What is to be insecure about, from their inception in the 11th century universities were closed to women, also primary and secondary education lagged far behind that of men.
This systematic under education of women has benefited men of every class, putting women a a huge disadvantage. Which is why access to education became one of the first demands in the fight for emancipation.
Women were excluded from colleges and universities until the late 1800's and it is only in the past two or three decades where women have achieved parity in numbers in higher education. Therefore to compare women's achievements in comparison to men throughout history is a ridiculous comparison.
Insecure about women's achievements? in no way more proud of amazing women like Marie Curie, Maria Mitchell, Anita Roberts, Barbara McClintock, Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin, Grace Hopper and the thousands of other women who despite all the barriers against their sex achieved greatness.
You carry on laughing, while you are doing so more and more women are using and will continue to use their education to achieve great things. When women have had access to higher education for 900 years like men will it be possible to fairly see which if either sex can contribute the most to society.