Do you think some people attract false accusations?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Do you think some people attract false accusations?
163 answers:
2014-11-19 17:59:37 UTC
They accuse you unfairly, because they don't like you. They know you are innocent of all that, but they want to make you look like the bad one and the guilty one. Ignore those people, and don't be around them anymore.
2014-11-19 16:12:07 UTC
if you give so much information about someone else regardless of being nice, you can be seen as annoying person. For example, let's say there are group of people A B C D. You talk about A to B C D. Now BCD knows who A is from you, then they confirm with A. But whatever you said could be something A doesn't like. When people talk, they don't always expect you to give their info to the others, especially private information. I don't know if you are in this case, but if you have habit of giving someone else's information, you need to stop. Otherwise people will think that you have backstabbed, even if you were not intended. When people give you private info, it is because there is at least some level of trust. It is good to keep the words down and quiet. Being nice actually confuses people. Be realistic.
2014-11-19 12:08:43 UTC
dress for success. play the part for the destiny youre aiming for.

i get the same sh**. people judge books by their covers. honestly a fact.
2014-11-19 11:36:17 UTC
I'm not so sure it's that you really are attracting false accusations or whether it's just a misperception. One way a person can believe they are attracting false accusations is if they are doing things that they shouldn't be doing, and only believe the accusations are false because you don't realize your own wrongs.

Are you certain you aren't doing something wrong that attracts accusations? If you are certain you are not, then forget about it.

Everybody on Earth has their detractors and their antagonists, and most people receive antagonism or even accusations from perfect strangers. People can be aggressive, hurtful wretches. In this case, it's their problem not yours. Ignore it and move on.
2014-11-19 08:36:09 UTC
Everybody goes through this. Get use to it, people talked about Jesus.

I use ti think something was wrong with me. I would try my hardest to show ppl I was a good person, yet, I was always accused of being stuck up, mean etc.

I spent years trying to change ppls oppiniin of me. Yet I realized ppl will always find things they dont like about you. You cant spend your time worrying about what ppl think. I have come to realize that it is not my job to persuade people of who I am. I just try an be the vest person I can be and not let ppl get to me. As long as I know who I am and that I am doing my best I can rest at night and wake up with my head held high.
2014-11-19 19:10:43 UTC
Men are usually subject to false accusations once they become successful.
2014-11-19 11:56:56 UTC
I think its best to identify what's causing this...

Have you been previously accused of something? Do you look like someone who would do something mischievous? - That sounds quite weird but yes the reality is even if you're wearing a hoodie or listen to like rap music people will suspect you of things. It may be even questions you ask - obviously for curious reasons but other may suspect an ulterior motive.

I imagine you give a negative vibe (unconsciously) around people they will suspect you of this sort of stuff.
Clayton S
2014-11-19 22:54:12 UTC
We are known by the company we keep. Disassociate yourself from people who indulge in that type of behavior and the false accusations will stop.
2014-11-19 08:10:28 UTC
Depends who you offend. I got a tonne of false accusations as well.

I've only had grief with one person. You know who.
2014-11-20 22:53:23 UTC
It's either they're finding you somehow too nice and they haven't been around enough nice people and find that threatening...or, you are doing the things you're being accused of but not consciously. Some people think they're very friendly and warm but if you ask an acquaintance they might disagree with this person's assessment. It's all about perspective. Or, you might truly be a very nice person who hasn't done anything wrong but are living in a toxic environment surrounded by people who have nothing better to do than focus their attention on you-for better or for worse.

It's not really about changing destiny but more about changing how you view yourself and your environment. If the people around you hurt you with these accusations, it may be time to find other people to become friends with. This can be difficult, especially if you've known these people for a really long time, but if they're doing more harm than good then why continue hurting yourself?

"Change what can be changed, work around everything else"

Like the above quote, it may also be time to reassess how you interact with others. Believe me, I'm a nice person too and that niceness gets taken advantage of all the time because people mistake niceness for weakness. But I've learned being nice to everyone can definitely backfire as well. If you're nice to everyone, that means you're nice to someone's enemy, most likely without even realizing it. So you just being a good person in the first place could be triggering some of these accusations, but I wouldn't consider that your fault-it's whoever's fault that can't handle you being a neutral, pleasant person.

Finally, don't assume anything. Don't assume people are 'punishing' you when they could very well be taking out their anger about someone else on you...just because you happen to be the closest warm body. Don't assume they're directly targeting you. Another thing I've learned is that nobody spends their entire life thinking about other people. Humans are inherently selfish and don't devote 24 hours a day to dwell on that one incident in the lounge between Jen and Michelle. In actuality, they're dwelling on what happened to them because that's how humans think. Generally, if you begin to think everyone is targeting you and accusing you of things, that aura spreads and other people will begin to believe it too, even if it's not true. If you're doing your best to be a good person, that's all you need to do. Like that darn Disney movie, just let it go. Let things go or else they're going to end up controlling your life before you even realize it's happening.

Some people might find this a little stupid, but this is my little motto: Just do what you can. Everything else will fall into place :)

Good luck!
2014-11-24 22:52:05 UTC
2014-11-24 21:57:00 UTC
2014-11-23 04:41:47 UTC
if you give so much information about someone else regardless of being nice, you can be seen as annoying person. For example, let's say there are group of people A B C D. You talk about A to B C D. Now BCD knows who A is from you, then they confirm with A. But whatever you said could be something A doesn't like. When people talk, they don't always expect you to give their info to the others, especially private information. I don't know if you are in this case, but if you have habit of giving someone else's information, you need to stop. Otherwise people will think that you have backstabbed, even if you were not intended. When people give you private info, it is because there is at least some level of trust. It is good to keep the words down and quiet. Being nice actually confuses people. Be realistic.
2014-11-21 01:53:07 UTC
I guess you are surrounded by negative forces. They are spirits. These spirits possess people on various situations. Sometimes people accept the false accusations when they are angry with the people who accuse. This is also a reason among many. Disappointed spirits are also negative forces. These forces become obstacles when they are disappointed after expecting a big profit from you. Your carelessness too may bring negative spirits to your side. You must deny the false accusations and prove what you have said. Certain situations are not good to certain people. In that case, you have to quit and try for new. But you can wait until changes occur in the situation. People must suffer for their sins. This suffering continues only for certain period. After sometime you will be freed. If you feel that there will not be any changes, then you may quit. You must also know the following things.

God cannot watch each and every human being at the same time. That's why He had created the spirits to watch, guide and determine the destiny of the human beings from their daily activities, talks and thoughts too. Your past determines your present and your present determines your future. God has given freewill to all creatures including human beings. According to this, all human beings have all right to live a life as they wish. But if it happens to be bad and hurts someone, they have to face the consequences. These consequences are created by spirits. It's a natural system. After death no one lives in any form. Heaven and hell are only for spirits. Spirits are separate elements. A human being is not a single spirit. All knowledge, skills, feelings, emotions, interests and everything are spirits or invisible elements. Even thoughts are not your own. When you want to take a decision on a subject, one after another the spirits think and you just listen, choose or reject the ideas which they transmit to your mind through your brain in the form of thoughts. A human being is just a robot made of flesh, bones, tissues etc., and a toy of the spirits for their games.

Human beings are ruled by spirits but humans must learn to control and rule the spirits. Spirits possess people according to the mental state of the human beings and keep them in the same state until they are rejected and replaced by another. This is an all time phenomena occurring in all humans. Human beings are always under the influence of spirits. Often thinking and talking about bad subjects or bad imaginations even for fun can take serious turns on one who think and talk. All of your activities, talks and even thoughts determine what kind of spirits you will have for your life.
2014-11-20 15:55:02 UTC
Those people that spread rumors about you have nothing better to do. They are busy bodies and are doing the same thing to others - not only you.

They are miserable so they want to make others miserable also.

I do not gossip. Gossip is very incidious (meaning - it is meant to harm someone or someone's reputation).

It is done by people who are sneaky and cowardly. If someone has a problem with you, they should be up front and tell you in a forth right way. Not think the wrong thing about you.

Those people are petty - have small minds.

Do not pay attention to them. Ignore them, avoid them, get away from them if you can.

Don't talk to them more than you have to. Keep strong boundaries with them - don't let them into your life.

Sounds like you want others to like you also and may be seeking their approval. You may never get it. They may never like you and nothing you do may satisfy them.

Just focus on your own actions and goals. And avoid those distractions. When you focus on yourself, then you will see results.

Worrying about others and what they think will drive you crazy.

It's like when you are driving, do you worry about the cars next to you ? No , you focus on where you are going correct ? That is what you should do here.

Good luck and let us know how you are doing. Everything will be ok.
2014-11-19 15:45:41 UTC
Definitely! In my case, it's usually a case of envy from my siblings, due to 5 kids not getting equal shares of our parents' attention. The oldest usually gets the most (good or bad) and the ones who don't, tend to feel envy. Then later, they either accuse the eldest of "stealing" the attention and/or keeping them in their shadow, since they feel unappreciated and ignored.

To deal with this, you need to accept yourself as you are and correct any REAL bad habits, such as criticising too much or trying to convert others to your way of thinking.

The other common reason for accusations is actual envy of the talents, looks, intelligence, etc. that you DO possess and is praised by others. That is NOT a fault or something for which you need to apologize. Just find out what you want in life and go for it. If others are true friends, they will support you in this. Don't apologize for being a strong person, or for the fact that others are drawn to that.

BIGGEST PIECE OF ADVICE: DON'T LIE! People may not want to hear the truth but in the end, it leave YOU on solid ground and anyone who accuses you otherwise of being in the position to prove what they say. If you don't lie or cheat, then you may suffer, but you will at least KNOW WHO YOUR ARE!
2014-11-19 08:24:13 UTC
Some people are the manifestation of histrionics.

Then, you have other people who believe the histrionics.

For example, I have been accused by numerous people on this very site of being a rapist.

I have had several background investigations for my job. That information, criminal background, is the first thing they check for. No one mentioned my history of rape during any of the background investigations.

Usually what happens is you disagree with someone, or they disagree with you, and now you're a horrible person.

It's petty. But, wear it as a badge of honor.

If I'm a rapist for simply not agreeing with the bed-wetters on GS, then pin on the Medal of Meritorious Rape with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters!
2014-11-22 09:20:26 UTC
I do not think it is so much the accused, but the accusers. From my experience, I feel that people who are quick to accuse do not normally have your back. Maybe you should find a new group of friends with better character traits. Find new friends, ones who will give you the benefit of the doubt. This was not written to be judgmental, but as my own experience in life. Take what you can away from this and make your own decisions. As you get older you will find that people have less and less tolerance for nonsense like this and try to weed it out of their lives. Hope this was helpful ... :)
2014-11-22 05:37:46 UTC
Since you already have a reputation of being falsely accused you should just ignore or the accusations and rather listen an do not gossip and stay positive. It is going to take some time but eventually they will stop accusing you. You first have to win their trust again by just being nice.
The Devil
2014-11-20 08:44:03 UTC
The one who plays by the rules is perceived as a troublemaker by, guess who- troublemakers. They hate to be showed up or ratted on. They will attack you for that. Their, "If you aren't with us, you're against us" attitude fuels their fear of being caught and justly punished motivates them to deflect blame on a scapegoat. The most common question in the 1970's when you met new people was, "Do you smoke weed?" If you answered "no", the next question always was, "Are you a narc?". That's probably what it is. When eveybody around you steals stuff and you don't they WILL plant stuff on you to frame you as a thief just like them. You need to get away from who you're around. The other choice is to snitch on all of them and get them busted before anything gets put on you. It's too late already.
2014-11-19 21:25:18 UTC
When this happens it's because your assessment of your behavior is out of alignment with other people's assessment of your behavior. You clearly think you are sending a message that says you are trustworthy and clearly others see it differently. Here is what a responsible person does in that situation. You seek counseling and you work on aligning your behavior with social norms, and you also look into why you are experiencing this disconnect. You can choose not to do this, but to do that will lead to more of the same. When you get tired of the alienation you are suffering, you will seek help and you will LISTEN to the professionals.
2014-11-22 06:57:27 UTC
I'm in the same position as you. But in my case, there is one person who started this and spreading the false rumors over the class and some of my class friends, even my best friends, are starting to think that I'm really a bad person. And for people who know who am I, they won't believe their words but they are just few and even so, they are in the different class.

But we can't change destiny that fast. If you think you've made some mistakes to them, then ask them what made them do things like that. But if they are just backstabbing you, then just don't give them any response because eventually, maybe sooner or later, they will be in the same position as you, or even got worse than what you feel right now. They just need someone to tell them that they are no better than you.
Zulcan The Great.
2014-11-19 11:42:27 UTC
It sounds like you are either paranoid or you tend to associate with the wrong crowd. You claim to be a nice person. Maybe, you could try to be assertive when dealing with certain people in your circle. There are those who in this world just want to blame someone or be their scapegoat.

It would be wise to avoid these people who have negative attitudes and start hanging around decent people.

You may need to be assertive and talk directly with these people who make the false accusations instead of being passive and playing the victim. The other extreme method of dealing with them is to stand firm against them and tell them that you will take legal action against them for slander.
2014-11-21 09:38:06 UTC
I think they only see the superficial part of you that you show in public and so these people think you are willing to do the things that they would do....they project themselves onto you and expect you to act a certain way but because they don't see the "real you" they don't know that you don't think the same way as them and would never do what they are accusing you of....basically it is usually caused by a conflict of personality and this is particularly common with people who have rich inner lives which they only allow certain people to see when they come into contact with people who are superficial and dull on the inside and who thus assume everyone else must be that way too. Just be you. If people are quick to judge and accuse you of things they are obviously inwardly shallow and incapable of seeing the depth of your character which differs from their own.
2014-11-19 19:15:06 UTC
When this happens it's because your assessment of your behavior is out of alignment with other people's assessment of your behavior. You clearly think you are sending a message that says you are trustworthy and clearly others see it differently. Here is what a responsible person does in that situation. You seek counseling and you work on aligning your behavior with social norms, and you also look into why you are experiencing this disconnect. You can choose not to do this, but to do that will lead to more of the same. When you get tired of the alienation you are suffering, you will seek help and you will LISTEN to the professionals.
2014-11-19 10:22:13 UTC
Oh, definitely. There are few mean-spirited psychopathic trolls who seem to be working together to attack anyone who hates misogynists and criticizes MRAs, PUAs, red-pillers, and other assorted scum of the "manosphere". There are a few users here who are not only constantly accused falsely, but are the targets of persistent harassment campaigns. I'm one of them.

I've been accused of generalizing all men. Of being a woman. Being a feminist. Being a man-hater. Being a man-hating, feminist woman who generalizes all men. I've been accused of attacking men on GS and using the answers as currency to get sex from my girlfriend, even though I've only been coming to this board for a few months and we've been together for four years, and I never had trouble getting her to sleep with me before. I've been accused of lying that I have a girlfriend who's also a GS member here. Of not having a girlfriend at all. Of actually being my girlfriend, and pretending to be her boyfriend.

I've been accused of being a "beta male" and a teenaged virgin who's a "white knight" and trying to trick the women on this site to sleep with me. I've been accused of fabricating my military service. Of having multiple accounts, other than my one level 7 account that I admit having and don't use because I don't want it reported into the ground and get it suspended. I've been accused of being a report monkey.

I've been accused being a liar and a hypocrite. I've been accussed of being a domestic violence victim and somehow pretending to be a domestic victim at the same time even though I never claimed to be a domestic violence victim and deny being one. Of being passive aggressive and plain old aggressive-agressive. Of being gay. Of having a small penis. Of being black, a Jew, and a black jew for some bizarre reason. Even more bizarrely, I've been accused of supporting murder and not wanting criminals to be held accountable. I have no idea where that came from.

On top of that, I'm the repeated target of call-out questions, unfair reporting, thumbs-down stalking, and mass multi-account spam answers on my questions. One troll has answered a couple of my questions with over +80 answers that are all the same. And's he's still going. I'm not kidding. He just keeps creating new accounts just to call me a "mangina". He just answered with four new accounts today. I have 89 of his accounts blocked so far. It's absolutely insane.

And then people here wonder why I don't like them.
2014-11-21 18:50:31 UTC
You were accused of hating people?

Doesn't an accusation mean you are doing something wrong though?

Accusing someone of hating mankind is illogical and makes no sense. A crime must be committed first for there to be an accusation. There is no crime in hating all of mankind.
2014-11-19 21:47:17 UTC
Some people do attract false accusations. Due to physical or psychological traits and maybe due to previous behaviour, yes some people are more likely to be blamed as they're easy targets which people will believe did it
2014-11-23 09:46:55 UTC
Yes. As you already know, it does happen.

It stands to reason that with all possible statements, some our bound to fall short. At times it's merely a matter of perception, i.e. different people judge the same thing/action differently.

Why this happens comparatively frequently to you has to do with you being perceived as a push-over. You get to hear it more, just that.
2014-11-20 02:26:45 UTC
So everyone else is wrong! I can't believe that you haven't done something to seriously upset people. You are obviously giving out the wrong vibes.....are you arrogant? Do you give off an air of being superior. Look at yourself in the honest.....would you like you?

Not everyone can be jealous/envious/angry .....


Ma and grandma
2014-11-24 20:17:14 UTC
Yes, I've been falsely accused from people of the opposite sex, a lot.
2014-11-23 13:52:40 UTC
Yes, I've been falsely accused from people of the opposite sex, a lot.
2014-11-21 18:02:41 UTC
It doesn't matter. You conducted yourself according to a certain standard of gentility and if the others are barbarians that's their affair. As for false accusations, there are even people who falsely confess to crimes they did not commit. So, go figger.
2014-11-23 01:11:33 UTC
Yes, I've been falsely accused from people of the opposite sex, a lot.
2014-11-19 21:00:52 UTC
yes, there are many people that uses false accusations to feel better and protect themselves from their low self esteam. It is a self-defence mechanism and unfortunately that people can cause a lot of problems and the best that you can do is to prove that they are big liars infront of others and get away because they are so pathetic that they won't change and can ruin your life.
2014-11-20 19:37:56 UTC
Well, a Priest I knew at a Catholic Church several years ago said that if you got involved with people or a committee you needed to know, that sooner or later, you would be hurt by people. I agree.

People who are filled with their own ego always seem to make fake accusations to bolster themselves.
2014-11-19 22:40:31 UTC
Ea they say birds of a feather flock togther....welll that could be your issus here...if your ftrying ti fit into an area that dont seem well suited for you ... change your life and become a member of with interest you and they people your involved with...the other idea is it is posable that you have worn out your welcome with family and friends, yet ..rather n than telling you to get a life..they are giving yoy falses7ignals...simple to find out ask..but be ready for the answer.....then accept it and go on with your life...good luck ..and remember to love yourself..and keep a good self-esteem positive attitude
2014-11-19 14:33:42 UTC
I am not sure. It's a hard question to answer because you cannot "read" another person's mind. They may (or may not) tell you the truth of what they are actually thinking.
2014-11-24 23:58:41 UTC
We are known by the company we keep. Disassociate yourself from people who indulge in that type of behavior and the false accusations will stop.
2014-11-20 12:32:30 UTC
People always have an energy about them that people often judge you by, there are also many stereo types that lead to false accusations.
2014-11-19 08:12:37 UTC
Some people attract drama, it's generally down to something they themselves are doing, and whether or not they give a **** about the opinions of others.
2014-11-20 20:42:38 UTC
I don't think people attract false accusation.
2014-11-20 06:32:06 UTC
Perhaps you should be ready with "Proof" that they are false accusations. Then let them feel like the idiots who accused you.
2014-11-23 00:27:37 UTC
I think people project their anger and short comings on everyone around them. It is a very sad situation to be caught up in as you want to protect yourself and the person who has lost all control and doesn't know what he is saying.
Rifat Ara
2014-11-22 00:25:44 UTC
Yes, Some people are accused, why not?
The Invisible Man
2014-11-21 22:01:49 UTC
People with talent and intellect and integrity are apt to draw much attention, and their name brought up in conversation by those who admire them and by those jealous of them. The jealous will resort to their old tricks of lies to try to have others see you as they must be aware that they themselves are seen. For people like them, a little character-assassination goes a long way.
2014-11-21 18:35:38 UTC
2014-11-21 14:40:43 UTC
Sounds to me like you need to sit down and ask yourself WHY?

The answer ONLY lies with you. If one or two people were being this negative towards you, you could put it down to stupidity or them having their own agenda. But if everyone is, then the fault lies with you. Maybe they are right?
2014-11-21 03:06:16 UTC
In general the people who do the 'false accusing' are revealing much more about themselves than their target. They usually do this to hide a weakness and prevent being 'correctly accused' themselves.
2014-11-21 01:32:34 UTC
If you have ever been thought to do something wrong, you will be easily accused. It is wrong, yet what happens. Yes you could be too nice like everyone says. That does happen. I am a teacher, and with kids I do know that the ones who usually cause the trouble have a tendency to get blamed, not by me, but by the other kids. The kid who is usually blamed is a escape goat for them. That is something that happens through out life. It is not fair at all, and it does happen. I am sorry that this is what has happened to you. It shouldn't, and I always try to make sure it doesn't happen.
2014-11-20 18:50:25 UTC
Yes it all starts from some source of evil, bad blood, beaf, the primary source of evil is the nachash the snake from the garden of eden.
2014-11-22 03:24:08 UTC
we are known by the company we keep.Disassociate yourself from people who indulge on that type of behavior and the false accusation shall stop.for this reason we are ready always .
2014-11-22 02:19:54 UTC
I'm not so sure it's that you really are attracting false accusations or whether it's just a misperception. One way a person can believe they are attracting false accusations is if they are doing things that they shouldn't be doing, and only believe the accusations are false because you don't realize your own wrongs.

Are you certain you aren't doing something wrong that attracts accusations? If you are certain you are not, then forget about it.

Everybody on Earth has their detractors and their antagonists, and most people receive antagonism or even accusations from perfect strangers. People can be aggressive, hurtful wretches. In this case, it's their problem not yours. Ignore it and move on.
2014-11-21 23:04:05 UTC
2014-11-21 19:27:10 UTC
i think so
2014-11-21 11:40:23 UTC
some yes
Groove doctor
2014-11-21 11:12:07 UTC
Certainly, especially if they have a bad past record and are unpredictable
2014-11-21 08:47:39 UTC
You have a victim complex. Anytime someone complains a lot about how the world treats them, that's a sure sign that you're the problem yourself, as you're the common denominator in it all. If you're not the cause of all the drama in your own life (which is very possible), at the very least you make poor choices about whom to spend time with. If you're hanging around of lot of trashy, high-drama people it's obviously what you prefer to do. You could choose to seek a better class of friends, but instead you choose to play the victim, be a drama queen and complain about it on YA. If you want to avoid drama, then you need to learn to be a better judge of character. But it sounds like you're the kind of person who's addicted to drama, and likes to be in the victim mentality because you want people to feel sorry for you and offer you pity.
2014-11-20 22:21:29 UTC
2014-11-20 21:57:57 UTC
2014-11-20 21:16:08 UTC
2014-11-20 20:50:48 UTC
2014-11-20 17:09:26 UTC
People will not like my answer but the honest truth is you most likely carry yourself in a manner people classify with these accusations or the crowd you surround yourself with is like this. Be who you are though the truth is people will categorize you no matter what.
2014-11-20 15:58:58 UTC
2014-11-20 14:59:01 UTC
your behaviour might attract false accusations and you don't realise that. I would work on self-esteem issues instead of blaming destiny or something out there. Think about it.
2014-11-20 13:58:23 UTC
I got accuse of sexual harassment when in line at McDonald because this girl scooted back and rubbed against me. I swear she was grinding on me and so the male body's natural reaction is to stiffen is when she freaked and hell broke.
2014-11-20 10:40:06 UTC
Yes i think
2014-11-20 08:18:00 UTC
The reason behind it for myself is because I'm on the Autism Disorder Spectrum which makes me weird to others. Are in no way saying you are like that, for me it's my autism! To me my normal is abnormal to everyone else, this in turns creates the accusations you mention. Laugh at it by calling myself a fayre!!!
2014-11-20 02:03:15 UTC
That's just how it is, especially if you're a good person.

And it happens even more if you're a Christian.

It doesn't matter what you do, people are just that way.

I guarantee whatever you think you're going through, you've never been as spitefully accused as I have.

I have yet to meet anyone who has been through the crucible of the shear and utter ineptitude of people as I have. Everyone has at least someone who thinks good of them, someone they can at least trust to some extent. I do not, other than those who are obligated. So, I guess there must be some who don't even have their family.

However, what I've been through is of no fault of my own because I have yet to succumb to actually treating another badly or bowing to the pressure to harm others just to make it lighter on myself.

I attribute that strength to Christ.

When the Bible says the meek shall inherit the earth, it's not talking about simpletons oblivious to the world around them. It's talking about those who suffer daily at the hands of common everyday people because of how they're spitefully accused, mistreated, gossiped about, and even through it all, they insist on retaining their meekness and refusing to disparage another.

It's hard, and it will be even a psychological challenge, but you must understand that others are generally foolish and are easily convinced of nonsense.

You will find less baseless judgement leveled against you in unspoken words and gossip when you're not around in others like you, but in others like you, you will also find it more difficult to find a friend, but once you do, you will find a more loyal type of friend if they are not too weak.

I find that most who come to be my friend are far too weak and will inevitably succumb to the foolishness of those who wish to cause me problems.

This is why the Bible says "vengeance is mine saith the Lord," because anyone who goes through this sort of thing comes to a point where they could torture and kill those who wish to hurt them, but God's justice is far more effective in teaching people the right things.

Some will come to this realization and be sorry, some will see the suffering they inflicted first-hand, and feel some of the pain they inflicted on others while some, the truly cursed, will never feel the reality that they are wrong, will never see the pain they inflicted till they die, and then they'll learn it for eternity. I feel for them the most because they'll learn everything for eternity without a single thing upon which to say, "please, make it more lenient for this reason or that." They will have nothing to point too because they were never made to suffer it themselves while still on this earth.
2014-11-20 00:46:18 UTC
Yes some people get labeled as scapegoats because they are easy to blame.
2014-11-19 22:53:55 UTC
Now i'm not too positive it really is which you are really getting bogus claims or perhaps whether it is merely a misperception. In order to an individual may feel they may be getting bogus will be should they are usually carrying out items that they will must not be carrying out, and only feel the particular claims are usually bogus as you don't get your own personal wrongs.
2014-11-21 22:59:08 UTC
2014-11-21 19:40:45 UTC
2014-11-21 19:18:44 UTC
I think so, but it can be different for all kinds of people.
2014-11-21 18:49:06 UTC
2014-11-21 14:39:24 UTC
2014-11-21 14:29:39 UTC
Chris cc
2014-11-21 10:58:49 UTC
Don't do this to me, stop this question. I am going to contact the police about it.
2014-11-21 05:56:05 UTC
My sis/bro be patient and it is the key to everything.Trust in the LORD at all times.ephesians 1vs15-18.Proverbs 25vs15
2014-11-21 02:32:58 UTC
same here! i ******* hate people like that.
2014-11-20 21:14:11 UTC
If you can figuring out what most people consider as wrong then you can avoid wrongly accused.
thomas r
2014-11-20 12:19:23 UTC
Jealousy, Envy, Guilt, Hatred/Anger,Deception and Lack of Trust can turn people against one another the accused person may not be guilty of accusations but the accuser has some of the above deficiencies so this causes Chaos with that person and people around them.
2014-11-20 11:12:02 UTC
2014-11-20 10:47:06 UTC
Folks come to initial conclusions based on your appearance, e.g. hygiene, grooming, clothing style, demeanor, with whom you choose to associate with. As they get to know you, you are further defined by your actions and reactions to various situations. It's all about how you come across and it's all within your control as to change how you're perceived by others. Hire a life coach or go see a shrink. They can advise you on how to develop your innate personality traits into an acceptable/effective persona. Develop some core beliefs from which all your decisions and opinions are based upon. Most of all, be honest, genuine, and sincere in all that you do.
2014-11-20 07:14:09 UTC
sounds like people might misunderstand you or what you're saying. Try talking about other things not people
jim k
2014-11-20 01:37:17 UTC
2014-11-20 01:24:58 UTC
wow this is something alot of people face daily but most of them cannot come out in public to say it so i must comment your boldness and to let you know the first step of seeking solution have been meet, secondly i want to let you know its only you that can tell the truth about you watch your relationship with others and try to pick the things that you want others to do to you or say to you them apply that in turn....get some few trusted friends and tell tel to tel you the truth about what they think about you or is it that your the only person feeling that way. never stop until you get what you want.. thanks alot hope this helps
2014-11-19 21:45:52 UTC
it happens to me almost everyday...and damn it's so very hard to deal with such accusations

particularly when unfounded, moreover some of them were so intense that reached even to

the police, and you know what they told me? " if i can prove it" and supported the person

who has badly and i mean very badly harmed me, and put on my back all sorts of ****,

out of envy, and with the hope people would hate me at least half of how much this

person hated me...also i get false accusations in my work environment based on

the same reason ...ENVY, and SPITE
2014-11-19 21:44:47 UTC
I don't know about others but I do...
2014-11-19 20:59:13 UTC
Yes many people attracted accusations
2014-11-19 20:37:35 UTC
Yes many people attracted accusations
2014-11-21 20:54:48 UTC
So many answers so far! I would just say that everyone has a stigma, and that is really hard to break. You are know as a certain person and that can be heard to break, good luck. :)
2014-11-21 17:26:45 UTC
Yeah, I find a lot of people I know have loads of weird rumors about them, like that they never shower or they made out with their dog or they got a boob job. Whereas my friends and I have never had a rumor about ourselves. I don't think there's one reason for it. One girl who had loads of rumors about her was just a b!tch who people hated and wanted to get back at. Another was a bit skanky so people made fun of her because the rumors were funny and believable. Some are just nice so people who are easy targets. I say cut yourself off from people who stir things. People who really know you will believe you and that's what matters.
2014-11-21 11:22:06 UTC
Well, I say you just start snapping out on people. Keep a small circle of friends (and family), screw everyone else. Don't be afraid to instigate now and then, either. Evil people take kindness for weakness. You're nice, so that's why you get attacked. The evil people who prey on genuinely nice people are really cowards. So, if you seem like a loose cannon, those people will just back off. It worked for me. I started being a complete **** in high school, and suddenly I had nothing but respect. It sounds backwards, but it's very true.
2014-11-21 09:02:10 UTC
Katherine. Gwyneth. Poodle. 2. DE.

Do I think that I have heard of stories of people being wrongly given the death sentence? Yes.

What to do about it? Log on to Twitter and tweet "Large W/E to 6 #Asunder", and FAV that tweet.

Then thank back with your fave activities Lifely like a snowball 4rm Mt. AEverest
2014-11-21 04:36:42 UTC
Yes, just yesterday I was accused of being that doodle notes troll character on top of some hateful things which really just hurt meh feelings. I'm like really Smh. As soon as I answered her question in defense she deleted it, so I was like ok. Sometimes people will just hate you Werbie for no good reason. Sometimes, you don't even have to say or do anything. Sometimes people hate you for the very act of being you because they lack credibility. You have a very good head on your shoulders. You have good deductive reasoning skills and aren't so quick to react. Just sit back and put on your dark sunglasses... Grow stronger in you. Cause "bytches be trippin"
2014-11-21 01:55:20 UTC
yes because often it's something from your past they always use as the basis for false accusations
2014-11-21 00:46:55 UTC
yes,.. because here in our generations today many people do that,. specially to those people who are rich, when they got trouble to the people who are down with them they make accusation,. and those only people who that when they are guilty. and they did it just for them to be safe.
2014-11-20 17:37:05 UTC
To Bluntly put it! If that's all there is to the story (Other than maybe the tone of your voice at the time you talk), those people you speak of sound like idiots! There's plenty around. Never in my life have a seen a town with people in it like Las Vegas, NV USA! People like that are a dime a dozen. Find some new friends, get rid of the rest!
2014-11-20 15:32:30 UTC
Did you move to China for work? An Chinese friend of mine moved to China for work. From what she told me, people over there are "different"
2014-11-20 12:29:13 UTC
If it's not of a legal matter and it doesn't put your health or life (or those of family) in danger, it doesn't really matter.
2014-11-20 11:31:35 UTC
Some ones beffin, and deserves to get hit. People that spread lies are no good.

If its just any situation then pay attention to what is happening around you, if its more than one person you are doing something that needs fixing.
2014-11-20 00:32:51 UTC
If you believe in reincarnation, then it is possibly past life connected. You might of done things to people in another life that made them not trust you and accuse you of these accusations. On the other hand, I have in real life had a few experiences where people have falsely accuse me of things. One incident was a white women I worked with that sat next to me had this diamond ring that was given to her by her boyfriend. So one day it goes missing. She has no clue what happened to it so she accuses me of stealing the ring because I'm Hispanic. (She would probably do the same thing to a black person.) She convinces people at work that I took it. A week later, It turns out her boyfriend took the ring without her knowing about it and decided to have a message engraved in the ring. She felt weird about accusing me of taking the ring. The only way her boyfriend could get access to her ring is if she left it at home.
2014-11-19 18:42:42 UTC
Bill Cosby attracts false accusations because he is a rapist. Oh wait.
2014-11-19 11:34:33 UTC
I can relate- people do that to me as well. We have no control over others. If you hear of specifics-confront the person and ask for proof. Good Luck
2014-11-19 18:54:15 UTC
2014-11-23 16:53:37 UTC
I think sometimes we can definitely be falsely accused... So yes...and we can also bring it on ourselves b/c we often put out the wrong kind of vibes or energy...
2014-11-19 11:04:10 UTC
Racial minorities are usually the subject of false accusations.
2014-11-22 19:01:37 UTC
Go hang out with people who are worthy of success by living a clean life.
2014-11-22 01:50:28 UTC
2014-11-19 08:12:44 UTC
Being a rich celebrity who has millions to pay out in settlements helps.
2014-11-19 13:59:56 UTC
Definitely. There is someone in my class who constantly talks and rightfully gets blamed for it. One day, someone else committed the crime, and he was falsely blamed. this sort of thing happens to be too, and it probably happens to everyone.
2014-11-20 09:01:20 UTC
I'd say men in general
2014-11-23 12:48:57 UTC
I think a lot of people enjoy being the victim and either directly or indirectly contribute to this through their behavior.
2014-11-22 20:52:57 UTC
may be you are not you .Some time doing right things make you feel wrong and opposite.The mental orders in different people are different .Do your own things and do not focus to around people ,cause your may crash other minds ,which at that time they will get hart or will hart you.
2014-11-19 16:15:11 UTC
There are many reasons to this. Though the majority is that they get bored, there are others but most are emotional.
2014-11-20 18:51:50 UTC
2014-11-19 21:38:27 UTC
To deal with this, you need to accept yourself as you are and correct any REAL bad habits, such as criticising too much or trying to convert others to your way of thinking.
2014-11-19 12:12:16 UTC
If you believe in reincarnation, then it is possibly past life connected. You might of done things to people in another life that made them not trust you and accuse you of these accusations. On the other hand, I have in real life had a few experiences where people have falsely accuse me of things. One incident was a white women I worked with that sat next to me had this diamond ring that was given to her by her boyfriend. So one day it goes missing. She has no clue what happened to it so she accuses me of stealing the ring because I'm Hispanic. (She would probably do the same thing to a black person.) She convinces people at work that I took it. A week later, It turns out her boyfriend took the ring without her knowing about it and decided to have a message engraved in the ring. She felt weird about accusing me of taking the ring. The only way her boyfriend could get access to her ring is if she left it at home.
2014-11-22 17:55:26 UTC
I'm on the same boat sister. That's my life story you're telling right there.
2014-11-23 15:21:15 UTC
2014-11-23 06:32:38 UTC
2014-11-22 15:33:25 UTC
2014-11-21 03:18:19 UTC
if you are born under Rohini star, vrushabha rasi (taurus), chances are that you may be falsely implicated once or twice in life, cusing some mental discomfort!
2014-11-22 14:45:27 UTC
Don't get into other people's business. Involve no one's drama, and no one will involve yours.
2014-11-21 14:14:11 UTC
Perhaps by their actions they indicate that they could be doing the wrong things, but not otherwise.
2014-11-23 02:11:04 UTC
2014-11-20 08:11:00 UTC
Long haired tattooed and judged but not convicted! F um!
2014-11-19 22:39:22 UTC
You are obviously trying to start trouble by posting this question.
2014-11-19 08:09:51 UTC
Accused of what?
2014-11-20 21:58:39 UTC
2014-11-19 20:39:47 UTC
I think most people do it, just to be 'rude.'
2014-11-21 18:37:45 UTC
Any guy who claims to be "nice" is a jerk. Simple as that.
2014-11-20 15:42:22 UTC
Yes if they have lied in the past.
2014-11-19 20:13:39 UTC
I do, and behind that I think it is because people try to set you up
2014-11-19 13:16:26 UTC
YA. You do not have time to invent

half the garbage you will read there.
2014-11-19 16:50:47 UTC
Say to them what you want to hear about your self,e.g.;Oh yeh,John is a great guy,I really like him .Be positive.
2014-11-22 15:07:32 UTC
To crave attention.
2014-11-19 10:52:40 UTC
Asian girls are only 3 feet tall and have side-ways vaginas.
2014-11-20 20:08:20 UTC
I have been accused of attracting abuse, but only by abusers.
2014-11-20 18:39:18 UTC
2014-11-20 14:41:42 UTC
2014-12-12 15:05:31 UTC
From now and then: yes.

From then and now: no.

From time to time: sometimes.
2014-11-21 12:22:17 UTC
Roan Shrestha
2014-11-23 06:46:40 UTC
somethings tells me that you are making your own way. if someone whom you have not interacted perceives you then thats different.
2014-11-19 14:27:46 UTC
be a person who does what you say your are going to do. and stick to decisions
2014-11-21 06:07:58 UTC
Yes, like coloured people in america.
2014-11-19 10:47:05 UTC
no never u just made that up cause ur a dyke
2014-11-20 22:46:46 UTC
Sometimes they does
2014-11-22 04:49:37 UTC
the law of attraction
2014-11-22 04:31:08 UTC
yes i think
Rachael H
2014-11-23 17:18:03 UTC
2014-11-19 21:09:28 UTC
the way you look, some people are dumb
2014-11-19 12:40:03 UTC
You killed my father. Prepare to die.
2014-11-23 00:45:32 UTC
i think people do.
2014-11-20 08:20:37 UTC
2014-11-20 13:45:12 UTC
How though?
Zezo Zeze Zadfrack
2014-11-21 17:26:46 UTC
they have money and fame
2014-11-25 00:19:29 UTC
2014-11-19 20:17:33 UTC
a helping hand
2014-11-19 19:03:37 UTC
2014-11-23 04:46:44 UTC
2014-11-20 13:45:49 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.