do u agree with this statement:women are not weaker sex anymore?
leila 1
2006-04-12 21:19:32 UTC
what is your opinion about this and why?
Nineteen answers:
2006-04-12 21:23:10 UTC
First of all, since when were we weaker? If by weaker you mean "given less opportunities," then, yes. But, today, women are better than ever. Stats show that the majority of med school students are females. More females graduate from colleges than males.

For god's sake, the president of Harvard said that females' and males' brains were physically different and that males can processs math and science better. Well, guess what? That may be so, but, for all it's worth, we'll work a hell of a lot harder just so that we're good at it.

**But, truly, this is a good question. I'd really like to know what guys really think on this subject. I hope the perspective has changed for the most part.
2006-04-13 04:25:25 UTC
Women never were the weaker sex. I mean, physically, yeah most men are stronger. It's in the genetic makeup of human beings. But I've noticed in watching older couples (grandparents, etc.) that the women just let the men think they're in charge, then go about their business the way they want to anyway. And I know for a fact that my husband couldn't have handled half of what I went through while carrying and delivering our son (it was a high risk pregnancy). Women being the weaker sex has always been a fiction perpetuated for the benefit of men.
2006-04-17 13:21:51 UTC
The statement implies that women were once a weaker sex. In turn, that implies the use of a previous measure of strength between the sexes. If we use that historic (although perhaps outdated) measure of strength, then no, women are still the weaker sex. To answer otherwise is to deny the very real gender heirarchy in our society; to ignore the unequal representation of women in business, politics, and entertainment (sports in particular); and to overlook the fact that our society places value on the differences between men and women.

As some have already stated, the differences between men and women are very real. It's a personal choice to generalize the value of one sex over the other. However, as a society, we continue to make the same choices that we've made in the past.
2006-04-13 19:56:31 UTC
Weakness varies from person to person. You can't generalize a gender as "weaker" or "stronger" because very human being is so much different from each other. There are many strong women, and there are many strong men What defines our strength? This also varies. One woman may be considered strong for leaving a bad situation. Maybe she took her kids left an abuser, and struck out on her own despite how hard it may be to live on her own and be a single mom. Maybe she made the decision to keep her baby, though she was raped. On the other hand, other say a woman who aborts the baby concieved the same way is strong for excersizing her rights.

Maybe someone is strong because they know who they are, they are firm in their beliefs, and they are not afraid to voice their opinions. To me, that is strength, and it lies equally in men as well as women. Some people are weak, yes... but neither sex in general is weaker.

So yes, I agree with this statement.
2006-04-13 10:03:02 UTC
Women have only really been allowed to be educated in the last century or so, and properly university level educated for a lot less than that. How are we supposed to invent things when we have never been allowed to learn about anything? Also, I studied female entrepreneurship as part of my degree and the opportunities for women to go out and start a business, sell their own product and get the financing to do it is extremely limited. Give us a chance! I'm sure in the next 100-200 years or so women will have invented a lot of things! Go to we invented windscreen wipers, bullet-proof vests etc. Typically women have invented things they were allowed to know about, e.g. babies, fabrics, clothes etc.. But as we learn more I'm sure we'll be coming up with a lot of things!

Women are physically weaker but our pain threshold is higher then mens, this was an evolutionary response so that when we gave birth we wouldn't pass out or die. Although, having a higher pain threshold just means we don't pass out when the pain gets bad, not that we don't feel the same amount of pain. So really, thats not that great!
Big Super
2006-04-14 18:00:39 UTC
First, it's a generalization, and no generalization is worth a damn, even this one.

2nd - I believe that in some areas men are better as a sex, and in some areas women are better as a sex. Individually, who excels at what is dependent on their genes, upbringing, socioeconomically status, work ethic, education, and life experience.

To answer your question directly, no I don't agree with the statement, because I've never believed that women were the weaker sex, nor the stronger sex, to begin with.
2006-04-14 03:07:36 UTC
I don't believe that women were ever the weaker of the two sexes. Women love harder, get emotionally attached at the soul to others, and they give birth to life.

I do not believe that we were ever weaker per say. Just vulnerable due to our strong emotions. However, anyone that has ever seen a woman scorn knows that feelings don't always make you appear weaker. They can make you empowered.

Just a thought....
2006-04-13 13:09:25 UTC
depends in what way you define weaker. women are just as smart as men, and often smarter with certain things. but unfortunately in some areas as far as equality is concerned, women are still considered weaker.

in response to stefan25_m, who thinks that woman didn't invent anything, how about checking out who invented the dishwasher, fire escape, elevated railway, rotary engine, medical syringe, and white out among other things. Ever heard of Marie Curie, the Nobel Prize winning chemist? And just because things weren't documented in a patriarcal society doesn't mean they don't exist!

how many times in certain jobs do you or someone you know get a response like: that's women's work! or, a woman can do that? or, how can a woman like you do that! the average wages of women are still below those of men, although women movements have made a lot of advancements over the decades.
2006-04-13 04:26:24 UTC
I don't agree with that statement. Women have made great strives, but they continue to work for less on the dollar compared to men; and they hold less political positions in the running of nations on a bational basis as well as a global basis. I mean the entire world is not modernized, and neither are these United States.
2006-04-19 12:52:00 UTC
That statement was something that was said at some point that stuck in the minds of men so that they felt bigger and stronger. Unfortunately women bought into it too. I don't believe that we were ever the "weaker" sex.
2006-04-14 06:40:22 UTC
I just smile at all you ignorant people. If you meant weaker as far as oppurtunities yes they are stronger today but as far as overall look at History females. It was changed by the fire and sword and the sword was always held by a man excluding Joan of Arc. Men and women alike have pissed their drawers in the face of combat, but on the whole the ability to be stronger in the face of trial and adversity would fall to the dudes. Why do you think the combat series of jobs is still off limits to women in the military? Welcome to my hell, a world without alot of women. But hey that's why it's guys on the line because they are the stronger sex.
2006-04-13 13:15:01 UTC
Women were never truely the weaker sex. Women and men cannot exhist without each other, so they are equal. In general, women have more of a tendency to nurture. In general, men have more of a tendency to provide and protect. As a species, we need all of these elements to thrive.
2006-04-14 09:59:25 UTC
What I agree on is that men and women are inherently DIFFERENT, having strengths and weaknesses in things that complement each other. For example, most women will always be more social and receptive to emotions than most men because of their hormonal and structural design and purpose in existence than men. Most men will always be more emotionally detached and MORE PHYSICALLY strong (as a general rule) than most females because of their hormonal and structural design and purpose in existence than women. Those facts should never be taken as a negative because men and women are designed to complement each other and to help each other. Today's social standards and the rebellion of humanity from God's plan of creation have forced both genders into unnatural positions in life and into competition with each other instead of cooperation.
pink marshmellow
2006-04-14 05:49:16 UTC
Hi I TOTALLY agree! Women these days run the home, hold down a job/career, look after the children are constant listeners/carers/agony aunts/organisers/ and hold try to hold down a title of "Domestic Goddess" plus we can multi task!!!!

2006-04-13 04:24:44 UTC
biologically men are born with more muscle fibers than women so they are the physically stronger sex or tend to be however the rest of the differences are socially constructed
2006-04-13 04:38:42 UTC
Maybe in US where man are poossyes or AS5 kissers, but when we talk abouth knowledge name 1 single thing that woman invented, i don't want to be antifeminist.
2006-04-13 04:23:25 UTC
i total agree
2006-04-13 04:24:01 UTC
No. I do not believe they ever were-nor is there such a thing.
2006-04-13 04:20:16 UTC

I don't like to generalize.

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