Can someone explain why I can't seem to get a date, a boyfriend (I'm 22?!?!)?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Can someone explain why I can't seem to get a date, a boyfriend (I'm 22?!?!)?
233 answers:
2015-05-16 19:56:47 UTC
I've read that people make a judgement on others within just a couple of minutes. The first glance may determine whether they will or won't approach you. Your appearance is important - take a look at what "successful" girls look like. If you look a whole lot different from the in look you may stand out but not in a good way.

I never got approached for dates either when I was your age. I was invisible woman. I was skinny, I was flat chested, I was brunette and I wore glasses. That's four strikes against me I also didn't wear make up or have any fashion sense whatsoever. I worked in an all male department, and what they were looking for back in the day was a good female figure with boobs and clothes, hair and make up in fashion. I know, because they used to watch the girls in the next department and give them a score.

So first impressions are important - even though it may sound very shallow. However personality is vital. A girl who seems standoffish, doesn't have any conversation, or seems to be vain, self absorbed, or even desparate for a boyfriend is just not going to get asked for a date. If you're giving off the wrong vibes men will run the other way.

Men also suffer from doubt and shyness. They can be put off if they judge you to be "out of their reach" - too classy, too beautiful to be interested in Mr Average.

And if all they're looking for is a quick shag on a Friday or Saturday night and no commitment they will avoid you like the plague if you give the impression you're looking for "Mr Right". But would you want a man who just wanted to get laid and then walk away? Perhaps you are looking in the wrong places for a boyfriend.
2015-05-16 16:19:15 UTC
There's a lid for every pot.

But if you're looking for Mr. Right (or Miss Right if you're a guy) you'll NEVER find him!

It's not until you truly give up your search that you will find him.

Concentrate on being a friend to guys.

The marriages that stay together are those populated by friends.

My source is that my wife and I have been married for 37 years. We became friends when I was 30 and she was 29.

Because we were friends first, she didn't notice how ugly I am!
2015-05-15 15:01:50 UTC
Same problem here ( skinny, pale no curves except the booty, and you know that guys LOOOOVEEE big breasts O__O)

... the thing is that I'm an introvert, don't smile ( can't pretend to be happy when I'm not), way to honest, WAY TO SHY with people especially guys, and I get so easily embarrassed the BLUSHING IS KILLING ME and I'm really not confident about my looks... guys tend to see when a girl isn't comfortable with her looks or feels insecure....and doesn't SMILE.

I can't change what I am...

Maybe I'll find a daring guy that will break the walls and like me the way I am. I'm sure you will find someone too. Even the ugliest girl gets a boyfriend in the end. Since, we're average, we shouldn't worry too much...

I hope I don't scare more guys with my stone doll face. If you can, it's recommended to smile stupidly all the time cause you seem more desirable and charismatic that way ( I CAN'T DO IT :(( ).

Good luck finding your Prince charming!
2015-05-15 10:56:02 UTC
Hmm- well I doubt it has anything to do with the way you look. I am a guy --22 and am in the same situation. I think maybe you aren't showing interest to the guys. Maybe you are like me and have an introverted personality? If you aren't showing interest to these guys, and are just being their friend, you won't find a boyfriend.

Even the ugliest of girls get guys, so I don't think thats the problem. Height is also not as big a deal to men as it is to women- sure most men want the girl to be shorter, but women usually see height as more a deal breaker. I am 5 foot 5 and would have no problem dating a tall girl.
2015-05-15 11:06:34 UTC
Most men assume a beautiful woman will turn them down.

This is why men with the courage to approach beautiful women end up with beautiful women.

Someone will approach you. Stop worrying about it.
2015-05-17 18:45:23 UTC
Hi, this is a good question and I feel for you. Just wanted to say you are not alone; I have a very good friend who is 22 and never been kissed, not to mention having a boyfriend. She is fun and undeniably beautiful, but just hasn't met the right person. It's okay to be picky, and you're not exactly old yet! My advice would be just be open to people and use this time to get to know and love yourself. I met my husband at the exact moment I had decided I didn't want a boyfriend and just wanted some time to myself (life is crazy like that.)

The first thing I noticed when I saw your post is that it seems like you put a lot of value on how you look and expect that to attract the right guy - please don't think that! I know lots of attractive people who I wouldn't want to be friends with, not to mention date. I'm not saying your personality is lacking, but that I hope you are not selling your beauty short just because it isn't getting you dates. I met my guy at church; places like that where you're sure to have some common ground with the people you meet is a great place to find a date!
2015-05-16 17:21:46 UTC
I'm 20 a guy and in the same position - I wouldn't say I'm ugly but definitely not hot - I'm ONLY 5'7. And btw you arequite tall for a girl at 5'11 - you probably put some guys off - even if you are hot.

Anyway, don't mean to be rude but are you sure you're not being too picky? I mean you might want tall, dark and handsome as guys definitely want ***, boobs and pretty - but we all know we have to settle for less than perfect in reality.

If you're not being picky I imagine you may be like me and you're a complete doormat - which I am too. But congrats on not being slutty and totally cheap, as I do know girls in your position just sell themselves to any guy that comes along, without much thought of what it entails.

If worse comes to worse and we're still in the same position in 5 years (I'm 20 atm). We can always try online dating...But NOT tinder. That's just for horny people not serious relationship.
2015-05-16 10:55:51 UTC
You may be unapproachable. Tall attractive introverted woman. You have to make an effort as well. As a man, I sacrifice no dignity whatsoever for a really attractive woman. I'll show my interest, but if she doesn't reciprocate or plays a game I move on instantly. I mean you know those games woman hate that men do? Men hate them just as much from women.
2015-05-16 07:22:17 UTC
I like a lot of the answers here, but want to caution you that clubs are full of people just looking for boobs, booty, and a hit-and-run. Have you thought about what you would call your "passion" in life? If you like to dance, don't just go to clubs, take some dance lessons or something. If it's too expensive, be diligent in your search for an alternative such as group classes at community centers and such. Volunteer. When it's not just "sip your drink and see who's looking" but you're engaged, the real you comes out naturally. Common interests really help spark relationships and keep partners involved in activities together. I'm not saying clubs are totally OUT, but try to find a more natural environment where you'll really shine, get some culture or do some giving. I believe you'll find the people you meet are more than "booty call" types. It may even take some time, but it's far less likely you'll be 35 and divorced.
2015-05-15 12:30:23 UTC
I think it may be that some men are intimidated by you, either by your height or by the way you carry yourself. I'm not saying you should change anything - because to be less than what you are (classy, elegant to use your own words) would be a mistake. But perhaps it is when you are "bummy" that men feel you are more approachable. There is nothing wrong with using your bummy times to make friends with men and then show them your elegant side on a date.
Zulcan The Great.
2015-05-16 21:42:41 UTC
Perhaps it may have to do with your demeanor or lack of confidence. If you have a positive outlook on life then you would be more confident with yourself. Also, it could be that you may need to improve your chances with searching for friendship first before you develop a relationship. You can't just get a boyfriend straight away after one meeting. It takes time and effort to get to know as many men from all walks of life before starting to think about a relationship.

I believe you may have high expectations. You want something to happen too quickly. Instant gratification. If you order a pizza then don't expect to arrive in five minutes and completely to your tasting. It may not turn out the best pizza but you eat it anyway. Someone has to make an effort to prepare the pizza and then someone delivers it to your door.

Another reason could be that young heterosexual men perceived you as a threat because of your elegance and graceful looks. Who knows? Some of those men who don't approach you are probably gay. You may need to join a social club or take up a sport where your chances of meeting someone that you like. But don't forget you are only 22 years young.

I am a mature man who never had a girlfriend until I was in my early thirties.
Linda G
2015-05-19 13:38:36 UTC
It's because you're looking to be approached.

That may have worked 20 years ago when I was your age, but these days, men are more cautious. They know they are one sexual harassment lawsuit, "woman scorned" rejection freak-out, or paternity-trap away from their lives being ruined, and for what? How do they know you're not a psycho head case who will destroy them?

Looks are important, but they're not everything. Looks don't give a guy enough information to know if you're a safe risk. I could tell you countless real life scenarios of males we've known who have been destroyed by hooking up with a beautiful woman on the basis of looks alone, who turned out to be predatory. One was driven to suicide less than two years into the relationship. In most cases, the predator cost the men their self-worth, careers, cash, credit, families, homes, and friends. They are in every age bracket too.

I've been with my man for almost 15 years and we met through a personal ad. We talked by phone and email for weeks before meeting in person, and dated for two years before moving in together. It even took several dates for our first kiss! People around us assumed we weren't serious because we took things so slowly, but we had to be sure. We had both been married before without having enough information about our spouses. We are physically attracted to each other but we never would have approached each other in public. Not enough information! We had to get to know each other first. That's the best way these days, for caution's sake.

If you wait to be approached, you run the risk of guys who already have kids and are only looking for a stepmother to take their former wife's place, in which case you're pretty interchangeable; or a one night stand because they don't need anything more than physical interest to do that.

You're very young and have lots of time ahead of you, so even if you placed an ad and it took several years to find the right person, that's no big deal at your age. It gets much more difficult the older you get. In the meantime, develop some interests that fulfill you whether you have a date or not. That will also make you more interesting as a date. Don't only consider men who share your interests, however -- then you risk just being buddies instead of romantic partners. Have some overlapping interests and some that are only yours.

Also, if you've never had a date nor a boyfriend, consider the possibility that you aren't straight. Perhaps consider dating women. It can be a very eye-opening experience that helps you understand men better. It definitely did for me. Good luck!
2015-05-17 15:54:01 UTC
Well, I'm 6 feet tall and have a similar problem. I also like do dress in classic, and I too have a nice face, but not absurdly gorgeous. I bet you are truly beautiful- I doubt the guys are lying to you. However, from my experience, I would say that you likely intimidate them. You are tall and attractive (you don't need to be magazine material or curvy to be attractive) and you generally look nice and sometimes sophisticated. This can sometimes intimidate the guys. Try asking a guy friend of yours how you can look more approachable, or try not to wear heels all the time (if you do) or something.

Or, (another friend of mine had this problem), they just automatically assume you already have a boyfriend. You are a beautiful woman who is tall and elegant. I'm not kidding, they might just honestly assume you already have a significant other. (weird isn't it?)

Anyway, I hope this was helpful, i'm sorry if it wasn't. I wish you the best of luck. God bless.

PS: even though it's hard, try to stay confident in who you are and in your attractiveness despite the lack of attention from men.

PSS: If they don't approach you, maybe try to approach them? I don't mean come on to them- I simply mean that maybe you can initiate the conversation. (i know it's strange feeling, but it gets better)
2015-05-16 15:19:00 UTC
No way to know judging by only your description. You should update and post a picture.

We don't know what your personality is like, or how you carry yourself in public. I can't speak for all guys, but I DO NOT approach any women in public. I never ask women out whom I see at the grocery store or whatever. I prefer to know something about them so I know if it's even worth bothering. Just seeing someone's looks tells me nothing about them. However, it can tell me what their priorities are. If they appear as though clothes are their main priority, or their looks in general, then I'm turned off. Nice to look at, but I don't want to date them.

I should mention that I'm also older, in my 40's, so my whole attitude is different than when I was your age. I've been told I'm very attractive and get tons of hits on my online dating site, but then they find out I don't make much money and it's off.

I end up with more forward women who let me know in some way they are approachable. Appearing approachable is KEY.

I forgot to mention that 160 lbs is kind of heavy, even for 5'11" if you're as thin as you say.
2015-05-15 22:09:50 UTC
I'm fairly sure it's not your body or your face, and no, the guy who said you're beautiful wasn't gratuitously lying, he was gratuitously telling the truth.

The USUAL explanation in these situations is this. Every woman has got a screening-out-guys program, without which, she would be flooded with more offers of sex than she could hope to handle. Many women have this dial set so high that they literally screen out everyone.

The solution is to lower your standards. I'm not suggesting this as a permanent solution or way of life. It's just to get the ball rolling.

I find it hard to believe that if you went to some male/female mixing spot, with drinking and music and dancing, with a girlfriend or mixed company, that you would fail to get an offer.

You could try asking out a female friend who is friends with some guys. Like, ask people to help.

If you are not abnormal looking - and you sound like you're not - and the male of the species being as he is and always has been, it's almost certainly something you're doing to screen guys out.
L from NY
2015-05-18 08:29:55 UTC
I was 28 before I had my first date so first I just want to say, don't give up! It can be frustrating, I know, but you need to be patient.

It is possible that because you are beautiful men are intimidated. They may think that you are out of their reach. First thing you need to do is relax. Don't go out to bars just so you can meet someone. Have fun. Take the chance and say something first, even if it's just to compliment a guy on something.

You can also take the route I did an actually look online. As long as you try to get to know someone online by emailing them for a while first, and be sure to meet them in a public place for the first time, you will probably have a lot more luck.

Just don't give up hope of every meeting someone nice.
2015-05-20 13:03:10 UTC
What worked for me was getting to know someone well before intimacy. There for you can judge a person and choose to either keep or leave him/her before things end up in a heart break, wait the sex part and you'll see after a few dates if the person is right for you. We are human and get overwhelmed when we don't have direction or find what ever it is we're looking for. My advice to you Miss would be to hold off any inter action as the person is still a stranger in the first few dates, and leave that part of intimacy till the day you are ready to let the person in your "private" life. I still believe intimacy after marriage is the best solution, all though some call it old school, I call it smart. I think your just overwhelming your self. I don't look for pretty or gorgeous, I look for good and long lasting., your still young, give your self some time and strengthen you maturity. I'm a 30yr old male and i believe I'll still be young to find love even if I get to my mid 30's. I have to stabilize my life and finances before I think of relationship. There reason there is more and more divorces is because people rush to jump into what they call love when what they really love is the pleasure of feeling what is a relationship. I'm 100% sure that you will find love short after if you listen to thee experienced. Learn to HAVE to love and support you significant other, and all shall fall into place. It's easy to find a love at first sight, but it is hard to love someone a long ways. It's a commitment not a joke. Take your time
2015-05-17 11:07:25 UTC
I'm sure you're attractive it's possible someone hasn't gotten the courage to ask you out yet though. I have some chick friends (i'm a guy) who have told me time and time again that im handsome, smart, etc. yet im always single. I've literally had some women tell me that were intimidated by how smart i was and my appearance so it's like dammed if i don't dammed if i do but someone will get the courage don't worry. I didn't lose my damn virginity until i was 21 sometimes we're late bloomers
2015-05-17 06:52:02 UTC
Many men are intimidated by women who are taller than they, but there are plenty of tall guys out there.

I doubt it's your physical appearance that keeps men away. There are a lot of ugly women who date a lot.

There must be something in your personality that turns men off. It's probably something about your body language. Maybe you don't go out often enough to meet guys. Go to a bar with some women friends and dance. Join a book club or take a cooking class. Or better, a car repair class that is not designed just for women. Or a language class. Look up some former classmates.
Todd Shimamoto
2015-05-18 20:30:22 UTC
I'm gonna give you an answer I'm not seeing here and one you probably haven't heard before: your outlook on your situation. You're basically telling us a guy will only approach you for perceivably shallow reasons, but you know what? There are hundreds of girls out there who look exactly as you described! And they surely aren't single, lol.

The thing is, by telling us so much about how you look and how you've noticed guys go after other women, you've boiled down attraction and getting-to-know-others to very impersonal qualities; if you frequently talk to people, you WILL generate a surrounding positive. interest in yourself, regardless of whether you are Kim K or Big Ol' Helga. And truth be told, that might be the advantage other girls are having on you - *** and **** alone don't dictate whether a guy wants to date a girl. That comes down to her "vibe."
2015-05-18 14:47:23 UTC
It's possible that your demeanor might have something to do with it. If you read as "standoffish", men might throw a glance your way and think, "she's not interested in talking to me", while you stand there thinking the same thing about them. And many men aren't as confident as we want women to think we are. It's intimidating to make a move on someone who hasn't given you any visible sign of interest!

I'd suggest going to more social mixer type events, where you can mix and mingle with both men and women, and just get to know people without any pressure. Also, read up on the art of flirting. Small signals, like maintaining eye contact for a second longer than usual, can give a guy an extra shot of confidence.
2015-05-19 05:15:43 UTC
I'm one of those 'friendly' type women. Don't chat me up because I wont hear it as a chat up. When I do detect a chat upline, I've gone into the loo to be sick. Here we go again the usual words tripping off the tongue.Where have you been all my life, gee I wish I had stayed there! Walking to work one day chatting to a guy I hardly knew, a colleague, he said I love you. AAAHH!! NO No NO. I am not beautiful but passingly attractive, so what attracts them I dont now.

I have been stalked mercilously and I am just getting on with my life. So not looking for a relationship

Maybe you need to learn to talk to people, just talk, it is one way to let people know you find them acceptable.
2015-05-17 02:36:20 UTC
Maybe you make yourself look unapproachable or stuckup. Maybe you make men feel intimidated by your style or don't look slutty enough (which you should be proud of if you don't want to be a one night stand. It's the millenia, have you tried approaching men you are attracted too, I find that sexy personally. I'm not trying to offend you, i'm just throwing some ideas out there. I'm married and my wife is your height and weight and I think she is the hottest woman out there, I love tall women (i'm 6'2 195 45 yrs old, she's 35) long legs and 36B nice firm but butt is the best to me ( i don't like big boobs, they're all sweaty and nasty, not to mention they will not stay perky forever like medium to small breast) Maybe your looking in the wrong place for a man, I never wanted to meet a woman I wanted a long term commitment with at a bar/club, I like classy women (my wife is a Business major finishing up her masters in accounting, I worked as Physicians assistant before I got sick). Don't rush it, Mr or Misses right (depending on what you want) is out there, be patient. You sound like a a very attractive woman, but remember personality and character means everything not just looks when looking for more than roll in the hay.
2015-05-18 01:21:28 UTC
How do I say this nicely? Dressing nice and classy is wonderful however it may convey 2 ideas. You could be a lovely girl but all that work might suggest to some men your high maintenance. You take care of yourself so your expectations maybe higher than one is willing to aim for. The other thing this could convey is the idea your trying flaunt a strong exterior. It's like goth or grunge clothing. It's an expression of who you are but that may not be what people sense.

It's like I said I'm sure your really nice but the first impression is made within seconds of the first sighting. The fact that your getting hit on at the gym tells me that men are most likely seeing vulnerability confidence and work ethic. Some guys don't need bells and whistles to find a girl. Sometimes all they need is a nice smile.
2015-05-17 08:37:58 UTC
To be honest, you sound smoking hot, and I would guess most men feel intimidated by you and think you're way out of their league. Most men also have a problem with the idea of dating someone taller than them, and at 5ft11 (the average man is only 5ft9!) this may be an issue for you.

If no men are talking to you, try approaching some men you are interested in and talking to them. See how that pans out. As a male I can tell you that "wait to be approached" isn't a dating strategy that works for me, it seems here that it may not be working out for you either.
The Great King Turtle
2015-05-17 11:01:28 UTC
It might be your height, I've noticed that I am attracted to shorter women even though I'm 6'3. You said you are 5'11 AND you dress up (so that means you may be wearing heals). You probably don't want to be wearing heels anymore.

Also, at 5'11 and 160 you are NOT heavy. People just do not understand that taller people weigh more, so avoid those comments.

Also, why don't you consider asking men out? Sometimes, men like us give up asking beautiful women out (as you claim you are) because we are almost certain we would get rejected and that is known from past experience.

So you may also need to lower your standards, you are probably looking for the hottest guy to ask you out. the problem is the hottest guy you are looking at, probably has many women shorter and more attractive than you chasing him. They say that 20% of men get 80% of women--> I've found this to be true.
fred f
2015-05-19 01:39:06 UTC
What's the big deal my dear sister, You are really beautiful from the way you narrated your profile. Don't t be discouraged, get going and you will surely meet the right person in your life. At times you also have to make a move and propose, you know, if you meet a guy and are interested . Make a lot of friends and out of that you can propose to the one you really want.However when you propose and you are turned down, do not be worried, just move ahead. Make sure you do not open your thigh to anyone you propose to. Who knows, someone living in your area, near your home is much interested in you, smiles at you and had made some moves but you did not given in.

At times you don't have to look further, just around your vicinity you can get someone who will love you,.

Check my block and read more stuff about "how to choose your rightful partner"
2015-05-17 10:54:09 UTC
Could it be that you intimidate men with your good looks. Some guys see a beautiful woman and automatically think she's got someone or is out of my league. This could explain a lot. Other than that you may be just hitting a dry spell. If the later is the reason. Let it pass and just go out to have fun, it'll happen..
Lexi Stone
2015-05-16 06:54:49 UTC
1. You need to start modeling like ASAP. For real, you could make tons of money with reliable companies with the body you described.

2. I am also gorgeous, and have never had a boyfriend. I am extremely picky. Do you go out with friends? If you're a homebody, men aren't going to come with you. Are you too busy for them? Perhaps you are intimidating to some men because of you're height and demeanor. If you are shy men assume you aren't interested. If you aren't interested and they are, they still won't approach you because men have an insane fear of rejection. Especially in their early 20's.

Best of luck! Go contact an agent and model!
2015-05-16 17:20:04 UTC
You might be intimidating . I am a half inch shorter than you but I thought I was too heavy at your weight and wouldn't be photographed above 150.

You may wear your weight better than I did so please do not bee insulted.

A lot of men like tall girls but a lot of then like smaller ones. Surely you have seen the movies where she jumps into his arms and they have sex.. so height may be an issue.

I would consider a paid dating site pronto . Write exactly what you want in a potential suitor or date. Do not compromise any of your standards and do not think about. being less than because I love being tall. I enjoy my height but most of the men in this area are shorter and would not date a taller woman. Try E Harmony and not freebie places because they are mostly looking for hook ups.

Volunteer, check out Meet Ups in your area and mainly focus on female friends and not single groups. The singles might be okay for a time but they can be filled with older , bitter divorcées.Good luck. Don't worry. A lot of very tall actresses say the same about their dating in high school.

I am married for a long time now but spend a lot of time around singles of all ages.
2015-05-16 21:01:17 UTC
You're just fine. You are not doing anything wrong.

The only reason I can think of "guys not staring at you" when you dress elegantly but "they do stare" when you wear "bumy gym clothes" is maybe because those guys who do stare random girls on roads look for mainly one thing.

Those guys are probably insensitive and not looking for anything serious.

And the people who will look at you even when you dress elegantly won't stare you like a creep on roads.

About height, some guys do feel a bit insecure when their girlfriends are taller than them.

But your height is just perfect even for a girl.

Just be patient and if you find someone attractive, you don't have to wait for the guy to approach, instead just try to begin a casual conversation and maybe some nice decent guy will get interested in "the way you look and talk" and ask you out.

PS. some guys are just shy and some are just "pervs" so don't think too much.

Sooner or later you will find a guy who will love you more than anything else :)

Till then have fun, look around the world and enjoy good food !
2015-05-17 19:07:57 UTC
Because you, like most other women, are hypergamous. There are plenty of decent guys but you don't want anything to do with them because they don't make enough money. It's only going to get worse as more and more men wake up. The problems you are having are the ones you created. That is true will almost all women.
2015-05-16 17:13:47 UTC
Maybe it's cause your acting like you are not single. Single women blend in and make personalized mistakes like they dress more risk-kay and flirt a lot. You sound like one of those girls who goes to bars but has it all planned out with no vulnerabilities. So no one even tries cause what's the point if the ball is in no ones court and you confiscated the ball.

You gotta take some risk.

Listen to chris rock.

Like, women and men are different with rejection. Men never get a bunch of attention. Women get attention all day long and when something happens it's extreme because they literally are getting hit on in every conversation. So it hurts deeper with men then women. When women finally want a guy, like your self. They go for some person who's way out of their league like a plastic surgeon or something. I bet you $20 if you ask a gamestop employee out they would say yes cause that's like, someone who would be your boyfriend.

But no your standards create your limitations.
2015-09-21 02:23:06 UTC
So first impressions are important - even though it may sound very shallow. However personality is vital. A girl who seems standoffish, doesn't have any conversation, or seems to be vain, self absorbed, or even desparate for a boyfriend is just not going to get asked for a date. If you're giving off the wrong vibes men will run the other way.
2015-05-18 14:33:56 UTC
You're definitely not alone. 18 years old never had a girlfriend or been kissed haha! Awkwardness could be your issue. It certainly is mine. I am not the most attractive guy but I am not ugly either. Tinder proved that for me as I was actually told for the first time that I was cute by several girls! I seriously recommend Tinder if you are awkward. Not every guy on Tinder is looking for a quick hook up :)

p.s. Being curvy isn't everything. The first thing I look at in a girl is her eyes. Then it's her smile. Curves certainly help but they not everyone's priority # 1.
2015-05-16 04:10:52 UTC
I don't know why people think that being single is a bad thing ? trust me,Its not ..It's maybe because they don't worth you ... You'll find the perfect guy at perfect time :) ,just always be yourself...don't try to become some one for the long one is perfect in this world ...infactI'm below Average but people would find million imperfections but at the's always You :-) stop running behind boys ..go and hangout with your best fellows and enjoy life ..

PS:you're pitty tall,,so avoid wearing heels
2015-05-18 10:49:41 UTC
I've always had the same problem

only mine was worse

I rarely had any decent guy approach me

and LOTS of really ugly, older, and sex obsessed men were all over me

the moment I stepped out

I have never felt what it means to be romanced by a handsome guy

I have always been chased and harassed by DISGUSTING men

like 40 year old bald guys with huge beer bellies

when I was 15

or STUPID married men checking me out, with their wives a few feet away, when I was in my 20s

and other TRAUMATIC experiences

and I NEVER dressed sexily or provocatively

and was not sociable or extroverted

I was shy and quiet



So looks, clothes, confidence or personality are NOT the reason

Trust me

This has been my PLAGUE

that's why I am still single in my late 30s

The reason is


Don't look for any other explanation trust me

It's not your looks

I was always told I looked like a beauty pageant participant

and look at my FAILURE in the romantic/relationship domain

It's not your clothes either

It's NOTHING you do or I do wrong

It's just a JINX that some people

like me

have unfortunately


I know this may sound pessimistic

because most people

try to find a flaw so they can CHANGE it

and attribute their failure to that


not for some people

Some people may have no huge flaws

nothing that OTHER people don't have

but they only have ONE EXTRA DRAWBACK


Which of course is much harder to change

That's why people prefer to hear that

''maybe your nose is too big'' or

'' your boobs are too flat'' (LOOK AT THE MILLIONS OF FLAT CHESTED WOMEN WHO HAVE MEN, duh!!!)

or ''your clothes are not up to date"

or, or, or

because they have MORE CONTROL over these flaws

whereas with BAD LUCK...

You are just doomed usually!!!

2015-05-17 07:50:58 UTC
Give up! It's no big deal! Don't try so hard to find love. If the right person is out there you'll meet him when you meet him. You're only 22. What's the rush?
2015-05-16 07:25:54 UTC
You are young and i'm sure very beautiful, the problem with some young males is they tend to go for what is easy something that will last a couples nights a few weeks over one that will last a life time (not all). There are some wonderful men out there that will respect that you for you are classy and you value how you look, love usually happens when we least expect it. If your always searching your going to miss what is right in front of you. Be you in every way continue dressing the way you do and keep your head up God has a plan for each and everyone of us and when the time is right he will put someone in your life that is perfect im sure of it. Maybe try some dating sites see what is out there but please be careful with these double dates with someone you know are always better with meeting someone new especially off line. Good luck in your journey at life and I wish you great happiness.
2015-05-16 23:18:30 UTC
My guess is they're too scared to approach you. A stranger in general is a weird situation- don't start believing it's you. I guarantee if you ask 10 guys out, 9 if not all 10 would say yes.

Keep your head up. I'll be your date if you get too alone :) :)
2015-05-16 13:33:20 UTC
I haven't had a boyfriend since 2009. Honestly, I would just be you! Dress like a "queen" persay for you and not for people. You'll find someone one day, and you're only 22.
2015-05-17 00:04:40 UTC
OK - you probably won t like hearing this, but address your own issues first.

First things first - why are you whining about not getting dates/a boyfriend? You are not entitiled to dates/relationships/hot men in your life. You gotta do what us lesser mortals do, put yourself out there and take your chances in the jungle known as Dating.

Then, lose the I-am-a-victim mindset. This there s-something-wrong-with-me or what s-wrong-with-men/women baloney - isn t attractive. Animals can smell fear and desperation - humans ain t no different.

OK - having said that - on the plus side, you re taking care of yourself and your appearance (all to the good) You re giving yourself the best chance that you can. Now, get the head sorted out - and, change the programming. Time to be a bit more proactive. You say random guys tell you thatyou re beautiful. What did you do after that?? Did you stand there like a simpering ninny giggling like a schoolgirl? Or (if you liked him), did you give a big beaming smile, say Thank you - you re kinda cute yourself, what s your name?". Or, did you excpectthe whole world to revolve around you and wait for him to pursue you??

Even if you re as nervous as all h*ll, you gotta make an effort, maybe even make a move. It doesn t have to be a grand romatic gesture - hey, you wanna grab a coffee/soda etc with me? If he say no (an unlikely event) then, so what? We ain t living in the 14th century any more. And, you re allowed to fail - no one s perfect. Most guys kinda figured that bit out when they were around 13 or 14.

You re 22, so you re gonna make mistakes, you re gonna do dumb things and you re gonna get hurt - that s what life is. Don t give up, keep trying and give guys a chance - they re only human too!!
2015-05-17 12:05:27 UTC
I haven't had a boyfriend since 2008. Honestly, I would just be you! Dress like a "queen" persay for you and not for people. You'll find someone one day, and you're only 22.
2015-05-16 18:38:09 UTC
I have the same prob but in a male way. Im 19 nearly 20 and i haven't had a girlfriend in 3 years and fate always decides that when i do go meet a girl that im going to get hurt on the way so ive given up. Actually thats a lie because i asked a girl out when i was 17 and didnt get beaten up or anything but she must of thought she was a nationwide top model and declined me, she wasnt that good looking but i found her really attractive and we shared things in common that literally noone can explain, like we had the same scar on the same hand and we had the same allergy to tomatos, liked the same foods, the first time i met her she said exactly what i was thinking and thats why i spoke to her. But she probably declined me cause she thought she could do better. Maybe thats why people like it when your in your gym outfit cos they feel safer, but i think you should approach someone for yourself because i know when i see a girl thats really good looking i dont want to approach her ...
Hasan Uddin
2015-05-17 06:10:38 UTC
And if all they're looking for is a quick shag on a Friday or Saturday night and no commitment they will avoid you like the plague if you give the impression you're looking for "Mr Right". But would you want a man who just wanted to get laid and then walk away? Perhaps you are looking in the wrong places for a boyfriend.
2015-05-17 01:17:58 UTC
first of all its not only up to the guys! seriously you want a date maybe you go out and ask. why would the guy do all the work? and just coz youre pretty and have a nice body does not get you a boyfriend. Guys love fun girls. So get into a mixed group of friends and hang with guys to see how they react to your personality. dont take yourself to serious, make them laugh! like someone said before friendship is a great basis for a relationship. it almost never happens that your randomly waiting for a bus and a guy asks you out and bang- boyfriend. you mentioned being classy- i dont know your style but it might come across intimidating or uptight. Ever tried walking down the street with shorts and a plain t-shirt and a smile on your face? that seems way more fun and uncomplicated to a guy then perect hair and style. My boyfriend does appreciate me being dressed nicely but I've noticed with him and other guys that they like me way more in plain jeans and shirt. Wanna turn the head of girls? yep a classy style does accomplish that but if you wanna get the attention of guys... doesnt have to quite that stylish ;) good luck!
2015-05-19 23:30:22 UTC
This is almost certainly a troll question. I'm 100 per cent sure you get approached by men every single day of your life, and that you break hearts regularly. The reason you can't get a boyfriend is your standards. You have some mental image of Prince Charming and you're holding out for the perfect guy. When you think you've found him 90 per cent of it will be due to simplistic and surficial considerations of his appearance and social masculinity. You'll find out you were wrong, but you'll stick to him like glue. Soon he'll leave, and you'll repeat the cycle throughout your 20s. Eventually your looks will fade and you will become invisible to men your age, in their prime, the same way a lot of good men are now invisible to you in yours. You'll think back and wonder how things could have been, and whether you would have been happier if you had prized less flash and more substance.

I've always wondered why women who can have any man they want make the poorest choices they possibly could, and then wonder why they're unhappy. Such a waste.
Marcus Morgan
2015-05-16 08:56:41 UTC
Like Sunybuni said guys can be intimidated by beauty and often assume that you are already taken. I'm guilty. If I were you I would enjoy being alone and take it as opportunity to grow and learn about yourself. I know it sounds cliche' but I think you should.
2015-05-17 23:51:22 UTC
I have a feeling that you dress a little too "Elegantly" and do not dress sexy enough, which is what a lot of girls your age tend to do. Dressing conservatively means that you are a marrying type to men, so they stay away from you until they are in their late 30s. You get noticed in gym gear because it is tight, and shows your leg muscles and slim waist and rear end.. It is time you started to dress for men rather than for women, and yes this means tighter and shorter..which is probably not what you wanted to hear, but dressing a little on the wild side will show that you can be a fun girlfriend. I would suggest wearing less magazine fashion clothes, and rather more club wear, it will make you seem more down to earth and approachable.. also get a wild hair cut and go out more!
2015-05-16 09:58:32 UTC
I get your struggle, I have the same problem, I have been called classy, cute and lovely but never asked out... Maybe you should try to ask someone out, we can't wait forever to find a guy who has the guts to ask us out! If you find someone you like and there's chemistry between you and he's single ask him out! Just don't go out throwing yourself at men. You deserve better. Do you sometimes come off as distant of unapproachable? That might make men nervous to ask you out. I hope this might help.
2015-05-16 16:28:06 UTC
You have to put yourself out there. don't just think they will come to you. I had to go looking for my boyfriend. show a little courage and take a leap. guys like that because believe it or not men are scared of getting shut down too. you are young and will get there. I was 21 before I had a real boyfriend. You will find someone. trust me.
2015-05-17 05:26:48 UTC
If you are dressing like a princess, people may think you already have a prince. Try dressing like a ho and that gets most guys off. Also when you go out, make sure you don't look like you're unavailable by burying your head in a phone or book or anything. Some people could be turned off by the fact that you are so put together that they think you are out of their league or something
2015-05-16 22:33:12 UTC
You seem to have class,quite unlike so many folks your age,forget the bars,clubs,and the like. Find a bible believing church,get involved make friends of both sexes and let nature take it's sincerly be yourself don't put on a front and your calendar should be full in no time at all.I would say good luck but luck is where chance meets opertunity Nothing ventured nothing gained.
2015-05-17 11:11:22 UTC
You are fairly tall. That makes it difficult for guys that are shorter than you to approach you because they think they are going to get rejected. If you are beautiful, that makes it even harder. If you carry yourself in a very formal way that sends a signal to men that you are expect quality or you are already in a relationship, most men will not approach you because they think you will reject them. I can infer by the way you word this question that you are also not really putting yourself out there. I have talked with women that I didn't find attractive physically, but when I talked with them I actually became more attracted to them because they had a great personality.
2015-05-16 22:24:14 UTC
A half century ago I was at a party trying hard to look interested. A young lady I never met came up and tapped me on the shoulder. She asked if I had a girlfriend. I said, "No." She said, "Ya got one now!" We stayed together for over forty years until she passed away.

I'm not sure there's a moral to this story, but sometimes you have to make things happen. Who dares, wins!
2015-05-18 13:27:55 UTC
All things can be explained and indeed can be accurately explained if the knowledge, understanding, intuition and wisdom are combined to reach a conclusion. So let me give this a try. I’m an old man, so I’ve learned much in my many years.


If you want to be loved, then love other people;

If you want friends, be friendly, (if you want enemies be mean and nasty)


If you live your life honorably and Love your Creator –whatever your understanding of him may be—then work at a relationship with your Creator.

This relationship is established through an ancient technique which in more modern terms would be called: Thought Purification. It involves processes to cleanse your mind of negative thought patterns. For example, never gossiping; make it a rule that if you have something to say about someone else, unless it’s good, don’t say it but don’t think it either. Purify your heart…challenge the core beliefs adults taught you as a child. Understand the world is full of malevolent and evil forces, yet there is beauty, hope and love.


In the long run…just do good; and TRY, really try; when you try all else will be added unto you.

This is not as cryptic as it may sound. Simply, be a good person, be friendly and helpful towards others. (Don’t put yourself in dangerous situations) but smile at people; be polite and yet be yourself…never pretend to be someone you’re not. People will love you for being you.

Do these things and you won’t have to look for a boyfriend, he will find you.

CONCLUSION: It is just as important to understand that life is about unselfishly helping one another; about making to the world a better place because you have lived in it. About Love and Forgiveness. As humans we all share this purpose, to treat your neighbor as you would have them treat you. (Study up on definition of “neighbor.’)

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are rights given us by our Creator not by any document or government.

POST SCRIPT: By your THOUGHTS you attract and repel all things around you…control your thoughts and you control your destiny.

Patience unlocks the Peace to guide you to your answers.

Remember: Smile.

--Jeff Barmann, Retired Criminal Law Paralegal, BS

2015-05-17 16:01:37 UTC
To me, almost all women that aren't morbidly obese or super old are attractive and don't need to work on their looks at all to get a boyfriend in fact, I think it would be better for you to make yourself look as ugly as possible so men can think they have somewhat of a chance.
2015-05-15 21:51:09 UTC
It's a mixed up society we have, guys are so uneducated in graceful ways to treat women, added to it many guys are just intimidated by someone like you. I was the same way 35 years ago, before I married my current wife, I wanted to ask her out, but I thought, nahh, she won't go out with someone like me. Finally I said screw it, I'm asking her out and within 3 months we were married, I don't know what magical formula to give you.
2015-05-16 15:46:16 UTC
Hmm maybe they are afraid to talk to you..I mean seriously when we see a beatiful woman its harder for as to ask her out or to talk to her. When we see a beatiful woman we just stair at her :D... Am sure your appearence isnt the problem i have checked your picture too you are really beatiful but i wouldnt ask you out because you would surely just reject me for my appearens or somethink and that hurts some times... When i start datig i was always rejected at first you know cause am fat.. i cant help it my body is like that no matter how much exersise i do i am still kinda fat...basically not fat more like a husky.. anywasy at first i was always rejected , i was afraid to talk to girls and everythink but after a while i started learn thinks about dating .. thinks that made it easier so now i get reject like 1 in a 100 times... no matter how much beatiful a girl is i can still get her...So what i want to say to you is that appearense doesnt play such an important role... i mean even if someone was ungly or somethink he could still have the most beatiful woman in the world ... Its just how you talk and how you connect with your date.... (Whe i say someone i dont mean you , you are beatiful not ungly , i just did an example).... So all you need to do is stop worriying about your appearense and start dating and on every date you will learn something more that will help you on your next one... untill you find someone that you want... i have been doing that for 4-5 years i have dated more than 100 woman ... and my appearense is not that good..... imagine what happens with yours...
El Loco
2015-05-16 01:28:32 UTC
Always assume you are the most beautiful girl walking the earth. Even if this is palpably not true. Assuming that brings a lot to the scene : you'll be looking for nice clothes, decent make-up, basically it implies you will take care of yourself. Assuming the opposite or that you're just an average looking could bring an extra lack of initiative which will prove costly.

Beauty is a matter of physical courage. Stop being afraid of your girl friends, of men, of rejection, of your father, of yourself. Just stop being afraid. Fear makes you consistently self-concious.
2015-05-16 14:47:10 UTC
I haven't had a boyfriend since 2010. I like girl.
2015-05-20 08:06:15 UTC
I don't know what you are doing wrong. I am not an attractive woman by any means and I never struggle to get with the opposite sex. You probably don't put yourself in situations where you could possibly meet someone.
Tad Dubious
2015-05-19 06:59:08 UTC
Your height will scare away some of the boys - and they are boys if that is their problem. I suggest moving away from the keyboard. Get out in the world, go to church, become a volunteer, hang out with married women friends who have a goal to get all their single friends attached. That will greatly increase your odds. Also, reading between the lines, I think you actually have a rather low opinion of yourself, and that will show, although you probably won't notice and others will not tell you that. Good luck.
2015-05-15 22:22:54 UTC
I'm 22 and I haven't dated at all. I've had chances with girls though, even now but they're not my type really.
2015-05-15 21:20:20 UTC
You a tumultuous time when it comes to dating in the early to late 20's range in most western culture as many variables have facilitated the current dating dynamic to be more adversarial rather than what it used to be which was symbiotic (yin and yang). Everyone is out there trying to find someone but many have a chip on their shoulder (men and women) as someone in the past has screwed them over...royally
2015-05-22 05:13:16 UTC
Some people may like you or want to talk to you but they don't have the courage to go up and talk to you. Or you may come off as not some one they can just go up and talk to. But I don't know how you act all the time so I can't say for sure.
2015-05-16 22:26:57 UTC
Give some time that the person will come to you. In the mean time try to keep your self busy. Try not to think too much about your self. Think positive be who you are and live life while you can. Sometimes it is a good idea to hangout with girls as a group to talk about this. Yes you are beautiful and we want the best for you.

Read a book, walk down to the park , listen to music helps too, and write down how you feel.

If someone says something to you, tell them thank you or yes I am pretty. Because only you know your self and no one else.
2015-05-17 15:47:36 UTC
So here is the thing. You have got to be happy doing you! ...That doesnt really answer your question but stay with me.

Beauty is only skin deep and sometimes people can see that. This would be a good time for you to settle down and just have fun doing what you like to do. If you like to rock climb, then do that. If you want to be wild, then be wild. I met my husband when I was in a wild phase of my life and so was he. We were into going out and getting drunk all the time. We didnt need much to celebrate over and we had fun back then with any little thing. One time, we had fun while paying our taxes...bottles and all....but I degress. If you notice, I used past tenses because we are now in a different phase/chapter in our lives and we are not into being so wild anymore.

Have fun doing what you want to do and you will meet someone that is into what you want to do. Trust me, nothing is better than meeting the man of your dreams on the most fun night of your life. It changes the way that you look at everything.

Also, dont complain to your friends that you are looking for a man. You want them to put out a good word for you. Not, "Oh, that is my single friend whatshername and she is ALWAYS looking for a man...." Let them say that you are fun to be around. That the party never stops when you are around and that they have the time of their lives when you are around.

Even if you dont find the man of your dreams, and are happy doing what you want, at least you will have lived a hell of a life! Isnt that what we are all looking for?
2015-05-16 20:02:15 UTC
Just my opinion: It dose not have anything to do with your looks or your size. Men mature at a slower rate than women. Go to places where men are that are a little older than you. Do not be shy about starting a conversation. If a man is into you just asking directions, commenting on the weather, saying something nice about what he is wearing or a simple hello will open the door for him to notice you in a crowd. Be sure to make eye contact and if given even a small chance a simple touch on his shoulder will go a long ways. Be confident but not over the hill confident, we want to be needed... .. Let us know how it turn out.
2015-05-16 09:47:03 UTC
I don't think it has to do with looks. personality is very important too. just be social and if a guy does talk to you be open more. women an ask men out to it doesn't always have to be the men.
2015-05-17 13:37:53 UTC
Because dudes are scared, they don't have the balls. They have the balls to stare at what you'd call "hotter" girls because they view them as sluts...That's the way most of guys are, they call the hot girls slut because they won't have sex with him(them). If I were to meet you in person, I probably will ask you out if you are my type, as in personality, because your body description sounds like my type. I can't get a date either because I'm not hot, I have sturge weber syndrome and I'm deaf. So you have it better than me.
2015-05-16 06:45:46 UTC
Try hanging out with guys more, some of them will develop crushes on you. I guarantee it works, all of the guys who have had crushes on me have been ones I've sat next to in class for a GP or done events with or something like that. Try to just act normal, have fun, and most of all, laugh and smile. Smiling makes you look a billion times more attractive.
2015-05-16 21:09:21 UTC
From a guys perspective. Believe it or not, and I know it is contradictory to the common misconception. Guys do care about more then butts and boobs and looks. If my girlfriend is pretty that is good, but I care just as much and proabably more about her personality, her feelings, her life's ups and downs etc. Maybe you are not being open enough, try to laugh more, smile, be more extroverted even if you are not like me. Guys, especially the nice ones, can be shy and may not want to ask you out since it is always on the guy. Flirt with guys you like, give them hints. Girls have this idea that guys should just come to them, and it is false. It is very awkward to ask a girl out who has given no hints that they like you. Flirt a bit with guys you like and eventually they will come to you.
2015-05-15 21:18:35 UTC
You a tumultuous time when it comes to dating in the early to late 20's range in most western culture as many variables have facilitated the current dating dynamic to be more adversarial rather than what it used to be which was symbiotic (yin and yang). Everyone is out there trying to find someone but many have a chip on their shoulder (men and women) as someone in the past has screwed them over...royally.
2015-05-16 08:33:39 UTC
Some people who are "sophisticated" or maybe "self-conscious" don't realize how to be approachable and friendly. They're too worried if they're too tall, too pretty...etc. I think you just need to become more outgoing, smile, talk, laugh, dance even if you're silly. Once people, especially guys, realize you're really just "one of them", they'll loosen up and hopefully make a move.
2015-05-17 20:53:48 UTC
22 no
I identify as a Helicopter
2015-05-16 16:58:15 UTC
I would like to bring to your attention the two paragraphs that you wrote. You said that you were not trying to sound conceited, but the words "I, me and my" are littered in your sentences. I counted 37 in the short two and a quarter paragraphs you've written. That may be why you're not having any success. If you want a relationship, or to gain the interest of other guys, you need to think about "we" instead of "me." Any person, male or female, is not going to willingly stay with someone whose only concern is their own happiness.
john s
2015-05-16 13:35:06 UTC
In today's world its okay for women to take the lead and flirt with men. Ask them for their phone number give yours. Nothing wrong with you, men are so afraid of being said no to by a beautiful woman they just will not ask. Most think their not good enough for you. When you dress down you make yourself less intimidating. Bottom line is you take the lead.
2015-05-17 23:22:19 UTC
Some men are intimated by height but others are turned on if a woman is close to their height. I say your height is good. As your top measurement it is normal for your height not impressive. Maybe your weight has something to it. You do want honesty, right. Not just a guy to lie to you to get you to bed. Other dating factors is that you may be wearing a ring in the marriage ring and men may think your taken. Another factor is that maybe your hair is not clean, or bad breath have men run away from a woman. Your personality may also drive a man away but not sure. My suggestion is to smile more, and do not walk fast as men want to have a chance to walk up to you and talk to you not run after you. My other suggestion to you is not to talk about other men on your dates you want a lasting memory of the person you meet not a mind doctor. Talking about your past comes later but slowly only if he is your boyfriend not a date. Dating is to get to know that person to see how they react to you on a date do you smile, do you like the same things, does he like what you like, do you both like walking side by side or does she walk ahead because if you walk ahead their is not going to be a second date. Go to places that you like and there you will find men that like what you like. That does not mean they are right for you as opposites attract, too.
2015-05-17 12:01:23 UTC
You're a nice gal. What you need is a nice guy. Remember most guys ARE jerks and only want to bed you. Then they will forget you ten seconds later. I recommend a good older guy. Older men are secure financially and (MORE IMPORTANTLY) emotionally. We're not all just trying to bed you. An older guy wants a young, happy, and secure partner.

So give me a call and I will be happy to romance and court you. 561 - 578 - 2694.
Pats fans are idiots
2015-05-17 14:06:58 UTC
Well ask a guy out on a date. If you're gonna say that's the guy's job then be prepared to sit on your *** longer!
2015-05-20 09:08:50 UTC
Thank GOD. It is writen, In all things give thanks. Dress up with less make up. not becos guy wil stare but becos I think you are a natural beauty by GOD's Grace. Don't expect any one's stare and don't bother if they do or do not comment. Don't look for a date. By GOD's Grace you will just get your husband simply.

For the guys, they like you when you look good so they don't show it... Just be yourself Pretty and be joyful always. yours will come by GOD's grace. afterall not all dates end in marriage. why the waste of time? Just keep yourself, look young so its not obvious age is passing. Hope this helps. Thanks.
2015-05-18 20:46:20 UTC
You make it sound like it's all about looks. I'm going to have to be the one to break it to you -- it's not.
2015-05-18 05:25:25 UTC
This is probably because you have been acting weird or etc. At the same time its to early to have a boyfriend at the age of 22. Some people get boyfriend/girlfriends at the game of 30+!
2015-05-16 13:24:10 UTC
Don't feel bad, I'm 30 guy never had girlfriend
2015-05-16 02:51:59 UTC
You can partly thank your fellow females , I would safely bet that most of the guys that do not approach have been rejected in a mean ,vicious way...young women do this a lot & get a kick out of being nasty ( seen this so often when worked as door staff ) . It is far easier for a girl to get a guy than vice versa & if you did decide to approach a guy you will be welcomed ( he will be shocked probably ! ) & never treated in a mean way , trust me on this !!
2015-05-17 07:32:55 UTC
Could be, you are so pretty, you bring out fear of inadequacy in them.

Height makes most of them look you off because they have been told by people (who will never find love) that he must be taller than she.

When you dress down in the clothes you would clean in on a saturday morning, you arent feeling so pretty, it makes you like prey to some.

I know when a woman I have interest in always is dressed like a power

tripper, I keep my distance. who knows what the story is supposed to be?

I know who she really is without slicks, traction bars and a tall spoiler.

We would set records and not care about impressing the gossipers.

There, you can relate to a lady without being yuppie scum.

If she wants to pursue that I know it leads to emptiness.

When you dress down, it can also be seen as an honesty

without sick games and that is sexy in an intimate way for some men.

Which ones should you try to attract?

You are just 22.

There is time to try them out, approach them, be the aggressor,

Give them a chance and learn to BE who you love and respect and feel comfortable with.

Waiting for them to figure it out may waste years of your youth.

You could upload a pic, a real pic, so I know I am not talking to Janet Reno look alike contest winner number 22, ( just a joke.) dont freak out
2015-05-19 17:32:18 UTC
I believe your attention to your looks is outstanding. You have said nothing of your personality. To be honest, even though it seems men look for (hot) chicks, the personality has got to be there for them to stay. Sure a woman can look like a super model but if she cant carry on a simple conversation then out the door with her...ya know? Look back at how you respond to a question, or react to an answer.... that might be your problem. Looks are not everything.
2016-05-02 11:50:06 UTC
If you wish to learn some actual useful methods that you need to use to get some body and have a long haul connection with then the most effective position to learn that is here

With Tao of Badass you can learn to study girls therefore you know what to find in order to find out if she is actually interested in you or perhaps not because guys just never look to have that portion right.

Possibly since no body actually taught them what to look for and this is why The Tao of Badass guide does this type of great job.
Paul R
2015-05-18 06:37:57 UTC
Its very difficult to find a suitable boy and then if you do find someone you have the bother of getting him to take you out. I recommend making a collection of not quite suitable boys ( all that takes is a smile and some elementary social skills). Then you can focus in one two or three of the more promising ones. Don't limit yourself to one boy because its silly to put all your eggs in one basket. Learn to be good in bed and never fake orgasm.
2015-05-17 07:11:11 UTC
Why can't you get a date? Be more social and join things to be more available.
2015-05-16 00:37:34 UTC
Seems o me there is good chance you may be looking in places unsuited to what you are seeking.

I would suggest establishing the type of guy that you would like to become involved with. Not a shopping list just a guide to the certain type of guy you like. Once you have determined this, determine where you are likely to find the type of guy you are seeking. You are the only one who knows what you are looking for.

For instance, if you like cultural pursuits and go to bars you are highly unlikely to get guys coming onto you. They will be after whatever they can connect with and may view you as not suited to their character. This scenario can be repeated to many situations.

So think about whether you want a sporting guy, or a guy into science, the arts, natural health, drinking, partying, travelling, spiritual stuff, business, nature and outdoor activities, nerdy book type to find in libraries. Then try and find activities in your local area that relate to this.

Good luck. You sound like an attractive intelligent girl finding it difficult to attract the best type of mate. There are many men in the same boat. It seems you are not that experienced which has good points but makes it more difficult to develop the confidence in finding what you seek. Just be easy on yourself but have the courage and imagination to explore so you can be confident finding what you seek.
2015-05-16 13:46:02 UTC
They think you're too beautiful. It's frustrating.
2015-05-17 19:08:57 UTC
Don't you have any male friends whom you can go to coffee or lunch with? It doesn't need to be a date. To have a friend you would need to be a friend first.
2015-05-16 20:43:39 UTC
Maybe Its your standarts that don't allow you to date.

By the way you describing yourself,you don't sound too humble and you're perhaps a bit stuck up.
2015-05-18 15:47:41 UTC
Some times you gotta flirt first. Catch a guys eye. If he's looks at you, look back at him, keep the stare and then smile, say hi and then see what happens. Goode luck.
2015-05-21 05:34:19 UTC
Guys dont get attracted to pretty girl no more. They mostly flirt. If only you have a nice heart, kind, and you have the sense of humour. So yahh. That's what guys into. Because im a guy.
2015-05-19 10:11:13 UTC
You sound striking! Its nice to know that there are still some young women that would prefer to have an elegant image. I identify with you and also with Lerada. I am a tall lady at 5'9, athletic figure. That is about my complexion too. I'm 26 now, but a few years back I had a similar sense of style to what you describe. I watched a lot of old, classic movies, and admired the way women like Audrey Hepburn or the ladies in Alfred Hitchcock films dressed,more so than a lot of the singers, models and actresses of the moment. It rubbed off on me and I bought vintage clothes, had more eclectic music tastes.

The way you present yourself suggests maturity. Its not that men don't like it, its just not something they see every day. Don't be surprised if a more worldly appearance attracts men from other countries. I had my first kiss with a photographer from Cuba when I was 18. But no attention from most of the men who lived there in Virginia with me where I was going to college. My style was different, more European. I was asked out by an exchange student from Martinique also at that time. And when I was 20 I moved to Spain where it was almost too much attention in the other direction, while I chose to stay a virgin, the men there definitely liked the way I look. I feel a little uncomfortable writing this because same as you, I don't want it to sound like I am proud, I just am trying to show how people from different backgrounds and cultures may see you differently. One of my co-workers (who is Japanese) told me a few years back that I really should consider visiting Japan and that I would fit in really well there.

You sounds like you have a look for a cosmopolitan place. You may also attract older men because of your timeless appearance. I personally find being approached by older men refreshing because I am very serious by temperament and like to have intelligent discussions about life, art, film, plays etc. I've been in conversations with men my age who have don't seem to appreciate it as much, and one even referred to me as "too technical."

Currently I'm in a relationship with a musician 20 years older than me, and he calls me "stunning" and the "most delicate person he has ever met."

If this is not who you want to attract still don't change who you are. There are many people who will like you because you are very different from them, opposites attracts. If you have a certain somebody in mind that you want to have a relationship then just put yourself out there. I often have luck forming relationships just by being a friend first. Let people get to know you, I think people ultimately want to be around me because I am warm and understanding. I'm a listener, people can tell me their troubles. I would like to think that it is really my personality that makes people care about me more, and the way you make people feel goes a long way. If you see somebody you like somebody just try to see what their interested in, and talk about that.

Even if you're just still looking for what you want, and don't have anybody in mind you like, just still keep going out there, show the world you're there. Don't give up, like the Emilie Autumn song says, "If you sing loud and clear, someone passing by will surely here you. No, you can't be afraid, if you ever want somebody near you." So just be who you are. We all know that you are beautiful, so let people see that they can approach you, just start talking, make them feel at ease.

Good luck, just talking from personal experience.
2015-05-16 19:11:30 UTC
You are too wrapped up in your own life to handle the inconvenience of having a boyfriend. If you think I am wrong, why haven't you moved into my spare bedroom?
2015-05-16 05:57:31 UTC
Men secretly feel threatened by women. When they see an elegant woman, they think they could never get someone like that. So when you're in your gym clothes, you are much less "threatening" and thus more approachable.
2015-05-17 03:05:53 UTC
You're too tall, most guys wouldn't be comfortable with that.

And 161 is big, even for 5'11".
2015-05-18 15:28:05 UTC
i know guys may seem like they are all into *** and boobs and girl's body. but they also like personality. I know everyone says "The right one will come eventually" but its really true. in highschool i was not that social, or popular. I was pretty (not to sound concieted) and pretty happy with myself. But there were always prettier girls which kinda ruined my confidence. In my first year of college i met my first boyfriend. Yeah i know, pretty pathetic having your first bf at 20. But it was the randomest moment. Just wait and dont rush into anything. Live life and be happy cause eventually he will come.
2015-05-18 08:43:06 UTC
Girl, let your hair down, and be friendly. Men don't care that much what you look like. Not really. It has more to do with how you make him feel.
2015-05-17 15:56:50 UTC
Guys are pretty easy, I know I am one. You're scaring them off somehow, demanding a commitment? Expecting marriage and children?
2015-05-17 22:19:08 UTC
You may be just hitting a dry spell. If the later is the reason. Let it pass and just go out to have fun, it'll happen.
2015-05-15 23:27:12 UTC
Hell Madusa. I'm 20 and I've never been on a date or had a girlfriend either. I've been told I'm handsome before as well. I dunno. Just know your not the other one and that guys deal with this too. =)
2015-05-16 08:17:25 UTC
I have the same problem and That is what I don't understand. I always see thugs and bad people getting partners and not me.
2015-05-15 10:55:58 UTC
are you approachable? i have a friend who has a constant b-itch face on, thats her its just the way she is sarcastic and brilliant but she literally scares guys away for example a guy asked her to coffee and her being her said "why try so hard to get in my pants? and yes" the guy bailed. She has a boyfriend now, its about finding someone who likes you for you as a person i mean obviously if you are beautiful to multiple men thats a perk but really if you arent approachable the best youll get is a one night stand and not a serious relationship. good luck buddy
2015-05-17 02:46:33 UTC
The way you act is obviously too defensive and you are litterally giving off STAY AWAY signals with your body language. Things like crossed arms, staring are the common ones. Why not make the first move and ask a guy you like for a drink. There is NO rule that the guy must always do it!
2015-05-17 00:35:31 UTC
It is most definitely not all your appearance. I know for a fact that there are men who would pick your figure over curves any day. My best advice is to be openly friendly. Say hi, go on dating or friendship websites, go out for drinks with friends. DO NOT search for a relationship. Start with friendship and go from there. Put yourself out there, smile, look approachable, and be confident.
Kevin Austin
2015-05-17 03:08:18 UTC
Maybe you just try to hard people can see that in your body language, Personally I like Girls that are thin- slim Brown Eyes and pale not full of tan, but that's just me
2015-05-18 10:28:06 UTC
Based on your description, I'd date you... my dream girl and I'll never ever meet you
2016-11-03 10:04:41 UTC
Can T Get A Date
Q The First Timelord
2015-05-16 10:18:55 UTC
Look,I'm 45, no spring chicken, and my last girlfriend who I broke up with after 4 years together - four years ago - was 15 years my younger.

I approached her.

I've been married three times. And all three wound up with divorces.

Now this was when I showed my money off to others - I had been making 100k+ a year since I was 8 years old, and by the time I was 42, I retired a very wealthy man.

But I've been bored. And thinking - there's something wrong with me and relationships. The last wife I was with - she expected me to buy her a car the moment we got married to 'upgrade' her Escort to a Lexus like I was driving.

Do you know I gave my last Lexus away to a poor family in Mexico?

True story.

In any case. Here's my experience with women: I'm homeless, by choice, just living a weird life hanging out at Starbuck's on a daily basis - people watching. Now I don't tell ANYONE here I have nearly $100 million in hidden bank accounts.

In the three years I have lived 'on the streets' - I have been to 8 countries, and am sleeping better than I ever have in my life.

But NOT once. NOT ONE single time have I had a woman approach me.

I bathe daily. With soap. I wash my hair. I shave. I wear clothes that have been washed regularly. Most people don't even know I am homeless once I have set my bags down, and many say that.

A man who sleeps a stones throw from me is a BILLIONAIRE and doing the same thing I am. He owns a biofuels company distributing biodiesel for the US Air Force and decided to take an extended leave.

Here's the problem, and it's starting with someone your age:

You're fixated on 'trapping' men like a spider catches a prey. You wonder why men don't approach you. It's because you're acting like a spider.

Now you are SO focused on you. And for women, this happens at such a young age, you have forgotten that with relationships - it takes two to tango. There's going to be times YOU gotta approach. There's going to be times YOU gotta be the boss. There's going to be times YOU need to step it up and take control.

Playing coy and demure, particularly after you've turned 35, is about as sexy and sustainable in a relationship as drying turd is to a fly.

Sure, I had emotional maturity issues which in part led to the failure of my relationships. But the problem with women lies squarely with women. They - YOU play the victim like a dramatic act you imported from Hollywood.

I'm sorry for being so blunt. But let's put it this way. Would you ask a 45 year old guy out? Probably not, right? Now if that guy was homeless, it would probably sink to a hell no, right? Now why is this? I suspect it's because your mind is incapable of comprehending there's things going on with the males beyond your comprehension or awareness.

Now if you learned that 45 year old male was a multimillionaire, would that change things? You'd ask for proof, right?

Here's the problem with women nowadays. You completely lack imagination. I mean - devoid of it. How can you - an attractive woman of 22 years old get a date?


It really is that simple.

I date older and younger, and my preference IS younger because of the general lack of cynicism.

Where's this cynicism come from?

Because women are so busy looking at a man as an object, for a sustainable lifestyle, and painting themselves as the victim of objectification whenever they are questioned for it.

You know, I have lived three years without touching a single red cent of what I own, without money. I quite literally have nothing in my pocket as we speak other than a wallet collecting lint.

You can sustain yourself - IF you simply quit trying to 'catch' a prey and instead regard men as emotional and often insecure being much like you who want nothing more than to be a part of your life.

Without, mind you, having to pay you for your company.

That is. You're there because you want to be there.

As a woman. do you understand the importance of how it's women's turn to step it up and ask them men out?

You want a date? Quit trying to lure them in and being the bait. Go out there and get them yourself.
Carly C
2015-05-15 21:27:24 UTC
I agree with TicTic. Don't wait for them to approach you. Heck, that's how I got my ex of 5 years.I walked up to him and told him he was hanging out with me for the weekend. Boom.
2015-05-17 06:12:53 UTC
The problem is not you, nor is it men for the most part. It's other women. Girls these days have a very lowered standard for themselves. They dress sexually because men are attracted by sight and dressing like that draws attention from most men.

It also has become a norm. Women are sometimes lazy with the way they dress and some dress like complete sluts. It's become normal. You don't see many women who dress with class and behave with class. Thus its abnormal and some men are turned off or intimidated by a girl with class.

And sadly most men are lazy. Most just want to be with a girl and they don't give a damn who. So... Women who dress "easy" are often seen as "easy". Women who dress like high calibur gals are often seen as high class out of my league type of women who are challenging and hard to get. Thus a lot of men, while they think that may be beautiful, are too scared to ask that type of girl out because they think she is out of their league. They get intimidated and afraid of rejection. Because ex:

You got a man who approaches a girl wearing yoga pants with her thong exposed, a tight shirt with cleavage and belly button showing to ask her out. He gets rejected and thinks "so, she looked like a bimbo anyways... And there are more like her everywhere" per se.

A man approaches a woman with class. A high caliber woman. He's very nervous because of her stature, appearance, and aura she gives off. He is rejected and it hurts more because a woman with class rejected him.

The point of the matter is that you are abnormal per se. Most young women, to put bluntly, dress like sluts. Easy to get and promiscuous. You don't. You dress and behave with class. You sound lovely but sadly it's no longer part of the norm and most men are blind.

But don't fret. You'll find someone out there who will appreciate you for what you are. A rose among daffodils.
2015-05-16 02:49:22 UTC
try being more enjoyable to be around, because no-one wants to be with someone who's good looking but is no fun and constantly a pain in the butt.

p.s when you see someone you like the look of you can approach him and ask him out if you like him, it is 2015, you know women can ask guys out nowadays
2015-05-15 10:52:09 UTC
Maybe high standards & expectations ? I've noticed often times too women will "look good" but have no personality whatsoever, Generally speaking us men, we go for girls with good attitudes & who are potential wife material and personality.

Women only care if the guy is "fine" or not.
2016-10-07 05:52:42 UTC
Can T Get A Date
2015-05-19 20:58:07 UTC
sometimes its actually good not to have a date....because u r more free to do what u want....but if u r beautiful and u seem to not get a date....its probably because men or boy are intimidated by u. its not a bad thing either....eventually u will have too many that u will probably dont want any....22 yr olds r still immature and dont take care of u like a lady and dont even consider u serious...they usually just want a good time...and i dont think thats what u would dont panic..enjoy the time with ur girlfriends...dont care about it...soon it will happen and it will be fine
2015-05-18 18:56:19 UTC
You intimidated the lads and now they're scared sh!tless that you will look in their direction and they'll explode into flames by your beauty.
2015-05-20 19:52:56 UTC
When the time is right you'll find that perfect someone. Belive me just take it easy when your special man comes you'll know.
2015-05-15 15:54:50 UTC
They're intimidated.
2015-05-18 13:43:02 UTC
Learn to flirt. You're looking around .... be sure not to limit who you look at...and then flirt. Subtle flirting is great fun. You can also do it at stop lights and such places to get some great practice.
2015-05-18 04:47:28 UTC
maybe you're a pain to be around. guys like fun, interesting and intelligent women as much as hot ones.
2015-05-16 07:25:54 UTC
You're very young. Just be yourself and you'll be ok.
2015-05-16 16:32:52 UTC
Plenty of Dating Sites and Agencies. Time You gave one a try.
kylie nicole
2015-05-16 09:19:00 UTC
Maybe you are SO BEAUTIFUL that guys feel Intimidated to come and ask you out?? I don't know you sound very beautiful to me... <3
2015-05-15 10:48:37 UTC
You're the female version of Elliot Rodger.
2015-05-15 16:13:52 UTC
Maybe it's time for you too approach.
Doc De mort
2015-05-16 05:53:41 UTC
you dont seem easy, maybe you dont seem intelligent, maybe you dont seem, like you have a funny personality, also maybe you dont go places, and where there are many people, also you dont go to boys houses, i think you need to start with some ugly boys, start blowing them, and get your sexual experience, and level up in order to gain more confidence in yourself. its something about you, that either intimidates boys, or turns them off, and if all else fails, go for black guys. and one more thing, give your number out more often, and when guys respond, respond back quickly, if after one week, a time to meet, hasnt been established, then move on, or offer to meet up. 1st date, is kissing, second date is petting/sex 3rd date is sex for sure. and please dont be prude, just be down for anything. oh and one more, thing, dont say no to anything. and rule number 1 you must drink alcohal. biggest turn off ever, is a girl who doesnt drink. i love girls who drink and smoke.

oh one more thing please send me a message, if you want to talk more.
2015-05-17 03:57:48 UTC
I am sure you will find someone one day. Don't worry. Just don't change and be yourself.
2015-05-16 16:31:14 UTC
Is not the looks...the question is..ARE YOU FUN? What vibe do you give....snobbish? smug? too intellectual? I think it has to do with attitude. Like others mentioned, are you smiling, are you flirty, do you give the correct signals, body language that you are "available and looking". Review the attitude and be more friendly, The looks don´t matter, if you are FUN and really LISTEN what other people (Men) have to say, don´t just keep talking about yourself and your problems.
2015-05-16 11:59:53 UTC
Maybe you just need to be more approachable to them. Search up Jade Joddie on youtube about introverts, she has the same problem and she can fix yours like she did mine. btw don't get stunned by her accent. Youll get it when u see it m8. cheers
2015-05-19 05:37:28 UTC
The problem is not with you it is with the males. They are threatened by your good looks. Dress down then see what happens. You will be amazed at the results. Realize that your part in the male-female relationship is to make one you are attracted to feel confident in your accessability Not easy Just approachable Good luck
2015-05-17 22:12:58 UTC
I bet from your paragraph it is because you are annoying. I, I , I , me, me, me. High maintenance is no longer in vogue and those of us with good jobs and out sh it together don't want to put up with that.
2015-05-16 04:18:34 UTC
You don't talk to guys.
2015-05-16 06:12:19 UTC
may be they think you are way elegant and maybe got a better boyfriend than them....they might thought they had no chance with you.....though it doesn't mean you should change yourself......please wait sometime and i believe you might get one of the hottest guy....just try to approach them and let them know you.....
Recovering Nice Guy
2015-05-15 15:32:08 UTC

Gonna preface this by saying you should have put this up on the singles and dating category in Yahoo's Q&A section, it would have been better received with many answers not trying to preach or interject some political beliefs into your head about gender politics.


You a tumultuous time when it comes to dating in the early to late 20's range in most western culture as many variables have facilitated the current dating dynamic to be more adversarial rather than what it used to be which was symbiotic (yin and yang). Everyone is out there trying to find someone but many have a chip on their shoulder (men and women) as someone in the past has screwed them over...royally.

With your circumstance we encounter two possible variables and many here have touched up on one of them which is that you appear out of their league and they see no point in approaching you. Why this is because (again going back to our tumultuous dating culture) the majority of women in this age range primarily go for guys who are above their status in terms of dating and the men in the same league of you in class and those below you notice this trend happening repeatedly and constantly. Women who are 7's go for 8's and above even down to women who are 3's going for men who are 4's and above. We are not implying you are doing this just explaining why many men have hesitation in approaching you because they pick up on patterns of behavior in women their own age.

The other of course is one that is considered taboo, politically incorrect and to many women is just thought of as impossible. There is another...noticeable trend in women these days in the same age range as you and that is there is a correlation between how attractive a woman is to how 'crazy' they are. The 'hotter' they are tend to be more than likely what men deem as crazy. There are many quotes that can fit here:

-Don't judge a book by its cover

-Looks can be deceiving

-It's whats on the inside that counts

These men would not automatically think this or react to it if it was taught to them by others, this is something men learn from experience with women. Just one woman does not, I repeat, does not develop this learned trait in men. This is something that comes from years of experience and many many women before hand for them to develop this form of cautionary judging.

To put it simply there are just as many a**hole women out there as there are a**hole men and men these days especially when it comes to dating are being more cautious and more hesitant (it only takes one psycho woman to screw up your life as a man) and men more than not on many many types of activities only take risks if they are calculated risks.

Then again we do not know much about your personality and that could be the main factor.

Wish you much luck and have a nice weekend.
2015-05-17 22:41:06 UTC
I'll date you haha if it makes any constellation 😂😘
2015-05-18 17:20:51 UTC
Is it really important to get a date or be in a relationship? It would be much productive if you make an effort to expand your horizons and socialize more.
2015-05-17 20:42:46 UTC
beauty is in the eye of the beholder

you'll find the right guy now, but not it may take some time
2015-05-15 11:00:11 UTC
Im 5'11 not fat with deep blue eyes and i cant seem to get a date either, we should meet xD..

im 23 born in 91
2015-05-17 03:27:33 UTC
Fortune always fluctuate. Pl. wait. Have patience. Luck comes to every one in its own turn.

Time is the best healer. Exercise tolerance power along with will-power till then.
2015-05-16 06:08:35 UTC
don't worry mate, I'm 24 and still single ps: a virgin.
2015-05-18 09:47:41 UTC
I always assumed the best looking girls were already taken by good looking guys. Have you tried to ask a guy out on a date?
2017-03-19 03:30:39 UTC
Through your Q at YA you have announced your readiness for dating so hopefully you go busy dating.
2015-05-16 21:57:25 UTC
Well if you want to improve your body you can always do weights. Squats will give you that booty for sure.

But I woulnt really care if you were my girlfriend.

Society has a messed up image of what beauty is.
2015-05-18 11:43:56 UTC
I'm not sure
2015-05-18 15:11:41 UTC
1) you're asking this question to random people on yahoo...
2015-05-16 01:50:06 UTC
i dont know what to say...i have'nt date anyone yet though im 24 years old lol
2015-05-17 10:32:44 UTC
Take your time, live your life, make your living, you'll be fine.
2015-05-15 10:55:29 UTC
the first question most males ask when looking at a prospective **** is , 'is she out of my league, am I wasting my time?' .. you got to be reachable.
2015-05-18 08:52:07 UTC
U.cant get a date because u look like back end of a bus 🚌
2015-05-18 19:44:55 UTC
Just be you. Not someone you think you should be, or someone they want you to be. When you least expect it, someone will happen to be there at the appropriate time. You are still at a young age. Enjoy your life.
2015-05-16 16:31:47 UTC
judging from your description u sound like a perfectly normal girl but my dear appearance is nothing without personality , question is are u good at communication skills ? do u have a good personality ? also u cant just expect to stand somewhere and expect guys to propose to you , its not always like that those are bs from movies ... u also have to approach men and ask em out , i mean unless u are shy which is understandable
2015-05-18 01:21:45 UTC
You haven't met your destiny - just be patient and stop looking at every guy - "Maybe it is him!!!" I met my beloved husband when I was 25
2015-05-17 00:59:25 UTC
whats wrong with you ,first off there is someone in this world for everyone ,second stop worring about your looks size shape ,just start going out and having some fun with friends and ,forget about finding someone ,trust me they will find you and it wont take long either ,
2015-05-16 09:18:01 UTC
maybe you cud shown a pic, but maybe someone you know wants to ask you out but they haven't yet.
2015-05-16 15:57:47 UTC
What do you do to connect with your fellow humans? Go to church, hiking, and clubs, school, interests?

I think the way some one looks is not the most important factor in dating.
2015-05-17 11:49:18 UTC
A good hot body and smartness always appeal to men. Have got it?
simonb b
2015-05-18 02:05:30 UTC
Drop your draws and 50p's yours!
2015-05-17 05:14:05 UTC
you clearly need to lower your standards, many men would love to go out with you but you probably think you are just too good for them like most women do
2015-05-16 07:43:55 UTC
Even if you be ugly you can have bf you must have confidence work on your personality inside and the other-things gonna be right outside
2015-05-16 00:40:10 UTC
are you a ghost? i don't get asked out often either but just found i am ghost so that may be it. if you are not a ghost - can you dunk? i get ghost ***** for girls that dunk.
2015-05-16 18:54:07 UTC
Show off some cleavage
2015-05-19 20:41:49 UTC
Maybe some girls are not meant to be tamed, They r supposed to run wild until they find someone, Just as wild to run with.😉
2015-05-15 22:28:29 UTC
Most guys just have way too high standards. Has happened to me.
Wee Trojan
2015-05-18 04:06:14 UTC
desperation stinks - literally. Couple that with the fact that you seem to be moving in the wrong circles

gives you two areas to alter.
2015-05-16 11:49:48 UTC
maybe a lot of guys at the moment are just looking for some slutty girl to have sex with. keep on waiting, youll find the right one.
2015-05-17 01:13:45 UTC
Because you're Jewish!
2015-05-16 08:21:51 UTC
Bad luck.
Mahad Sheraz
2015-05-17 05:25:17 UTC
show attitude to guys dont give them importants then start ignoring them then they will ask yew for a date
2015-05-18 11:07:57 UTC
Standards too high. Try lowering them.
2015-05-18 15:17:33 UTC
understand what the men want, dont be too possesive, if a guy calls u beautiful then try and furtherthe relationship, simole.
Sweetdaddy Rex
2015-05-20 09:38:08 UTC
Start hanging out with some BIKERS !
2015-05-18 19:56:14 UTC
Work out then?
2015-05-16 14:47:44 UTC
The perfect kind of love is expressed not physically but intellectually...
2015-05-15 11:09:27 UTC
It sounds like you need more alcohol involved in your life.
2015-05-16 18:24:59 UTC
i have never had a girlfriend and i am 29

the only strangers are people who are not friendly.
2015-05-16 04:35:40 UTC
Empty praise
2015-05-17 10:18:08 UTC
Please stop feeling that a man will make you complete!!! Get going in life, dont look for anyone in life, if you have to get someone, u will get him one day
2015-05-16 16:51:56 UTC
Maybe because you don t show any interest back when you re complimented
2015-05-21 04:59:36 UTC
I ca be your BF . 23 years old
2015-05-17 09:39:22 UTC
maybe you should start by looking for a man not a boy
2015-05-15 19:47:02 UTC
If I were you, I would wait until marriage.

Trust Me.
2015-05-20 09:47:29 UTC
Just be nice to ppl ..and especially the person u have crush on..ask him out once
2015-05-19 22:52:29 UTC
Are you dressing up to get guys to notice you... or are you dressing up to get guys to notice YOU...there is a difference.
2015-05-19 17:14:37 UTC
You still young
2015-05-19 21:18:47 UTC
Most guys now these days just want sex! Sadly!
2015-05-16 18:06:12 UTC
dont rush it wait 4 it
2015-05-16 13:09:43 UTC
Men would rather play with x-box then your box or jerk off to porn.
2015-05-21 13:30:31 UTC
Not making yourself available?
Kenny Lucky
2015-05-17 11:13:25 UTC
you are pushing your self too hard. The boy will come when you wait
2015-05-18 10:09:27 UTC
God is saving someone very special for you.
2015-05-15 10:51:57 UTC
Maybe its your social anxiety disorder.
2015-05-16 14:46:49 UTC
The right man will come soon enough
2015-05-17 06:19:44 UTC
I guess some guys fear rejection
2015-05-16 19:55:03 UTC
2 reasons. your face and your personality. TOODLES
2015-05-18 04:18:45 UTC
try visiting a retirement home.
2015-05-17 10:40:15 UTC
hmmm tough question. If you like you can be my girlfriend
2015-05-17 08:29:02 UTC
Might be your personality
south of france
2015-05-16 06:05:56 UTC
Try not wearing a bra
2015-05-16 15:07:41 UTC
dont rush, just wait me around the corner.

it ll happen quicker than u think :)
2015-05-18 04:03:48 UTC
2015-05-17 17:50:24 UTC
Its their loss
2015-05-16 08:35:02 UTC
You sound hot.
2015-05-18 15:23:37 UTC
men are intimidated by your looks.
2015-05-17 05:59:56 UTC
2015-05-18 04:15:17 UTC
70 over kg is really fat, plus no boobs?
2015-05-17 18:50:41 UTC
Just be yourself.
2015-05-15 17:50:42 UTC
you havent met me yet
2015-05-16 03:59:09 UTC
aawwww poor you
Art G
2015-05-16 21:34:18 UTC
2015-05-19 09:11:06 UTC
maybe B.O. or bad personality.
2015-05-20 00:43:17 UTC
2015-05-16 09:35:56 UTC
not good looking enough may bee!!
2015-05-16 20:05:56 UTC
too tall
2015-05-18 18:11:36 UTC
hey you should hmu i hope you have snapchat if not i hope you download it, my snapchat is ALASKAN_305AK
2015-05-18 06:30:02 UTC
Its not all about how you look.
2015-05-15 11:28:56 UTC
the more you want something, the less it comes to you
2015-05-16 07:03:41 UTC
why dont u approach them first :) u can text you colleagues/ classmates :)
2015-05-16 10:33:59 UTC
because your useless
2015-05-17 00:52:14 UTC
hm, because u want attention instead?
2015-05-18 20:41:55 UTC
Same here. I am 27 and suffering. Somebody marry me please.
2015-05-18 00:09:02 UTC
probably because your a *****
2015-05-20 14:12:10 UTC
2015-05-17 01:06:41 UTC
2015-05-19 11:07:16 UTC
2015-05-17 22:46:06 UTC
2015-05-19 14:47:44 UTC
there are families that don't allow people to have dates at all as long as you live with them. example some super strict parents believe you should not date until you are married and have finished education minimum of bachelors. i am guessing the situation has nothing to do with your family or upbringing and that you don't have any mental illness or other severe health complications like disabilities or diagnosis of possibility of death risk stuff like that. the other possibility is well are you overweight? size can play a role and also your appearance. assuming you look normal and have average length hair and you look similar to the girls around you in general. another thing to add don't be too jealous of the girls around. at least your still young that is why i am not scared for you. i am trying to figure out if you lived in some sort of restrictive environment growing up like homeschooling or amish or something odd like that. i am guessing your not an immigrant who came to america recently or anything like illegal immigration situation at all. i am not saying your ugly but maybe you don't dress up similar to other people. i don't know if you wear makeup or not or if you style your hair. if you tie your hair back or wear stuff that looks cheap that could be a reason. you didn't say the area your from or how many friends you have. if your low income and live in a upper middle class area where the parents are like doctors and lawyers but your parents are low income family well there is financial differences to take into account to why they don't want to hang with you. also were you allowed to date in high school or go to parities and stuff like that. if you don't make yourself avail be at hot sport areas where boys and girls are at they are not going to always come near you. i am not telling you to change who you are at all. i am just telling you what normal is and why people gravitate to what looks average. if the issue is not your appearance then the other possibility is your personality or social skills ability like how many friends you have and if you meet up with large groups of people. well the girls that get asked out the fastest are the whores meaning girls who are easy and look average and stuff they will get tons of dates. but then again your talking about having a real relationship and not about someone who can have sex but doesn't have feelings for the person they are with. i am just trying to make you feel better that just because someone loss their virginity or finds it easy to date doesn't mean they have healthy relationships or that they were ever in love. just because a person is boyfriend and girlfriend doesn't mean that they are automatically in love. i know with your age your old enough to drink alcohol and drive and maybe you finished university or are close to that so you find it sad that this is your situation currently. well i can't figure if you had a date or not or if the issue is only with finding a boyfriend. or maybe you had a boyfriend but the situation was very short temporary and not long enough to like a real relationship for at least 6 months or a year. well if you say no when ever guys ask you out that could be a possibility. or maybe your super picky you want some sort of dream crush to ask you out but that specific guy never does cause your waiting for his approval or trial. again you didn't say that i am just brainstorming why your in your situation currently. i don't know if this issue is recent with in the last few years or if this has been an issue your life again with how young you are i wouldn't worry too much. people don't marry till thier 30 so you got a long time to get your head in the straight. sanaa lath an is african american so ok now i got a big red flag to why this is or could be happening. maybe you live in an all white area somewhere that doesn't have alot of blacks so this is probably the best reason i can think of. most people are attracted to thier own race and as a result of your race being a minority that makes it harder to find a marriage partner or date so this could be the easiest reason to conclude to. now if you live in an area that has a heavy black population like states or cities with them fully then i don't understand what your real issue is. but even people who don't live in areas where blacks are at least 20% of the population still can find people of their own race to marry. the other possibility for your situation is you said you are 5 feet 11 inches so that is basically slightly taller then most men. i think they say the average man statistically in america is 5 feet 8 inches or 9 inches i can't remember exactly. guys like girls to be medium height so that are shorter then them slightly on average. i know victoria secrets models are almost 6 feet and therefore in the modeling world this is most desirable. but in the real world when you add high heels to the equation or just the tradition of life in general if you look at dating websites guys don't want a girl that is too tall. if a guy likes a tall girl that means the guy is taller then average as a man. or their definition of tall is like 5 feet 7 inches so the same height as them. anyways men and women's height are very similar for the most part it is about a 4 or 5 inch difference on average. i do not think your height is the reason either cause like i am sure there are plenty of guys that are like 6 feet or 6 feet 5 inches around that could be interested in you. if you associate with african friends people of your own race they maybe better able to help you get a date. if your friends are mostly those NOT of black origins so not african or whatever they are not going to necessarily help attract a mate for you. there is always dating websites you could try like or stuff like that though i don't know if it would work or not. it costs money i don't know what your financial situation is currently. there sis alot of dating websites you could try that might help you but they also want a girl with education or money. at your age they are expecting a good job. i don't know if your standards are high and your looking for a guy with a better income then you major difference like a doctor or lawyer and your only like education is bachelor at highest. so that could be another reason but that goes back to my topic on being picky. it could be your personality yo udon't want a boyfriend or your maybe just easily annoyed and do not like compromise you like to be domineering and controlling so boss in the relationship and stuff like that. i am not saying your mean. i don't even know who you are. but if your nice it could all change. right now again like i mentioned before the biggest reason i think that you are single is it could be your skin color and demographics of where you live. not that i am telling you to move. but that is why i gave you the online option as a se arch. also you can ask guys out yourself you can be the one to make the move. your waiting for guys to do it. but i also think you should take into consideration what you have amiable if your financial situation is similar tot eh culture you are living in or the types of people you want to date you need to incorporate realism into your approach. i am hoping your not the type who expects the guy to pay for all the dates. you do need to split the finance of the bill of the date and stuff like that we are in the new 21st century. do you even have a job? you might be a student. and in that case your broke if you come from a low income family in general then you might not have financial aid. or if you did come from a middle income family if they hate you or cut you off or whatever then you may have to pay for school by yourself cause financial aid don't give to upper middle class people in general even if your parents don't give you any money as an adult. though most middle class family do help their children financially while they go to college that is my guess. low incomes families or people that grew up that way ain't getting anything from government unless you go to vocational schooling that is low price or community college. if you do university or expensive vocational schooling then you don't have good options financially available and in that case dating is gong to be hard for you. you may not be able to afford romantic dates the stuff you dream about or read in a magazine. the type of marriage you want stuff like that. so i know with my sisters they are adults and are NOT dating at all currently cause life is too hard so they are single. one is 18 and another is 21 and i am 22. we all never dated anyone at all. so the point is there are people in your situation. my reason is due to illness but even if i was not ill like my other 2 sisters i still probably would be single due to how i was raised but mainly financial situation. i want to date when my income is good and i can go places i like. also i have more traditional values of like marriage and stuff. whoever i date now i am probably not planning to marry so what is the point. i might as well just stick with having friends for NON romantic purposes.
2015-05-18 12:51:41 UTC
2015-05-16 20:58:39 UTC
i dunno

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.