"Why cant we have a official mens emancipation/liberation from women?"
If men had done this it would be disgusting, appalling and ridiculous. Men would be calling a refusal to take their responsibility to society seriously liberation from it. Not to mention, it would drastically upend all of society, as women’s liberation has. Plenty of men throughout history have not wanted to commit to or support their women, and most people would consider these men to simply be irresponsible and self-centered.
Somehow ... not so with feminism. That's the success of this pervasively destructive "movement".
The best line of questioning is here:
Read Carefully:
"What if men had, one day, decided they wanted to start a movement to be liberated from the bonds of marriage and servitude to women?
What if they had gotten sick and tired of slaving away all day to support their families, being expected to excel at business and build a life for their wife and children? What if they’d gotten tired of the weight of society being on their shoulders, and wanted instead to pursue careers unattached to marriage and children? What if they’d decided it was unfair to be expected to support a child just because they’d sired it, and wanted rights demanding they did not need to be involved in the child’s life at all if they felt like it, or that they could take it completely away from the woman and raise it without a mother if that’s what they wanted instead? What if they were able to decide to abort the child, whether the woman wanted them to or not, claiming genetic ownership of the product of their mistake? What if they wanted equal rights in divorce, to not have to pay alimony or child support?
What if men had marched in the street for the right to sleep around, challenged the teachings of the church that they be faithful to their wives, calling it oppressive and degrading? What if men had valiantly declared women to be useless, that society would be just fine without them, that a man needed a woman like a fish needed a bicycle? What if all domestic abuse cases against women were ignored while domestic abuse cases against men were exaggerated? What if all women were blamed for prison rape, for expecting men to fend for themselves and blaming that for high incarceration rates?
What if, after establishing a proud and loud notion that men needed to be liberated from the bonds of caring for the women folk, men still expected women to clean and cook and care for the children, but without commitment? What if men demanded that the state require women to preform these tasks while they went on with their lives? What if men got sick of dominating the dangerous and unwanted jobs and demanded safe, easy office jobs while sending women out to collect garbage, tend sewer systems, cut down trees, build skyscrapers, drill for oil, patrol the streets, fight fires and wars?"
Would it be called "men's liberation"? Would it go over just like "women's liberation" has? Would it be good for the society for men to "liberate" themselves from their women and the society in terms of responsibilities?
Is it still OK for women to be "liberated" from their responsibilities after reading this?