If patriarchy does not exist?
2008-08-26 13:04:16 UTC
Why are children still named after their fathers, even though women alone are able to pass on the mtDNA necessary for life to exist? (Not only is all mtDNA matrilineal, but women continue to do the majority of child care work, women take hits in their earning potential to raise children, and women ALONE are capable of carrying a pregnancy and giving birth, yet men are still given name credit -- as if they did anything comparable to what the woman did to create and nurture that child. Why?)

Why are women judged poorly for being sexual while men are lauded for precisely the same behavior?

Why do we still conceive of God as a male?

Why do we still think of women as the source of evil/sin/suffering?

Why do men have more free time than women worldwide?

Why do women continue to make less $$ though they work more hours than men?

Why are jobs that men cluster in valued more than jobs that women are clustered in? (Example: In India men work in textiles and crafts. Women are not allowed in these relatively high paying jobs because they are thought incapable, yet in China women are clustered in textile and crafts but are paid less and in that society those jobs are seen as low skilled. Same job, different gender, different value. Why?)

I could go on, but I'd actually like to hear your answers. If patriarchy does not exist, why does it certainly appear that patriarchy does exist?
Twenty answers:
2008-08-26 19:55:24 UTC
Very good question though difficult to answer. America (or the Western world) has a smaller version of patriarchy, in my opinion. Its not the same version of patriarchy as, say, some parts of the Middle East or some of Asia. As the older form of Western patriarchy continues to die away, there are still lingering effects, such as what you mentioned.

Why are children named after their fathers? Of course this is a patriarchal tradition. Not saying its BAD, but that is where the tradition came from. In many matrilineal cultures it has been shown that the women had more sexual expression and freedom. But of course-- if the child is named after the mother, sexual repression and chastity is not as major of an issue (female sexual repression and chastity was created as a way for a man to insure that HIS seed was passed on in his wife. Take away the patrilineal nature and sexual oppression is not needed as much.)

Why do we still conceive of God as a male? Interesting little fact: In the old testament, the Hebrew pronoun for God had no assigned gender-- think of it as a living neutral pronoun-- like "it" in a way. The male gender was assigned later on in the religion. Also, another interesting fact: God (Yahweh) had a female consort (goddess) that was heavily worshipped and revered-- especially by women. She is even mentioned in the bible (although it is mentioned that she is no longer to be worshipped). A good question is WHY did the goddess lose her power and recognition? Just like in the start of Christianity, women were some of the major power players, preachers, and missionaries. Why was their role later banned and shunned?

Why do we still think of women as the source of evil/sin/suffering?

Luckily only fundamentalists still think like that--and trust me, I've stumbled across a few of them. It sort of like the fact that there are far evil women in the bible than good women. Why? Some theories are that it was to limit women power and involvement in society. Sort of like calling priestesses of other religions "witches" or "sorceresses". Female power is to be denied, vilified, and banned (at least that seems to be the pattern in history. One can only hope that this no longer holds true).

As for the rest, I can't answer you. One, i don't have enough information about the subject to make a valid argument, and two because there is no real answer.

But very interesting question. I would just like to add, though, that these last death throes of patriarchy will fade away. Think of what it was like 100 years ago. And 100 years before that? The roles of women have taken massive strides in this time and are quickly becoming more equal with men. It is only a matter of time before these last lingering effects and traditions are wiped out completely.
2014-01-25 19:58:27 UTC
Jesus Christ.

After reading some of the slander here, I gotta say, WTF?

Men have always been the sacrificial lamb, the person that society (most women) want to see take on the blunt of risk and responsibility. It was only FAIR to at least let us hold the title, "Head of the Household," while we're alive.

Do you women really want your sons to be lazy, whiny sponges, begging for you for a hand out?? Doesn't that take away from your independence??

See, nothing is so cut and dry. Women say one thing, but they do another.

Men are made out to be patriarchal tyrants that beat their wives when they burn dinner. BUT, the reality was more like Father of The Bride or Adam's Rib. Was Spencer Tracy an evil tyrant? NO. He was a great father and husband from I could tell.

Get it through your heads, ladies. Being the provider, the breadwinner was never a privilege. It was a responsibility. I'm positive that miner dying of black lung, because he spent too many years in a coal mine would've traded a housewife any day... as long as her health wasn't going to be compromised by the mine.

Now, to care for the health and happiness of a loved one, be it a child or a spouse does not make a person evil!!
edith clarke
2008-08-27 22:09:07 UTC
According to quite a few anti-fems:

-traditions that emphasize the importance of men is just the way it's been and it's no big deal--to them, so why do women care?

-it seems that only "bad"women are judged harshly for being sexual

-"everyone" knows that god is male, it's blasphemy to question it; plus we should all believe adam and eve existed and we should already know that women are the cause of sin in the world

-women have "always" taken care of the home and that's their "job"-who can question that?

-women supposedly pick low-paying jobs-it's all our choice-nothing else could affect how we end up in those jobs

-how do some people believe that all these things are coincidences?
2008-08-26 13:50:54 UTC
Thank you for your great question.

Of course patriarchy exists! Let's look at the Middle East, most countries in Africa....All patriarchal cultures are strongly religious...even many Latin-American cultures...not going too far away...I know an older man that went to Philippines to find a woman according to what the Bible said, actually he wanted a servant..and he found her. "Just a woman to take care of me, as I am a chosen one"!

It just takes the action to read Global news to see how much planet earth is under patriarchal rules, and it will take still some time, until the idea that women are inferior gets eared from this planet...fortunately this has been resolved at certain extent in other countries...but...most countries are still living in the past.

It is obvious, and you make a very good point with your question
2008-08-26 13:44:10 UTC
Lotus...have no answer other than..thank you for the question..and yes, we are named after our fathers, only the true pedants would have picked a hole in that one lol...

Patriarchy is like your hand in front of your face in a blackened sense its but you can't focus on it!. And standing on the top of the societal pyramid of patriarchal privilege, it'seasy to argue that it does not exist, the view is clear from the heady heights, but try feeling the weight of it when you are on the bottom of the pile!

And as for this idea that the patriarchy is a benevolent force for women...perlease...have a look at what's happening around the we speak in Afghanistan, a country we are occupying there are young women serving life in jail...their crime? Some for being raped, some for having sex outside marriage and some cos they were sexually abused as children by their husbands!
2008-08-26 13:35:48 UTC
Patriarchy does exist. This does not mean that all men have it made in the world solely by virtue of their gender, which is what confuses some people. However, it does mean that men and men's roles are given more respect in our society than women and women's roles.

A few days ago, I read an answer here asserting, "All a stay-at-home mother has to do is cut the crusts off sandwiches." That's a perfect example of a very difficult woman's role being minimised and disparaged simply because it is a woman's role.

It happens here. It happens in the media. And it happens elsewhere in our patriarchal world.
2008-08-26 15:31:13 UTC
"Why are children still named after their fathers?"

It is tradition. In the past, could that mother and child have prospered, let alone survived, if the father left them to the elements and wild beasts? Mother and child were dependent on the father to protect and supply necessities. Anyways, the mother is always remembered. She knows who her children are. Can the father not even leave his name to his children?

"Why are women judged poorly for being sexual while men are lauded for precisely the same behavior?"

A promiscuous woman risks much more than a promiscuous man. Ignoring that greater risk shows a capricious or foolish character.

"Why do we still conceive of God as a male?"

I don't. Many religious people do. I can't say I understand those religious types.

"Why do we still think of women as the source of evil/sin/suffering?"

I don't think many people believe that. The ones that do are believers of an ancient mythology and again, I can't say I understand those religious types.

"Why do women continue to make less $$ though they work more hours than men?"

They don't.

"Why are jobs that men cluster in valued more than jobs that women are clustered in?"

Your example is from a developing country. I can't speak for other cultures or people from other nations. The developing world may still be patriarchal but the West is not. It shouldn't be surprising that less developed countries are socially behind Western countries.
2008-08-26 14:35:53 UTC

I bow before you as a GODDESS! I ask these same questions and no one gives an answer that makes sense. The next question in my mind is: how to make the patriarchy go away and have equal rights between male and female. Part of the answer to this is to end the male-god religions...and that has to start with the stupid women who fall into these beliefs....
Colonel Reb
2008-08-26 13:16:17 UTC
In order of how you asked things:

I haven't seen too many girls named after their fathers. There aren't that many women named John out there. Your other information might be generally true, but I know many exceptions personally.

Well, you have a point here. But I see women thinking this way too, so is it really sexism?

God is considered a male because that's what the Bible says. I wonder if God really has a gender in our sense of the word, but I don't think we'll ever know.

If you really read the Bible, Adam was just as guilty for the sin as Eve was. In fact, it's noted that Jesus had to be born of a virgin because the "seed of man" was polluted by sin. I know that there have been people in the past who've blamed women for sin, but in reality both were at fault. Eve got the harsher punishment because she went first, which didn't help Adam out any, but he could've turned away from eating the fruit.

More free time? I don't see it, I don't care what a study says.

Women don't work more hours than men. Try again. They also tend to take lower-paying jobs than men, which helps that along. I have yet to meet a married couple where the wife works more than the husband. I'm sure they exist, I haven't met them yet.

I don't know why. Society, I guess. Why do women not take dangerous jobs like men do either?

Maybe The Patriarchy exists somewhere. I sure haven't gotten any benefits from it, I know that much.

Person below me- They don't always. If the couple isn't married, the child takes the mother's name. It's only if they're married that the kids take the father's name. Of course, if the mother has her husband's last name, it kind of makes sense the kids would too then.

The Almighty Patriarchy does exist in some cultures, and we have a few influences left here (US in my case). But to say that there's some conspiracy to keep women underfoot of men is ridiculous, at least here in the US. Maybe they have secret underground meetings in Saudi Arabia like that, but not too many people are here. There are advantages given to men more than women in our society, but to say women don't have tons of their own is ludicrous.

I guess that was kind of stupid on my part about the name thing wasn't it? Still, it wasn't the most obvious thing. "Named after' is usually about the first name, since after all, the kid is going to take one of the parents' last names.
pagan grlzz
2008-08-26 14:18:56 UTC
a social structure can remain patriarchal with practically no support from individuals... all it takes is people to be comfortable with it or simply uncomfortable with changing it. it isnt that most people really believe in it... its that theyre used to it, and afraid of change... and of course if youre a person who dosent like change, then anyone who might rock the boat is gonna be your enemy.

those of us who answer on here for these questions arent all there is... you dont even get the average opinion in a question like this, because the only people who care enough to answer have pretty much got an agenda, cause or set belief...

i answer personally because i think the world needs changes in alot of ways, and i try to get alternate opinions out there to make people think about stuff...

the door to any type of change is to take people out of their comfort zone and make them face the reality that what happens in their world is ultimately their choice.

each generations adaptation to their own definition of social normality is a step towards where we are heading... so if you want to know about changes, trends and the future of what is or is not accepted... ask a teenager.

if you want to actively affect change... teach some teenagers.

if you present anything as if its fact then people will eventually start believing it. even if its just a matter of personal preference or opinion.

so if a hundred commercials show women as housewives buying cleaning supplies... that how the perception stays... people may not agree with it, do it, or want that to be their lives... but thats what we see all the time so we beleive its truth... theirs a commercial on right now for lypozene... i recognize and respect thats its supposed to be a weight loss drug or whatever... but here they are presenting medical research and fancy cgi imagery talking about the medical issues that can come along with body fat... and right in the middle of all of that they say " body fat is unnatractive"... and i get pissed every time i hear it... that isnt a fact, that isnt medical anything. it's crap parading as flowers.... and yet how does it affect our psyches to hear that type of crap all the time?

there are alternate veiwpoints and alternative choices in life to everything... but often when we see them they arent recognized for just being yet another veiw and accepted, they get singled out for being different and people make a big deal out of them....
2008-08-26 13:31:36 UTC
Colonel, she means why do children take the father's LAST name.

And Lost Fan, where does that tradition COME FROM?

It does exist. Anyone who can't see it is simply blind, or willfully ignorant.
2008-08-26 19:40:40 UTC
What has patriarchy to do with it ?

Because men are promiscous women are not, a man getting laid is considered a challenge, a woman getting laid is considered spreading her legs to a hornboy, no challenge in that.

I do not know what religion you are, but in mine you are not to make an image of god.

Men are protrayed as evil in our society, not women.

Women have only more free time world wide, if you consider being with your children "work".

Because not all the jobs pay the same.

Demand and supply, not all jobs men cluster in are highly payed, only those that require education training or talent.

AND because men have all the answers.
2008-08-26 14:09:19 UTC
Jesse, ever single counter that you've listed is complete bull.

What would ancient peoples have known of DNA variance? And what does variance really have to do with lineage?

Your claim about the "canal" is false, not to mention ridiculous. Child bearing would have a lot more to do with that. I would imagine that only a child who has never had sex would believe that.

Your ideas about religion have no basis in reality, as many very ancient cultures had female deities that were the primary deity.

What does "rat aggression" have to do with to do with the concept of evil? And even taking this illogical combination of biology and religious concepts, are you saying that men commit way more "evil" than women do because they are around women? So men commit way more rape, murder, assault, robbery, etc BECAUSE of women? One question, though..ever hear of PRISON??!! HUMAN females, even in prison, are not nearly as "aggressive" as male humans in prison. Can you explain that one? And you actually think that the rat experiments can be extrapolated to humans? If this were true, male prisons would have NO violence at all, and female prisons would be as violent as the outside world. they're not. Did you really think this through AT ALL?!
2008-08-26 13:20:51 UTC
All patriarchy means, is that power is held predominately be men.

Both sexes have double standards.

You're deity can have whichever sex you want, religious freedom.

Don't blame women's political apathy on men.

Take America for instance. You have more women than men. Most will agree that there aren't people actively preventing women from voting in elections. Women are eligible for any public office men are. Yet somehow, men still dominate politics. Why? Apathy. Not some male conspiracy.
2008-08-26 13:23:21 UTC
Children are named after their fathers(last name obviously), because of TRADITION, you have to name them after one, or both, if you want.

Really, kind of a retarded thing to argue about.

Women are perceived as being able to receive sex easier than men(that may or may not be true), as such, a woman who sleeps around may be perceived as a s*lut, but i can guarantee you that its not men calling you that, we LIKE promiscuous women, for obvious reasons.

God, if he exists(dont wanna turn this into religious debate) is omnipotent, he is not bound by gender.

Who thinks that women are the source of evil/sin/suffering? Really, this is a non-argument.

Men and women have more or less free-time depending on their choices, just because men have more free time overall means nothing, simply that at this point them male population has made less time restricting choices. Dont blame society for your choices.

FALSE! Men work, on average, 1 more hour/day than women of PAID work, not to say that women who clean house and care for children aren't working, cuz they are, i know first hand how tough child-care is. This, along with the fact that roughly 90% of hazard pay jobs are worked by men, fully accounts for the pay gap in my opinion. We work slightly longer and we have the majority of hazard pay jobs, which boosts our income above yours. Want more money? Come work up here with me running into burning buildings to save civilians, you'll get a nice pay boost, i know i did.

To be fair, India and China aren't the most developed countries, and i highly doubt that you live there, so why are you complaining? I agree that women have it rough in India and China, maybe you should direct this complaining there instead?

The patriarchy "appears" to exist because you want it to exist, your taking facts and telling half-truths about them.

Really, men dont get a leg-up in this world anymore than you do, i worked my butt off to get where i am, and i dont appreciate you undermining that achievement by saying i had the easy road.
2008-08-26 14:48:27 UTC
I agree with Lostfan that the patriarchy APPEARS to exist because feminists want it to exist to fit in with their theories.

What EXACTLY is this "patriarchy" supposed to be anyhow? It sounds great, how do I join?
Jesse W
2008-08-26 13:34:18 UTC
1) Children are named after their fathers...

Because the Y chromosome can support more variance than mtDNA without basic metabolic functions failing, allowing for predictable paternal lines with high variance between those lines. There's really no reason daughters should be named after their fathers.

2) Women are judged poorly for being sexual because.....

A woman who has sex frequently and does not do the proper exercises to counter it's effects will be less enjoyable to have sex with due to a looser canal. Heterosexual men have no such issues.

3)Why do we conceive god as a male...

Because society has two distinct separate views of creation. The feminine, passive form of creation is to nuture something, to provide an environment in which it can grow with no real understanding of its mechanism. The active, masculine form of creation is to knowledgeably create something by actively changing something else into it. Women by their anatomy have inherited association with the first, passive form of creation, and historically most significant inventors have been men. The idea of an all knowing God with a plan creating the universe is far more in line with the active, masculine, invention-oriented form of creation.

4) Why do we still think of women as the source of evil/sin/suffering?

Populations of male lab rats raised with absolutely no contact with female rats show little to no aggressive stances. Populations of female rats raised with no contact with male rats show the same frequency of aggressive stances as mixed sex populations. From my personal experience this tends to extrapolate to humans.

5)Why do men have more free time than women worldwide?

That's a tough one. Because we're lazy, and the things that don't have to be done but should be done get picked up by women? Just a thought.

6)Why do women continue to make less $$ though they work more hours than men?

Just from my management experience, departments with more women in them cost more through human resources to maintain due to increased frequency of complaints regarding other workers from both sexes, see answer to question 4.

7) Why are jobs that men cluster in valued more...

See answer to question 6, they actually tend to be more profitable investments.
2008-08-26 13:17:36 UTC
To answer your last question, because weak people need scapegoats to blame their shortcomings on.
Gun fanatic
2008-08-26 13:20:58 UTC
Sure the "patriarchy" exist, but it is nowhere near as evil and oppressive toward women as the feminists claim.. Women, regardless of the time and place in history, do derived certain benefits from their assigned role in society and enjoyed special protection from men..

Simply put, women were also privileged in "patriarchal" society, just in a different way.

@Tracey: Take some history class please..
2008-08-26 13:54:12 UTC
Just cite your sources darling.

Then we can have some INTELLIGENT discussion.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.