Are women being divisive when they spell their gender as "womyn"?
2007-03-19 11:05:19 UTC
The spelling of "womyn" seems to represent women that have a great deal of discontent, suspicion, and hatred towards the opposite sex. Are they being divisive by spelling it that way? We, as humans, regardless of gender, should see ourselves as one. Despite the vast differences between men and women physically and mentally -- in many ways, men and women are very similar. In fact, many psychologists state that there are actually more similarities than there are differences. It seems otherwise since we as people tend to focus on differences more.

The fact that the word "women" or "woman" has "men/man" in them does not mean that women are men, or are properties of men, or whatever else the "womyn spellers" have conjured up. But if anything, it is uniting both men and women as HUMANS. And yes, there goes that "man" in human again. It has nothing to do with "manhood" -- but as humanity.
Sixteen answers:
devil's advocate
2007-03-19 15:22:06 UTC
No, they are just showing how ridiculous certain segments of radical feminism have become. However, the misspelling that I find most amusing is when certain radical feminists will spell history "herstory". This not only shows the pettiness and silliness of the radical feminists but also their ignorance as well, because the English word history is derived from the Greek word for history, and is totally gender neutral.
2016-11-05 06:53:37 UTC
Spell Divisive
2007-03-19 12:09:24 UTC
I've seen a women hating site that does the same though. The men on there say "Wemon".. Not sure if that has the same intentention.

Its all absurd and I wish people would just drop the whole damned gender debate, its getting quite tedious.

I can't imagine why either gender should feel superiour to the other really, we are only meer mortal humans at the end of the day.

I think any type of extreme sexism is wrong, whether male or female. These womyn have taken it too far really.
2016-03-18 09:17:44 UTC
Don't they know that men never saw it as a war? Good, the fasted and most decisive military victories are achieved through a sneak attack on an unsuspecting foe. Don't they know that women's progress could never have been achieved without men's support? Oh so a few males throw us a pity party to shut us up and we a supposed be grateful and go back to the kitchen and make them dinner hmm? I think not. You may think I am being hostile towards you but quite the reverse. You are exactly the type of woman that we are fighting for. It's not your fault that you have been beaten into submission by the male patriarchal machine. You shall have your liberation sister. That I promise...
2007-03-19 11:37:52 UTC
The word "womyn" is used by feminists to promote a non-sexist way of spelling their gender by avoiding the suffix- "man".

I think the use of the word is a backlash against the sexism inherant in the English language. After all, its called "mankind", not "humankind" most of the time. And also, European and English speaking peoples have embraced a religion who's myths state that a woman was created as an afterthought specifically FOR man. This is hardly conducive for female empowerment!

Do I think that the word "womyn" is necessary? No. I think its kind of stupid. Changing the spelling of a word doesn't change the society in which the word grew up. It doesn't eradicate sexism. It only looks petty.
2007-03-19 12:33:31 UTC
I haven't read your "edit", but yes, I think it's a bit stupid to spell it that way.

One of the first time I really heard of feminism (well, I'm French, feminism is nit as hard-core in France as it is in the US) was about a change feminists wanted to implement. Change "history" for "herstory" when talking about women's history. I thought that was really stupid! I mean, I know that "histor" means "learned man", but still... In French, it's "histoire" It wouldn't make any sense whatsoever to change it, because "his" doesn't mean anything in French. I know we're not talking about French, but I think it's just taking the matter too far.

So, same for "womyn". I think they are really not helping women by doing that. There are things which are away more important than that, and it's just giving arguments to people who don't like feminists.
2007-03-19 12:57:44 UTC
"Humankind" for "mankind" and like constructions are neologisms. "Man," in its original connotation (and, I argue, current connotation, notwithstanding "womyn's" protestations to the contrary) meant (means) "humans." Its exclusive association with "male humans" is relatively late, having replaced the word "were," which is the ancient English word for "male human" (hence "werewolf," man-wolf). The corresponding word for a woman was "wif," which has narrowed to its modern meaning of "female spouse." "Wif," as "female person," was replaced by "woman," a construction from "wif-man," which means literally "person who is a woman." Redundant, perhaps, but hardly evidence of some conspiratorial manipulation of the English language to perpetuate the oppression of women. The very idea I find absurd.

Many contemporary writers, including myself (when I do write), continue properly to use "man" to refer to humans in general, and "chairman," "selectman," etc. to refer both to men and women in those positions.

"Womyn"? -- well, that word's just not in my vocabulary.
wendy g
2007-03-19 14:17:29 UTC
Kimberly-the "intent" of spelling women as "wemon" is to make it synonymous with "demon"...nice, huh? Anyway, I don't agree with "creative spellings" of any sort. I'm a grammarian and a traditionalist when it comes to the English language.
2007-03-19 11:11:53 UTC
Well, I only agree in part with your statements... I don't believe that females intend to spell the term in that way to create a divisive social environment. Rather, I view it as a reclaiming of one's gendered identity. I agree that women and men are very similar in certain contexts, but the reality is that societal expectations have dictated for centuries the roles to be fulfilled based on one's gender. Fortunately the Sexual Revolution of the 1970s contributed to a greater awareness of encouraging self-empowerment in professional and social endeavors. Since the term isn't in big circulation in mainstream media, I don't really see a problem with it being's all good in my opinion, peace. :)
2007-03-19 11:28:32 UTC
Personally, if a woman I was going to date wanted to spell women that way, she'd get a litany of questions before I would take it very far with her. Yes, it would make me very suspicious of her as someone that would treat a man like crap sometimes for no other reason than being a man.
2007-03-19 11:25:52 UTC
Yes ,its not fair on the part of women to spell it that way. whatever might be the reasons but changing spellings or names will not change ones personality,character,identity ,etc in society.we should prove our stuff by our worthy deeds and not by these kind of futile and controversial things.
Rio Madeira
2007-03-19 11:55:21 UTC
I agree with you there. This is one of the mistakes that militant feminists have made. Egalitarian feminists like myself are content with the current spelling of "woman" and focus their attention on the truly important issues.
Ember Halo
2007-03-19 12:48:21 UTC
maybe they're just being illiterate (jk)

i think it's silly to change the spelling of words, there's more important things to quibble over. if i see it i just ignore it, making a big deal over it gives it more importance than it deserves.
2007-03-19 11:47:24 UTC
If gender is only a social construct and women are the same as men, then why are *they* trying to differentiate?

Sounds like they're trying to have it both ways.

(BTW the book of Genesis indicates that the female is called "woman" because she was taken out of man.)
2007-03-19 11:14:08 UTC
maybe she is just being play full..I think you need to relax ..come on now she is only expressing her need to learn to love womyn they can make you sing with joy or want to destroy the whole world..take Amy she has a smile that melts my heart..but she has a side to her that makes me so angry...I just want the world to burn...relax some of those..girls..are really sexamanics..dude they will rock your world..its Always the ones you don't expect...the cute ones with glasses
2007-03-19 11:19:02 UTC
wow - you really are reading a lot into the spelling of a word...many of the ppl I know who use that spelling (and some of them are men) use it b/c they feel the original spelling denotes subordination

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