Who decided that only men, or only women, can have the full range of human rights?
2009-12-19 10:15:15 UTC
Anti fems are against woman's rights because they claim feminism means men loose rights.

Anti MRA's are against men's rights, because they claim men's rights means women lose rights.

Why can't everyone be respected as a full human being, who is 100% entitled to the full range of human rights? Why does only one gender get to have each right?

A few examples:

Why can't we agree that it is not acceptable for either sex to be raped, instead of saying it is wrong for women to be raped, and ignoring that it ever happens to men? (And why can we only admit that women get raped, but not say that is is often men who do the raping, without being "anti male". )

And why must laws protecting women be challenged, as if it were an attack against men, instead of simply including the exact same protections for men, in the law? Then EVERYONE is covered! ...except criminals, who are more likely to be caught and stopped.

And why do we allow "crimes of passion"? Why don't we just call it murder?

And why do only women get considered for new baby leave? (In some countries)
Nine answers:
Give Blood
2009-12-19 10:24:03 UTC
The men who wrote the Christian Bible decreed that women were barely human and only good to use for breeding. Actually the "book" that most religions use were created by men and decree that women are less than men.

Perhaps we women should write a book!
2009-12-19 10:56:05 UTC
QUOTE: "And why must laws protecting women be challenged, as if it were an attack against men, instead of simply including the exact same protections for men, in the law?"

Well that's all MRAs are trying to do. We're attacking the things that give women MORE rights than men have. Why is that offensive? Were women correct to fight the situation where men had rights that women didn't have?

So why can't men do the same thing now?

Now that women have rights that men don't have.

The "attack against men" comes from feminism that hasn't been shy about attacking men and masculinity for 40 years.

When feminists behave like this:

People NEED to fight back. Modern feminists are doing really bad things under the guise of "helping women."

If that offends you then I hope you were also offended when women fought to correct situations that were unfair to them.

EDIT: You cannot be a MRA and a feminist at the same time. A feminist in 2009 is not someone who "wants equal rights for women." The modern feminist movement fights the MRA movement at every turn. Shared parenting? ...Yup, the feminists fight the MRAs over that one. Financial abortion for men? ...Yup, the feminists fight the MRAs over that one too. Every other issue where men want equal footing in the legislature is fought by the feminists. So you're either on board with men getting fair treatment or you're not.
2009-12-19 11:15:56 UTC
You seem a little confused...

"Anti fems" aren't against women's rights at all. They are against women having MORE rights and privileges than men, while having none of the responsibilities that go with those rights.

Feminists are against men's rights because they do not want to lose their unfair, undeserved power and sexist advantages.

"(And why can we only admit that women get raped, but not say that is is often men who do the raping, without being "anti male". )"

Because that is used a means to attack and persecute ALL men, when it is a very small minority of men that rape. Also once you say that, then you are heading right down the road to racism, since there are certain minority groups that do most of the raping. Should you then be able to single out those minority men and make claims about their entire race?

Laws protecting women are Unconstitutional, since they specifically do not protect men, but the main problem is that they trample basic Constitutional rights guaranteed to all citizens, so it is impossible to extend them to men as well as women, because the laws written by Feminists break the fundamental precepts of our legal system. They are atrocious laws that need to be stricken or at the very least rewritten to conform to the basic tenets of our legal system.

Why do we allow "self-defense?" Why don't we just call it murder? Because certain actions are considered justifiable by the majority.

Men do not want to take off from work. Even when they are given time for paternity leave they do not, as shown by the struggle the Mangina gov't in Sweden is having in trying to get men to take off.
Blue Eyed Christian
2009-12-19 10:25:56 UTC
Anti feminists aren't against women's rights...they're against sexism and double standards.Everyone should be, even if those things are coming from the Feminist camp.

Anyways, good questions. Everyone should have protections under the law. And we should be able to question things without being accused of sexism or hatred.

>And why do only women get considered for new baby leave? (In some countries)

Uh, because the woman was pregnant for 9 months, and the woman had to give birth, and the woman is more than likely breastfeeding which takes up most of your time for the first couple months. It's physically demanding and she needs a break or she's going to be a zombie. It's not sexism, it's simple biology. Until they figure out a way to make babies grow in test tubes, this isn't going to change.


>The men who wrote the Christian Bible decreed that women were barely human and only good to use for breeding.

That's a lie. The Bible doesn't say anything of the sort. Have you read it? I have.

EDIT again:

Hey wait, aren't you the guy who said that nonfeminist women are uneducated about feminist, lack ambition, are playthings for men, etc. in another question yesterday? What's up with that?
2009-12-19 10:48:44 UTC
Anti-feminists are against women gaining more rights than men have.

Who said we allow "crimes of passion"? In any case, women tend to kill their children in retaliation of perceived slights from their husbands. Those are "crimes of passion", too, no?

I agree with you that both men and women should be considered for maternity/paternity leave. But that's for the child's benefit. Not an issue to be fought over as a feminist issue.
True Blue Brit
2009-12-19 11:18:43 UTC
I agree with most of what you say. I'm not totally convinced that the mra's are for children, though. I don't consider that because you are a parent your rights are more important than the children when the marriage is dissolved. Children need emotional stability, they are not parcels to be passed back and forth because parents feel they are entitled to have their piece.

And I think that's what most of the MRA agenda seems to be getting round.

Crimes of passion, i think, have been done away with in the UK. Or discovering your partner is having an affair is no longer viewed as an extenuating circumstance.

As for parental leave - giving birth is a physical experience, exhausting and physically draining. Women need to recover from it - men don't. Most women are the ones who get up for the baby at night, especially if they are breastfeeding. Things in that department are only equal when men give birth.
Dr M
2009-12-19 10:34:51 UTC
"Anti fems are against woman's rights." woah I'm not against women's rights - why would I want female members of my family and female friends to not have rights? I'm against the hypocrisy and misandry of feminism(which despite what they tell you really isn't about equality, as demonstrated by the feminist party in Sweden wanting to put a tax on being a man).
2009-12-19 10:19:04 UTC
"Anti fems are against woman's rights because they claim feminism means men loose rights".

Wrong. We (if I can speak for all here) are for equal opportunities and against sexism.


@ Give Blood: There are plenty of feminist bibles to choose from e.g. VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) or the S.C.U.M. Manifesto
2009-12-19 10:27:14 UTC
No quick answer to any of these questions. Social and environmental conditioning perhaps? It's why feminism exists today and still needs to go on.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.