2012-02-27 15:43:41 UTC
Nothing members of the Mainstream and True-Transsexual Community say or do is of importance to transgenders (men in drag community), but is only of concern to mainstream, cisgendered persons, with or without this birth defect. We transition to correct a birth defect, never for the sake of pleasure, orientation, fetish, sexuality, rebellion, nor gender variance. We are not gender-variant, but gender conformists, since we conform to the gender which matches the sex we were supposed to have, and we only believe in 2 genders. TGs are androgynous, variant between the genders, and don't really try to fit into the existing mainstream community and the real world.
Certain well-known TG bloggers chase true-transsexuals around, keep eyes on their blogs, harass them into silence, and try to colonize and destroy the True-TS community and drive wedges between us and the mainstream - so the TGs and LGBTs can exploit and own us. True-TSs work within the mainstream and use anonymous activism, but these meddling TGs out our identities. True-TSs won't have rights in the mainstream - the only place they want and need them - until they forever burn ties with gender variant persons (TGs) and the LGBT. A TG blogger who admitted to doctor shopping for a surgeon willing to perform a TS-only surgical procedure on [her], recently posted lies about one TS-specific blogger, accusing her of being some woman named Courtney, accusing her of being some anti-gay poster under another name on a news board, etc. Why can't [she] get it that we are part of the mainstream, have a medical condition that TGs don't have, and are gender conformists, not gender variant?
It doesn't matter if we create a new identity for our community, they TG colonizers try to claim it no matter what we call it or what philosophy we proclaim. TSs have a medical condition which TGs don't have. True-TS women are a subset of the mainstream and are mainstream women fixing a birth defect. TGs are gender-variant males who live as women for non-therapeutic reasons.
We have the right not to be represented by any "union" but take our chances directly with the "bigoted" mainstream public. We want to control our own communities and our own alliances. They claim we won't make it without alliances. Guess what, we won't be without alliances. Once the LGBTs/TGs are off our backs, we will be able to repair the damage they caused us and regain the mainstream allies they cost us. Ninety percent support is better than 10%.
Since our birthright is in the mainstream, we should have the same freedom to criticize LGBTs/TGs like many mainstream, cisgendered women take for granted, and the right to belong to the same churches and political parties that they do.
So how can we get the TGs and LGBTs to sever ALL ties with true-TSs, stop harassing us, stop telling others how to treat us, stop speaking for us, etc? How can we create a new community that will be seen as part of the mainstream, cisgendered community that will never be co-opted nor claimed by the TGs/LGBTs, never discussed by the queer press, and never blogged about by gender variance bloggers? What will it take us to do to have our own community and for TGs to avoid it like a plague? How can we advertise groups for such people openly in public without TG infiltrators trying to lie their way in and without spies and moles getting in? We only want to be seen as part of the mainstream and have the exact SAME rights, opinions, values, privileges, needs, feelings, flaws, foes as most other mainstream cisgendered women. How can we earn the right from the TGs to let us have our own community without them?
There is nothing elitist to the above, it is not about me, nor is it whiny nor negative. This is how mainstream women speak. We are not the passive things that men think we are. If you are part of the LGBT/TG communities, or you have some self-righteous notion about how TS activism should work, please refrain from answering. I am not asking this for me, but for an entire community. So how can we blog and do activism AS women with a condition AND force the TGs to leave us alone and not monitor us?