2009-12-19 10:15:15 UTC
Anti MRA's are against men's rights, because they claim men's rights means women lose rights.
Why can't everyone be respected as a full human being, who is 100% entitled to the full range of human rights? Why does only one gender get to have each right?
A few examples:
Why can't we agree that it is not acceptable for either sex to be raped, instead of saying it is wrong for women to be raped, and ignoring that it ever happens to men? (And why can we only admit that women get raped, but not say that is is often men who do the raping, without being "anti male". )
And why must laws protecting women be challenged, as if it were an attack against men, instead of simply including the exact same protections for men, in the law? Then EVERYONE is covered! ...except criminals, who are more likely to be caught and stopped.
And why do we allow "crimes of passion"? Why don't we just call it murder?
And why do only women get considered for new baby leave? (In some countries)