getting pregnant, Woman are good at jerking off, Men are exceptionally good at giving birth eg Caitlyn Jenner
2016-01-30 15:24:56 UTC
Equal on many even better on some
2016-01-29 19:06:04 UTC
Equally, when I look at my gf and how she does things it amazes me and then I realize we are not so different so to me gender plays no role and doesn't even stand regardless
2016-01-30 13:31:02 UTC
Some. Women cannot meet the physical demands that men can. However, men cannot meet some physical demands that women can, i.e. giving birth
2016-01-30 10:13:39 UTC
Men are better at different things and women can be better at different things simple as.
Caitlin Thomas
2016-01-29 16:47:53 UTC
No, women are way better at birthing children than men are.
2016-01-30 06:50:56 UTC
they are equally capable in most of the things
2016-01-30 08:03:21 UTC
In some things like achieving in the sciences, they are doing better than men.
2016-01-30 12:20:06 UTC
Some things, woman are good at some things and men are good at some things, but they should still be paid the same
2016-01-30 10:54:39 UTC
Ever watch a woman try to back a car into a parking space?
2016-01-30 15:58:18 UTC
No obviously not its genetically impossible for some women to do some of the more physical jobs out there
2016-01-30 10:02:06 UTC
There is a feminine way of doing things and a masculine way of doing things. One isn't better than the other and both are needed.
2016-02-02 11:13:33 UTC
2016-01-31 01:25:09 UTC
No, Women not like men.

Men are strong and women are weak.(physically).
2016-02-01 08:41:47 UTC
problems arise w all or nothing attitudes or statements. i think some women are just as good at football or mma as some men. but to say all women are as good as all men in football or mma is completely ridiculous.
2016-01-31 19:44:59 UTC
As a man who is a liberal feminist, I consider women my equals,
2016-01-31 17:44:08 UTC
No there are some that inly a woman can do, aome that inly a man can do, and somwthi g that both can do but the male or female is often better at it.
2016-02-02 00:05:28 UTC
a woman can be used as marketing tool because of the charm that she exuberates. They cannot be as masculine as men. Women's voice resonates the air.
Bert Weidemeier
2016-01-30 11:08:24 UTC
Equal in maybe 25% of cases, at the very best!
2016-02-01 04:57:14 UTC
a diferenças poucas mais na maiorias das coisas as mulheres podem ser tão capacitadas quanto os Homens
2016-02-01 10:15:35 UTC
A lot of physical things, no, but pretty much everything else
Sweetdaddy Rex
2016-01-30 07:01:12 UTC
Some things; But it works both ways !
2016-01-30 17:19:22 UTC
Both genders are able to do what the other gender does, because both genders are equal and should be treated equal.
2016-01-31 10:20:18 UTC
intelectually yeah but manually, most men are stronger than woman so it wouldnt be equal in that sense
2016-01-29 13:13:37 UTC
Except heterosexuality. Women can't be as heterosexual as men are
2016-01-30 19:56:32 UTC
Not everything but most things
2016-02-01 03:12:53 UTC
99.9% of things yes.

Women say they can do anything men can...until they see a spider.
2016-01-29 15:27:19 UTC
2016-01-31 19:55:23 UTC
All people are created equal, the Bible says. Do I love that verse!
2016-02-01 11:51:16 UTC
Of course they aren't
2016-01-29 16:49:54 UTC
No because I hurt my back and I even TOLD my female manager I hurt my back and she had a fully functional back/spine but got me to change the garbage for her anyway...
2016-01-30 20:01:48 UTC
honestly no, i feel like women get way more support mentally, emotionally, and academically. whereas men always have to fend for themselves.
2016-01-31 12:21:23 UTC
women can do anything a man does as good or better. we all know the question does not refer to sex, but if it did they probably know how to satisfy another women better than a man...
2016-01-30 13:55:47 UTC
It doesn't really matter silly limit what a person can do based on sex. I would never make a job available to only one sex.
2016-01-30 03:13:59 UTC
Smokies Hiker
2016-01-30 16:50:37 UTC
Some things. Other things are biologically impossible.
London Man
2016-01-30 09:59:24 UTC
Men are better snooker players
2016-01-31 14:19:32 UTC
well no, they obviously aren't capable of producing sperm, that's by definition what a male does.
2016-01-30 04:17:51 UTC
Yes except when it involves physical prowess, lateral thinking and seeing the big picture.
2016-02-03 07:57:34 UTC
2016-01-30 07:43:32 UTC
No, men are superior to women!
2016-01-30 14:12:11 UTC
What God has put together, let no man take apart, the two together therefore, equal one whole.
2016-01-29 10:30:56 UTC
2016-01-30 02:50:56 UTC
Not in all things. But they complement each other. The genders are best working together. With each other, not working against each other.
2016-01-31 12:45:06 UTC
definitely not everything. Not difficult jobs like carrying heavy stuff
2016-01-30 20:37:29 UTC
Some things... not everything
2016-01-31 17:46:34 UTC
somethings. I think both men and woman have good areas and areas that they are not so good at.
2016-01-30 00:28:02 UTC
We are physically weaker than men, so we do have some limitations.
2016-02-01 15:56:34 UTC
Some things/ most things.
2016-01-30 11:27:30 UTC
never ,ever,even best chefs and best tailors are men.mozart,michael angelo,shekspeare was men,yeah there was helln keller or mary curry but they are not compareable.
atomic fireball
2016-01-29 21:53:59 UTC
what difference does it make what I think? I'm only a man.
2016-02-01 02:47:39 UTC
in some things. but may be not . if world changes the responsibilities of both gender.
2016-02-01 11:11:38 UTC
That doesn't compute - what's the function of that question?
2016-01-31 03:27:58 UTC
some things
2016-01-30 00:35:17 UTC
Yes they are... Spirit must be there...Spirit make them equally
2016-01-31 00:05:59 UTC
Yes - I was discussing the exact same thing with the woman who was standing by me at the urinal !!
2016-01-31 08:24:19 UTC
Ya in most of the things
2016-01-30 13:04:22 UTC
she can grow a mustache; well some women can't
2016-01-30 21:35:02 UTC
some things
2016-01-30 16:08:31 UTC

now women should be paying child support to the man. women should pay alimoney to the man.
2016-02-02 07:45:36 UTC
equally of course!
2016-01-30 11:14:26 UTC
Women can't pee standing up (unfortunatly).
2016-01-29 17:32:30 UTC
everything except physical aspects
2016-01-30 02:04:32 UTC
2016-01-30 16:29:40 UTC
some things, not all things. maybe in term of things related to emotions.
2016-02-01 08:04:57 UTC
2016-01-29 20:52:31 UTC
No women can, ever has, or ever will bench press over 1,102LBS.
2016-01-29 19:13:09 UTC
You must be kidding ! Quit drinking.
2016-01-31 13:17:15 UTC
2016-01-29 21:02:30 UTC
yes they are equal
2016-01-31 06:17:29 UTC
the answer is something's we are not built the same and for the same reasons so logic would dictate it to be so.
2016-01-29 15:21:26 UTC
nope only some ........ women will NEVER have strength ..and will start bawling in some situations
2016-01-29 13:33:41 UTC
some things.
2016-02-03 09:24:16 UTC
Not in everything.
2016-02-01 07:42:58 UTC
Not in sports.
2016-01-29 19:15:59 UTC
"A man will rip off your arm, but a woman will **** in your heart." - louis c.k.
2016-01-30 14:42:15 UTC
Hyes(from a guy)
Linda R
2016-01-29 12:59:18 UTC
NOT everything.......we're just NOT built the same.
2016-01-30 03:43:49 UTC
Why not?

you should ask yourself before doing.
2016-01-29 15:32:38 UTC
2016-01-30 04:24:08 UTC
Sure they can, once they stop gossiping!
2016-01-30 15:44:05 UTC
Change the tires
2016-02-01 21:46:06 UTC
2016-01-29 15:51:48 UTC
some wemen are
2016-01-30 15:56:22 UTC
2016-01-29 18:53:19 UTC
2016-01-29 14:22:19 UTC
2016-01-29 12:23:31 UTC
2016-01-31 21:06:02 UTC
2016-01-31 00:37:43 UTC
D) all of the above.
2016-02-01 02:00:20 UTC
Why not, surely.
2016-02-02 07:44:57 UTC
2016-01-30 07:05:17 UTC
not really
2016-01-31 08:39:44 UTC
2016-01-30 00:12:33 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.