"Feminists, do you have a study of the wage gap that does NOT say that it's because of different choices? If not, what do you have....?"
Every single study that any feminists ever produces does NOT reference the same job at the same company. And really, that is the only concern we need to have. Do we really care about the ratio that tells us what all women earn compared with all men? It's meaningless.
Even when feminists try really hard to pretend it's the same type of work (NOTE: not same JOB, but same TYPE of work; it's relatively meaningless. Because for example .. if we have two salespeople at two different car dealerships that we are studying and one makes $8/hr while another makes $15/hr plus commissions, we might wonder what is going on. But if we are told that one works at a Budget rental used car lot while the other words at the Ferrari showroom, then we can easily understand the gap.
It's the same thing for doctors, which is often provided as "feminist proof". But once again, there are myriad specialities for doctors. A "doctor" is not a specific job .. and we fully expect that speciality surgeons would earn more money over a general practitioner. Guess which gender is overwhelmingly represented as general practitioners? You guessed it .... women.
It is illegal to pay different wages due to gender, when performing the same job at the same company. In a logical persons mind, this is the end of the gender wage gap nonsense. The fact that feminists will not let this go, well over 50 years after the passing of the Equal Pay Act is testament to the success of this deceptive message. Although, it's mileage has seemed to run out over the last few years, and more people are beginning to call out this deception ... to the loss of feminist credibility.