2012-07-28 03:29:19 UTC
I keep reading articles about how men think skinny women are undesirable, unattractive, and how most if not all would prefer a size 14 instead of a size 6. I'm a size 2, so I guess I'm on the glaring end of spectrum as far as sexiness goes.
The thing is, I have a defined waist. My hips are wide, they aren't boy hips. I have small breasts, but they are proportionate. I like the way I look but I am constantly told by people that I am anorexic, too skinny, need to eat more, and don't have any curves. I just don't understand why people attack thin women so much.
Do men really think thin is gross? I have an Audrey Hepburn body type, but would every man reallt prefer a thicker woman like Marilyn Monroe?