Why am I an @zzhole for saying people choose to be fat?
2009-11-11 06:19:38 UTC
Now, I know it's a little more complicated, involving heredity, metabolism, and stress factors, but can you honestly say you've ever known a person with a low-fat diet who eats mostly fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and exercises at least four times a week who's obese? Seriously?

I always seem to hear the "Well Jane can eat a triple cheeseburger with fries and a shake every day and she doesn't get fat!". You have a slow metabolism--deal with it! That's like a diabetic saying "John doesn't have to inject himself with insulin!" How about an asthmatic saying "Jim doesn't have to use an inhaler!"
31 answers:
2009-11-11 06:28:38 UTC
Your not an @zzhole for saying people choose to be fat... you're an @zzhole for putting all fat people in the same category.

There are some people who choose to be fat, but there are also people who have thyroid problems. Then there are people who were raised by parents who fed them too much greasy fatty foods as a child and didn't get them involved in physical activities. Then there are also people who suffer from depression and food is their only comfort. There are people who have disablities and they can't exercise.

Never say "Why do ______ people do this or that" because you cannot put all people into one category. The only category that you can put every person into is the "human being" category. (why are all people human beings? see?)
2009-11-11 07:26:58 UTC
There is a difference between overweight and obese, and you need to qualify which you mean.

Nobody becomes obese without eating more food than their body has use for. It simply does not happen that way. If there are no fats to be stored, no fat will be stored.

Now, just being slightly overweight is another issue entirely, with a whole host of actual issues that can contribute to the excess fat beyond unhealthy dietary factors (or even in spite of them).

You need to be more precise when you make these kinds of statements.
2009-11-11 06:34:48 UTC
I don't know anybody who's morbidly obese who exercises and eats healthily, but I do know people who are a little on the chubby side who do everything right health-wise and can't seem to lose the couple of extra pounds, who then end up getting characterized as fat by people by people who see picture 1 on this as the ideal weight-wise- (not saying this is necessarily your opinion, just a slightly off topic rant :P)

*back to the point* I think obesity has more psychological than physical causes- you try to lose the weight, fail for whatever reason, get unhappy as a result and comfort eat, or get teased about it and develop low self esteem- but you're right in that for some, probably most people it's just laziness, or a liking for high-fat foods, I don't see why it makes you an asshole to express this opinion (as long as you note there are exceptions) since a lot of people I know who are overweight admit this XD
2009-11-11 07:20:37 UTC
You are definitely an @zzhole. Probably an insensitive, self righteuous, skinny one. I excercise, eat more than enough fruits and veggies, i even undereat sometimes, i purge, i do everything right sometimes wrong to not get fat and be overweight. I CANNOT lose weight. I only gain weight. I definitely do NOT choose to be this way. There are really some people who have darn hard time preventing themsellves from gaining weight and trying to lose weight. It's sad that because you have no weight and fat issues, you think that everyone is made up the same way as you. That is not the case. Get educated. And get a life.
2009-11-12 20:33:21 UTC
You're not an a$$hole. I agree with you. People need to take responsibility for their health. Fat people choose to be fat. It's disgusting how some fat people just keep on eating. They need to put the fork down.
2009-11-11 07:29:32 UTC
it's not a big deal to be fat; coz fatness comes from many factors.

the bad things are only laziness and bad diet especially cigarettes, alcohol, drugs.

some fat people are fit and nice looking. it's a sign of good body, especially that the fatness is resulted from the unavoidable genetic or disease or side effects of medication. but some thin or medium people have this annoying flab stuffs and some fats, resulted from a bad eating habit and passive lifestyle, which is bad

just to add: if you have a good body and you look for a partner with the same quality, you don't have to insult fat people for that matter -that's definitely unfair.

if you hate fatness, then don't quickly demand for your partner/potential partner to lose weight, you have to start it on yourself first and give good encouragement for your partner to do the same

if you have good body and your partner is so-so or a bit filled, but better than you in terms of facial look, then please know that you are equally attractive to your partner
2009-11-11 21:21:26 UTC
for some people it is a choice about being fat. they choose to consume high fat food, which in turn with limited exercise, makes them fat. they can choose to exercise and still enjoy fatty food, or not eat it. some people do have heriditery problems and its not always their fault. but for some people, it definitely is. i dont think your an a**hole.
2009-11-11 07:16:00 UTC
Maybe it is the way you say it and not what you say!

Danielle...Yes there are medical reasons for some peoples weight issue, but these ar ethe small minority. the weight and obesity problem we are facing is more to do with all the supersizing, junk food and lack of self control, not unfortunate medical issues.
2009-11-11 07:59:02 UTC
I think there is a "gray area" where a lot of the chubbiness has to do with metabolism and our society, but I have zero respect for obese people. It's just disgusting, they are basically pigs.
2009-11-11 07:09:14 UTC
I don't think you're a rectum for verbalizing your opinion concerning the subject of volitional obesity. However, I do perceive a certain strong degree of ignorance in your reasoning.
2009-11-11 06:26:48 UTC
I see your point, It's human nature to want to eat, We're all hungry for different things. Although, in a lot of America it's FOOD FOOD FOOD..GIMME MORE

But lets be sensitive to the fact that it's harder on some people than others
Scooby Dooby Doooo
2009-11-11 06:25:16 UTC
I completely agree, people who don't have other health conditions and are just obese choose to be that way. I know I choose it, I'm not obese but during the winter I get lazy and eat more and sleep more, I KNOW I'm going to gain weight and I don't care. I'm comfortable with myself and I know come summer I always lose the weight (not a lot of people do that though) but still, you choose what you eat and how much if any exercise you get etc. I know when I eat 3 steak chalupas plus baja sauce at taco bell that I'm not doing myself any favors lol but I sacrifice for flavor....=) yummmmmm
2009-11-11 06:24:40 UTC
i agree to an extent some people do really have a problem but i know that there are some people who do not live a healthy life and instead because of their denial that the problem is within their life style not their genes they will go around saying it is not their fault as they stuff two cheese steaks down their face. i really hope i haven't offended anyone but you really cant deny that people like this do exist.
2009-11-11 06:41:49 UTC
I've been bedbound for five years due to illness (something to do with my spine). Over those five years I went from a healthy-weighted, attractive teenager to a rather overweight 20 year old, because Im unable to exercise at all. I always watched what I was eating, but due to being bedbound and completely inactive I'd have to have eaten very little to have maintained my healthy weight... therefore, I put on weight because it was unhealthy to eat so little, said my Doctors.

I didn't choose to be this fat *shrugs*
2009-11-11 06:23:21 UTC
Yeah, I can. My mother has thyroid problems and is overweight even though she goes to Curves four times a week and eats a low-fat, high-fiber diet. Maybe you should give it at least a little thought before you pick on overweight people. Even certain medications can make people get puffy (like birth control, for example).

Besides, don't you have better things to worry about?
2009-11-11 06:25:48 UTC
because noone wants to be responsible for their behavior. everyone wants someone or something to blame. I heard dennis miller say one time that how come no one in the halacaust had thyroid problems, why does no prisoner of war have "big bones"? True so true, but I'm one of those people who can eat anything and not get fat, so I may be bias
2009-11-11 06:26:08 UTC
If I don't intake a certain amount of calories I get suicidal
Know It All
2009-11-11 06:39:48 UTC
Clearly, some people do not understand the difference between an 'azzhole' and someone who's just insensitive, both terms being subjective. Many people are allergic to being spoken to about their life-choices.
dark eyes
2009-11-11 06:29:25 UTC
LMAO... You're right. Obese people that blame it on heredity, while they're shoving a bacon double smothered in mayo with extra cheese down their throat, a extra large order of fries and a diet coke=0
2009-11-11 06:24:52 UTC
for the price of a 1 red delicious apple, i can buy 2 double cheese burgers that can fill me up half the day.
2009-11-11 06:23:28 UTC
some scientist are finding out dat being fat is a possible genetic
say hello to my little friend
2009-11-11 06:24:25 UTC
not azz hole just insensitive ,, some of them try but it just stays on ,and they gain , i follow my docs advice the ,result is i look bloated lol, but it may be my meds
2009-11-11 06:23:30 UTC
because this is not true for all people. some people do make bad choices that lead to obesity, but this is not the case for all. genetics, hereditary, and disease can cause it too
2009-11-11 06:23:14 UTC
your not an ******

it is peoples fault they are fat. they can get up and do some kind of workout. they dont have to eat till they cant move every meal. if ur fat it is ur fault. its not genetics. people can decide how much they eat and if the do something to loose weight. so don't feel bad at all. i dont.
2009-11-11 06:24:40 UTC
People like to put their shortcomings on everyone else but themselves. It's a way of dealing with the issue rather than fixing it.

Fat people flock together and thumbs down!
Just for Jesus <3
2009-11-11 06:25:04 UTC
Because you are.

Yes, I CAN say I honestly know someone like that.
2009-11-11 06:23:08 UTC
why are you worrying about fat people...let them alone, fat hater lol
2009-11-11 06:22:54 UTC
Heaven forbid we take personal responsibility for anything . . .
2009-11-11 06:23:00 UTC
You're not an @zzhole. You speak the truth.
2009-11-11 06:24:08 UTC
In my eyes you're right, people do choose to be fat and they don't do anything to help themselves.
2009-11-11 06:23:00 UTC
your not an @zzhole, your right!!

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