You's my take on your theory. Women usually leave their families to love their men and their children. They are more self sacrificing for their men and children than the men are for their women and children. Children pick up on this. Women have their girlfriends, but don't bond to them like men to their male friends, because, once again, women are more self sacrificing for men and their needs.
A very smart woman knows that men use their d*cks for thinking and charm their way into the man's pants and use him for all he's worth, then leave him and go on to the next, but again, women are about sacrifice.
There is an old saying, "Behind every good man is a woman." That is because most women feed their man's ego so he can do well in life. This makes the woman look good as well. Over and over again in many different religious books women are even told that this is their job.
On the other hand, men have a difficult time raising children and attending to the aesthetics of life. In a world of only men (unless the men are gay), the world would be crude and ugly.
This has all been scientifically been documented again and again in studies of things like...psychology, which you deem a "soft" field. Hard evidence studies point to the need for both sexes to continue a balance in this otherwise harsh, cruel world.
Personally, I love discussions with educated men. And, most women are wonderfully beautiful and charming of any educational level. How is it that socially women get along with everyone, and men on the other hand, for the most part, have more difficulties in society settings?