depends in what way you define weaker. women are just as smart as men, and often smarter with certain things. but unfortunately in some areas as far as equality is concerned, women are still considered weaker.
in response to stefan25_m, who thinks that woman didn't invent anything, how about checking out who invented the dishwasher, fire escape, elevated railway, rotary engine, medical syringe, and white out among other things. Ever heard of Marie Curie, the Nobel Prize winning chemist? And just because things weren't documented in a patriarcal society doesn't mean they don't exist!
how many times in certain jobs do you or someone you know get a response like: that's women's work! or, a woman can do that? or, how can a woman like you do that! the average wages of women are still below those of men, although women movements have made a lot of advancements over the decades.