*Opponents of a feminist analysis of domestic violence continue to argue their theory that women are as violent as men and that the level of mutual violence calls out for changing arrest and prosecution policies as well as advocating for marriage counseling to stop the violence. This may be an attractive theory to some in the mental health field and “men’s rights” activists. The problem is that practitioners who endorse couples’ counseling while one person is still intimidating or using violence against another ignore the very real risk of violent assaults following counseling sessions. Most psychologists and therapists who have knowledge of domestic violence dynamics would concede that marriage counseling is ineffective if one party is a batterer and has power over the other.
How can a victim be honest about what is happening in the relationship or talk about the violence when she fears physical retribution?
* http://www.bwjp.org/files/bwjp/files/Countering_Confusion_Duluth_Model.pdf
Is it possible that Men's Rights Activists and anti-feminists are just confused about the Duluth Model?
Thanks! :)