Why should men care about female rape victims?
2016-04-06 14:14:27 UTC
I don't care about female rape victims or any other issues that affect women. Each and every time men have asked women and feminists to support us and our causes they have refused and say men should get organized and deal with the matter themselves. In fact they even work against us and try to prevent us from organizing ourselves, discussing issues which affect us and demonize us as woman haters. Therefore I say Hell no! I don't care anything about women be they rape victims or whatever, solve the problem for yourselves and leave us men out of it.
94 answers:
2016-04-07 18:17:49 UTC
Gosh another damn test? I shall humor you too.. Why should men care about female rape victims? Why did you write that as if you are speaking on behalf of all men? Let me fix that for you... Why should I an nonintellectual. sorry excuse for a man, care about female rape victims? Well you bastard... for the same reason a women would care for a male rape victim. As humans its should not matter what gender we are. Rape can happen to anyone, even you, you chauvinistic asshole, it knows no gender. I wouldn't wish it upon anyone , not even you. and you are an incredibly loath-able person. But you know what maybe something happened to you, so I will stop here. Get some help, chaoi.
2016-04-07 11:07:41 UTC
If it happened you would realize how bad and horrible it is. It hurts victims and scarres them for life. It's a horrible thing to put on a female and a male. Most females who are raped or molested can be young enough to be 10. But there is a giant fear of being pregnant for it if their is no protection used. That's why most ask for support by males. It's sad that something could happen and most can be judged for it when the other person doesn't know the whole story behind it. if it can affect victims outside of the people who perpetrated the offense. Feminists do not speak for all women or all men. Try not to lose faith in humanity even if a group works against you. Be the change you want to be.
2016-04-07 08:42:57 UTC
Well it's not only males that should care but also females. Both gender should care about each other regardless. But this is RAPE that is happening. It happens to both genders and of course it's by force this could happen to anyone by anyone. In the future this will continue and can happen to you or someone you know/love. If it happened you would realize how bad and horrible it is. It hurts victims and scarres them for life. It's a horrible thing to put on a female and a male. Most females who are raped or molested can be young enough to be 10. But there is a giant fear of being pregnant for it if their is no protection used. That's why most ask for support by males. It's sad that something could happen and most can be judged for it when the other person doesn't know the whole story behind it.
2016-04-08 00:47:05 UTC
I am not sure what you are talking about where you tried to organized men to deal with unfair male rights, or rights that are being taken away from men, and some women would not support you but stood in your way to fight for your rights. That is a little hard to believe, but I guess possible. But you do have a mother, grandmother, and aunt, maybe sisters, and also possibly a girlfriend, or wife. So because a few women did not give enough help you with an issue you think is unfair to men, so you don't care about even women in your family or life get raped. Or if they did you would say So What. You really mean this, and as a mature real stand up strait forward man, have told your mom, grandmother, Aunt, sisters, and girl friend that you do not care if they got raped. I doubt it. Just to think that you do not care if women get raped, is bad and sad enough but to say it and be proud of it, Is even worse. How much pain and hatred do you have inside you to think and say something so hateful, and cruel.
2016-04-06 23:13:55 UTC
That rape victim might be your daughter, mother or sister, who has never done anything to prevent male harm victims.

Yes, there is a bit bigotry going on among certain feminists who first say that feminism cares about men too, then say that male rape victims are outside of the scope of feminism, and then perhaps even try to shut down speeches on the issue of male rape because they don't like the speaker or something like that.

But those people are not necessarily the same as the average female rape victim.

Generalizations are bad, mkay?
2016-04-09 08:08:18 UTC
Although you described men hating feminists that believe rape is solved by men not raping, you're still in the wrong to just not care about women.

It's both a problem for men and women, no one is safe from rape and excused from being a rapist. Don't let a nazi feminist cloud your judgement. I'm not a feminists but there are MRAs who do support female rape victims along with male victims because it's both genders who get raped. Yes women get raped more than men but it's still a huge amount on each gender.

Women need to learn to defend themselves and men need to learn how to respect women but it's takes more than that to stop every rapist. It's also involves mental illness.

You sound young or naive but just because there same crazy feminists who called you a woman hater, it doesn't meant you should just show no support of rape victims or respect for women.
2016-04-07 14:23:07 UTC
We are all human beings.

You should care about your own kind. I'm guessing you're not in a relationship with a woman or you would appreciate women more. And you don't speak for all men, some have hearts.

This is disgusting- and male rape exists too. If someone you cared about was raped then you would see how big a deal it is!

And if the only person you care about is yourself- then care about yourself and how terrible male rape is as well.

Gender shouldn't matter- no consent (should) equal no sex.
2016-04-10 14:30:09 UTC
You are 100% correct.

Also correct are:

-Women have done nothing to help male rape victims.

-Women have done everything they can to deny even the existence of women who make false accusations, and then when confronted with them, try to shelter them from prison by making excuses for them.

-Women have embraced false rape hysteria and the fake statistics feminists generate with studies not even the people who they claim where raped believe that they were raped. Women continue to tout these statistics as true even though they know darn well they are not...and they have been debunked over and over.

So, you have have a very valid point. Women always ignore issues that men face, and tell them to go deal with them. Then they want to cry like children and expect everyone to take care of and protect them. Men made rape a serious crime; men are the ones the risk their lives catching rapists; men are the ones who built prisons and locked up rapists in them. Men have no further responsibility toward women than that which has already been paid. It is time to take women at their word and focus on our own problems.
2016-04-07 03:10:32 UTC
If you don't know the answer to that...there is no hope for the human race. On the feminist the 60s I just wanted equality of many careers were not open to us....couldn't get a loan without a guarantor or even open a bank account. Men had all those advantages. If they feel they have an issue now, why not start a Malenist movement?.

I was raped when I was 20...I was a virgin but two men raped me for two hours. It ruined my self-confidence and filled me with self-loathing but as a man you could not understand how disgusting it is to have your body entered by someone against your will. It took me years to let a man near me...

Mo Uni Lec
2016-04-08 21:14:33 UTC
Well...because you should care about all rape victims.

I'm a feminist, but the ones you've spoken to clearly do not understand feminism at all, because it is about equality for both men and women. And rape does not mean equality in any way. I care about men as well as women, despite the fact that I'm female.
Recovering Nice Guy
2016-04-06 19:45:29 UTC
It is warranted to want people to care about those who have suffered a tragedy or were the victim of a crime but it is realistically impossible to care for EVERY victim of rape or whatever else because no one person can know all of them.

All men cannot realistically care for every rape victim on an individual level but can have sympathy for those who have suffered it as a concept.
2016-04-08 08:01:12 UTC
Because it's not about "male" and "female"...

So why should women deal with "male" issues? And I don't mean that meanly. In my country, men in rural areas have the highest suicide rates anywhere. Women, the partners of rural men, organised suicide prevention chat sessions etc for years and there was zero effect on the suicide rate (much to the distress of families). Then men got organised and did "Men Sheds" - where men got together and did "Men's stuff" (community service, making stuff) and onside, they could talk and support each other. Low and behold, the suicide rates have been decreasing. Do men care so little about things that affect men? Do they care so little they want to blame women for "Men's" stuff? Why do men not fundraise and actually do stuff (suicide prevention, prostate cancer...). Or are men just lazy?

Who are these women working against men's stuff? Are these the man hating militant feminists? Believe me they do not represent all women. Just as the militant MRA's (who suggest raping, beating or harming women is A OK) do NOT represent most men...

As I said in the beginning, it's not a "men's" or "women's" thing. As a society we should give a hoot about everyone regardless of their gender.

And sadly rape is largely a men's problem... About 90% of the perpetrators are men. Gotta change the mindset that says it's ok to rape. (By the way, most victims of assault and murder (except domestic) are men. As are most perpetrators. So how can we get men to stop assaulting and murdering other men?)
2016-04-08 10:04:57 UTC
Empathy. Men should care about female rape victims because of empathy.

It's also the decent thing to do. Even if you've been wronged by women, take the high road. Be the better person.
2016-04-09 07:45:07 UTC
With that perspectiveYou may believe that caring for another group of people must be earned in some way. Well, let's look at the women who raised you. Women like Marie Curie who helped develop the X-ray machine which now helps people like yourself be treated for illness or injury. You have the right to choose who you support and for your own reasons, but, do not make a fool of yourself by making statements without truly determining your personal part in dealing with this group you choose to be so negative against. I could easily state that because of the way men have treated me in my life, including close relatives, that all men should deserve to suffer without any compassion. However, I am wise enough to know that other men do not share the attitudes of the few I have been so unfortunate to encounter. I still respect the male population as a whole and do not wish harm to them.
2016-04-08 16:06:56 UTC
Because it's not about "male" and "female"...

So why should women deal with "male" issues? And I don't mean that meanly. In my country, men in rural areas have the highest suicide rates anywhere. Women, the partners of rural men, organised suicide prevention chat sessions etc for years and there was zero effect on the suicide rate (much to the distress of families). Then men got organised and did "Men Sheds" - where men got together and did "Men's stuff" (community service, making stuff) and onside, they could talk and support each other. Low and behold, the suicide rates have been decreasing. Do men care so little about things that affect men? Do they care so little they want to blame women for "Men's" stuff? Why do men not fundraise and actually do stuff (suicide prevention, prostate cancer...). Or are men just lazy?

Who are these women working against men's stuff? Are these the man hating militant feminists? Believe me they do not represent all women. Just as the militant MRA's (who suggest raping, beating or harming women is A OK) do NOT represent most men...

As I said in the beginning, it's not a "men's" or "women's" thing. As a society we should give a hoot about everyone regardless of their gender.

And sadly rape is largely a men's problem... About 90% of the perpetrators are men. Gotta change the mindset that says it's ok to rape. (By the way, most victims of assault and murder (except domestic) are men. As are most perpetrators. So how can we get men to stop assaulting and murdering other men?)
2016-04-06 14:49:56 UTC
I think generally as a human being you should care about rape victims - regardless of gender. It's not an issue that just either men or women should care about, it's an issue for ALL people of ALL genders with a sense of humanity who should care that there are people who are suffering unnecessarily.
2016-04-07 08:01:21 UTC
You are disgusting. What if that was a friend a family member? Rape is a HUGÉ issue, not just for females but men too!
2016-04-07 15:59:54 UTC
They can't keep men "out of it" 99% of the time when a woman is raped, the attack is carried out by a man. If men want to be kept out of it as you claim, then could you send a memo to all rapists and potential rapists to keep their ***** "out" of unwilling women.

If women didn't complain about being raped, then men would think that they liked it, obviously wanted it and would take it as a green light to rape them again.

I really hope you are just a troll trying to provoke a rant because this question paints you as a scumbag of the lowest order when you claim not to care about other human beings and scumbags like that shouldn't exist.
2016-04-08 15:59:46 UTC
"Why should men care about female rape victims?"

I think moral people should care about any victim of a violent crime...whether they're male or female.

It is however possible to both care about someone who is alleged to have been a victim of rape...without presupposing the guilt of the person they're accusing before they have their day in court, or give their account of what happened.

"Each and every time men have asked women and feminists to support us and our causes they have refused and say men should get organized and deal with the matter themselves."

But the problem is when you mimic their behavior, you are no better than they are...and being better than they are is a means to force them and their bigoted opinions out of consideration altogether.

If you become a personification of a villain by your indifference to the suffering of those women, you make it easier for them to recruit others onto their side of the equation.

Just be a good person who cares about all people evenly...and have your smart phone ready to capture any feminist or other social justice bullies when the opportunity arises. As history has shown, they're not too good at controlling themselves...and every capture of their misbehavior becomes another indictment of just how toxic their ideology is!

"In fact they even work against us and try to prevent us from organizing ourselves, discussing issues which affect us and demonize us as woman haters."

And yet it tends to be the feminists who are captured on camera, acting up.

Have you noticed that? The feminists who are the violent bullies who are caught on camera disrupting men's rights discussions...but when feminists claim they are targeted, it's all allegations and nothing more.

My advice: have compassion for victims of violence regardless of their sex; believe in the presumption of innocence; and capture examples of bullying on your smart phone and post it online for the world to see. At some point feminists will wear out everyone's willingness to give them the benefit of the doubt, and when that happens...things will deteriorate for them very, VERY fast!

Watching them implode in spectacular fashion will be something to see. :)
2016-04-07 02:34:56 UTC
I really do understand the bitterness you feel towards women because of past or present situations such as the courts automatically award children to their mothers and splitting in half all assets etc.. But on the other hand we have to think about what a rape victim goes through for the rest of her life..

good luck!
Tad Dubious
2016-04-07 07:33:46 UTC
Georgene, although I was tempted to take your question as a rant, I will answer:

Every human being - man and woman - should care about victims of crime, whether it is petty theft or something far more serious, such as the crime of rape. Please do not speak for all of "us men" - the majority of us love and have a sincere concern for the opposite sex. You appear to be an exception, and I wish you good luck.
2016-04-08 21:19:42 UTC
I believe women need to be protected by good men from the bad ones. Many may want to take care of themselves and not let big brother or her overbearing male friend walk with her at night in questionable surroundings but I think they still need to be looked after. Sexist, maybe but it better than just leaving it to chance when there's a real danger.
2016-04-09 01:48:31 UTC
Some "victims" are not true victims, in the sense that they're part of the cause that produced a victim. Some "perpetrators", while they're indeed responsible for that which they perpetrated, had probably been provoked over an extended period of time, or are victims in their own right - of a sick society! Any degree of care I may have only goes as far as sorrow for the pitiful condition of mankind.

Other than that, I would need to know as much detail as I can, in order to decide if I truly care.
2016-04-07 11:35:22 UTC
Western feminists don't care about rape victims in Europe as long as the rapist is from the Middle East. In Sweden, women are told to stay in at night with no outcry from the feminists.
2016-04-07 17:00:01 UTC
It's a free country. No one says you have to care. As long as you're not the one doing the raping or condoning people who rape, your lack of concern is your perogative. However, I suspect you would feel differently if your wife, girlfriend, daughter, sister, mother, aunt, cousin, or grandmother became the victim of rape.
Kevin Queen
2016-04-08 20:01:38 UTC
I hope to god you never get a girlfriend or boyfriend and have no friend for what you so because Men, Women and Kids can be victims of rape and what you are saying will hurt someone most people who get rape peel there whole face off I hope you get put to jail and one of the prisoners go for your boy pussy because you are sick I hop some point I can punch your head in and also I think your nationality is Stupidity
Aortas Insotomia.
2016-04-09 15:10:36 UTC
I am a mature man and I only care about children who have been physically, sexually, and emotionally abused by someone. However, men get abused too by control freak lesbians, or man hater bitches, who suffer from a mental illness or had some personal issue with their father.

There are certain men in society who want to dominate and control women by raping them. They lack self control and are unable to have a meaningful relationship with women.
2016-04-08 03:37:36 UTC
I understand where you are coming from. In today's society if something bad happens to a man no one bat's an eye, but if something happens to a women the world comes to a complete stop. Also false rape accusations are finally coming to light after so many years as being seen as a myth. It becomes hard to care about women anymore since they already get the benefit of a doubt as well as so much sympathy. (Let the thumbs down rain from the heavens for not being politically correct)

More sources: (Notice dates on all resources)
2016-04-06 14:54:37 UTC
I generally disagree with "an eye for an eye" mentality whenever possible, especially if it can affect victims outside of the people who perpetrated the offense. Feminists do not speak for all women or all men. Try not to lose faith in humanity even if a group works against you. Be the change you want to be.
Dont Call Me Dude
2016-04-07 10:30:32 UTC
Bad atmosphere. Intolerable breaches of social order. Why, THAT might even affect ME.

And isn't THAT what's REALLY important? Can't have my coffee hour disturbed by social violence. Having to stop in the middle to blow someone away upsets my digestion.

Unacceptable. This must be handled immediately. What we should do is, we arm the women. That'll settle things down some.
2016-04-07 10:46:10 UTC
Well, you obviously do not have sisters or daughters. This nasty attitude to rape is becoming quite disturbing. A lot of distressing injuries are caused during rape, some life changing.
2016-04-06 20:02:21 UTC
Because that rape victim could be a friend or family member.
2016-04-07 13:51:38 UTC
Feminists want people to believe that every man is a potential rapist and that most men would be if they had the right opportunity and thought they could get away with it. That kind of slander is bias, irresponsible and agenda driven. It's a war on men.
2016-04-07 02:37:16 UTC
One person's lack of compassion and emotional issues don't interest me. Expecting others to copy or follow you- that's crazy. Some men know women affected by this and others will naturally be able to feel compassion for victims of a crime like rape. Get over yourself.
2016-04-09 09:36:11 UTC
I care because when I were looking for a girlfriend ; some of these women who were raped and abused mkande it hard for me to get a good relationship going, because some of the women has the mind -set that All men ae abusers, and they were very hard toi trust or to trust me.
2016-04-07 08:21:13 UTC
You complain about being 'demonized' then proceed to pose a question or rant that provokes a shower of abuse. However old women's libbers like me fought for equality and were never men haters, in fact there were many males who participated in the movement. I for one would suggest that your forum should include both genders working together sensibly to address such issues.
2016-04-09 15:24:39 UTC
Why the heck does it matter, female or male? Rape is a serious crime and everyone should care its victims.
2016-04-06 14:54:40 UTC
When you face facts, yes it seems illogical to help and work in favor of a group of people who are mostly not helping you back and explicitly state that you and your group should work on resolving your problems yourself, but men and women seem to be overall different and despite of its illogic (and a few obscure people such as you OP who reject it due to its illogic) this dynamic is likely to continue on a large-scale.

Actually, male individuals have created each and every institution and organization that we know of that help people in need, and none of them discriminates by sex and against women, ever.

Female individuals have created one - domestic violence shelters, and they are the only type of social service organization that discriminate by sex, against men; with their creators and supporters often claiming that "men should create their own shelters the same way women have".

All this despite females allegedly having superior empathy and sympathy and males having inferior empathy and sympathy towards another, as we can often hear blasting from both leftist and rightist media.

One has to wonder if males who have created these social services and their supporters acted by the exact same principle and rejected offering all the rest, dozens of male-created social services to females, insisting that women "create their own", where would women's and girls' well-being be.

One also has to wonder what would the situation be without this alleged superior female empathy and sympathy and inferior male empathy and sympathy.
2016-04-06 15:29:53 UTC
You don't care if she were to be your mother or your sister perhaps?

You have to have a psychopathic personality disorder not to care about victims of violence, be they female or male.

Or perhaps the problem is that you simply hate women.....did your mother or some other female abuse you?
2016-04-08 21:37:32 UTC
When you get physically and mentally abused, come talk to me. When you are pregnant, and all your friends are judging you, come talk to me. When you are pregnant, and your parents disown you, come talk to me. When you are constantly looked down at for getting an abortion, come talk to me. When you are constantly looked down at for not getting an abortion, come talk to me. When you are slut-shamed for not being a virgin because you were raped, come talk to me. When you are paid less for a more expensive life, come talk to me. Until you have been in the situation, you either need to shut the f*ck up, understand why you should f*ckin care about female rape victims.
2016-04-08 10:20:39 UTC
Because if you are one of those boys ( and I suspect you are a boy, not a man) that can't handle the fact that most American women are fat, you have your answer. They all got raped. So, your fellow man spoiled all of them. Women don't care about their bodies after getting raped.
2016-04-09 23:50:05 UTC
Men and women both should care for victims of any offense irrespective of gender.
2016-04-08 09:21:27 UTC
I do care deeply for my close family members but i wouldn't want to curse someone who raped my sister or cousin because i can understand how they feel. and while he shouldn't be allowed to walk free, i do not wish them to be "castrated" or any of the other violent punishments i hear people say a lot.
Mike M.
2016-04-06 19:16:12 UTC
I can relate to similar feelings about feminists, but rape is something I've never been able to tolerate. My feelings about rape remains the same regardless of who I disagree with.
2016-04-08 16:59:33 UTC
They shouldn't care if the rape victims are feminists
2016-04-08 11:08:03 UTC
If that's the question, then why should women care? It goes both ways, honey. Have you ever had to go through that kind of horror? To be forced against your will to do things you didn't want to?
2016-04-06 14:25:28 UTC
Rape is a serious issue. I mean what if your mom is raped. Would you not care then just because she's a female?
2016-04-10 08:05:33 UTC
If men are the rapist,**** what the woman are wearing etc they should learn respect's there fault it's not the rape victims fault.
2016-04-07 12:51:16 UTC
Men should care because of simple human decency. If you do not care about another person's suffering, then you are a monster.
2016-04-08 11:39:23 UTC
It sounds to me like you suffered something, from a women that was in fact caused by you, but you haven't come to terms with it yet.

This question is just a manifestation of you're anger at yourself.
2016-04-06 14:30:02 UTC
If you have a mother, wife, sister, daughter, or female friend, you should care. Even if you're genuinely that selfish that only care if something actually affects you, I assure that the aftermath of rape or sexual assault of someone close to you will impact your life in negative ways.
2016-04-06 16:10:32 UTC
We all should care about rape victims, and rapists should be castrated then sent to prison for at least fifty years, this may be a deterrent for future animal rapists!
2016-04-09 13:17:33 UTC
Because, I'm sure you'd agree, forced sex IN PRINCIPLE is immoral. It's an imposition, which is wrong generally. That doesn't mean there aren't some women who manipulate this principle for their own benefit.
2016-04-08 06:00:07 UTC
They should care because that's what REAL men do unlike the phonies who do the raping.
2016-04-08 04:57:40 UTC
They shouldn't. I hear about women getting "raped" all the time. You'd be surprised at how many of these cases are of false accusation.
True Blue Brit
2016-04-06 14:43:55 UTC
If I can care about the men who are the victims of rape, simply because I am a human being, capable of empathy, and feel compassion, why don't you?
2016-04-09 15:26:35 UTC
2016-04-07 16:43:29 UTC
Most of the time when men need help, they need help cause of what other men did, just saying.

And Im a guy, so dont call me a feminist
2016-04-08 18:07:40 UTC
2016-04-08 09:01:55 UTC
That's why a gentalman always want that raping should be stopped.
2016-04-06 14:24:29 UTC
Why do you want compassion for your issues when you won't have compassion for women's issues? That is the real question. I have compassion for men in trouble but you don't want to give that to me? Why? That is being hypocritical is it not? Women are discriminated against so much more than men but some sexist men refuse to even acknowledge it and then pretend they need help themselves and get all angry that they are not being listened to just like they didn't listen to the women.

Human rights is for everyone but if you want to ignore female rape victims that shows you are NOT for human rights for women at all - but want to promote abuse against them likely - Are you ONLY about privileges for men - ONLY for men? - when men have the most now everywhere anyway - it's not enough?
2016-04-06 14:26:24 UTC
I would support you. I don't know why they have refused and say men should get organized and deal with the matter themselves.

You should come up with fundraising event... and get more people to support you.
2016-04-06 14:21:26 UTC
Whatever. You caring about it or not caring about it isn't going to stop rape.
2016-04-07 23:14:13 UTC
Never behave some way based on how another behaves. Do what YOU (a soul) would do as a soul YOU'D respect.
2016-04-07 14:18:45 UTC
Lets just hope your daughters, mother, wives, sisters etc don't get raped then seeing as you're so vile and bitter.
2016-04-09 14:49:28 UTC
Because its our d1cks causing the problems. But you dont have to care about it. Just dont do it and then whine about caring about it later . These whiny guys who want to be women or just like them sure do act like the exact same person they complain about.
2016-04-08 03:09:49 UTC
I feel the same way. Females aren't human and shouldn't be treated as such.
Mick Is Back
2016-04-07 17:35:28 UTC
Women want to be treated as equals but they never learned to treat men as equals
2016-04-07 16:44:38 UTC
so you don't care if a women goes trough some horrible tragedy because of politics? what if it was your daughter? what if it was your mother? what if it was your sister? what if it was your friend? not everyone even shares the views you described.
2016-04-08 00:14:24 UTC
You don't have to care; there's no law saying you do,
2016-04-06 14:24:01 UTC
If you were raped, wouldn't you want people to be concerned regardless of their gender?
2016-04-08 15:47:19 UTC
Simply because men cause them harm.
2016-04-07 18:22:11 UTC
Don't you understand that your lack of empathy makes you no better than the feminazis you despise?
2016-04-07 13:54:19 UTC
Cause everyone even women should be treated with respect boy.
2016-04-06 21:03:41 UTC
I don't know, maybe because people should be decent human beings?
2016-04-08 07:55:40 UTC
Every female in the world can die and burn in hell for all I care.
2016-04-07 01:54:46 UTC
They dress like sluts and whine when the pay the piper. I sure as hell don't care.
2016-04-07 18:01:43 UTC
You are correct, gender equality demands nothing less.
2016-04-06 15:02:12 UTC
Because egregious crime brings down all society.
2016-04-07 09:23:03 UTC
because men have wives, daughters and mothers
2016-04-07 02:47:45 UTC
I get you but everyone in the answers section: please remember that males can be raped as weell
2016-04-06 22:32:57 UTC
rape is bad.
2016-04-06 14:39:35 UTC
Because we are all people. Crime and brutality and usurpation damages everyone.
Wizard Fro profile is open
2016-04-06 17:55:13 UTC
Fair enough. Your body, your choice. You do what you want.
2016-04-09 07:15:02 UTC




We shouldnt, unless it's our;

Mother, daughter, wife, sister, aunt....etc.

πŸ˜„ 😩 😩
2016-04-07 12:26:53 UTC
Cause they're mostly raped by men.
2016-04-07 17:50:22 UTC
Nope...only your family. .
2016-04-09 06:22:32 UTC
because they are our sisters, daughters, and friends
2016-04-08 15:54:27 UTC
Dumb qiestion
Alexa Kay
2016-04-09 09:55:55 UTC
lol you are literally the scum of the earth, dude.
2016-04-08 00:53:48 UTC
they are helpless
2016-04-06 19:22:56 UTC
2016-04-08 07:18:50 UTC
2016-04-06 14:20:46 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.