The Political Economist
2013-06-02 02:20:13 UTC
Straight questions:
(1) Would you men/women think its weird for a fit (not skinny/not fat, but generally well bit and muscular) guy to be attracted to "large" ladies, instead of "skinny super-model" type women?
(2) In our society, do men feel any pressure to HAVE to declare (as much as possible) that they only prefer the "skinny super-model" type of women, while hiding the fact that they might have gone out with "large" (fat) women?
(3) Do women feel pressured by friends to hide the fact that they go out with "large" (fat) men?
* Clarification of terms: By "fat" or "large" I mean generally just bigger or plump women, I do not mean "Nutty-Professor" or "Norbit" type of size... more like just curvy/plump/volumptuous/chunky/beefy/beautiful...
When I am out with my male buddies, and the conversation of women/sex comes up with preferences, I find all my guy friends (especially the the military chaps) always seem to keep talking about how many women they have had who look like super models... Or how they ONLY go for hot "skinny-tall-model" type of women... and that they see other guys who go out with "fat" women as "losers" or men who can "do better."
And when we go out to cocktail parties, I find that a lot of my guy friends me excluded) tend to only like or oogle or hit on skinny tall women, while I tend to be singled out as odd because I have absolutely no problem in going to chat up the "larger" ladies.
Although my friends do not directly TELL me I am odd in my choices/desires, I can tell that they somehow think its weird. They act as though I am going out with "Nutty professor/Norbit" type of women.
And my last girl friend directly told me she was surprised that I asked her out instead of her "hot-tall-skinnier Russian" girl friend... and I told her it was because I saw her eyes first. Anyhow, Darth Vader said "Size matters not to the force" LOL. ANyway...
I mean, what is the problem with large women?
I love women period; large/skinny - but certainly not unhealthily fat (i.e. a giant round sumo-suit type of fat lol), but it seems "plus size" is seen as a bad thing? Why?
Do you women face these issues?