Why do women behave and have attitude like they're rarer than pandas ?
2010-03-31 10:09:14 UTC
'Cos they're not. Like, there are billions of 'em in the world. Granted there is a bit of a shortage in India and China that is due to their disgusting practice of female infanticide, but that just means penniless Indian and Chinese male peasants are gonna have to go without. Well, you didn't really want them anyway, did you girls ? Which means that for the rest of the world there are plenty of women to go round. So what's with the ' because we're worth it ' attitude ?
Sixteen answers:
2010-03-31 12:11:58 UTC
Because there are plenty of gullible men around to make them feel special and they know its easy to get guys to compliment or like them. Any woman can get attention hell just look at the profile pictures of lassies on any social networking sites, a flattering angle and its overloaded with sad comments like "hey baby your lovely" "damn your fine" etc etc. So in essence it isnt the womens fault for their over inflated sense of self worth its other mens fault.
2010-03-31 17:25:48 UTC
Don't underestimate the desireability of Chinese and Indian men. Even the penniless have meaningful educations and good jobs, and if they don't, well. that's how Chinese and Indian restaurants come into being. The way they look, and the way they cook, I don't see Chinese and Indian men going without. I've known American girls with good jobs to bring Indian men home from vacation, marry them, and be content if he can only wait tables for a living, because they are kind and generous and sweet and don't have the obnoxious white guy attitude of entitlement. When you have to compete for women with handsome, intelligent, normal men, and see "white girls" losing the cheap clothes and brash attitude so they can get with nice Asian boys, you will think you are lucky if you can get with a woman who looks and smells like a panda bear.
2010-03-31 19:07:31 UTC
It's a L'Oreal publicity slogan, a.k.a. advertising, a.k.a. incorrect. :)

From a strictly biological standpoint, females (not only human females) can afford to act like that when choosing a mate, because they produce incomparably fewer reproductive cells than males do, which means that theirs are more precious (because of the scarcity). But little relevance does that have for the case at hand.

Honestly, it sounds like you've just had a bad experience with a woman and you're just getting that off your chest, like someone said before me. Of course, that may not be correct, but that's how such generalizations sound like. Honestly... there are lots of easy, promiscuous women. Perhaps they even outnumber the cocky ones.

Also, that kind of attitude may not derive mainly from women's scarcity, but from perceived personal qualities, real or imaginary.
2010-03-31 21:39:00 UTC
I don't think its just women. Men and woman are encouraged to be narcissistic in todays vapid society. Every child is brought up as a "little star" getting rewards for no achievements.

Oh, and BTW. Why do YA posters make huge blanket statements about an entire sex of people?? I certainly don't act like I'm rarer than a panda.
2010-03-31 17:19:41 UTC
Just be yourself..! Have normal conversations with females. No need for the macho thug stuff. Be honest and be yourself. It's hard for them too. Society tells them, they gotta act negative when they will like to be responsive. Things will slowly unravel........You'll see.
2010-03-31 17:13:32 UTC
Funny that you asked. I got this email today. Hopefully it answers all your questions.

Why Women Are Crabby:

We started to 'bud' in our blouses at 9 or 10 years old only to find that anything that came in contact with those tender, blooming buds hurt so bad it brought us to tears. So came the ridiculously uncomfortable training bra contraption that the boys in school would snap until we had calluses on our backs.

Next, we get our periods in our early to mid-teens (or sooner). Along with those budding boobs, we bloated, we cramped, we got the hormone crankies, had to wear little mattresses between our legs or insert tubular, packed cotton rods in places we didn't even know we had.

Our next little rite of passage was having sex for the first time which was about as much fun as having a ramrod push your uterus through your nostrils (IF he did it right and didn't end up with his little cart before his horse), leaving us to wonder what all the fuss was about.

Then it was off to Motherhood where we learned to live on dry crackers and water for a few months so we didn't spend the entire day leaning over Brother John. Of course, amazing creatures that we are (and we are), we learned to live with the growing little angels inside us steadily kicking our innards night and day making us wonder if we were preparing to have Rosemary's Baby.

Our once flat bellies looked like we swallowed a whole watermelon and we pee'd our pants every time we sneezed. When the big moment arrived, the dam in our blessed Nether Regions invariably burst right in the middle of the mall and we had to waddle, with our big cartoon feet, moaning in pain all the way to the ER.

Then it was huff and puff and beg to die while the OB says, 'Please stop screaming, Mrs. Hearmeroar. Calm down and push. 'Just one more good push' (more like 10), warranting a strong, well-deserved impulse to punch the %$#*@*#!* hubby and doctor square in the nose for making us cram a wiggling, mushroom-headed 10 pound bowling ball through a keyhole.

After that, it was time to raise those angels only to find that when all that 'cute' wears off, the beautiful little darlings morphed into walking, jabbering, wet, gooey, snot-blowing, life-sucking little poop machines.

Then come their 'Teen Years.' Need I say more?

When the kids are almost grown, we women hit our voracious sexual prime in our early 40's - while hubby had his somewhere around his 18th birthday.

So we progress into the grand finale: 'The Menopause,' the Grandmother of all womanhood. It's either take HRT and chance cancer in those now seasoned 'buds' or the aforementioned Nether Regions, or, sweat like a hog in July, wash your sheets and pillowcases daily and bite the head off anything that moves.

Now, you ask WHY women seem to be more spiteful than men, when men get off so easy, INCLUDING the icing on life's cake: Being able to pee in the woods without soaking their socks...

So, while I love being a woman, 'Womanhood' would make the Great Gandhi a tad crabby.

Hope that answers your question.
Know It All
2010-03-31 17:29:58 UTC
The ' because we're worth it ' attitude is reminiscent of how many of these women were treated like princesses when they were children. Parents pamper them like they're princesses, telling them that the world is all about satisfying their every needs and that they wouldn't have to work towards achieving them. These pampered princesses grow up physically and claim that they're "worth it because they deserve it".
2010-03-31 19:19:55 UTC
That's why there are so many single women and very likely to be cheated on.
2010-03-31 17:58:03 UTC
It feels good doesn't it to get a load off your chest? I suspect though that this runs a little deeper than what you have already said. Has a girl rejected or dumped you lately?

I know it hurts, but you'll be ok :)
2010-03-31 17:12:07 UTC
Women make up 52% of the population and you have just made a lot of enemies with your sweeping statement. Hope you don't mind going without?
2010-03-31 17:19:10 UTC
Each woman is different. We are all rare cause there is only one of us. Same with men. DUH.

Also, because the Loreal commercials tell us so.
2010-04-01 23:28:22 UTC
Maybe those of us who have a certain attitude *are* rarer than pandas :-)
2010-03-31 17:18:48 UTC
its simple really-we want attention and we want guys depending on what kinda cranky but with women its either i love you so im gonna pretend to hate you or you piss me off so much so im gonna piss u off by being cranky
2010-03-31 17:18:06 UTC
They act like because they push a baby out their body its something shamanistic and mystical.I guess they never thought that the male carrys those cells from puberty for years.
2010-03-31 17:44:11 UTC
Most of them don't

Time to grow up and move on
2010-03-31 17:12:29 UTC
you sound loke a woman hater, you just lost ya girlfriend or something (:

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.