Why do men rape?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Why do men rape?
227 answers:
2015-05-07 18:53:24 UTC
Not all men rape, the question should be why do people rape?

Rapist most likely suffered some sort of trauma at an early age or some might just do it because they are mentally ill. The thrive on control and taking things by force and it's probably the only way they can feel arouse. Some are probably not as fortunate with the opposite sex. Some are probably just complete assholes who think it would be fun to watch someone scream and beg as they get their ways.

I knew a girl once that was molested by her step father and then raped by 2 drug dealers when she was a teen. The felt comfortable being around them since she really had no family. At 15, she was raped by them as they saw an attractive lonely girl who was very vulnerable and they forcefully took advantage of her. It's a shame that it had to happen to her, but you can tell as she got older, she was pretty damaged. I don't talk to her anymore because she shut door on people who actually care about her and leaves the door open for those who don't, and I was the one on the other side of the door.

Rape are usually done by cowards, those who show no respect towards the opposite sex. I would never be scared of a rapist, whether he's 6'5 300lbs or not, that's what my guns are for and they should be treated just like killers.
2015-05-09 01:57:28 UTC
There are a lot of horrible people in the world and unfortunately that includes rapists.

Anatomy has something to do with it- women can't really rape as much as men. Some men rape to gain power, some because they can't get anything else (a.k.a the creepers who live with their parents still and spend 24 hours a day on the computer), some because they are mentally insane, and some do it just because they can.

Rape is one of the most disgusting crimes.
2015-05-09 20:46:04 UTC
hmmm, that's a tricky question, but it all boils down to the law and the punishment. I mean the reason is not important, we have to move past that and recognize that there are always gonna be men who are gonna rape someone. The only way to minimize this is to introduce the death penalty for rape. Many countries have done it and we don't see them having more rape cases than the US. I mean I think we have more rape cases in my college alone than most countries with the death penalty for rape. It's all about human rights and equality. If we're forgiving a person because he raped someone through a sentence of say 10 years, what's going to stop this from happening again? I'm all for the death penalty for crimes such as kidnap, rape, murder, drug trafficking etc. These are pernicious crimes to society and civilization that only death can these criminals be forgiven.
2015-05-10 01:30:43 UTC
You see kids, there's essentially 3 main types of rape - 1. Statchetory rape - such as Chuckee Cheese style rape 2. Gang Bang Rape - which is multi-player rape 3. Good ol' classic rape, it's like Gone with the Wind, except with rape. Although mankind has gone through drastic changes in lifestyle and technology in the last 100 years, rape on the other has not.
2015-05-09 12:12:04 UTC
Well it's a control thing but it's not just men woman too also rape it's more promentant in prisons and other types of segregated environments but it's basically a way to choose a leader like having a vote for a new president except the person is taking leadership by force
2015-05-08 16:22:00 UTC
It's an interesting coincidence. I was just reading up on Ed Kemper (see photo). His mother Clarnell, was a violent alcoholic who would constantly belittle, humiliate and verbally abuse him. Clarnell often made her son sleep in a locked basement, because she feared that he would rape his younger sister. When Ed got older, he fell into a disturbing pattern of behavior. He'd get into an argument with his mother, then feeling emasculated, he would go out looking for a victim. They were always women. And the act always included killing, dismembering, and raping (usually in that order). It was clear in Ed Kemper's case, rape was a way for him to feel in control. I think killing was too. Eventually his mother met the same grizzly fate as Ed's other victims, although her postmortem abuse was by far the worst.

Having said that, there also seems to be people who have a rape fetish. While this is clearly sexual in nature, I don't know how much of it is about control. For some men, it may be that they just don't believe it when a woman says, "no".
2015-05-07 16:00:53 UTC
I've often wondered about this. Who wants to have relations with someone that does not want you back? That's why I consider rapists mentally ill to some degree. I've heard from women that have been raped that it is cold and brutal. For these men to know how traumatizing this is to the victim, and not care, makes them very dangerous to society. I feel they should be dealt with severely. Many rapists that got caught and incarcerated become murderers to avoid exposing their crimes when they get out of prison and rape again. It may very well be an animal instinct, but in today's world, we lock animals like that up. I hope they are never again let loose. One more thing. Rape is supposed to be one of the easiest crimes to get away with, because they often go unreported. I hope education about the subject will help change all that.
2015-05-08 10:23:49 UTC
They rape because they can. There are some strange answers on me but that rape is predisposed to males is crazy. We are sentient beings...we can think and reason and that raises are abilities above that of an animal. Rape is a power struggle and it is the want to dominate and often be brutal. As you see most men on here ignore the question and answer and revert to a meaningless tirade against females. A lot of men rape and get away with it. It isn't always the strange man pushing his way is often boyfriends and husbands that don't recognize the word no. There are all degrees of rape and every man knows it.
2015-05-07 06:14:56 UTC
Animalistic dominance. Rape occurs in all animal societies. In some species it is a necessity. Spiders, preying mantis, and such for example. The females will kill and eat the males, the only way the species survives is the males' sex drive overrides their survival instinct. They rape the females and try to get away before they get killed. The point is, rape is not a psychological dysfunction. It is an animal instinct that has outlived its necessity. Sex is an animal instinct. The desire to possess and dominate your partner is an animal instinct as well, for both sexes; and is observable. We ARE animals. The problem is we have developed a social structure that makes the domination instincts unnecessary and obsolete. Yet they endure because by their very nature and purpose they continue to be passed on to new generations. We humans are genetically predisposed to be dominating, territorial, and aggressive. Rape is a direct product of this.
2015-05-08 17:00:17 UTC
Rape is about control, power, domination: NOT sex. Rapists want to humiliate the victim.

Research shows that over 50% of rapes are planned. Rape is not an act of uncontrollable passion, it's a premeditated act of violence. Men are physically able to stop at any point during or before sexual activity.

Most rapes are committed by someone that the victim knows: an acquaintance, friend, neighbor, spouse, an intimate partner or an ex partner, or family member; not strangers.

The majority of rape victims are women, from infancy to old age.

Rapists look for vulnerable targets. Thinking that women provoke attacks against them by the way they dress transfers blame from the perpetrator to the victim. Research shows that this particular myth helps others feel better because they think that rape couldn’t happen to them.

Heterosexual men are responsible for the majority of all rapes.

Studies of rapists state that rapists are ordinary men.

Estimates show that between 50-90% of rapes go unreported.

Only 3% of rapists will ever spend a day in jail: 97 of every 100 rapists receive no punishment.
2015-05-07 18:38:39 UTC
The vast majority of men never rape anyone. Why do feminists refer to all men as rapists, when in reality it's only a very small minority of men who rape?
2015-05-07 05:46:13 UTC
Not all men rape so this question needs to be put properly to get the right answer.

Some men do rape and they feel powerful for a nano second.
Orla C
2015-05-07 05:43:32 UTC
A sense of entitlement, coupled with a lack of control. Rapist are men who never evolved from the cave man era.
2015-05-08 15:09:16 UTC
Not all men rape but here is the reason why men rape in my opinion. Speaking from someone who has been raped before. Men rape because they were either sexually abused in their past and are most likely to do it to someone else (i.e. male or female) or because they cannot stand rejection. They want to be the dominant in the situation as well which is why they do it
2015-05-08 06:43:47 UTC
Not all men rape, just as there are rapists who are women as well.

The question therefore should never be posed about why one sex should be WHY DO RAPISTS RAPE?

The truth'd understand better by talking to a female rapist than you would talking to the overwhelming majority of men.

I would hypothesize that rapists, like serial killers, are psychopaths that put their wants and needs above any consideration for those whom they harm.
Radical for freedom
2015-05-07 06:11:20 UTC
Don't you mean "some men" since most men do not commit rape? Women also commit rape.
Noah Boddy
2015-05-07 19:32:31 UTC
Why do men rape? It's in the genes. The simple fact is that rape allows genes to make it into the next generation. It's been known for ages that soldiers often rape (and pillage) after conquering the enemy. This is not a lark, but a deeply ingrained behavior. And primates other than humans will not only impregnate the females of a newly acquired harem, but also kill the existing offspring to induce estrus. Often the quest of genes to make it into the next generation causes many reprehensible behaviors.

Now this being said, humans are different from other animals in our ability to modify our behavior. So while an urge may be present in men, many will not act on it (at least nowadays). However, when you get men with ASPD (antisocial personality disorder) and other psychological deficits who have horrible impulse control and no compunction, you get rapists (and many other types of criminals). So the conjunction of genetics and personality disorder leads to men who act more like animals than any human should.
2015-05-08 12:44:32 UTC
Because Feminists have changed the rape laws so that they now include so-called "date rape" and so-called "marital rape". Women have entitlement. They can just sit or lie there and have no legal duties whatsoever, and it is just the active party (the male) who has to actually initiate everything and run all the legal risks.

Women should be legally forced to state before marriage and before each date, exactly what sexual acts (if any) that they want. Failure to to this should incur the same penalties as rape.

Rape Equality for Men!
2015-05-07 23:15:20 UTC
MEN : The women is ware the short cloths and also they expose so the rape due to the woman fault

WOMEN : The men don't control his self and also remember his pledge "" BHARATEYULANDARU NA SAHODARULU " it is men fault

But here both are raped each other what a funny

first both are know what situations causes the rape and avoid that situations that is the good thing

GOVERNMENT don't provide police to every person ( please follow the tradition )

you can ask we can follow the the rapes are stop i m not say completely stop some better and also avoid the rape situation
2015-05-08 18:19:05 UTC
Some people post really long answers - so here's my shorter version.

1. Power:

Rape may be done to humiliate or belittle the raped victim. It shows dominance of the rapist over their victim. It's for power. Not as common as sexual desire.

2. Sexual Desire:

You say that "why do men rape?". The real question should be "why do people rape?". We've all got sexual desires (minus the asexuals), and when people can't get those desires satisfied they end up very, very frustrated. Unfortunately rape happens as a result. Some rapists are old/unnattractive so consensual sex is very unlikely for them.
2015-05-09 03:35:34 UTC
Some men rape, and some women rape. Why they do it is going to vary dramatically from individual to individual, but at it's core it's a power issue. It's in the same sphere as physical assault, harassment, non-rape sexual assault, etc. Some people - for whatever their reason - feel the need to attempt to dominate others completely.
2015-05-08 16:58:21 UTC
Um, to skip the lengthy answers. I would say Some men rape to feel empowered.

Like, before woman received rights. Men had all the power, now, with EQUAL rights (sort of) Men's original rights as *ahem* MEN. are now null and void.

And for some reason, some men think this as unmanly. You should see what some men think is MANLY. It can be disgusting yet stupidly hilarious.
2016-04-28 14:54:49 UTC
my best friend - (who is a guy) - has been raped. Twice, actually. He was in a physically and sexually abusive relationship with a girl. And he had been raped by a man. Which is to say, females can commit rape too. And men can rape men. Either way, without the other persons consent, it is rape. Whether it's male on female, male on male, female on male, or female on female. Consent is everything.
2015-05-10 15:40:06 UTC
Not all rapes are done by men. there was actually a case from Shia Lebeouf that he was raped by a woman during some event. bottom line it is some form of sociopathic behavior so only extremely messed up people, man or woman, would even consider doing such a thing. hope this helps.
2015-05-09 02:16:26 UTC
Control and like having a Toy to play with , But remember Women rape too.
2015-05-08 21:13:14 UTC
Attacker no doubt endured an injury at an early age or some may very well do it on the grounds that they are rationally sick. The flourish with control and taking things by power and its most likely the main way they can feel stimulate. Some are likely not as blessed with the inverse sex. Some are most likely simply finish butt holes who think it would be enjoyable to watch somebody shout and ask as they get their ways.

I knew a young lady once that was attacked by her step father and afterward assaulted by 2 street pharmacists when she was a teenager. The felt open to being around them since she truly had no gang. At 15, she was assaulted by them as they saw an alluring desolate young lady who was extremely helpless and they commandingly exploited her. It's a disgrace that it needed to transpire, however you can tell as she got more established, she was really harmed. I don't converse with her any longer in light of the fact that she close entryway on individuals who really think about her and welcomes the individuals who don't, and I was the one on the opposite side of the entryway.

Assault are normally done by fainting girls, the individuals who demonstrate no admiration towards the inverse sex. I would never be terrified of an attacker, whether he's 6'5 300lbs or not, that is the thing that my weapons are for and they ought to be dealt with simply like executioners.
2015-05-11 17:27:18 UTC
First of all, men aren't the only ones who rape. Anyone can rape; male or female.

People rape for many reasons:

1) If they're angry at the victim

2) Need for power

3) Lust

4) They could just be drunk and not know what they're doing
2015-05-08 00:47:02 UTC
Men who rape are an embarrassment and downright nuisance to men like me because 1. it enables feminists to portray men in a bad light and 2. It might cause women to cover up more, which is bad news for an 'old perve' like me...hahahaha
2015-05-08 20:03:11 UTC
I dont know this properly but i can say the simple fact is that rape allows genes to make it into the next generation. It's been known for ages that soldiers often rape (and pillage) after conquering the enemy. This is not a lark, but a deeply ingrained behavior. And primates other than humans will not only impregnate the females of a newly acquired harem, but also kill the existing offspring to induce estrus. Often the quest of genes to make it into the next generation causes many reprehensible behaviors.
2016-01-03 11:38:12 UTC
Its annoying how the asked primarily quotes that the victim of the rape is the female and the rapist is a man, male rape is just as harsh and is overlooked by society, as men are ment to be strong tough people we don't care, and look only and only take serious the rape of women, who are ment to be the damsels in distress.
2015-05-07 19:49:23 UTC
Feminist detected! EVACUATE! EVACUATE! But in all seriousness, not all men rape. Some WOMEN have been convicted of rape too, though. I personally see rape as forced sex, not "forced penetration," like most people tend to. But PEOPLE (not just men or women but both) that rape tend to have mental issues. Some might be into BDSM and crap, seeing that they like watching people "submit" to them and stuff. Even though if you're being raped, you clearly ARE NOT submitting to them! Have a nice day.
2015-05-07 18:26:34 UTC
Some men do rape and other men do not.

Many who do this believe that such action implies that they have control over other people. If fact, if they DID have control of themselves, they would not rape. This indicates a weakness they have.

Unfortunately, many women today accept receiving it and some of them even do it.
2015-05-08 00:36:33 UTC
Not all men rape, but the one who rapes is having some mental problem.
2015-05-08 18:48:13 UTC
If rape wasn't a crime id do it. But its mostly done by men who wants to have more thrill in sexual activities and they may be like 10% mentally ill because the threatened and scared screams are kind of a turn on for them just like those f***** up horny japanese men out there.
2015-05-07 05:59:43 UTC
Because they lack self control and women are considered weaker than men so it's easy to rape them. Women rape also but not as much!
2015-05-08 04:30:21 UTC
SOME men rape for the same reasons SOME women rape. NOT ALL MEN RAPE!!! Neither do all women.
2015-05-11 08:57:25 UTC
When Ed got older, he fell into a disturbing pattern of behavior. He'd get into an argument with his mother, then feeling emasculated, he would go out looking for a victim. They were always women. And the act always included killing, dismembering, and raping (usually in that order). It was clear in Ed Kemper's case, rape was a way for him to feel in control. I think killing was too. Eventually his mother met the same grizzly fate as Ed's other victims, although her postmortem abuse was by far the worst.
Rachel L
2015-05-08 19:29:19 UTC
Anger directed at some women. There was a story, I think about Ted Bundy, well we only went after young women with light brown hair. Maybe it happens from pent up rage from a childhood or young adulthood experience. Some is peer pressure to be aggressive. Whatever is the cause , please seek help, is all I can say , to anyone who might rape, because it doesn t solve the inner rage and makes matters worse.
2015-05-08 22:23:59 UTC
Rape is also a form of theft or robbery. Sex is need but one needs to get this with free consent You can't even take some commodity from a shop forcibly. You need to negotiate and pay before acquiring. This is true about sex also. Just as many commit dacoity and theft, they commit rape also.
2015-05-08 23:55:01 UTC
This is the most sexist and retarded question I have ever seen. It`s not like women rape too, nah! Men are the root of all evil and they`re the only ones to rape.
Cookie monster
2015-11-18 10:01:52 UTC
Hold on just a minute woman rape to not only men so get that feminist bs out of your head . And all the other people commenting on here is right
2015-05-07 20:38:17 UTC
Power. Men; for this question, are frustrated with their situation. They aren't in control of their lives for what ever reason so they want to exact some sort of control. I believe that in some cases they have been rejected so many times it drives them crazy. This is usually an extension of the fact that most women can sense when a man isn't in control or is weak so they are turned off. The man becomes frustrated and wants to prove his manliness so he goes after what he wants. Control = Power
2015-05-09 12:07:56 UTC
My friend said its depends they properly have a traumantic experience cause them to want to rape people

but if a person who use date rape drugs than this guy properly has been rejected many times so need to use this type of things . Rapist likely has lowself esteem and if has a temper properly is Bipolar Disoder
2015-05-08 18:08:13 UTC
Men rape others so that they can have a sense of power over the other individual.
2015-05-08 02:57:27 UTC
Nobody has mentioned sexual frustration. That, plus opportunity, is surely some kind of reason. But your question is a good one. Currently all the focus is on the victim. Little is said, or done, about men who may be on the verge of raping.
2015-05-07 20:06:12 UTC
It is a complex issue. Some people rape because somehwere during their growing up, or in life they experienced some form of violent sex. They want to take out the agression, humility,shame they felt during the ordeal. Some do it out of being mentally crooked. Rape dirtifies the victim.
2015-05-08 20:13:34 UTC
Most stats on actual rape are bogus ! Get in depth details in each case and learn the truth. Most being consentual fornication turned into latter scorned vengence against the male counterpart. Lots of bipolar manic women out there undiagnosed too! check your facts and dont believe just what some biased medias quote out of bitter hate. HATE HAS TAKEN ROOT IN AMERICA, ESPECIALLY in women. Open your eyes and stop it now.
James Elam
2015-05-07 21:20:36 UTC
Very interesting topic, wondering why this question hasn't been removed for violations. Oh well, to answer this really bogus question, MEN rape because they simply feel like doing so.
2015-05-09 00:17:37 UTC
Rapes happen because some men are insecure, afraid of being rejected. But .... I wonder why do men rape children !!!!!!!
2015-05-07 18:25:15 UTC
control/power, hatred of women. If it's hatred of women its probably some serious mommy issues. if it's because of control/power, their just dicks/assholes. However, they may have been bullied severely their whole life, they have low self esteem, can't get chicks normally, you get the gist. Or their just complete psychopaths. In most cases I'd say their just psychopaths, but it can also be some really deep dark reasons like the ones i said above. its somewhat of a gray area, but in general rape is a fucked up thing and people(including women) who do it deserve to die.
2015-05-09 06:30:56 UTC
I'm a man, I've never raped anyone. Dang. That's like asking why do all women use men for money?
2016-01-22 20:07:30 UTC
As moms and sisters, we ladies, need to assume liability of giving our young men enough love, consideration and great values to such an extent that the new meaning of manliness ought to be confronting peer weight, unfairness with all utilizing the God's blessing (physical quality) to the event of all. I by one means or another feel this is additionally established in insatiability, qualification, low regard (she is at any rate going to say no to me and I am going to show her a lesson) furthermore male conscience. Men ,as per me, are not exceptionally solid rationally, they will do things for which they get acknowledged for or recognized by companions or more grounded men. There is an undercurrent which lauds assault and brutality against ladies. It unquestionably has it roots in our homes, the mother who this young man spends his starting phases of existence with… .Hardly there are any fathers who are sharp in raising their children. They get back home, sit in front of the television, read daily paper, request tea/espresso and once in for a little while the child sees mother and father battling about some extramarital issues. Children are not accepting the right flag
2016-01-19 09:11:10 UTC
I rape because some of the women I love ever so dearly im too afraid to talk to so I just use my magical powers to send my 50 foot dick up there skirt and they seem to live in a parralell dimension where it isn't happening, also I do it for a certain type of pleasure parshally sadism, ive grown up being tought by everyone that rape is the worst thing in the world and I know know im satan and like being twisted so I force sex upon anything that moves, also its a punishment practice so they don't do what ever they were doing again or ever do, also people will pay you too, and I used it as a defence mechanism when spirits are attacking me, but mostly I just do it to condemn people, and I like raping my ****** and jew slaves.
2015-05-28 10:01:21 UTC
It is about power and can also be their emotions coming out I.e upset or anger.

Women also rape, though it is more follow for men
2015-05-08 13:49:39 UTC
It's a combination of antisocial personality, being ugly and being poor. That man doesn't have the looks to get sex, lacks the money to rent a hooker, and is willing to use violence to get sex. Funny how the media likes to cover up the fact that most victims are younger and more attractive than average. Contrary to the myth, rape is more about sex than power.
2015-05-09 07:26:59 UTC
Men simply have the power to better execute violent acts, but men also show more self control as well. I can't imagine where the world would be if women had male strength, but maintained the unstable irrational thinking of a woman.
2015-05-11 16:50:48 UTC
Someone above mentioned that rape is planned and not a result of loss of control. My cousin raped me so i know. He must have planned it because he was baby sitting us when my parents left for work.
2015-05-10 04:52:28 UTC
Because we're stronger and women weaker. Also, females usually don't rape because double standards says females can't be as open with their sexuality as males.
Md Naimur
2015-05-08 10:48:19 UTC
But first a perplexing question must be confronted and answered: Why do men rape? The quest for the answer to that question has occupied the two of us .
2015-05-09 01:04:19 UTC
Only unintelligent people rape women and men, folks are generally rotten to each other cos' we are ALL greedy
2016-02-11 07:22:24 UTC
Most rapes are committed by someone that the victim knows: an acquaintance, friend, neighbor, spouse, an intimate partner or an ex partner, or family member; not strangers.
2015-05-07 20:55:30 UTC
Because Most of these people were raised in a messed up place and have mental problems...not all mean rape tho...
2015-05-10 12:06:21 UTC
Men are not the only ones that rape...
2015-05-08 13:48:54 UTC
not all men rape but i think the men that do rape, rape because they're sick and love power. that's what i think
2015-05-09 04:04:08 UTC
Actually, most men do NOT rape.
2015-05-07 18:52:27 UTC
Because the ones who do are sick and messed up. But don't forget that some women can rape men...IDK how tho...
jean ann j
2015-05-07 08:50:48 UTC
The men that rape have sick minds that want power and control over the women.
2015-05-08 00:36:24 UTC
I have only ever made love with a woman who did it willingly !!!I could never rape a woman !! It totally stuffs up their lives forever !!!! My ex was raped !! She has been in & out of prison ever since !!! I have met girls who have been raped by family members & they can't trust them any more !!! All rapists should be castrated !!!
2015-05-08 21:32:53 UTC
Women rape also.
2015-05-08 07:29:20 UTC
Women can also rape
2015-05-07 18:14:10 UTC
Women rape as well, this question title needs to be fixed
2015-05-08 08:44:02 UTC
First of all most men do not rape. Women rape too, not just men.
2015-05-07 21:45:03 UTC
why do some women rape ?

why does 1+1=2 ?

why does the sun shine ?

why do humans have two legs and not 3 ?

why do i ask you why when youre asking me why ?

why ?
2015-05-07 21:07:47 UTC
men rape and women rape so stfu
2015-05-10 12:16:47 UTC
Heterosexual men are responsible for the majority of all rapes.

Studies of rapists state that rapists are ordinary men.
2015-05-08 07:16:13 UTC
Because most men when they see a hot chick they will be like "DAMN dat *** she hot man" and stuff like that... Men are vile creatures who cannot control their urges... and they will easily rape any hot girl if they got back as leaders as they did 100 years ago!! Men are genocidal, creepy, and absolute beasts!!
2015-05-09 06:42:18 UTC
Rape is a huge turn on.
2015-05-09 09:55:08 UTC

-This message is brought to you by the Feminist Association of America.
2015-05-08 21:15:56 UTC
There may be different motives but take a serial Rapo Offender like Bill Cosby and You Understand its all about being the boss over someone else its not about sex, but the power and pure humiliation of another person.
Somebody with many questions
2015-05-08 10:23:39 UTC
I think rapists should get their genitals removed. chopped off. And I'm a guy.

google 10 million rapes us prisons,

2015-05-08 02:09:18 UTC
not all men rape
2015-05-07 19:04:59 UTC
Some men you mean
2015-05-08 11:41:19 UTC
Testosterone. All about hormones. Ever hear of a piece. Why do men want BJ's?
2015-05-08 20:04:52 UTC
Some men don't do it but some do because they're stupid and ignorant and its absolutely ridiculous! You should always treat a girl, lady, etc. with respect.
2015-05-08 13:19:31 UTC
Why do women rape?
2015-05-09 17:09:46 UTC
I can imagine so many horrible causes for a situation such as this; mental disorder, abused physically or most likely sexually, dominance... jeez, it's freaking me out trying to think of reasons. I hope everything is okay with you! :)
2015-05-09 02:34:19 UTC
Why do women rape?
2015-05-07 17:23:50 UTC
because most men are animals....if girls go out at night or having males friends and think they will never get rape they're stupid
2015-05-09 21:12:11 UTC
i am dedicated to raping all day long if needed ,rape feels good
2015-05-07 16:01:32 UTC
All men do not rape.You may want to reword this question. But i can see where your question is coming from and my answer is that a few do it just cause he is either unstable, a few do it cause it makes then feel empowered, and a few do it for the feel.
2015-05-07 20:41:41 UTC
Speaking from experience here, when my Dad touched and raped me I went to my best friend, BN gay, he raped me too :( If u get raped just keep goin bak #ienjoyit
2015-05-07 21:48:42 UTC
Am unsure. Why do some women rape?
Nobody Knows Anything
2015-05-08 10:52:01 UTC
For the same reason that women rape- because they're rapists.
2015-05-07 10:50:24 UTC
Men are desensitised to both their own feelings and the feelings of others. If they were brought up to be naturally sensitive they would notice that there are always plenty of both women and men who want them sexually and they can satisfy their sexual needs easily with willing partners;and that, it is cruel to force themselves upon un-willing partners.
2015-05-07 15:01:04 UTC
I don,t understand why men rape :(
2015-05-10 15:27:00 UTC
It isn't rape. The woman is just being a witch. She knows she really likes it.
2015-05-07 06:22:32 UTC
Because they've been taught that women are nothing but objects that exist for the pleasure of men, and that women owe them sex.
2015-05-07 19:17:24 UTC
Rape are usually done by cowards, those who show no respect towards the opposite sex.
2015-05-07 05:54:28 UTC
Selfishness and a lack of empathy and self control, ultimately.

Both genders/sexes are capable of such awful acts.
2015-05-09 14:24:01 UTC
I dont think its about dominance 100% of the time. Maybe sometimes it is just about the sex and past rejections, traumas, etc just fuel the incentive. Especially If they 'know' they could get away with it.
2015-05-07 05:59:24 UTC
They are taught extremely well by the Bible = Judges 19:20-30
2015-05-07 12:59:59 UTC
Power. And the women who rape do it for the same reason. Power.
2015-05-07 08:42:30 UTC
They're very evil they do it to violate and humiliate a woman in the worst way imaginable take something away from her she'll never get back.
2015-08-06 07:45:31 UTC
Is the rape a kind of revenge or what!
2015-05-08 17:40:02 UTC
It may be that they are not loved, so they find pleasure in raping.
2015-05-10 18:45:16 UTC
They can't control sex. Sometimes They become mad for sex. If they get any girl at that time he rape her.
2015-05-08 10:26:20 UTC
to get power over a situation. human relations are psychologically deep and complex, when they are out-of-control, men exercise power rather than reason.

ego is a main determinant.
2015-05-08 22:19:54 UTC
Raping is bad and should not be tolerated.
2015-05-08 01:43:19 UTC
they are a lot of crazy people out there if they are willing to do something they will do it what is a cause for concern is vulnerable people exposing themselves and putting themselves in these situations afterwards the victim because a feminist assuming everyone of the opposite gender is the enemy
2015-05-07 06:08:07 UTC
Power trip
2015-05-07 20:24:35 UTC
Honestly speaking and to be frank with you, they do not want to believe in such rumors. They may be theoretically perfect but practically weak.

Sometime, it may be the mischief of a bad mouth.
※ Blueberry ※
2015-05-07 19:48:00 UTC
some "men" and "women" rape because they have yet to evolve into humans, or they have devolved

basically, it's the same reason the wild beasts in Africa do it
2015-05-08 13:18:23 UTC
They want sex but no one will give it to them, so they turn to rape
2015-05-07 18:09:08 UTC
Power and Dominance
2015-05-10 03:49:50 UTC
Rape is because mofo was horny, stop pretending like there's deeper meaning to it.
2015-08-02 15:22:12 UTC
i want to rape
2015-05-07 16:26:55 UTC
Because they're cowards and will never developed to become a respectful gentleman
2015-05-07 14:57:56 UTC
They are chavenistically insane apes w/ Domination on their brains 24/7....
2015-05-08 13:52:37 UTC
Not all do nor is one gender not raping.
2015-05-10 16:39:59 UTC
Id imagine lots of them find it fun to have that much control and get their rocks off at the same time
2015-05-07 18:18:50 UTC
not all men rape...women have been known to rape too, so why do they?....
2015-05-07 05:47:41 UTC
Power/a choice / can't control them self
2015-05-08 05:28:37 UTC
according to me it is wrong and he rape due to hi mind free
2015-05-09 15:45:53 UTC
they rape because they believe that they have the power to and the women will do anything they say, they believe that women won't report the crime because it will be embrassing for them.
2015-05-08 16:53:32 UTC
One word, Dominance. And not just men do it, women do it as well.
2015-05-08 14:12:09 UTC
Because they are ignorant and sick.

They want sex, and they want it so bad that they would do anything to get it, and they don't care. They refuse to ignore the desire for sex, or get married so that it would be ok to have sex. They just want to do what they want to do, no matter the consequence.
2015-05-07 05:55:19 UTC
Power over someone. Has nothing to do with sex. There is many women who would have sex with them but they want to force sex on someone to gain this feeling of power.
2015-05-08 07:07:49 UTC
Its an illness and addiction. They are sick violent men who can't control their urges
2015-05-08 09:44:26 UTC
Because some men are insane and they cannot control their unique brain called balls.
2015-05-09 03:44:03 UTC
Es algo estupido, porque abusar? ¿PORQUÉ? lo unico que sé, esque la clase de personas que hacen eso, están enfermas mentalmente, no entiendes Directamente un NO, no tienen control de si mismos, ni de su vida, gente enferma que no tiene sentimientos, porque dañar o crear un recuerdo tan dolorosa a otra persona? mas si esto ocurre a la fuerza, ¿PORQUE VIOLAR? porque a una menor o a tu esposa o a tu amiga, tu vecina, tu prima, nieta, sobrina, empleada, a una desconocida? a alguien INOCENTE? porque violar? porque el AFÄN de querer lastimar a esa persona, porque sinceramente es lo que harian, LASTIMARLA ¿? porque??? .. que te ha hecho ella o el para merecer tan enferma acción? .. quizá tal violencia sea de genes pero eso no justifica tal PENDEJADA, porque no hacer algo asi y pagarle a una prostituta, o respetar a tu pareja o lo que sea su '' NO QUIERO'' ya vendrá otra ocasion ¿? porque ?? , SON ACCIONES ENFERMAS? por que dañar a alguien inocente, Hombres piensenlo, ¿porque arruinar una vida?
Old Gamer 56
2015-05-09 08:55:46 UTC
I'm not sure that I completely buy the theory that rape is not about sex. I dunno. There is just an evil side to human nature. I wish it never happened.
2015-05-08 11:46:34 UTC
Men should say pretty-please.
Alex Ruman4u
2015-05-09 14:03:33 UTC
Having an erection while beating the crap out of someone is totally unimaginable to me. Maybe it's a combination of revenge, a double "Y" chromosome, alcohol and or drugs and brain damage. (CRAZY!)
2015-05-09 04:19:21 UTC
Its Biology
2015-05-08 01:07:52 UTC
to feel empowered

to humiliate and hurt the victim (sadists)

to vent off their anger and hatred towards the victim or the victim's sex

to have sexual pleasure when they are seriously deprived

or because they are horny and they can't take no for an answer
2015-05-08 10:05:43 UTC
why do humans rape would be the correct question
Wee Trojan
2015-05-08 04:14:26 UTC
This is to do with low self esteem and anger problems. It is so sad because they think it is about

power and its not.
2015-05-09 01:47:59 UTC
Who knows? It's disgusting! Maybe because they find the girlds attractive, but who knows.
2016-03-30 17:29:13 UTC
because men are bad and need to be deported by Trump
2015-05-08 11:19:44 UTC
Might as well ask why do men murder, rob or commit other types of crimes.
2015-05-08 06:56:30 UTC
Be cuz he still thinking that he live in a primitive ages
2015-05-11 09:51:12 UTC
Because the women ask for it. If they don't make sandwiches tis all they get.
2015-05-08 20:14:15 UTC
For control, power and domination
2015-05-09 19:20:23 UTC
that a very good question we have all type of crazy people but to answer your question is hard. I can only imagine.
2015-05-07 05:46:16 UTC
I think it's to assert power
2015-05-07 19:52:43 UTC
Rape is a crime of violence.
2015-05-08 17:52:09 UTC
this SEXIST! I mean why do women rape, huh?
2015-05-07 22:14:33 UTC
Sadism ,Aggression ,Selfish

all these are popular traits for masculinity
2015-05-11 08:43:40 UTC
I don't know, but it's evil and terrible and horrible.
2015-05-08 01:26:53 UTC
ya'll women be leading my sex starved brothas on and when we throw the python yo way you say no yall mutha f*ckas must be trippin my d*ck needs sustenance hoe, stay nasty

2016-05-26 16:18:27 UTC
Its a control thing
2015-05-09 14:50:37 UTC
Their intention is not to inflict pain by way of violence. Their intention is to simply gratify themselves sexually.

They just wanna shoot their wad.
2015-05-07 14:26:12 UTC
because they are lower than the social norm and feel the need to be put in the spot light of attention
2015-05-08 06:25:39 UTC
Same reason women do
The Great King Turtle
2015-05-08 23:15:35 UTC
Because it is normal in the animal kingdom. Its natural.
2015-05-07 19:22:15 UTC
"It's not about right. Not about wrong. It's about power."
Jerry Beasley
2015-05-08 14:48:17 UTC
Some men are evil, sick, horrible.
2015-05-07 06:01:22 UTC
mind is everything ,it is about what we think , we becomes the same ...if you will daily think about sex and lust then definitely it will makes ur mind dirty and one day u will become the one of them.a person who does not believe in god usually takes this types of decisions.lust pull us in darkness ...
2015-05-08 00:58:04 UTC
Because it's fun;)
2015-05-08 03:57:50 UTC
Why do (almost all) women dress seductively? Answer that first!
2015-05-08 11:32:02 UTC
Because women seduce..
2015-05-11 07:12:42 UTC
I believe it has something to do with .. an over-abundance of testosterone.
2015-05-07 18:38:52 UTC
Why don't women?
2015-05-08 09:36:08 UTC
To give feminazis like you a reason to live. Ask YOURSELF why you're such an asshole.
2015-05-09 09:21:08 UTC
2015-05-07 16:07:44 UTC
it's often a power trip.
2015-05-07 21:59:29 UTC
bc theyre mentally messed up
2015-05-09 13:30:50 UTC
Ask them
paschal d
2015-05-07 10:04:08 UTC
i agree not all men are rapist those who do lack control of their lust.sins of the flesh.
2015-05-07 17:01:08 UTC
well its because they really need to **** and they see a girl they like and they don't stop themselves
2015-05-08 03:39:01 UTC
Because they are really horny and they lack a girlfriend lol
2015-05-07 14:09:46 UTC
its a crime of violence and dominance so they gain satisfaction from the act - it's not for for sexual gratification
2015-05-07 18:33:39 UTC
They are have mental and psychological defects. It should be stopped
2015-05-07 09:47:57 UTC
Because some people are just @rseholes.
2015-05-07 05:55:36 UTC
Their unholy lust is inflamed by the burkhah and they cannot help themselves!

Ray M
2015-05-09 08:48:09 UTC
To make their peenies feel good
2015-05-08 10:56:34 UTC
Its that men sexual problem
Alan H
2016-04-13 13:46:12 UTC
Because they are inadequate bullies
paul fellows
2015-05-08 16:19:05 UTC
because women wear short skirts?
2015-05-08 14:55:11 UTC
Why do women take it? No look for it?
2015-05-10 00:54:57 UTC
because they doim not saying its right but i need them points man
2015-05-08 16:37:28 UTC
Because we know you like it
2015-05-08 14:11:20 UTC
they like to have sex and wants to think themselves as a mighty person.
2015-05-07 05:46:45 UTC
For sex of course because they can`t get it anywhere else.
Got Proof?
2015-05-07 05:52:56 UTC
It is an act of violence and domination, not a sexual act.
sugar kane
2015-05-08 08:36:03 UTC
power and control
Patriot !
2015-05-08 22:41:58 UTC's not called "rape" anymore... it's "assault with a friendly weapon" !
2015-05-07 21:18:50 UTC
Anger, sociopathy, history of abuse.
2015-05-09 08:55:00 UTC
tey åre pieces of crap 
2015-05-09 11:04:13 UTC
because its human nature
Mir Quasem
2015-05-08 20:02:43 UTC
It is mental perversion.
2015-05-09 10:48:02 UTC
for the same reason some people beat, rob, or murder.

because they are bad people.
2015-05-07 05:45:47 UTC
okay the reason why men do it is because they had the same thing happen to them and they think it is all fine and cool to do it
2015-05-08 16:20:33 UTC
can't control their bad sexual urges, weak
Karma The
2015-05-07 19:45:56 UTC
Because their super B
2015-05-08 15:57:33 UTC
1 simple answer... it fun
2015-05-09 14:28:28 UTC
Because they don't get laid.
2015-05-07 20:54:55 UTC
Question should not be like this !
2015-05-08 05:22:40 UTC
because it feeeeeelllllssss sooooooo gooood!
2015-05-09 11:44:55 UTC
They now there stronger and there fucked up
2015-05-07 20:12:02 UTC
beacuse it make happy
2016-10-15 08:52:56 UTC
They are selfish
2016-01-27 12:58:24 UTC
Kids are fucked up
2015-05-07 20:22:30 UTC
They are sick from the head. That is not normal!!!
2015-05-09 02:30:42 UTC
2015-05-09 00:13:56 UTC
Feminist suck
2015-05-07 17:44:07 UTC
because they suck at getting girls to screw them willingly
Sonish Maharjan
2015-05-08 05:52:16 UTC
men are more sexually active than women..........
2015-05-10 16:05:30 UTC
pointless question.
2015-05-11 05:39:17 UTC
raper are dog i hate them
2015-05-08 22:07:52 UTC
Cause you're dirty little whore.
2015-05-08 05:07:52 UTC
Why do women kill their babies?
2015-05-08 09:24:20 UTC
Ask a rapist.
2015-05-09 10:08:02 UTC
i dont know
2015-05-11 09:03:26 UTC
because they want to have sex
2015-05-07 20:03:01 UTC
Well, why do murders kill?
2015-05-08 12:42:30 UTC
the get the urges to do so
2015-05-09 20:13:39 UTC
because their penis want a hole
2015-05-07 20:36:43 UTC
2015-05-08 09:38:48 UTC
2015-05-07 23:33:10 UTC
when they become beast
2015-05-08 12:52:57 UTC
cause they are sick
2015-05-08 23:24:34 UTC
cause they are animal.......
2015-05-07 16:22:10 UTC
cause there nasty
2015-05-09 00:59:08 UTC
2015-05-08 03:24:16 UTC
2015-05-07 09:54:39 UTC
I dunno. Pastime?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.