Is it feminists or women in general who are insecure about the achievements of their gender?
2009-07-31 06:22:58 UTC
okay .... whenever anyone asks a question questioning the acheivements of women and so on, women blast off calling all sorts of names, etc etc

but when women ask questions questioning male achievements and saying women rule over men blah blah, I and many other men are having a hearty laugh. Infact, I find it amusing.
21 answers:
2009-07-31 06:32:54 UTC
There is no such thing as women in general. Some woman are very proud of their achievements and some arent.
2009-07-31 22:51:41 UTC
No, women have not achieved much as men because they were barred from anything but having babies throughout most of human history ( unless she was a princess, queen or nobility ). Women could have achieved more in the past. They just weren't allowed to.

By the way, only a certain elite of gifted people can really make an invention that changes our society. I would not be comparing most men to Einstein or anything. That's kind of arrogant. Einstein and other gifted men are an elite group of people that had intelligence higher than the average human.
edith clarke
2009-08-02 03:57:42 UTC
I'm proud of the achievements of both men and women who have the intellectual, emotional or physical abilities superior to others, but I don't see how that relates to me as a woman or feminist-these ppl are all unusual individuals, they are not average men or women. I think it's arrogant of men or women to assume that because a few have been exceptional, we all are. It's obviously, not true.

As for your other junk: What women ask questions wondering about male achievements-I'd like a good laugh too. And women are saying that women "rule" over men-where are these women and their questions? I've posted here a couple of years, and missed all those massive amounts of questions putting down male achievements. Instead I daily have to weed my way past questions from men such as these gems: "why are women so stupid" "why are women so emotional" and "why are women such s!uts". It's quite obvious few, if any exceptional anti-fems post here.
Jas B
2009-08-01 23:24:53 UTC
What is to be insecure about, from their inception in the 11th century universities were closed to women, also primary and secondary education lagged far behind that of men.

This systematic under education of women has benefited men of every class, putting women a a huge disadvantage. Which is why access to education became one of the first demands in the fight for emancipation.

Women were excluded from colleges and universities until the late 1800's and it is only in the past two or three decades where women have achieved parity in numbers in higher education. Therefore to compare women's achievements in comparison to men throughout history is a ridiculous comparison.

Insecure about women's achievements? in no way more proud of amazing women like Marie Curie, Maria Mitchell, Anita Roberts, Barbara McClintock, Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin, Grace Hopper and the thousands of other women who despite all the barriers against their sex achieved greatness.

You carry on laughing, while you are doing so more and more women are using and will continue to use their education to achieve great things. When women have had access to higher education for 900 years like men will it be possible to fairly see which if either sex can contribute the most to society.
2009-07-31 22:01:54 UTC
What absolute generalizations are implied in the format of your question. I am a feminist and certainly not insecure about any achievements I have gained, nor apologetic about any female achievements. Some females contribute vitriolic responses, and some males do as well. But my experiences have proven to me that males are more defensive regarding female achievement than the gals are.
2009-08-03 20:55:02 UTC
?????? When you say "feminists or women in general" you seem to assume that all feminists are women. Not true. All REAL men are feminists (only insecure, sub-human brutes feel a need to oppress other human beings).

There are insecure PEOPLE, and secure PEOPLE -- among both feminists, men in general, and people in general.

???? uh, ALL women in the world, or all people in the world who understand that women are human beings "blast off calling all sorts of names"? I doubt that.

What women say women rule over men? Do you mean the misogynists who pretend to be feminists on this site? No one with any brain takes them seriously.
2009-08-01 19:55:28 UTC
I've noticed on here that a lot of men crow about all of men's achievements, and claim women have done nothing through history, then those same men vilify women for wanting to do something besides being housewives today.
2009-08-03 02:44:58 UTC
Because men are stronger physically, they think they are smarter, too. That is not true at all. I don't think it is the women who are insecure about their achievements, it's the MEN who are insecure. Why else would you be asking such a question? You must be insecure about YOUR achievements. If you were so unconcerned about women's achievements, then why bother to even question it? I think you feel threatened.
2009-08-03 06:23:01 UTC
I don't understand completely what you are saying, i think you are saying woman blab about what they have done and just shun men???

Well i just wanted to let you know that of course men and women have done great things, great things that can be considered both bad and good.

Why do you find it amusing when a woman tries to tell you about what woman have done throughout history? There have been male and female rulers i am confused....
2009-08-02 16:26:29 UTC
No feminists celebrate the achievements of women. Most of those have been ignored and thank God someone is realizing the contributions women have made to this world.
2009-08-01 05:18:46 UTC
Where are these questions that you say question male achievement, etc.

They are very rare, and when they do appear, I assure you there are many men jumping all over it and calling the person all sorts of names, as well.
dark eyes
2009-07-31 13:32:49 UTC
I guess it would depend on what you call "achievments". All those male inventors [back in the day] had someone *clears throat* a woman at home, cooking, cleaning, mending, fixing, taking care of children, etc... so that the men could go out and do all those magnificent inventions. That's an achievement.
True Blue Brit
2009-07-31 18:06:03 UTC
Oh, do women ask questions about male achievements? I don't think I've ever seen one. Could you find one please, so that I can also have a laugh?
2009-07-31 13:35:30 UTC
edit: whoops worded this wrong.

I think you're making generalizations about women as a gender and feminism as a movement.

I think it's pretty fair to say that in general, men's achievements are far LAUDED over the achievements of women. (left that out)

I think it's also easy to say that when it comes to how women versus men present themselves publicly, women catch a lot more flack for the way the dress, the way they present themselves, etc.

Just as an FYI, feminism is about procuring equal rights for all genders, not about placing women over men. (Though I'm sure some carry it to that degree.)
jkb :) :( :@
2009-07-31 14:02:38 UTC
why should i be insecure about them? i didn't invent any of the stuff, or achieve any of the stuff they are talking about. It is childish to claim someone else's achievements as proof of your own worth, man or woman.
2009-07-31 13:43:13 UTC
I don't buy into the idea that I am somehow responsible for every woman everywhere just because we have the same kind of genitals.
2009-07-31 13:32:00 UTC
Genders don't have achievements. Individuals have achievements.

The fact that Copernicus and Einstein were men does not make you smart because you happen to have a penis.

Your little rages are amusing, but sort of sad in a way that makes me despair for the future course of human progress.
2009-07-31 13:28:43 UTC
Women are not insecure about their achievements. Feminists try to make out that men have not achieved anything in history except male domination. Women in general do not stoop to these dirty tactics that feminists use.
2009-07-31 23:31:02 UTC
No evidence for this.

In fact, the reverse is true.
Helen Bak
2009-07-31 13:31:12 UTC
I think it is because men's achievements have had a much larger impact on society than those of women. I think many women including feminists feel they need to justify their actions in the past.
2009-08-01 12:26:02 UTC
They will probably all react angrily to your sexist attitude.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.