Alex Muntaz
2010-05-13 12:27:14 UTC
How do you feel about people living with both of these genitals? It exists, there are children born with a varied condition of this syndrome, and often many parents have to choose to either force the child into either of the two gender spaces, which is very common, or try to raise the child as a blank slate away from these societal rules.
One case study was a person in the states who decided, very late on, to live as a male. When he was born, his parents decided for him to surgically change him into that as a female. Which he was never told of until he hit his teens under the stress and social norms of 'what a girl should be'. Under peer pressure, he tried to ingest pills in order to get a period, only to nearly bleed to death. This kid went through a lot just to fit in and 'feel normal' in our society, until he decided he was happier being a guy, and now has his own wife and kids.
Some people have to go through alot to fit in, only because we all grew up forming strong identity norms simply by our physical appearance. And inevitably, these people will have to interact with people raised in these norms. How do guys react if their best friend is really an intersex, or that the 'girl' they met and wanted to date was really born with the rare condition?
I know it's alot of questions and it is confusing, but really, what is your perception of the third gender? The people born with the condition, and how they had to live their life with people like us?
Just share your feelings and opinions about this issue.