I think my daughter needs plastic surgery?
2015-08-19 16:24:51 UTC
If it makes me a bad mom I don't care.
I always pictured myself to have beautiful children because I'm a very attractive woman. Well my older daughter is so very beautiful but my youngest who is 12 is not pretty at all. She never gets compliments like her sister so I know I'm not the only one seeing that she is not pretty.
What age would be a good age to start her getting plastic surgery? She needs a lot done.....should I start her with a nose job or to suction out the fat from her cheeks? She's about 136 pounds at 5'3 so she'll need liposuction at some point.
Thank you for any pointers!
399 answers:
2015-08-21 11:27:32 UTC
What kind of mother are you ? Mothers are supposed to be an example for their children but I hope that your daughter won't want to follow the same path as you. It sounds weird for a mother talking that way about her own child. You seem very proud by self-complimenting saying that you are a very attractive woman but the truth is that you are fugly to tell to lots of people that your own daughter is not pretty and she needs plastic surgery while she is ONLY 12. C'mon, she is still a child and you would like to mutilate her with plastic surgery ? Leave her alone, she is 12 so at this age children need to play, work at school, discover the world, laugh, dream, simply grow... and not hearing about stupid plastic surgery, liposuction... She will have all her time when she will be an adult to stand derogatory remarks because as an adult she will know how people really are so leave her alone, leave her be an adorable child that she is and that you don't even noticed.
Jedi Jan
2015-08-20 18:08:45 UTC
Yes, I do think you are a bad mom, but you are not beyond help. I don't think a real mother would think any of her children were unattractive. I certainly don't think you should be encouraging her to have or consider plastic surgery also. I think that would be borderline mental abuse. Children get enough of that with snide, petty teasing and bullying at school, without a parent joining in. So what if one child is more attractive anyway, at that young age you are not even giving them a chance to develop naturally and let their inner beauty show. At 12 she has a very long way to go before this is likely to occur, and she may even outshine her older sibling one day. Keep out of it. Sure for some children this can happen earlier, but you should not even be thinking at this level. If you think someone is being rude to your daughter step in and help her through it. Many children appear gawky etc. at that age and turn into absolute stunners later on; everyone knows this. Thinking of plastic surgery though puts me in mind to thinking you need some counselling as you come across rather shallow. Perhaps there is something behind that, some kind of insecurity. If there is then the sooner you get help, the less chance you can pass your insecurities on to your daughter. You might think I sound harsh, but I am talking straight to you. Put your child's health above any misguided feelings you may have.

I have seen first hand a mother putting her weight issues (she was underweight and scared of becoming overweight like her mother) and her two daughters were brought up on this; they are both underweight and looking very unhealthy too (in late teens and twenties now). Can only imagine the health (mental as well as physical) issues they may encounter in their later years (not only now) through their misguided upbringing by their mother. Yes, they are aware they have problems, but they have been raised with those problems, so they are not very easy for them to shake, perhaps never will.
2015-08-20 06:02:31 UTC
Alright, firstly, she is 12. At 12 I looked awful, really awful. A lot worst than the other girls my age, and now at 17 I get more complements then any of my other friends. So, give the girl time.

As for weight, again I was pretty fat at 12, now I'm relatively slim. Just sort of, a normal weight. Just encourage her to drink plenty of water, eat some fruit and veggies and get a little (not loads) just a little exercise.

She's 12, remember, a kid basically, let her enjoy childhood as long as she can. After all your a long time an adult. if she was getting as many complements as her sister, I would be concerned, she's a child.

Also, remember there is no one pretty, what some people think is beautiful, others think is just plain ugly. Pretty is socially defined and no human is truly ugly so long as they live a healthy life style.

As for surgery, she shouldn't get any, if SHE, wants to at 18, then that is HER choice. But some people will judge her for being fake, others will think it makes her look good and some people wouldn't care either way. The thing is, she'll never please everybody, so let her make her own path.

One day somebody will love her for her, something that as her mother, you should be the first to do. Looks are not everything, one day we get old and our beauty crumbles, then all we have left is our heart, make sure that is her most wonderful feature, as it never really leaves. I know this isn't what you necessarily want to hear, but it is true. Old age strips us of our pretty mask, and we must make sure what is underneath is kind, loving and beautiful.

Have a peaceful day and remember to love your daughter, if you don't she may not be able to do the most important thing of all, love herself. And there is nothing more sexy than a lady who loves herself. So when she's 18, make sure she feels happy and confident with who she is, and everyone will love her! :) Those who don't, are not worth her or your time.
Mark Anna
2015-08-21 06:33:05 UTC
Personally I think that is out of order.

First of all you starting saying you were a very attractive woman and that to me sounds very vein and that may not have been how you wanted it to come across but that is my opinion.

Secondly, your comparing your two daughters. Surely you should love them both and shouldn't really care about how pretty they are. If your daughter gets to the point where she says 'Mom I want plastic surgery,' then it may be something to take into consideration. At 12 I had only just got my first ear lobe piercing and hadn't (and still haven't) even starting thinking about plastic surgery (not that I ever will.)

If your daughter is not yet very pretty on the outside, there are things inside of people that make them more beautiful than any of the popular girls at school.

12 is too young to be thinking of plastic surgery and while your first daughter may be stunningly pretty, they are different people and will not share all the same qualities. You should love your daughters equally and they should be beautiful to you no matter what they look like.
2015-08-20 19:08:28 UTC
And this is supposed to be a mother for Christ's sake? Hell, to even consider your child to have plastic surgery? That's the most selfish thing I've ever read!

The girl must be very insecure already because she always has a sister casting a shadow over her, and having a mother who doesn't even think she's beautiful? The kid must be going through a very rough time in her life to not even have a mother's love on her side, and she's only twelve!

What if your daughter were to read this? She'll cry, her self esteem drops to a level so low you thought would be impossible, especially with that big ego of yours and she'll never dare to look someone in the eye because she'll know she isn't even good enough for her own mother to think she's beautiful.

This is coming from a fourteen year old, let that sink in. A teen who apparently knows the understanding of love better than a grown woman, better than a mother like you.
2015-08-20 02:48:16 UTC
Have you ever heard of the story "The Ugly Duckling"? When I was around 12, I was a tad overweight, had glasses, and let's just say, not the most attractive person out there. As I grew older, I began to lose baby fat and started working out. I also got contacts and started caring about how I look. Surgery isn't the answer. Even if your daughter agrees/wants surgery, surgeons will not operate on her until she's older. Don't let looks ruin your daughter's childhood. At age 12, she shouldn't be worrying about appearances. Don't let society's or your definition of beauty cause your daughter to hate the way she looks. Allow your daughter to grow into her body and when she's older, she can decide what she wants done to her body. Even IF she wasn't the most attractive person to you, she should still be beautiful in your eyes because she's your daughter, someone you carried inside you for 9 months.
2015-08-20 04:55:28 UTC
what the hell. U r her mother&u shouldn't worry about the way she looks&go around calling your own daughter ugly.

Looks don't matter,what matter is her personality.

Ppl don't become friends w others because of looks,they'll see if ur daughter is a good person.

&she should not do plastic surgery.I don't know what she looks like but I bet she's beautiful&at least you as her mother should be the one who sees her beauty&what a great person she is.

Plastic surgery is not the answer

Imagine the conversation between the 2 of u:

"Hey,I was thinking of getting u a plastic surgery."

"What? Why? You don't like the way I look?"

Then you'll be like "exactly" or what?

She's going2cry so hard&every night she's gonna cry herself to sleep,u don't want that, do u?


I myself wasn't very attractive as a kid but come on she's only 12.

But I've grown(now 15)& I look more mature & all that

Pls don't get her plastic surgery,only 12!

Let her live her life instead of worrying about something stupid
Dark Schneider
2015-08-20 03:56:51 UTC
Your daughter is only 13, she's not fully grown yet. No doctor in their right mind will do plastic surgery on a child.

Allow time for your daughter to grow up. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Warning: Plastic surgery has risks like all surgery. The patient can die and it has happened on multiple occasions. If you cared for your daughter, don't put her under the knife for looks.
2015-08-19 23:56:02 UTC
Talk to your family doctor about how she can lose weight in a healthy way. And don't try to change her looks. When she's 18 she can get plastic surgery if she wants. But never tell her to get it. How would you like it if people called you ugly and said you needed to change? You should call her beautiful and let her know that she is. Because honestly beauty isn't about looks. So if plastic surgery is to stop bullies or low self esteem, just be a good mom and be there for her. You telling her to get plastic surgery will make her feel ugly, and nobody deserves to feel ugly.
Pol Tahiyan Chedmail
2015-08-23 04:38:20 UTC

OK, she's only 12 so it would be a bad idea for her to go through a plastic surgery because her body will still be changing. Plastic surgery for children can turn out to be a nightmare as they constantly change, then you will end up with an even uglier child.

Wait till her body grows properly. In the mean time feed her healthy food to stabilise her weight and make her eat a lot of bright vegetables so her skin look better, give her good haircut and dress her well.

To slim her nose you can massage her nose- that worked for me very well.

If you're still embarrassed you can put nude makeup on her, I bet she won't look that bad. If it still doesn't work, tell people she's not yours, you adopted her.

However, it does make you a bad mother and evil of a person. But as long as you love yourself- that should be fine for you. There are both evil and good in the society.

Also, you might have some mental issues, you can seek help from psychiatrist. Hope someone call social workers
Unknown Human 2
2015-08-22 22:52:06 UTC
I hate to say this... But this is why I'm glad don't have my mother in my life... Because of awful people like you. You could risk getting that poor girl killed, and all you're worried about is how she looks? Is this real life right now? Please stop calling yourself a mother... You're not worthy of that title. All a kid needs is love, and your not doing that by getting her plastic surgery. Your messing up her self-steam and how she views herself. Your basically telling your daughter she is ugly, and that's very unacceptable. By telling her something wrong with her nose and cheeks. You could end up destroying her face, and ruin her life. Stop focusing on how many compliments your daughters get... Focus on preparing them for the real world. Teach them things that will make them good people of society. Life is not all about beauty. Also just because someone gets compliments on how they look. Doesn't mean they are a good person or have a good personality...

P.S. even if you do get her that plastic surgery... She is still going to get old. Her looks are STILL going to fade away! Because looks don't last forever. So you're just wasting your time and money. Some people are idiots for spending money on foolish things. Why don't you put that surgery money for collage or when they turn 18? Actually help the kids!

I'm only 16 years old and I know better than you do. Thats so embarrassing on your part. My last question is where is the father? What does he think about this? You're an adult woman but still haven't figured it out. -_-
2015-08-22 15:40:08 UTC
The only time someone should say that is when their Sim has ugly children. You are a terrible mother. First of all, read ugly duckling. Puberty should make her fill out. Puberty is an ugly tike for everyone. Your daughter is actually at a perfect weight (not saying that to be nice, if she was fat I'd tell you) for her age and height. You are a vain woman and should be spayed. If, when your daughter is 18, decides she wants any surgeries, she can get one. Until then, stop being a vain, egotistical little *****. Hopefully your daughters get taken away from you because if you try to get them plastic surgery, that CAN count as child abuse depending on where you live (or endangering a minor, which is worse).
Justin F
2015-08-23 18:29:41 UTC
Personally I believe that as a mother, you should be content to love your own children no matter their appearance, without hanging on the comments of others. If you must do plastic surgery, as another answerer explained, it would be more prudent to wait until your daughter is at least in her mid-twenties, because that is when the facial structure of the average person changes the most. By then, your daughter might also have lost weight, and liposuction would no longer be necessary.

Another alternative is trying facial yoga. I have often heard from others that this is a very effective natural way of reshaping your face, although it does take at least a couple of weeks to work. The results however are fully natural and therefore should age better, and do not require any significant monetary contributions on your part. Many tutorials are available online also for this type of method.
2015-08-19 16:34:11 UTC
I understand what you're going through.

There's a chance that when she's older she'll become prettier.

But I don't think plastic surgery will not do anything good. It will make her age poorly and then she'll wonder why her mother wants her to change and then she may figure out you think she's ugly and she'll feel terrible. Imagine if your mom wanted you to have plastic surgery? I think plastic surgery should be her own decision, if she think she's ugly enough. I think 18 is the right age and is probably the legal age....sorry. I think you should just let it be and you shouldn't care about how she looks, as long as she's not being a pain in your butt, and your lucky you have just one daughter who's pretty.

But I would encourage Lipsuction because fat people are gross and I don't think that'd hurt her in the long run. And I don't mean to lecture but it is mean to decide that she's not pretty enough in the way that she was born (aka the way your body made her) and to damage her face with plastic. Seriously, it is expensive and not worth it. Let her decide when she's of age. And I dont' think beauty is that important, however being fat is disgusting.
2015-08-21 18:54:56 UTC
Mothers should not make their kids get any plastic surgery. It could affect them when they are older. There was a women who was never told she was pretty during childhood. So when she became an adult and made her own money she started getting dozens of plastic surgery. The surgeries messed her up. She no longer looks normal. She looks like those people that are made to look hideous from their surgeries. She has noticed she looks hideous from the surgeries, and she realized she should have never gotten plastic surgery in the first place. So I don't think it's wise to scar your child with plastic surgery at a young age because when she gets older she's gonna have a problem with something because you had her get surgery. When she's an adult, if she wants to get surgery that is up to her.
2015-08-21 14:39:58 UTC
Well, if you say that, then sorry, but I'm pretty sure there's something wrong with you! Most possibly you feel bad about yourself and take it out on your daughter, the things you say about her are actually the things you feel for yourself, but you're not ready to admit this. Something's very wrong with your mindset, so go to a good therapist as soon as possible and also it might be good to see a psychiatrist , because it's a serious problem, that could resolve in great damage especially to your daughter if not solved. I think you need to learn what real love is and start treating your kid with love. It's a really serious issue, so do something about it immediately, like NOW, find, call and set up a meeting with a good doctor and deal with it before it's too late! I wish the best for you and of course your daughter :)
2015-08-21 12:30:54 UTC
This is sick. Absolutely sick. I am fifteen and I will tell you what would happen if my mom told me that I needed to have plastic surgery. I would slap her and then run away as many times as needed. I'm surprised that your daughter still hangs around because for someone that posts this in the public you must be pretty bold. Which means you would hide the fact that you think that she is ugly. SHE HAS MOST LIKELY REALIZED THAT YOU ONLY CARE ABOUT HER LOOKS! And you don't really care about her, you care about how it reflects on you. Otherwise you would love your daughter how she is.

Another fact is that plastic surgery is a very risky and dangerous procedure. It will also make her to keep wasting money later in her life to fix things because it breaks all the time. It's dangerous for adults to go through and you are thinking of doing that on A FREAKING KID?!! Lady, you have got problems.

Something funny about this though is that if you are an "attractive woman" (which you probably aren't you vain narcistic brat) then you are saying the genes around from you. you are basically saying that you married an ugly man and i dont think he would like that.

a suggestion for you; DON'T TELL YOUR DAUGHTER HOW YOU THINK SHE WILL MOST LIKELY GET DEPRESSED, SUICIDAL AND WORSE. its obvious you don't care about her but just try to appear like you do for her sake. or go get counseling.
2015-08-21 05:34:19 UTC
Do you know what a narcissist is? Look it up. You are showing full blown narcissism traits. These people see great beauty when they look in a mirror. They all find themselves to be super good looking, even though they may be pig ugly to everyone else. They also are very similar to sociopaths and psychopaths, as in, they care not a fig for other peoples feelings. Forget all the pain and suffering that you would put your daughter through, simply for you to receive compliments as to what a good looking family you have. That is the behaviour of a true narcissist. To tell the truth, a doctor would get struck off if he carried out cosmetic operations on a minor, just so she would be accepted by her thoughtless narcissistic mother. She is more than likely a little stunner, or about to be, and that would not be nice for a narcissist, to have competition. My advice to her is this. Wait until the day before you are no longer classed as a minor. At five to midnight, get hold of this woman that doesn t care if she is a bad mother, and slap her all over the place Then leave home. You self centred evil person.
Ivy Trips
2015-08-21 02:43:57 UTC
Your daughter's only 12. Give her some time to grow into her looks. Also, I know you will probably ignore this since you are so focused and determined to change your daughter's look, but I'll say it anyway...if she wants her look to change, that's her decision, not yours. It's her appearance, not yours. Also, by making her undergo plastic surgery, you're just teaching her that her looks are not good enough to appreciate and that she is not worth appreciating as a whole. If there is someone who should teach her or at least tell her that she is good enough, or even more than good enough, it should be you! How do you expect her to feel and look beautiful, if you don't even think of her like that? Also, biased much? You think your older daughter is pretty, but not the younger one? Wow, just wow. Hopefully, your kids are smart and mature enough to know just how sick and twisted you are. You may be an "attractive woman" on the outside, but definitely not on the inside.
2015-08-24 15:45:59 UTC

You, a mother, want your child to get plastic surgery. Really?! Okay first of all, it is your daughters choice whether she gets surgery or not. Second of all, YOU ARE HER MOTHER. You are the first woman in her life, you're meant to be a role model for her, and you're basically saying she's ugly? Just wow. I understand if you want what's best for your child but forcing her to undergo plastic surgery just because you think she isn't attractive is completely wrong. Have you even considered how she feels about all of this? Maybe, just maybe, she is happy with how she looks, and as long as she is healthy, you should be happy as well. I'd understand if her weight was affecting her health but if she is actually at a healthy weight but maybe just fits into plus size clothing, then how could you think this way about her?
2015-08-20 11:22:45 UTC
First, your daughter is only 12. She hasn't stopped growing yet. She has barely begun to mature sexually yet. Her whole body will continue to change for the next bunch of years so having any plastic surgery done now is premature--and a GOOD plastic surgeon will not do it. She may yet grow to be a beauty as her body changes. For now, you out to be focusing on teaching her how to live a healthy lifestyle, healthy eating, healthy activities, get enough sleep, brush those teeth, etc. At 12, she probably has, or will have very soon, her hands full just adjusting to having a monthly period. She should also be working on her personality--which often outshines a person's physical appearance. She should also be working on her self confidence, but with a mother like you it'll be very hard for her to do.
2015-08-23 01:35:41 UTC
You're not a bad mom. You're Satan's little demon. How could a mother call her own child ugly? You know you may look beautiful on the outside but you're heart is so ugly. Plastic surgery is for people who feel that they want to beautify themselves. NOT FOR PEOPLE LIKE YOU TO MAKE DECISIONS FOR CHILDREN. The only surgery that needs to happen is for your brain. Your kid is 12! 12 years old. She's at the age of puberty! This is the time when her body will start going through changes and she herself will try to change herself. So what if she is on the heavier side be happy that she has a little flesh in her instead of all those fake runway models who have nothing but bones. I can't believe someone like you exist. I wonder what kind of mental emotional torture you have put her through! You are the ugly woman! God I hope your kids will leave as soon as they turn 18. They don't need a nasty vile uncaring selfish disgusting woman like you as their mother!
2015-08-22 22:37:23 UTC
Whoa Lady, hold up! She is your daughter. Are you seriously worried about it for her? or because you think it makes you look bad? Cause either way don't ever say that to your daughter. That would obliterate her self-esteem and make her hate herself based on superficiality. if she even has any! Since you might have already beat her up verbally. It's one thing if you were worried about her health and well being, but she is 12 years old, her body is still growing, she probably recently, or hasn't even started menstruating and is going through puberty which causes weight gain. Let her be. Let her be. Let her be.

I think the real question for you is to ask yourself why this is sooo important and why you can't see her beautifully. I'd suggest counseling ASAP. Our bodies are not what ultimately make us beautiful, it is who we are inside, our souls. If you really care about your daughter, don't ever tell her you think she's not attractive, or needs plastic surgery, she will hate you and that is just so cruel. Also eating disorder rates for young girls is going up. Society, the media, and the people who feed it.
2015-08-23 22:19:32 UTC
What kind of mother are u saying your own daughter is ugly

She is only 12 I am sure u look no better then her when u were her age and I am sure she will become pretty as she get older and slimer and she get older and is up to her if she want plastic surgery don't force her if she don't want plastic surgery beauty isn't everything don't just only think about your self and what other people say you should love her for who she is
2015-08-22 14:12:16 UTC
I know my view probably isn't going to be popular but I know what it feels like to be an ugly girl. People are so rude to you in public and you just don't want to go outside. You could be doing your daughter a huge favour by giving her the opportunity to look better. However, you need to think about who it is you really care about. You need to be doing this for her and not for yourself. You may be embarrassed to be seen with her but think of how she really feels? She is the one who has to live in her body. You should love your daughter regardless and only offer her surgery for her benefit. I would also only offer her surgery when and if she notices and becomes unhappy about her appearance. If she doesn't I would leave it. It is her decision alone and unless it bothers her keep things to yourself. If it does bother her and starts to get her down then would be a good time to offer her surgery. I would also wait until she is 18.
2015-08-20 22:32:04 UTC
Your sick.. she's your daughter. Do you really care that much that she's a bit ugly.. it's pathetic. So your gonna force your own child to have surgery so you can walk down the street with her own your arm, finally proud. That's really messed up. Your really messed up. If this isn't a joke, you need help. This is a real human your talking about. Yes, you are a bad mom and you should have that poor child away from you... Your pathetic. Is beauty all that matters? Get a life..

I would want her taken away from your sick grasp before you harm her mentally or physically. Your an actual freak, and I hope your beautiful daughter knows jt
2015-08-21 00:04:56 UTC
There are less invasive ways to make someone beautiful, including hair extensions, braces, semi-permanent eye brow and eye lid tattoo, etc. These are generally not harmful, although you can get headaches from braces and blood from tattoo-ing. I have to add that not only are you a bad mom, you are an unresourceful one in thinking of the best solution for your daughter. Actually I don't know which is worse, going for plastic surgery or opting for less invasive methods.

Since the above answers have pointed out you're 'over-the-top' as a mom AS A MOM for goodness sake, I thought I'd add a different answer.

And I absolutely agree that she's only 12. Who thinks of liposuction for a 12-year-old?

If she seriously needs to lose weight, have you heard of the recent focus on boxing? You can lose a lot of weight on that. I have seen with my own eyes.

I really think you're an attention seeker too, posing these sort of questions.
2015-08-21 22:46:09 UTC
Beauty is attracted by all. Man is a social being. So every man like to know that he is a beloved and favorite person in his society. Personal good looking face is an asset but not only one asset to gain the social recolonization or establishment or success of life, I think it and believe it.

Plastic surgery some time bring beautification of a face but man always want to live with reality. After plastic surgery, I think that the real face will never appear. It is like that- when a drama start, a actor appear with a changed face which is not real, but when the drama end he always want to get his real face looking and every one want that. I think personal real beauty in not only in a face but also in a mind. A real good mind can change a face looking. Before the plastic surgery you should consider it.
2015-08-22 02:16:22 UTC
You will not be making these decisions if the state laws are working in your area. Allow your daughter to make those decisions once she is fully grown. What seems not so right to you and her now could change for the better as her system matures. Also, she might not think these things are flaws.

Plastic surgery is not absolute and it is not always a safe bet. Study up thoroughly over the years and get yourself the best advice possible. Most of all....allow your daughter to just be.
2015-08-23 22:56:48 UTC
First let me say there are children who do need plastic surgery for facial malformations There are children who can get bullied for being over weight, but all of this children need loving support from the parents and family. Being happy has more to do with state of mind than looks or material things. This child will have to grow up a little smarter and tougher but she will be happier. The mother needs to change not the miracle and gift that is her daughter
2015-08-20 10:25:34 UTC
maybe instead of talking to a surgeon, you should be talking to adoption counselling. because if you were my mother and you were postinhg questions about how to make me look less fugly on the goddamn internet, I would disown you and move away. i bet you never tell her she's pretty. how can she expect to love herself when her own mother wants her to have plastic surgery? that's disgusting parenting.

besides, just because she maybe isn't according to society's standard of beauty, there are far many people uglier than her than there are prettier. Just watch an episode of the Jeremy kyle show, and you'll be worshipping her like she's frickin Aphrodite

the way a mother loves her daughter teaches the daughter how she should mother her own children. imagine that. watching her telling her own kids they're too ugly to be normal just because that's how she was raised. wow this made me really angry. where is the father figure? he should sjow her how a gentleman treats a lady and not let her mother be JEALOUS of her youth. plastic surgery would spoil your daughter's natural beauty which i think is the real goal here. jdhgqwliujkhwefdliuk im soooo mad
2015-08-21 07:26:22 UTC
Wow, you are her mother and you're concerned about the way she looks! I'm sorry but that is sad. I don't agree with plastic surgery period. Nobody should change the way they look and just be happy with the way they are. Everyone is beautiful in their own way and if you are too blinded to see that then fine. I hope you don't give your daughter plastic surgery, no child should have to go through that and I'm sure that your daughter will grow up to be a beautiful woman and you should be proud of her.
2015-08-20 13:13:10 UTC
Attractive people do not always have attractive children. Attractive kids do not always mature into attractive adults.

I am quite supportive of plastic surgery but your selfish reasons are despicable. You've made clear you like people complimenting your children which pleases you but you haven't once mentioned your child's feelings. This is about you wanting compliments via your children. Your daughter doesn't need a plastic surgeon, rather you need a psychiatrist. However, if you project your feelings onto your daughter i fear she may need a psychiatrist as well at some point.
2015-08-20 12:12:33 UTC
Well i think it a decision that she should make. And i think she is not old enough to either make this decision or have a surgery. Just register her in sport classes so she could burn the fat in natural way and dont tell her she is ugly in that age it the laat thing you want to hear. I was ugly when i was a teenager and no one used to notice me because of my beautiful blonde sister. I was 5.5 when i was 14 and 140lb now im 5.8 and 120lb . I havent done any plastic surgery bit now when i get in university i can see all boys stares at me and i get lots of compliments. Just give her time. MY nose was first thing that growed on my face but after my skull grow it got less noticeable. She is your daughter if she didn't get prettier till her 18th birthday then start to see a doctor and get advise from her/him.
2015-08-22 11:43:32 UTC
I have only been on Yahoo answers for a little while, and this is the first thing I came across. Firstly let me tell you. You sound very vein, and vein women are not attractive.. Your daughter is 12 years old! She should be playing, colouring in, not thinking about plastic surgery! There is obviously something wrong with you because a mother should not be thinking this.
2015-08-21 15:51:53 UTC
I cannot believe this. What Mother would say such a thing?!

Firstly, I have to ask how the heck could you say that your own daughter is ugly? This is absolutely unbelievable, a Mother is supposed to be PROUD of her child's looks and personality, not hate it! To me, that is one of, if not, THE worst thing a Mother could possibly do.

Secondly, you shouldn't care at all how pretty or ugly she is at all. It is all about what inside her that makes her herself. That is why she is your daughter. Because she is a young person who one day, because of the inside of her, her personality, her emotions, she could be a world-famous superstar, Astronomer, Archaeologist, whatever the hell she wants to be, because that is what Humans do: try, succeed, try again!

Now let's see what you are like, let me just put THAT into perspective for one second. This is what you are: A disrespectful son of an ****** who never believes in other people's originalities, of whom also needs to realise what she is doing in front of about 50,000 people who have read this and are now doing what I am doing.

When you were young, did your parents comment on something that was bad about you and started to alter you? 9 times out of 10, the answer is no. What you are your parents are proud of, what you are unaltered made you into a mother of 2 fantastic kids who are almost in the highest point of their lives and who will make a difference to this world by being THEMSELVES, not anything you have altered, but THEMSELVES.

To finish off what I'm saying, remember these words and do it: Think straight, we know you're not thinking straight. THINK STRAIGHT.
2015-08-21 23:55:43 UTC
No. Just no. I don t know you, so I can t say you re a terrible mother or person, but you certainly need to get your priorities straight. If your daughter does look the way you say she does, IT DOES NOT MATTER. As her mother, you need to know that if she doesn t look like a supermodel, that s perfectly fine. She may not be pretty, but there are other things that are just as attractive, such as confidence, intelligence, kindness and an actual personality that evolves around things other than superficial vanity. I m thirteen and I know plenty of girls who feel their good looks stand in the way of things, as they can never be sure what boys intensions are with them and people are nice to them with ulterior motives, other than to just be nice. I dress fashionably and look nice, so sometimes people think I m just a blonde airhead and I know I m more than that. Even if your daughter does think she wants these enhancements, she s twelve, I doubt you should let her make such a huge decision at such a young age. As her mother, I recommend you encourage her to focus on things other than appearance, and that you do the same. When the time comes she should find someone who doesn t care about her appearance. If later on in life when she s far older and she feels that her looks are holding her back, then that is a choice she can make then. God, I am THIRTEEN and I can see how weird this is.
2015-08-21 19:29:23 UTC
I doubt she needs plastic surgery, since the only ugly person is me. Everyone looks different, everyone is different. I don't think comparing your daughters to each other is very nice, I feel sorry for your daughter because if you are telling her what you think of her then that makes you the ugly one, beauty isn't about what's on the outside, to me your daughter is better than you because of what you say about her. She IS beautiful but unfortunately for you, you seem unable to see it. She's 12 for God's sake! she doesn't need plastic surgery. Honestly I wish I could meet her daughter and tell her how beautiful she is because her MOTHER doesn't seem to think so. My mother calls me beautiful except its a lie, I'm fugly af but your daughter isn't, I don't even know what she looks like but she is still beautiful NO MATTER WHAT!! Oh and telling your daughter that she isn't beautiful will really hurt her so I hope you think about what you say before you say something really hurtful and I hope that someday you will see how beautiful she really is.
2015-08-20 04:56:27 UTC
Ok look if she's a bit over weight maybe tell her. I was quite slime as a child and i still am but if i was over weight then i would want my mom to tell me that. So maybe just tell her to exercise and go on a healthy diet. My mum barely ever let me have chocolate, but i didnt really care because i'm not a sweet tooth. maybe make her eat healthy and go bike riding. i play a sport every day and try to stay fit. Maybe get her in to dance or netball or what ever she likes. But dont give her plastic surgery, it'll make her lose a lot of conference and self-esteem.
2015-08-20 15:12:19 UTC
I was going to make this long but I'll condense it:

1. I got plastic surgery at 18 (I'm a guy). It was MY choice. Not my mother's or father's. It seems to me that you want her to get surgery not because you want her to be happy but because you want to have beautiful children. That's your vanity talking. Not your concern for her happiness.

2. Believe me, I know about image issues. But what matters most is you love the poor girl. You never know: she may bloom into a beautiful swan and even if she doesn't you are there to SUPPORT her in her choices, not to FORCE them on her.

3. Surgery is dangerous. It was one of the best choices I ever made but make sure SHE wants it for herself. If she thinks that her OWN MOTHER thinks she's ugly, no amount of surgery will help her recover from a betrayal like that.
2015-08-22 14:22:55 UTC
You probably need it more.

The more ideal way to help her loose weight is asking if she'll like to join a gym together with you. Regardless, plastic surgery is not 100% perfect, lots of people end up being disfigured afterwards. What is it? Plastic surgery nightmares?
2015-08-20 08:54:04 UTC
You should be ashamed of yourself for saying something like that about your daughter.

She's suppose to feel safe and get all the support from her own mother and you have the nerve to discourage your own daughter.

I bet that she's a beautiful girl and that it's completely normal for a girl to get a few compliments every now and then. No 12yr old should get plastic surgery
2015-08-19 20:20:41 UTC
The best thing to do would maybe be to put her on a small diet and let her lose like 5-8 pounds also a lot of girls grow into facial features at different ages she might just take longer to grow into her body I mean she is still young wait till she's like 16 or 17 before you start calling her ugly and surgery shouldn't be the answer unless she wants it to be, some girls take that long before they mature into themselves and start getting a beautiful appearance and remember not everyone looks the same however everyone is beautiful in their own way
2015-08-20 23:18:09 UTC
It has been said already but i will say it again ... she is ONLY 12!!! that's the age where your body naturally changes, acne kicks in, curves start growing out.Leave the child alone! do you really think her body will be able to handle the recovery from such surgery when its hasnt even fully developed? what about when it's time for her growth spurt?? dont ruin her life! beauty isnt everything cause one day your elder daughter could complain that everyone sees her looks and nothing else.Did you ever think what if the surgery is botched and now she will be 12 with a Michael Jackson nose or Joan Rivers face??

its bad for her self esteem and could make your older daughter extremely vain.

Yes we are entitled to our own opinions but if you think your daughter is ugly just remember she's your blood she got it from you and her father.
2015-08-20 01:25:31 UTC
I got a nose surgery at 16 years old, because everyone was making fun of my nose....

Look miss, a plastic surgery is not something you have to decide...its something your child decition...

Is kind of hard to give pointers if you dont post a picture of her.....kind of asking a sugeon to operate without a patient....

I think there are things which can be changed by surgery, like a big nose, and there are things which need to be changed by going to the gym every day for 1-5 hours a day.

Also girls who get visible surgery get ugly... Like fake lips, fake boobs cause cancer, and they tend to brake. So taking things out of the body is better than putting things in the boddy, like the nose, they hammered the nose if it is too big....

Maybe its not a problem of that she is not pretty, maybe is that she doesn`t dress nice. Or she doesn`t have enough charisma, or she lacks personality. Even if guys don`t say it a strong woman in spirit is considered to be very sexy.Maybe she is shy, or silly.
2015-08-23 15:36:55 UTC
Wow you're really tooting your own horn there aren't you by saying how you know you're an attractive lady. Ego much? Also personally I think it should only be your daughters choice (when she's an adult) on whether she wants plastic surgery or not, not yours. In the mean time I'd recommend not screwing her up so much and making her doubt herself and be so insecure that she can't function properly later on in life which seems like the way this is going.

Honestly your mother's meant to be the one who loves you and supports you and boosts your confidence the most not brings you down and makes you insecure and doubt yourself. Putting her down like this over her weight and looks could lead to depression and make her obsessed with her looks in an attempt to please you and could lead to an eating disorder. Also comparing her to her sister will in turn make her jealous and overtime will make her hate her sister because she'll feel like she'll never be able to match up. You're just screwing your daughter up and I can't help but think that maybe you shouldn't have had kids if you don't know how to raise them.

Also being superficial and vain imo is not attractive. Yes you might be attractive look wise for all we know but it seems your personality isn't and looks don't count for **** in the long run if the person's a douchebag. Beauty will fade eventually but your personality will stay with you your whole life. And tbh I can't help but think that if you were truly "a very attractive woman" you wouldn't need to toot your own horn.
2015-08-20 02:52:27 UTC
Sadly, not everyone can be beautiful. What really matters is if she's a good person, caring and unselfish. Tell her that if she ever says she's ugly. Don't tell her she falls short in the looks department because you know plastic surgery really doesn't help plain women, it just makes them look "as if they've had stuff done". She may well improve as she grows older though. The fat could be hormonal puberty puppy fat. It's normal for young teens to have baby fat in the face.
2015-08-20 21:59:22 UTC
You are a crazy mother. Looks are not the most important thing in the world! She is only 12. She hasn't even gone through puberty yet. I'm sure God has made her the way he wants her to be and you shouldn't get in the way of God's plans. She must be really sad and depressed knowing that her own mother thinks of her that way. You will ruin her mentally and emotionally if you tell her that she is ugly to her face and that she needs surgery, and surgery won't even make her look better. Surgery is just fake and disgusting. Poor girl for having a mother like you. Seriously...poor girl. I am going to pray for her.
2015-08-21 12:48:23 UTC
Wow. Nothing like a mother'so love, am I right? You must 'love your daughter so much'. Personally, I think you are rude. To say that about your own daughter? Messed up. Put her on an excercise plan. Run around the neighbor hood a few times each day. Now, be nice. A mothers love, Is one of the best things. Unless YOURE the mother. Ugg.

"For god so loved the world he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in home shall not perish but have eternal life"
2015-08-22 13:29:17 UTC
You are really mean the way you view your daughter. :/ Why are you so shallow? Why not love your daughter for who she is like any other sane parent? Stop being so vain and nasty. I really hate how this world has to have horrible judgemental people like yourself. Insecurity is not a nice feeling at all. But I guess you're so vain that you lack empathy for others who get told they're ugly. I really feel for your 12 year old daughter to have you as her mother. I wish your 12 year old daughter all the best of luck and for a good, happy life. You're the one who needs help to change into a better person in the INSIDE.
2015-08-22 12:36:49 UTC
Vanity is the most common sin in the world today.You are so vain about your looks so much that you can't see the beauty in the blessing that you have with your daughter,stop being silly about compliments for her from people,who cares about their compliments. YOU be the real mother and love her with out judging her first, and think about this: if you ONLY going to accept her after YOU change her physically with surgery,You don't deserve her,she does't need your VAIN "love" there are thousands of people without kids who would love to LOVE that beautiful kid without reservations. I feel so sorry for you (not for her ) she'll find love somewhere else in her future. may God help you, because the plastic surgery can only "help" you oh such short time.

Please understand why you have her ,and if you still don't know, then YOU are the one who needs plastic surgery of the brain. may God help you.
2015-08-21 19:30:56 UTC
This is obviously a joke for a social experiment. No way this is true, if it is then I'd say look in the mirror again cause you're definitely not as hot as you come off as. You need help if you are picking on your own daughter in regards to looks.

Secondly, if this is a joke, then I am glad you are raising the awareness on topics like this! I'm glad to see people standing up for the mother's daughter. Gives me hope haha
2015-08-22 00:41:47 UTC
No to Plastic Surgery.
2015-08-20 09:16:10 UTC
You're crazy. The child is probably over weight. Yes it does make you look like a bad mother and disgusting one too. Let the child grow up properly before you judge her on put plastic surgery on her list of things to do. Not everyone is beautiful at 12 but once they grow they may grow to be beautiful inside and out. Smh
2015-08-21 13:14:50 UTC
Don't be stupid. When I was 12 I looked like the Oger. Wait till she gets older at least 18 or something and if she still doesn't look good then only see if she wants to have plastic surgery but it should be here decision.
2015-08-24 15:46:28 UTC
The ****?! What kind of a mother teaches their child that looks are everything?! Who cares if your child isn't beautiful, she is pretty in her own way. Seriously this is making me so sad i would hate to have a mother who doesn't love their children equally. Who cares if your oldest daughter is beautiful and gets compliments?! Yeah it boosts the girls confidence but telling your daughter to her face that she needs plastic surgery that would make me want to leave home. Like I'm not the prettiest girl lol. But if my mother said i needed to get surgery i would literally cry myself to sleep. Think of the long term side effects of the 'bullying' i would say form her mother! She would be so insecure and anxious about what people think of her. If this horrible womans' daughter sees this. Remember everyone is beautiful in their own way and never call yourself ugly or perceive yourself as being ugly, never let anyone say you are and if they still think you are block them out of your life. This coming from a 15 year old girl who is never happy with her body. This coming from a probably middle aged, old fashioned ***** who can't tell her *** from her face… *face palm*
2015-08-21 21:24:01 UTC
Who do you think you are?

What kind of person are you?

What is wrong with you?

She is only 12 years old! You shouldnt be thinking about plastic surgery for her at all, she is really young and maybe if you waited a little longer she might mature and grow into her body.

If anything you are the real problem.
2015-08-21 03:29:34 UTC
Are you serious??? She's too young, and every mother finds her child as the prettiest of all. So what if she does not LOOK pretty from the outside? She may have some sweetheart, genius, or boldness hidden in her. You should help her bring it out rather than focus on her looks. You're quite a rude mom. Take Taylor Swift, for instance. She looked way too stupid and ugly as a young person. But now, she's got excellent features and irresistible beauty! I hope you see and read this, and understand what a crazy person you are.
2015-08-19 20:08:59 UTC
I don't know if this is a joke or not but if it's not, that's not cool. U shouldn't be so disappointed in what your kid looks like that u are talking about forcing her to get plastic surgery. And think of how she will feel when u straight up tell her smu think she's ugly! That's not cool dude.
2015-08-19 22:26:25 UTC
don't know if this is a joke or not but if it's not, that's not cool. U shouldn't be so disappointed in what your kid looks like that u are talking about forcing her to get plastic surgery. And think of how she will feel when u straight up tell her smu think she's ugly! That's not cool dude.
2015-08-21 20:37:48 UTC
if your serious I feel bad for your kids but here's my medical advice. wait till her body is physically done growing. her face her actual face is going to get larger with the rest of her body. your child is still a child. so she is still growing. I wouldn't get her plastic surgery till she is 21 then it will be safe and her face wont grow into some grotesque deformed mess because you got her plastic surgery while her bone structure was still growing. Also she will be able to tell you no and you wont be convicted of child abuse for performing unnecessary surgery on a child. woman your daughter is 12 she should be skinning knees and playing in your makeup not trying to look sexy and hot and getting plastic surgery. let your kid be a kid and stop trying to sexualize your underaged daughter. ever think she doesn't get compliments because its pedophilic to tell little girls they look good? hence people tend not to do weird stuff like that.
2015-08-20 00:39:27 UTC
Like Hillary's daughter
2015-08-21 11:00:50 UTC
First of all, 12 years old is a very young age, waaayyy too young for plastic surgery. She's probably gonna grow to be a beautiful women, maybe even prettier than you. And I would be ashamed to judge my child like a book by its cover
2015-08-23 03:24:09 UTC
She may not look beautiful from outside but she may be a beautiful human. Apart from beauty, people are judged from many other qualities. She could be better than her elder sister in sports, music, dramatics, studies or art. Do you want that due to these surgeries she would have to suffer in future. Plastic surgeries also have harmful effects. She could have regrets in future. Imperfections are beauty. If all people become would not remain interesting after all.
2015-08-20 16:14:52 UTC
Let me just say I am glad my mother isn t like you. My mother thinks all her children are beautiful, even if they are ugly she will always truly think they are beautiful. I think it would make your daughter very depressed if you told her she needed plastic surgery. Now that I answered you a couple questions let me ask you one. How old were you when you had your first child? And how old are you now? Because honestly, I don t think you were ready to have kids. I think you need to get your priorities straight as a mother. Or you know do what crazy people do and check yourself into a mental hospital.
2015-08-23 09:29:02 UTC
Ugh. This is sick. Absolutely disgusting. What are you? My parents always tell me I m beautiful, and my friends, and I return the compliment, because that s what normal human beings do. They make each other happy. Let your daughter enjoy her child and teenage hood, like I m trying to do. If my mother said I was ugly and need plastic surgery (which she doesn t, as she s a loving, kind and caring mother, not a sick, foul and vain one), I d slap her face, and push her out of my life. I feel for your daughter. God bless her. Every single beautiful, loving, kind, fun bit of her. And please, for the love of God, put the money to good use. Like tuition fees for university, or some therapy for you. Give the poor girl love, care and kindness, which she is clearly not getting from you. Outer beauty grows old, but inner beauty stays ever within you. And I wouldn t classify you as a mother, so stop calling yourself one.
2015-08-22 22:36:33 UTC
Shes only 12. She could still turn into a beautiful woman. Trust me I've seen puberty work some miracles. and honestly even if it doesn't, imam say this in the nicest way possible but why the **** would you change her. her looks don't matter at all and the fact that you cant see who your daughter is on the inside is kind of ******. how do you think she would feel if she saw you posted this. maybe other people don't compliment her but maybe you should be a mother and tell her how beautiful she is. she needs to know looks don't always matter its whats on the inside that does but i guess you need to learn that too.
2015-08-22 02:29:04 UTC
I am not sure whether you are concerned about her or you feel ashamed to take her along, but looking good id not everything. You need to have inner beauty and some amount of respect to not talk about her to a crowd. It is completely her decision about having a plastic surgery or not. If she feels she needs it then she will do it when she grows up. You need not worry about it.
2015-08-22 15:23:46 UTC
WTF??!!! YOUR A HORRIBLE MOTHER! You don't need to bring your daughter down, I mean, kids might already make fun of her at school for being overweight, or something! So, she does not need to go back to her house, and have her mother telling her she needs plastic surgery to look pretty, because, it's what's on the inside that counts! But of course, you would not get that! I mean, she could get compliments on how nice she is or something, so just no! Don't ruin your daughter's life just because you think she looks ugly.
2015-08-20 15:15:05 UTC
Yes you should get her plastic surgery. But you have to pay for it and it's very expensive. If you pay for it you're a very kind parent. Ugly girls can have much better lives after plastic surgery.
2015-08-21 12:31:53 UTC
I sincerely hope this is a joke because this is horrendous. It does not matter whether your daughter is considered beautiful or not. She is your daughter. You must love her unconditionally regardless of what she looks like. I hope you've never expressed these feelings toward her because if so, you're setting her up for a lifetime of self-hate. Your daughter is twelve years old and what you do to her and what you tell her will stay with her for the rest of her life.

Instead of worrying about her looks, worry about whether or not she's a good person. Raise her to be a constructive person in society, and to hold other people's feelings in high regard. Raise her to be unconcerned about her looks because her looks aren't going to be what matters in the world, it's what's in her head.
2015-08-20 04:24:14 UTC
I think a mother should love their child regardless of their looks and imagine how that child feels being compared to their older sister and feeling disregarded by their mother.

Personally I believe that as mother you have put the idea of plastic surgery in her head which is quite upsetting.

Besides that I hope you and your daughter can find happiness with her body image.
2015-08-21 15:00:29 UTC
I hope this is a joke. Unless something about her is seriously out of the range of normal (dumbo ears, huge nose) and SHE feels uncomfortable about it, you shouldn't even consider plastic surgery. Encourage her to love herself the way God created her. Until she comes to you asking for plastic surgery, that should not even be an option.
2015-08-21 07:35:24 UTC
Ok, so the problem is YOURS and not hers and you're making her feel unloved, uncompetitive, and teaching her to dislike herself, so shame on you.

Get yourself to a psychologist promptly and change your ways, you're hurting her emotionally.

So you're saying you married an ugly man, well that's your problem too. Beauty is only skin deep so learn to love people of all kinds of beauty, inside and out.

I was hurt myself when I saw you as her mother saying to her that "she needs a lot done" because you're doing emotional abuse on her. Fix yourself. Then let your daughter decide what she needs when she needs it and has the money to pay for it (cosmetic surgery comes out of pocket and maybe she would rather become well educated rather than just look good, so use that money for education instead).

Kids her age have always gotten teeth straightening and if that's what she feels is important at this age then get them straightened.
2015-08-20 10:42:32 UTC
may be ur daughter isnt pretty or good looking but i bless that she must not have a thinking like u , if she is not "attractive"like u think , may be u should change ur thinking cause its not her fault and ur job as a parent is to encourage ur childrens not discourage by merely looks, and plastic surgrey isnt an option for any human being on this earth ,what ever nature has given u , u have to live with it , plastic surgery will just make .ur daughter look like an alien after her 30s ,i hope u r on ur brains while typing such stupid questions on net
2015-08-19 22:18:49 UTC
Speaking through the mouth of a 14 year old if my mom EVER. Tried to change me and make me someone I'm not I would dis own her!!!! Don't do it!!! Don't let society take away her childhood and her future! Listen when I was younger I wasn't the pick of the bunch but I grew out of that and I practically need to hit someone in a daily basis. Anyway this could only create problems in the future. When you were younger if your mom ever told you you were fat or ugly or a mistake or something she didn't want, would you still love her?
2015-08-23 15:55:55 UTC
This is actually very sad. You should love your daughter no matter what. It's sad that you find your own daughter ugly. Some women seriously just don't deserve to be a mom. I'm sure that your daughter is beautiful and I hope that some day you can see that.
chris l
2015-08-20 05:09:40 UTC
the only surgery your daughter would need is to cut the BS drama out of her life. And I mean her mom. I grew up thinking I wasn't attractive, always thought the girls flirting were put up to it or just having fun. I was told by my parents that no girl could like me I was a few pounds heavy myself with skinny parents. It really does hurt our self esteem. It was really strange going back to my 10 year reunion and finding out the girls did honestly flirt and still were. As a older teen I broke out of my shell, started getting confidence. Wonderful family beautiful children who all have some issue that others find unattractive. To me though they are all beautiful.
2015-08-19 17:58:12 UTC
No matter what your child looks like they should always be beautiful to you! All because she doesn't have a bunch a men drooling over her does not mean she isn't beautiful. In a way this makes her beautiful to put up and deal with a mother like you who want to give her plastic surgery and God know what else.
2015-08-21 08:25:21 UTC
I agree that you propably are a narcissist person. I would never date a woman who has mutilated her face with plastic surgery, unless it's because of a car accident etc. And what's this fuzz about nose jobs? I've heard that especially jewish girls cut their noses a lot. I have a big nose too, and it was the only thing on my face I didn't like until one night I was at a local bar and two women next to me noticed my nose(!) and asked me to tilt my head up a little bit. So I did what they asked, and then they were gasping; "omg what nose you have! So royal!"

I couldn't believe what they said, but after investigating the mirror I had to agree with them. Now I love my nose.:),
2015-08-22 02:27:47 UTC
Okay here goes, shes a child ho has just hit puberty. Puberty can do wonderful things such as , turning an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan. I can't believe how blazay you are about it. Don't ever tell your kid how ugly YOU think she is as you will probably screw her up badly. Just be patient and stop being so selfish I bet she s a beautiful girl but you are so wrapped up in what other people think of you that you can't see it. This is a thought no mother should ever think of their child
2015-08-21 19:13:38 UTC
You are very immature. First of all, kids should not be worried about their looks. Second, mothers like you are not good mothers. Using your children to benefit yourself? I'm sorry, but you shouldn't have became a mother. The only thing your daughter needs is to be taught that everyone is beautiful, and to never find out you think this about her.
2015-08-21 07:19:57 UTC
I think that if she's old enough for plastic surgery she's old enough to make her own decisions. I will not say that you're a bad Mother because I'm not the sort of person that judges others. However, I will say that if she wants the surgery talk to her about youknow, see if she's ready...
2015-08-22 02:28:24 UTC
She doesnt need plastic surgery. I know you don't care but you are a bad mother. And I'm angry at you. I'm not angry at you because your a bad mother. I'm angry at you because you dont care that your a bad mother.

It's a very serious matter that you are a bad mother and you need to change. Just because you don't have a beautiful looking daughter doesn't mean she's a let down to you.

It's not that your daughter is ugly its that you are a bad mother. You need to change. I'm not angry at you for being a bad mother I'm angry at you for not caring that you are.

You need to care. And you need to change.
2015-08-20 15:31:22 UTC
dont do any plastic surgery, check the internet about celebrities whose plastic surgery turnedinto a disaster. also check on the effects of plastic surgery. another thing is if she does plastic surgery, when she's growing older, she'll get ugly. u should not change wat God has given her, it means like you are trying to tell God hemade a mistakewhen creating her, everyone is wonderfully made. and if its about weight, check the internet for workouts or take her to the gym or you can call chris powell the guy in extreme weight loss show. i hope i helped, good luck.
2015-08-21 13:28:11 UTC
So don't lower your daughter's self esteem. You don't think she is pretty but she may feel fine about the way she looks. I have an idea, let her get older and decide for herself, when she wants plastic surgery.
2015-08-22 20:43:45 UTC
Go to a therapist so that you can work out your own problems rather than putting them on your daughter. That is just horrible to put those pressures on her at such a young age. The pressure to be thin is already so prevalent in our culture that I'm sure she feels it and has low self esteem from a mother like you judging her looks. Those pressures are what cause young girls to get bulimic and anorexic, which girls can DIE from. Do you want your daughter to die? Because pressuring her too much to be beautiful at such a young age could harm her mental state for life and actually kill her. You should instead be building her confidence up and her mind. Help her find things she enjoys and let her be happy with herself rather than critical. Get help for your daughter's sake, and you might want to get help for your older daughter too in case she has an eating disorder from your pressures.
2015-08-23 05:44:54 UTC
she may have a big body for a 12 year old (I am 18 and am like her) but she is still growing. she is just different to what people are used to which may be why she is not getting compliments. Also, if you don't like her body, it could make her not like her body and spread negativity. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and everybody is beautiful. You as her mother should see that. Even if you think she is not as beautiful as you, she has her own beauty and let her decide if she wants to have silicon inserted into her at 18 to make her fake and "accepted by society"
2015-08-22 09:45:38 UTC
Lots of people want beautiful,smart and athelic children. She is still young and her looks will change. Get her into sports or zumba or cheer leading. Just because you don't hear the complement doesn't she isn't receiving them or people are not thinking she is pretty. If make up makes her feel better, she can do that. There are tons on youtube way to do cool make up tricks along with hair, check them out.
2015-08-22 04:00:20 UTC
If you've ever cut anyone open before you'd know that beauty is only skin deep.The muscular lays is totally as ugly as it gets. Don't waste money on cancer causing silicone. Teach your daughter how to be awesome without being judgemental by a persons looks,
2015-08-20 19:16:00 UTC
No I don't think you should. If your daughter grows up normally and naturally, that in itself is beautiful already. You should learn to be content with what you have. Though if you decide to go with the surgery, you are cheating your own daughter and that is unfair.
Katherine W
2015-08-19 16:44:09 UTC
Surgeons won't operate before she's 16 at all. Your commenting on her looks and weight will cause her to GAIN more weight, not lose it. At 12, she wants to rebel, so if you let her know you want something, she'll do the opposite.

Also, she's still growing, so her height may increase and if she was three inches taller, then 136 would be fine.

I think if you had better self-esteem, you wouldn't be looking for fulfillment through your children, and if your self-esteem was higher, you wouldn't have to count on your looks to get you through life. It's sad, because looks fade, but character is forever.
2015-08-20 00:25:50 UTC
Let her come to you about the nose job. I wouldn't come to her bc it might emotionally damage her to hear her mom say that. But if she EVER hints at feeling ugly let her know you'd pay for that. I think 16 years old and on works.

As for liposuction it's a quick fix it's dangerous and stupid. See if you can get her addicted somehow to fitness. Check out the Kayla Itsine workouts maybe you all do them together as a family. The K I community on FB and IG is super positive about health and fitness without body shaming.
2015-08-21 07:20:15 UTC
What the **** is wrong with you? I don t understand how some of the other answers are so calm. WHAT THE **** IS WRONG WITH YOU?

Before you worry about adjusting your daughter s face, how about you adjust your ******* personality? You are a sick, cruel human being and should not ******* have children if you don t love them as they are. "She ll need liposuction eventually" Like are you SERIOUS????? Are you considering LIPOSUCTION, a dangerous procedure that comes with mountains of heath risks and can cause more problems than the little, teeny, tiny IRRELEVANT one that YOU seem to think it solves, for a TWELVE YEAR OLD??!!?!?!?!?

I swear,if you push anything on this girl, child protective services needs to get called. Your abuse may not be visible, but it is ABUSE and if you carry on thinking this way, you will **** UP YOUR DAUGHTER.

I don t care whether or not YOU think she s pretty on the outside. That girl is a CHILD. A ******* KID. And she deserves way better than your judgmental, narcissistic, sociopathic, unloving ***, but since she s stuck with you, the very least you could do is pretend to ******* love her for who she is, inside AND out.

You are so ****** up. So ****** up. I can t..... Wow. I have never, EVER.... You re sick. You need professional ******* help. I just cannot believe how much you need to be freaking helped.
2015-08-21 07:02:39 UTC
No doctor in their right mind would preform plastic surgery on a minor, because their mother thinks that they are ugly. How do you think the child will feel in 20 yrs with the knowledge that her mother thought that she was so ugly that she got plastic surgery.
2015-08-22 01:17:28 UTC
This letter is so insane it has GOT to be a spoof: - probably written by Yahoo to encourage people to write in. However. in case it isn't I'd like to say that if a child is fat the fault lies with the mother not the child, so learn about healthy eating and be grateful for a healthy daughter.
2015-08-22 18:18:15 UTC
Plastic surgery can be painful and can go wrong. Also, as a mother, you should love your daughter regardless. She is your treasure. Just think about it :)
2015-08-22 05:58:11 UTC
Being pretty doesn't matter. If she decides to have plastic surgery later in life, that will be her own choice and no one elses.
2015-08-21 12:57:44 UTC
What if your mother told you that you was ugly at 12 and complimented your siblings or your friends. Keep acting like this and when your daughter grows up you will lose her forever. Who let you have kids in the first place?!?

Make sure your partner wears protection next time and treat your daughters right because they will be coming to you for guidance in life.
2015-09-29 05:30:21 UTC
I have seen first hand a mother putting her weight issues (she was underweight and scared of becoming overweight like her mother) and her two daughters were brought up on this; they are both underweight and looking very unhealthy too (in late teens and twenties now). Can only imagine the health (mental as well as physical) issues they may encounter in their later years (not only now) through their misguided upbringing by their mother. Yes, they are aware they have problems, but they have been raised with those problems, so they are not very easy for them to shake, perhaps never will.
2015-08-21 07:00:22 UTC
well first, she's 12 yo... there's this thing called puberty you ****. her face might thin out and she'll grow into herself/face eventually. if she's a bit chubby, talk to her about a diet. but never force her into unless she's obese or wants to.

as for you. you said you attractive but your probably extremely unattractive as far as people go. your personalitiy comes across as HORIBBLE. i pity your daughter and hope she lives a happy life regardless that you think shes 'not pretty'.

concentrate on her studies. getting good grades. not vanity. at he end of the day looks can only get you so far concerning jobs. unless she's planning she marries rich or is a model or a prostitute then you'd better shut up and help her study.
2015-08-20 23:07:02 UTC
Maybe instead of plastic surgery you can spend that money on a math tutor. Looks fade, but a degree in computer science is forever.
2015-08-22 02:03:15 UTC
No, your daughter doesn't need plastic surgery. She was created that way, and therefore she should stay that way.
2015-08-21 08:38:05 UTC
Um, I think you should give her time to at least become a TEENAGER. Shes a friggin child for God's sake! I remember some of the most pretty girls in school....well lordy you should see em now. They've Certaintly changed. And so did some of the chubby, gawky girls who became very beautiful. Do you want you're daughter to become suicidal? If they do it cuz of peers thinking they don't measure up just wait til you're daughter realizes her own mother thinks she doesn't measure up! You're sickening.
Anna :)
2015-08-19 21:05:24 UTC
Just in shock any parent could behave this way.

You are LUCKY if she is healthy and normal in other ways.

Would be interesting to see how you would have coped if life had thrown you a curve ball... such as a child with mental illness, Down Syndrome, MS etc etc.

Count your blessings and love and support your children for who they are.

If you have noticed others commenting on your older child's good looks - you should be making up for it by being doubly as supportive of your youngest.

PS - btw you SHOULD care that it makes you a bad mother!!

2015-08-24 03:51:01 UTC
Your attitude is not proper/perfect.Does there is any specific standard for any persons beauty.No,never it varies for every individual.Just because you/some don't like her,it does not mean she is not beautiful or need to change by plastic surgery which has dreadful side effects.Moreover,it is against the wish of "ZORASTER,RAMA,BUDDHA,JESUS CHRIST AND ALLAH" or supernatural or nature or evolution or ethics(both social and medical ethics).If it is acceptable,then it means you were supporting Hitler's extermination of Jews on the base of reasons like weak and feeble etc.

2015-08-23 00:46:19 UTC
Don't worry about it, If you are attractive she will straighten out. Everybody grows at different rates. Im sure she will lose the baby fat and be beautiful. :) I know you want the best for her and you want her to feel secure but right now she is still growing and you never know what could come out of it. Surgery is for when you are done growing and have no chance.
2015-08-21 19:38:14 UTC
Wow. Why don't you just let her decide to have plastic surgery later on if she wants to? She is young, just let her enjoy the life as a young girl.
2015-08-21 22:43:14 UTC
I was about to go to sleep until I saw your question and I had to answer this. Please, for the love of god I hope you are a "Troll" because that is downright awful for a mother to say. My wife would NEVER even think of saying something like what you said. We have 3 beautiful children. I'll admit, I don't come from very good looking parents but our kids are fine just the way they are. Who cares about what they look like? There good kids, that's all that matters. Right? Parents are suppose to love their children unconditionally and not judge them. They are who they are and you shouldn't change that! I not trying to tell you how to raise your kids.I'm just saying you should of never had kids.
2015-08-20 05:12:49 UTC
Is this a joke? You are a Moron MORON!!!

I bet you're not even attractive either!

The money you have to pay for your kids plastic surgery spend it on a head Doctor for you instead.
2015-08-20 04:05:40 UTC
2015-08-21 04:51:38 UTC
You are a bad mum because no matter how she looks, you should love her!!!! Making her have plastic surgery is a selfish thing to do!!!! It shows that you think your daughter is ugly!!!! Makes you a sick parent!!!
2015-08-23 23:51:58 UTC
Honestly, I don't think plastic surgery is the way to go. And plus, she's going through's only just the start. Be patient. Don't jump to any conclusions.
2015-08-23 17:37:18 UTC
This is not a real post and if it was a real post you would not be asking strangers something so deeply unethical while making sure you kept all your questions hidden but failed to select the "anonymous" option when posting.

Most unethical people have been openly shunned and only merge with equally unethical folks, so you should have a twisted group of people to ask such degrading question to only a single facebook log in away, not yahoo answers.
2015-08-23 06:56:13 UTC
She probably hasn't even started puberty which is when her body starts to change. It doesn't matter if she's not like you pictured her to be. Everyone deserves to be valued and she's beautiful in her own way. You are a terrible mother. You're stuck-up. Grow up. And realize beauty is not everything. You were lucky to even be blessed with a child. Appreciate everything life gives you.
O Man
2015-08-20 02:11:34 UTC
WOw! Some people should never become parents! So your daughter isnt a isnt pretty, so what?? Beauty is a relative thing anyways, what one man finds attractive, another doesnt! Its whats inside that will help her to find a deccent partner who is going to stick with her.How about focusing on her character which is what is going to make her successful in life - beauty comes and goes, character is forever!Very shallow that you are so shallow about your own daughter. I pity her having a mother like you! Rather than helping her to develop a healthy attitude towards her body/appearence, you are going make her insecure about herself.
2015-08-22 08:26:18 UTC
I don't believe you are a mother. You are an internet troll trying to stir up people so you feel better about your own pathetic life. No real mother would have these thoughts about her own child. Suck the fat out of her cheeks? You overplayed your hand but still managed to appear to be a narcissistic and cruel human being that made a lot of parents throw up a little in their mouth. Congratulations, troll.
2015-08-21 02:17:24 UTC
I think this a kid who wrote this question? Honestly what parent would ask this question. I notice the person just got a yahoo account on 8/13/15 I feel it's the child asking the question. But to answer your question: SHAME ON YOU! Your suppose to love all your children no matter what. If she is ugly then she must get her looks from you! How dare you say your child is ugly NO parent should never ever say that.
2015-08-20 15:18:22 UTC
Liposuction removes the fat, but often the skin does not retract back, so yr left with alot of loose skin. And that looks alot worse. 136 lbs is not a bad weight for a 12 yr old. The main concern should be her waistline. If she starts working out at a gym now with pro instruction, she should look alot healthier after several months. Working out is heard, but useful. And her diet is important aswell. Not too much fat
Worried mam
2015-08-21 23:52:06 UTC
O.m.g I can't believe what you have said. Take a look in the mirror and look at her dad ,you're so bang out of order. You are the ones that made this beautiful girl. My kids are all different but they are all beautiful and they have turned into even more beautiful adults. My grandchildren are exactly the same. So I say shame on you for even saying this. Are you from another planet????????????
2015-08-21 05:36:26 UTC
I think that Jessica should be looking at herself in the mirror!

Perhaps you are not aware of this, but here is a tiny fact for you: if a personality is dire in a "good looking" person, then a "good looking" person becomes ugly. When a perceived ugly person has a fantastic personality, their looks become beautiful.

I would love you to be not for real, but sadly, there are horrible women like you in this world.

If I could, I would gladly adopt "your" 12 year old. I just pray that she is a survivor and pray that you will not get away with this filthy attitude!
2015-08-23 05:47:28 UTC
Someone should get her children taken away from her immediately. Someone who seriously considers putting her own daughter in danger just to feel better about how she "turned out" IS IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM SOMEONE A CHILD, LET ALONE TEENAGER, SHOULD GROW UP AROUND.

With someone like you I can only imagine the amount of neglect and emotional abuse your daughter is going to go through, please invest the money of the surgery in getting that poor girl the hell away from you, you VAIN, UNCARING NON HUMAN
2015-08-22 03:26:00 UTC
I think you're trolling, and from the sheer volume of response I guess you succeeded. On the off chance you're not trolling, I hope your daughter has an awesome life in spite of the incredible twisted shallowness she had to endure as the daughter of a one-dimensional monster.
2015-08-23 09:55:07 UTC
Your and evil person and you don t deserve to have her if you can t be grateful for the way she looks like I mean come on lady she is 12 for gods sake the girl hasn t even hit puberty yet! and your yelling plastic surgery like what type of mother are you .
2015-08-23 19:34:38 UTC
I know who needs plastic surgery, you need plastic surgery on your eyes and personality.
answer boy
2015-08-21 10:31:59 UTC
Let your daughter grow into her body for starters and don't pressure her to do plastic surgery. She may be fine with who she is and as a mother you are giving her a warped sense of value. Please don't live through your children in such a manner.
2015-08-21 05:46:20 UTC
Yes go ahead and torture your child for her looks and make her feel horrible about herself forever. It's too early to even know what she will look like as an adult.

You clearly are too superficial yourself to see worth beyond looks! You are sending all the wrong messages to her, destroying her self-esteem and crippling her for life by pretending looks are as important as you think they are and nothing else is. If she is too fat, rather than attack her with surgery, get her involved in an activity she likes - exercise works better than surgery.
2015-08-22 21:05:41 UTC
Wow, this actually Made me Sick. Like poor Girl. Beauty is not the most important thing in Life. Love is. Like, really love your Child. Some people can't even have Kids and would do anything to have one. Now, here is you. A ungrateful person judging her own Child. This, just makes me Sick.
2015-08-20 14:15:26 UTC
If you, as you seem to, judge everything at a physical level and have a predisposition to chocolate box images you apparently live in a shallow society which does so too. Do you really want your child to grow up to be as shallow as you are or to break out into a beautiful world where important things matter to people of greater sensitivity, compassion and intelligence?
2015-08-21 21:15:04 UTC
Where are you going? You are supposed to help your children with their struggles, and encourage she worried about it? If not, leave her alone. Anyways, everybody is perfect from the bottom to the top! Plus, plastic surgery goes wrong sometimes, and you know how that turns out. UGLY
2015-08-20 16:26:21 UTC
Ok, the age for her to start getting plastic surgery IF SHE AND ONLY SHE WANTS IT is 18 or 20 years old WHEN SHE MOVES OUT AND IS AWAY FROM YOUR TERRIBLE INFLUENCES. You think she needs liposuction? She doesn't, she needs diet and exercise. You want your child to be thin rather than healthy! You only care about your daughter for her appearance! And you want to fiddle and tamper with her personal appearance and HER body just because she doesn't quite meet up to your standards?! It is HER body! HERS! NOT YOURS!!!! You can do whatever you want with your body, but leave her alone! She doesn't belong to you! She doesn't belong to ANYONE! You're teaching her that the only thing that matters in the world is her appearence. Do you know how self-concious your making your 12 YEAR OLD CHILD FEEL?! She's 12!! SHE'S NOT EVEN A TEENAGER YET! And already you're like "let's take a hammer to this, let's rip you open here, let's inject things into you here, lets suck bits of you out here". This is your DAUGHTER! Why can't you just love her and not hate her because her body didn't turn out the way you wanted it to? How would you feel if she felt "even my own mother thinks I'm hideous" and kills herself because of it? "If this makes me a bad mom I don't care" YOU DON'T CARE? YOU DON'T CARE THAT YOU'RE MAKING YOUR DAUGHTER FEEL LIKE ****?! YOUR CHILD?! Even teenagers shouldn't have to care about their appearance but you're already thinking of 'editing' your CHILD! She's too young for makeup let along plastic ******* surgery and liposuction! SHE'S A HUMAN BEING! NOT A ******* SIM! I know exactly why you want your daughter to be barbie. You think you're 'a very attractive person' but deep down you're really self-conscious about yourself and have low self-esteem because people have always been objectifying you and your body which makes you think it's ok to do it to a child. You know you're spent, you've had 2 kids, you've got a lot more weight on you than you want and you know you'll always have a saggy baby belly. You're getting old, droopy. Constantly touching up your grey hairs and wrinkles? Guess what? You can get as much plastic surgery as you like, darling, but leave that poor child alone and don't go sucking anything out of her, putting anything in her or trying to bash anything into place! It's her life and HER body! Everyone has ONE body each. You have yours and she has hers. Just because her body came out of yours doesn't mean it belongs to you and you can do with it what you please? Put. That. Child. Into. Care! You were never fit to be a mother.
2015-08-21 19:55:59 UTC
she is young things take time to grow at that age most the pop stars were thought to be ugly as kids and turned out fine afterwards and you cannot get at that age plastic surgery from a sane doctor
2015-08-19 22:08:04 UTC
It sounds like the only problems there are exist with you. We have no evidence or even speculation that your daughter herself wants to get this done. I hope for her sake she's perfectly content and not dependent on you for much longer. I does not matter what you think.

You're not for real, fwiw.
2015-08-20 10:36:19 UTC
You should wait until she is old enough to decide for herself if she wants plastic surgery. If she wants it, then you support her in that decision. However, if she doesn't feel that it's important, you should support that decision as well.
2015-08-22 18:51:18 UTC
Your daughter needs parental removal transplant surgery. That's where the doctors remove the bad mom and replace her with a good one.
2015-08-24 00:35:41 UTC
I have never hoped more that a troll is doing the asking than now. If you are actually serious, I think you are an absolute dropkick of a mother and should volunteer to have yourself spayed to be honest. That, and give your children up for adoption, at least then perhaps they have a chance of undoing some of the damage you have done. Are those the types of pointers you were looking for? :)
2015-08-20 03:37:03 UTC
making her go through plastic surgery just because you don't think she's very attractive isn't going make her feel better about herself. Think about how it will affect her personal image for the rest of her life...
2015-08-25 19:56:29 UTC
U r obviously a bad mom...u think ur daughters ugly? I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't have a great personality BC her self esteem is basically DESTROYED....u r being so immature....a child wants their mom to tell them that they r beautiful or that they r perfect...not that they need plastic surgery....u should honestly be more mature...what matters more to u? Ur child being happy or ur child being beautiful yet sad JUST BC HER MOM JUST DOESNT ACCEPT HER FOR WHO SHE IS
2015-08-20 11:57:50 UTC
im 15 soon and ill be getting a nose job to chizel down the bump on my nose my mum says it fine and it really hurts everytime i bang it on something but my mum would definatly not encourage liposuction!!! My mum is a doctor and was telling me all the risks about it and honestly it is not worth the trouble do you really want a huge needle being jabbed in and out of your 12 year old daughter when she will not be fully grown and will just have "puppy fat" that will go as she grows taller?? you really need to put thought into it becuase what u said was horrible and no mother should speak about their child like that and if she was bothered about her apearance she would change it now let her enjoy her chilhood
2015-08-23 12:49:40 UTC
Excuse me!! Have you ever heard of the expression "Don't judge by a book by its cover". Or ever read the book "The Ugly Duckling". Yeah its not your daughter that its ugly its your thoughts and heart that is ugly. Why are you so freaking judgemental! She is so young to have to be facing this. Wait till she is 18 then she will think for herself. Goodness your so such an Idiot.
2015-08-20 23:22:26 UTC
Honestly, I stoped reading this because I just think your totally selfish.. Take care, and don't change your daughters looks based on your thoughts, for all you know, she could blossom into a beautiful flower, without your help of a needle and a knife.
2015-08-20 06:41:43 UTC
Have you ever listened to yourself? What a horrible thing to say about your daughter...and to pin sister against sister is again horrible. You say you are an attractive me there is no beauty in you reading these words. I am saddened to think that people like you exist out there in the world that really only needs love respect and acceptance. i pity you and your children...
2015-08-20 13:47:33 UTC
Im almost certain that you yourself are not attractive but fairly ugly.

Females are rarly good looking to me, iv seen less than 20 good looking girls in my life.

Also, plastic surgery just makes you uglyer -_-...
2015-08-21 11:17:04 UTC
I just your are a bad mom who just is horrible and disgusting for even considering plastic surgery
2015-08-23 14:45:08 UTC
What kind of mother are you? Your completely pathetic!!! I think your a self centered *****! I am so glad that I don't know you I would hate to be around the likes of you! She is twelve give her time to hit puberty and grow up she will change. I personally think you are probably one of the ugliest people around if you can think of your daughter that way!!!
2015-08-20 10:04:09 UTC
In your case BUTT OUT!

She's 12! Puberty isn't over yet then she has to cope with adolescence and you're PARANOID that

she 'isn't pretty'?! WHO ARE YOU, Cinderella's Stepmother?! Try going through YOUR FAMILY

PHOTOS and find YOU at 12!! Then compare your husband (daughter's father, right?) at 12; betcha

he was no prize!
2015-08-21 00:04:31 UTC
I am sorry but you are selfish, shallow and not a decent mother. Your daughter will grow up with the lowest self esteem and certainly no respect for you as her mother if you even consider this. I really, really hope this is not a serious post by you because if it is then you would be guilty of child abuse.
2015-08-22 01:05:23 UTC
One day somebody will love her for her, something that as her mother, you should be the first to do. Looks are not everything, one day we get old and our beauty crumbles, then all we have left is our heart, make sure that is her most wonderful feature, as it never really leaves. I know this isn't what you necessarily want to hear, but it is true. Old age strips us of our pretty mask, and we must make sure what is underneath is kind, loving and beautiful.
2015-08-21 13:07:36 UTC
I venture to say that you are WAY uglier than your daughter could every be. If you want to help your daughter you should give her up for adoption or disappear from the face of the earth. Maybe she could have a chance to live with someone of value.
2015-08-21 09:18:11 UTC
Are you being serious, calling your daughter ugly is not right. Everyone is beautiful in a different way. If your daughter is not happy then its her choice, but if you don't find her pretty its not really your problem.
2015-08-19 23:44:59 UTC
I really hope you are not for real. Any one that puts down a child or compares one to another needs to have their head examined.

Beauty does not come from the outside it is what is inside that makes the person. You are trying to develop a very shallow person if looks is what you look at.

being over weight is probably from your attitude towards her.

You are a very bad mom.
2015-08-20 12:14:40 UTC
Don't be worry she didn't need plastic surgery but mom you need to Trappist
2015-08-21 00:35:42 UTC
So glad you arent my mom, i went through an ugly phase and my mom always told me i was beautiful regardless....

Of all people in the world you should be the one who isnt critical of your childs appearance you should be supportive and loving and let her make her own decisions about her appearance, if she is happy with how she looks thats ALL that matters. So suck it up and just love her for who she is.... your little baby girl, your princess...not something you need to fix. You are going to harm her self worth, her confidence, and make her shallow you who thinks the outside is that important. If you haven't already
2015-08-20 17:48:33 UTC
You're not really a mother. You're meant to love your children no matter what. Changing their appearances to suit your needs, they'll only learn to love the appearances of someone. What happens when you grow old and don't look beautiful anymore? She might not love you anymore because you influenced her.
2015-08-20 12:05:26 UTC
Have you never herd or sang the song There once was an ugly Duckling besides you will grow up to be old and wrinkled where as she will outshine you and her older sister may I say also that you sound very con-seated and not at all nice
2015-08-19 20:53:08 UTC
I hope you're joking, if not maybe you should focus on your personality before your daughter's looks. Thats clearly in a much worse state.
2015-08-22 15:15:40 UTC
Is this a freaking joke?? Guys, I'M pretty sure that this person is just opting for negative answers. She'd be very stupid not to see how terribly bad her question comes across.

I'm sure this must be a troll.
Md mainul Islam
2015-08-21 10:35:54 UTC
If your daughter need Plastic surgery, u must done it . cause she 'll be well
2015-08-20 15:56:19 UTC
Dear Shallow gal, are you upset, that she wont have the same opportunities, to follow in your foot steps? (gold digging skank) I've never seen you, you might be beautiful, but you're so ugly inside, it negates any outer beauty! Leave her be! She's already prettier than you. You know that vicarious thing, never goes well, right? You should be very ashamed of yourself, you're no mother! I take that back, you're a mother-*$%&>!
2015-08-22 19:24:50 UTC
Really sad that you care of looks. Even considering it because of other people makes it worst. I would be disgusted at a person who thinks this for her daughter unless the daughter wants it herself
2015-08-21 12:03:57 UTC
I think she shouldn't feel pressured to be beautiful, especially not by her own flesh and blood. For starters, she's only 12. For her, puberty is in its early stages. Second, at that age, she should be having fun, not worrying about her looks. Plus no one is ugly. Except if you have ugliness in your heart. And even if you think she's ugly, haven't you ever read "The Ugly Duckling"?
2015-08-20 12:38:32 UTC
at 18
2015-08-21 05:38:32 UTC
You sound like my mom.

That's awful. She's growing up to reject issues, she's probably insecure considering she has a mom like you, and yet her own mom is only wanting self worth.

How can you say that. Was she not raised by you. Work on her personality. Let her grow, she's only freaking twelve.
2015-08-19 20:10:08 UTC
It's so mind blowing to me that you cannot just accept your daughter for who she is. She's beautiful no matter what and if you cannot see that, then there is something extremely wrong with you.
2015-08-19 21:37:42 UTC
I can't believe that this woman who calls herself a mother is asking this question and moreso that there are people giving her advice on how to change her child. This is very disappointing as a mother. You are very shallow and superficial. Children continue to grow and change everyday so I dont know what your thinking. I am so disgusted by this question so Im going to ask God to answer you.
2015-08-21 11:37:36 UTC
18 would be best. Then she can decide for herself. I'm sorry you don't care if you're a bad parent. Your children need a loving mother, not a super model. Good luck to you and your family.
2015-08-21 18:01:15 UTC
What kind of mother would even think those things about her own daughter!! She is your daughter!!!! U should love her no matter what and furthermore there is more to life than looks and looks fade. Talk about affecting her self esteem as well.
2015-08-22 04:22:32 UTC
you daughter does not need plastic surgery, you need to see a therapist.
2015-08-20 11:04:50 UTC
if it's not covered by your insurance, then when she's earning enough money and has endured enough rejection/ridicule to invest in her own plastic surgery. meanwhile, try to limit public exposure with her. don't have photos of her in your cube/office.
2015-08-21 17:41:06 UTC
Leave her alone. Let her discover herself. Any plastic surgery should be considered child abuse.

You need help.
2015-08-20 09:56:38 UTC
Stop being a vain, selfish, shallow control freak. The way a person looks is in God's hands, not yours. And I'll bet you're not as good-looking as you think you are.
2015-08-19 22:32:34 UTC
This bad parenting. Or is this a troll :/

A mother should always be proud of their children and not judge their own kids about their image. I mean ad long as it's not harming anyone.

How dare you- honestly.
2015-08-21 23:16:09 UTC
Why don't you just burn her at the stake as a sacrifice like what they used to do in medieval times to royal ugly daughters
2015-08-19 20:53:25 UTC
Don't do it! Shes only 12 and still during puberty so she'll be beautiful soon! If shes not looking good when shes atleast 19 do it then its your and her choice
2015-08-21 01:32:18 UTC
I think this is a disgusting post. She s your daughter. No mother should be thinking about their kids the way you re thinking about your daughter. You re going to make her grow up with self-confidence issues if you don t stop the way you re acting and thinking right now. If her own mother is putting the way she looks down, then she s going to think it of herself and think other people think it about her. That s no way to raise a child.
2015-08-21 08:28:38 UTC
Wow, you are SHALLOW. You are saying that your daughter is so lame that the only way a man can ever love her is if she's pretty?! You are literally telling her "Your so stupid and worthless, you can only achieve anything if you look like me," wow, that is messed. We live in a messed up world if this is the new norm.
2015-08-23 11:20:04 UTC
My heart aches for your "ugly" daughter. Your attitude about her looks must be painfully obvious to her--probably for years now. She is desperately in need of a COMPLETE MOTHER TRANSPLANT! All the money involved in this surgery is going to be desperately needed for psychotherapy for her
2015-08-20 19:52:32 UTC
I think your daughter needs a new mother

why the hell would you put your own daughter at a risky surgical procedure ? and the only thing your daughter needs is eating healthy food and exercise

ps she still in the normal bmi (body mass index ) range
2015-08-24 03:51:20 UTC
Wow, you have really failed at being a mother. What a horrible thing to say and want to do to a child. And I guarantee you are not as pretty as you comes from within.

Go read "The Ugly Duckling".
2015-08-23 14:58:31 UTC
Wth, it's called puberty and it messes kids up, they grow out of it. But seriously, what type of mother are you, this is the type of thing that leads kids to suicide, you need to tell her she's beautiful and is perfect the way she is or she will hate you for it, trust me, I'm 13, I know
2015-08-23 13:52:51 UTC
You stupid excuse for a mother. you don't deserve her. you are a shallow, selfish human, you need to take a good hard look at yourself and try to understand why you're like this and when you understand and realise how incredibly cruel you and your thoughts are, you will have achieved at least something in your life.
2015-08-22 16:39:48 UTC
2015-08-22 23:41:20 UTC
Congratulations you are a terrible mother. Go apologize to your beautiful 12 year old daughter!!!! Tell her she is beautiful from the inside and out. Bc she is everyone is you should be teaching her that.
2015-08-20 00:32:31 UTC
okay I'll help

1st go to south korea and buy 2 bags

then go to Mars and pre order a alien xp4385 gun

okay, now follow these steps, read carefully

take the gun and the bags and then throw them out the window.

Wasn't that a smart answer?

Almost as smart as your question.

- may god help you
2015-08-20 16:20:39 UTC
I hoped you looked flawless as a 12 year old. I mean come on, is this a joke? She's 12.
2015-08-20 05:09:09 UTC
Is it serious or is it a joke? Poor your doughter if it is not a joke. To improve a look of 12year old is to support her in doing sports not in having lipposuction. And first of all your job as a mother is support her in being herself no matter how does she look like, make her feel loved and happy! How people look is not so important.
2015-08-19 16:29:08 UTC
wow, um, listen lady. it's the freaking 21st century and you i cannot believe there are still people like you in it. don't you know that appearance does not matter much these days? what's the point in being a "very attractive woman" when your personality is sh!t. honestly, if I was your daughter, i would be very disappointed in you.

compliments are not everything in this world, but your daughter's happiness is.
2015-08-23 17:58:15 UTC
We're not all pretty at 12, not all of us has gone through pubity at that stage, no matter if they have spots, glasses or anything you should love her for who she is and one day a man will do the same who cares if your pretty we shouldn't care!
2015-08-21 16:12:45 UTC
Please, for the sake of sanity, tell me this is a joke. Everyone is beautiful in their own way, and no-one should feel as if they are a burden, casted away to the side because of how they look. I want you to get your priorities straight, and tell your daughter she's beautiful.
2015-08-22 03:30:22 UTC
I actually think the person who wrote this is 12. Probably a bully too. Whoever wrote it needs help, that's for sure.
2015-08-20 12:37:43 UTC
Kylie Jenner was an ugly mo

Fo at 12 look at her now everyone wants to be her
2015-08-21 14:23:19 UTC
Bad Mom, no

Horrible, terrible Mom, yes

Vain, trash human being, without a doubt
2015-08-22 14:54:53 UTC
You need brain surgery
Hammer into Anvil
2015-08-19 19:19:53 UTC
For goodness sakes....she's only 12! Let her grow up.....she may blossom into a beautiful young woman...hopefully, whatever the result, she won't be a shallow narcissist like you!
2015-08-20 00:39:42 UTC
There is an old saying you can't judge a book by its cover / besides who are you to judge someones weight
2015-08-21 11:30:45 UTC
Why don't you put your daughter up for adoption and get a plant?
2015-08-24 00:59:28 UTC
Lol take a chill, she's only 12. She will pull through after puberty, watch and see.
2015-08-22 05:40:43 UTC
Maybe you should do plastic surgery. For your brain maybe.
Tatted Oak
2015-08-20 15:20:41 UTC
However your daughter looks now or in the future, there will be people attracted to her appearance. But most importantly, hopefully, she won't be a ***** like you.
2015-08-20 02:00:05 UTC
Wow, if this isn't a troll you have something seriously wrong with you. Women like you shouldn't even have kids.
2015-08-21 11:36:54 UTC
God, you are trash. I feel sorry for your poor daughter. She is probably forced into feeling that she s ugly, and needs to be told she is beautiful because I believe she will be.
2015-08-20 19:37:19 UTC
this is disgusting, i hope you never tell her or hint to her that you re disappointed in her image, or that you mention anything wrong with her when she comes to you with insecurity.

DO NOT MENTION THIS TO HER, it s a potential eating disorder/depression/self harm/self hatred/suicidal waiting to happen.

she s only 12, puberty will change her a lot, i promise (look at Nathan Kress, the Sprouse twins, nearly any child)
Sweetdaddy Rex
2015-08-20 10:48:46 UTC
Sounds to me, like YOU need brain surgery !
2015-08-20 14:32:33 UTC
I agree with Erika. what you're doing is so rude and cruel you ask the stupidest questions on here and get a **** load of replies unlike the rest of us...we barely get any replies to some good questions!!!! you should be ashamed of quit the bullshit, love your daughter for who she is, and let her live her life
2015-08-22 06:41:44 UTC
2015-08-23 23:55:57 UTC
I think it is your right to force that upon her if she is fat or uncharming. Obviously her personality might need altering aswell for that i recomend get a new one. Best of luck for the future and my thoughts are with you in these tough times.
2015-08-20 10:36:55 UTC
So who cares what she looks like people are pretty in their own unique way don't make her change her self just so you can be happy think about what she wants instead of yourself.
2015-08-20 12:06:54 UTC
What an ignorant, self centered and sick human you are. You take home the Worst Mom Of The World Award! Congrats.
2015-08-20 02:18:01 UTC
she needs a new mom, not plastic surgery.
2015-08-22 07:53:02 UTC
Your talking like you look like Megan ****** fox or summat. Your one clueless parent. When I was 12 my face looked too big for my head! Your going to give your daughter a real shitty complex.
2015-08-20 08:30:26 UTC
I cant believe people are actually replying to this so calmly. One and only thing Im going to say is you shouldnt be a mother. What is wrong with you. this is why we have ****** up and suicidal people in the world. Standards people place on them.
2015-08-20 22:03:42 UTC
I feel bad for your daughters for having you as a mother. I have never seen anything like this. Your a bully and yes you are a bad mother. What kind of a mother are you.
2015-08-21 14:32:05 UTC
You're the kind of mother that deserves to be reported to cps. You're merely using your children to boost your own ego.

You say your attractive, but you're attitude makes you uglier than you know
Alan H
2015-08-21 03:40:27 UTC
Leave her alone. She is your daughter, not a trophy to boost your ego.

If at age 20 she wants that, it would be her choice. What you are suggesting is child abuse.
2015-08-20 19:38:22 UTC
Well something's restore my faith in humanity and then there's this that is just awful. To know you think that of your own daughter just because of your own ego, it absolute disgusts me.
2015-08-23 18:21:29 UTC
you are prop a bad mom, not trying to be mean, but you should let her decide and maybe 18 or 20. I think I am ugly to but I wouldnt do this to myself (Im 15) I really want to get a boob job bc I have nothing and everyone around me has boobs and its rly hard for me, but my mom isn't telling me to do it. (So let her choose her self)
2015-08-21 07:54:38 UTC
I think you have no rights to call her your daughter if you say such hideous things about your own blood . And if she IS your daughter and if she is ugly ( in your eyes ) , you know who gave birth to her & where she came from ( your womb ) 😌
2015-08-22 14:27:01 UTC
Clearly you can't be that attractive if your criticising your daughters looks, but looks aren't everything how shallow can you be?
2015-08-19 17:26:36 UTC
I think you need a reality check. You aren't pretty either. I can tell just by reading what you wrote.
2015-08-21 19:34:10 UTC
Shame on you. It's people like you that I would not want to have around me. You are not a parent, but a mortal enemy.
2015-08-22 20:52:33 UTC
Are you aware of the ugly duckling story. Sometimes the one that everyone says looks like a creature, ends of being uniquely beautiful. I say leave her alone and let her grow into her own.
Gaia’s Garden
2015-08-20 19:28:39 UTC
Start with a light diet/ exercise program and wait till puberty is finished rearranging her features before you do anything drastic.
2015-08-21 15:44:27 UTC
I think all my 10 children need to have mental help they're fat, retarded and lazy. They're big fat lonely losers, and a failure in life, they're nothing like they're like they're sexy, beautiful, loving,caring elegant mother.They all turned out like they're fat-*** father who takes all the food at farts and hates everyone.
2015-08-21 19:59:05 UTC
Hello? Child services? Don't EVER think like that about your child!
2015-08-22 14:14:15 UTC
Your child should be in social care if you are unhappy because she doesn't look great you obviously don't love her that much. Shame on you.
2015-08-21 23:16:55 UTC
I think this "question" is fake. If it's not a fake question then you are a fake mom. Your younger daughter deserves a better one!
2015-08-21 22:09:14 UTC
Kill yourself, for ****'s sake and for the sake of everyone. You're only a waste of oxygen in this world.
2015-08-22 10:17:37 UTC
shame on you for thinking like that about your daughter. Its clear you have your favorites and I absolutely hate people like you. Look at yourself in the mirror, part of you is in your daughter, you ungrateful mother.
2015-08-21 21:18:02 UTC
um i think that child needs to be taken away from you and given to parents that raise their children to accept themselves and others for who they are instead of feeling like they're nothing because they're unttractive by society's shallow and stupid standards.
2015-08-19 17:11:53 UTC
You may should go to a shrink and have your head checked .

With her beauty is only skin deep ugly go clean to the bone as in your case
2015-08-20 02:55:18 UTC
You need to grow up lady. I have never heard a mother talk about her own child like this. Shameful.
2015-08-21 15:15:45 UTC
Ya'll don't see a troll when you come across one? Just someone phishin'
2015-08-21 12:47:48 UTC
Someone should call child service on this woman. I don't trust your twelve year old living with you.
2015-08-20 02:57:09 UTC
Maybe if she didn't have this negativity in her life she wouldn't be putting on the weight
2015-08-21 02:34:35 UTC
Peace out
2015-08-21 10:45:37 UTC
That s disgusting. She s your daughter. You need to accept her, let go of your ridiculous perfectionist idea.
2015-08-20 00:13:12 UTC
wow ok... first, looks arent everything and second, if you're so worried, usually 12 year olds look awkward and they'll grow into their looks later on

2015-08-24 08:35:14 UTC
NO let her choose if she wants to when she gets older don't force her or make her feel ugly
2015-08-21 11:30:55 UTC
OMG. Such an ugly post from such an ugly person. They will never understand why others see them as so ugly while they think they are beautifuil, I think. Shame
2015-08-21 06:28:50 UTC
HAHAH very funny troll. Try asking a question like an adult. Your writting format is like a child.
2015-08-20 15:31:12 UTC
No she needs to grow you can be cute when your small then ugly when you grow up or ugly when small or cute when you grow up or ugly both or cute both depends if your attractive then she will too unless her father is ugly and she took most of his side
2015-08-19 18:50:01 UTC
I think you're a troll
2015-08-21 18:34:41 UTC
Ask your daughter
2015-08-20 10:39:26 UTC
That's her decision.
Linda G
2015-08-23 08:12:15 UTC
Wow, I sure hope you're just trolling. If not, please get your tubes tied so no more children will be subjected to your drivel. I hope your daughter moves away from you at her earliest opportunity.
2015-08-21 20:29:08 UTC
Wow, you're incredibly selfish.

How about teaching her that her importance doesn't lie in how sexy she is.
2015-08-21 10:37:22 UTC
Puberty will do wonders. It also helps you to mature. You seem to have missed that part though. Let her grow up an find someone who loves her for who she is.
2015-08-19 20:53:08 UTC
You must not be very attractive if you produced an "ugly" daughter. How selfish of you.
2015-08-20 04:18:26 UTC
**** what kind of mother are? Because so post to be, the mother is the number one fan of their child, no matter how or what they are. This is one of the most hilarious question of a mother can have.You must be thankful because she is a normal kids.
2015-08-20 06:33:59 UTC
Yh makes you sound like a bad mum but if she wants it go ahead just dont force her into it
2015-08-20 16:58:27 UTC
I hope your daughter doesn t have your personality. Shame on you. What ever happened to loving your children unconditionally?
2015-08-23 18:29:05 UTC
Wow this makes me sick.Who would say this about their own child. And its not even about looks its what matters on the inside that counts
2015-08-21 16:33:04 UTC
You're disgusting and don't deserve kids
2015-08-21 12:33:30 UTC
that's just harsh, different parts of your body grow faster than others at that age. It is her own life let her live it herself
2015-08-20 12:37:42 UTC
You do sound like a bad mother. That's all I have to say on the matter.
2015-08-20 18:44:37 UTC
I think 35 would be a good age- so she can make her own decision
Benjamin Nagy
2015-08-22 19:25:51 UTC
She needs to lose weight and that's all. What kind of a mother are you...
2015-08-20 04:51:55 UTC
Can't believe how may people took this OBVIOUS troll seriously.
2015-08-19 20:49:30 UTC
You must not be very attractive if you produced an "ugly" daughter. How selfish of you.
2015-08-21 06:21:57 UTC
Your question speaks wonders about you.

Shame. Accept her as she is...she is only 12 and will continue to grow and change.
ice man
2015-08-21 00:00:38 UTC
Don't do that to you daughter. I don't think that this will make her happy.
2015-08-20 19:39:52 UTC
Dude, wait until puberty then she will blossom into a young female
2015-08-20 16:07:13 UTC
2015-08-20 22:13:06 UTC
That is what happens when there's no manly father figure at home
2015-08-23 01:31:22 UTC
I know a doctor who will break the knuckles of a retard girl in a wheel chair for a buck...Do you want his number
2015-08-20 16:59:07 UTC
wtf your a bad mother how can you say something like that about your own daughter!!! all kids are beautiful they should not need plastic surgery because their parents or other people say they are ugly or need it!!! blank period
2015-08-19 21:22:42 UTC
Wow, i can't believe you had the nerve to ask this question. You're probably going to hell.
2015-08-22 13:43:09 UTC
im only 13 years old and this ******* disgusts me :( if my mom talked about me that way i would go kill my self, my mom always calls me beautiful and makes my self esteem high .

if i had a mother as shallow as you i would be miserable. prayers to your daughter. no kid deserves that :(
2015-08-21 12:44:21 UTC
You are a f*cking ***** maybe if u weren't wrapped up in your own life then you would see how beautiful she actually is
Steve N
2015-08-20 16:55:53 UTC
There aren't words to describe scumbags like you.
2015-08-20 12:30:34 UTC
See if you can find a mother for her. If you were to ask her she would probably say she loves you and wants to keep you, in spite of your materialism and vanity. But if you can t bear it, find her a mother that will value her for who she is.
2015-08-22 10:13:02 UTC
I actually feel terrible for them kids. The problem doesn't lie with them.
2015-08-21 17:34:16 UTC
I can't even take this seriously.... most of me is thinking this is some major trollage.
Tad Dubious
2015-08-21 11:05:39 UTC
Give the child up for adoption right now, for HER sake. That is my pointer. She needs a mother who will love her for herself.
2015-08-21 07:38:48 UTC
This is one of the most sad questions on Yahoo answers I have ever seen.
2015-08-23 07:09:50 UTC
i have a 12 year old brother. he hasn't gone thru puberty yet so give them time. you'd never know
2015-08-24 03:43:10 UTC
That's horrible. What if your mom said that to you ?
Raquel Ambriz
2015-08-21 20:58:37 UTC
You are going to hell!!! IF she is healthy you should be thankful for that... Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and you may not see what others (maybe herself) do.
2015-08-19 20:07:53 UTC
She's 12 and hasn't had a boob job yet? What kind of mother are you?
2015-08-23 17:41:55 UTC
What,s your problem you should like how she looks she might grow up more beautiful than you,ll ever be
2015-08-19 21:16:51 UTC
What in gods name is wrong with you. You need help. & YES you are a bad Mother for saying this.
Alright alright alright
2015-08-22 10:36:18 UTC
boob job then liposuction and then call alcohol anonymous because she will probably need that to on her social resume since she will become a trampy cheap alcoholic victim.
2015-08-20 22:47:58 UTC
If any woman deserves to be raped and murdered, it's scumbags like you
2015-08-20 05:43:20 UTC
The mom was probably 16 and pregnant
2015-08-19 19:08:42 UTC
Its people like this that makes me not want to live on this planet.
2015-08-19 20:04:46 UTC
Don't feed the troll
2015-08-19 18:56:02 UTC
Leave the poor thing alone she's probably prettier than you.
2015-08-21 08:04:07 UTC
Not everyone can look like a troll. Troll.
2015-08-21 18:34:44 UTC
LOL - Back to your cave, troll. And if you're not a troll, back to your cave, anyway.
2015-08-19 20:20:56 UTC
I recommend you to go to a Psychology
Robert M
2015-08-22 14:29:37 UTC
I think it's you who need help.
2015-08-22 00:14:47 UTC
That's not very nice!!
Emma Emma
2015-08-20 15:01:30 UTC
Umm...wait til she hits puberty one.

two. she needs to make that decision.

three. don't give her self esteem problems.
2015-08-20 18:11:31 UTC
my parents are handsome as sin and I became more handsome than sin ! ^_^


thast just me though

cant speak for the volumes of fuglys lol

all the best

MR ----> ANFIELD <-----


~ the peoples choice ~

2015-08-21 09:11:09 UTC
Personally, I think you should sell her and buy a yacht.

Of course I'm being absurd- as absurd as the idiotic question you asked in the first place.

"Next troll please!"
Becky G
2015-08-19 21:37:31 UTC
would you rather have a pretty daughter that you now have to visit in a cemetery? how shallow you are.
2015-08-20 20:18:36 UTC
People like you don't deserve children.i hope she grows up beautiful and f***s you off forever....
2015-08-20 05:18:34 UTC
ahah aha what the **** you sick woman, how could you say that about your own child? you are disgusting pet and your daughter deserves better than you lmao go **** yourself :)
2015-08-21 21:19:57 UTC
If she ain't broke don't fix her.
2015-08-20 10:40:23 UTC
Let her get older....she might turn into a beautiful young girl! you never know...give her some time...
2015-08-21 01:24:31 UTC
you're ******* sick in the head yeah Im no saint but come on she is 12
2015-08-21 01:36:23 UTC
What a despicable mother you must be to even think of this
2015-08-23 06:27:33 UTC
what kind of a mother are you. Gosh people try so hard to get kids and look at you... ungrateful!
2015-08-22 12:17:39 UTC
how can no one not see this its a troll?

> 9 day old level 1 account

> 0 answers

> 6 questions

> OTT question

jesus christ..
2015-08-19 17:07:02 UTC
First and foremost the troll DNA she received from you should probably be removed.
2015-08-24 15:15:05 UTC
You're a bad mother
2015-08-21 16:06:42 UTC
ever thought that if an operation goes wrong it could ruin your daughters life you sick ****
Harry Mullan
2015-08-20 11:04:13 UTC
Leave your child to be herself and stop classing her on what you want her to be, consider yourself lucky to have her.
2015-08-19 16:29:05 UTC
I thought my mom was bad honey your the icing on the cake. Disgusting
2015-08-20 12:46:49 UTC
Im assuming this is a joke
2015-08-20 17:09:41 UTC
this has to be some kind of sick joke, or has society really turned people into monsters like this?
2015-08-19 19:22:58 UTC
you are a terrible mother and i would advise you to get some help for being that shallow minded
2015-08-21 18:14:10 UTC
You are her MOTHER. Respect her beaty for what she HAS.. She doesn't nee to change.
2015-08-21 09:01:13 UTC
wt... is this some type of trolling? i hope your not serious here cause if you are i am scared for your daughter...
2015-08-21 12:29:12 UTC
and i suppose youre perfect? way to giving her an eating disorder and making her hate her life!
2015-08-21 04:49:51 UTC
You're a b***h.
Linda R
2015-08-21 09:32:19 UTC
Wow..........she's ONLY 13-years of age.......leave her be.

Everyone has their own beauty and so does she.
2015-08-20 04:14:17 UTC
One word for you. Disgusting!
2015-08-21 09:32:00 UTC
do you know what your daughter needs?

a new mother.
2015-08-20 18:35:20 UTC
You arent very nice
2015-08-22 17:32:17 UTC
Love your children for who they are.
2015-08-20 06:37:34 UTC
paint her face like a mime
2015-08-21 07:21:33 UTC
Shallow Heartless B**ch is all i can say
2015-08-20 05:02:27 UTC
Well,you should tell them to be good and desplined. That should be ok and better.
2015-08-22 23:51:44 UTC
You should adore that child.

Shame on you
2015-08-21 16:08:46 UTC
2015-08-20 18:07:12 UTC
I don t think its a good idea. We should be satisfied what God gives us.
2015-08-23 19:12:52 UTC
2015-08-21 01:26:26 UTC
Yes you are right you are a fickle person. No more time on you....
2015-08-21 13:49:03 UTC
I don't give a **** how's that
2015-08-20 12:23:55 UTC
The ugliness you see in her starts with you.
2015-08-21 05:19:31 UTC
It is amazing that there are answers here that have taken you so seriously!!
2015-08-25 05:24:45 UTC
LOL you must be very dump mother or you are just trolling us
2015-08-21 08:09:52 UTC
This must be a joke
2015-08-19 17:31:12 UTC
The first answer on here by "unknown name" is by far the best answer.
2015-08-21 16:14:43 UTC
She must be lucky to have you as her mom
2015-08-21 05:58:53 UTC
A joker, I think.
2015-08-20 12:04:24 UTC
YOUR A TERRIBLE MOTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


2015-08-22 06:22:39 UTC
Made me chuckle.
2015-08-20 20:07:19 UTC
its better to speak to a specialist first.
2015-08-20 12:15:36 UTC
Are you some kind of freak?
2015-08-21 11:46:16 UTC
shes basically a kid. atleast let her grow into her body.its her choice not yours.
2015-08-20 15:46:54 UTC
end your life
2015-08-19 16:29:11 UTC
This is disgusting
2015-08-21 13:21:51 UTC
I hope this mother does not truly exist.
2015-08-20 23:09:15 UTC
This is a joke question...right??
2015-08-21 00:50:00 UTC
seriously mum, u need help.. its not your daughter that needs it.
2015-08-21 05:18:13 UTC
This can ONLY be trolling. No mother would say this.
2015-08-21 12:29:07 UTC
It is harmful for health. as your wish.
2015-08-21 08:36:52 UTC
you are a horrible human being
2015-08-20 09:00:21 UTC
You shallow tw@t.
2015-08-21 10:59:32 UTC
You suck. Drops mic
2015-08-20 02:06:16 UTC
Shame on you!
2015-08-21 19:07:21 UTC
Blow your head off you stupid c_nt of a mother.
2015-08-21 13:39:34 UTC
wow, some people should NEVER be parents, you are one of them, you are the ugly one!
2015-08-23 01:21:15 UTC
I hope this is a troll.
2015-08-21 05:58:02 UTC
Wait for puberty....
2015-08-20 22:56:18 UTC
How are you even a mother
2015-08-21 01:20:16 UTC
don't worry just w8
2015-08-22 09:07:07 UTC
Thank you for any pointers!

I suggest YOU look in a mirror............
2015-08-20 21:05:20 UTC
2015-08-21 12:38:50 UTC
ur out of ur mind
2015-08-20 19:16:17 UTC
you should see a shrink lady!
2015-08-22 02:52:43 UTC
you dont deserve kids
Peter W
2015-08-22 05:00:27 UTC
don't forget the tats
Daniel L
2015-08-21 10:10:09 UTC
If you dont care then why ask?

2015-08-21 01:47:32 UTC
First of all, fat is the new sexy in this day and age so... :[
2015-08-21 16:22:00 UTC
You should be ******* ashamed of yourself.
2015-08-21 06:08:20 UTC
Tf you evil *****.
2015-08-22 05:43:36 UTC
why would you think such a thing!
2015-08-20 13:28:19 UTC
Serious child abuse.
2015-08-25 09:03:11 UTC
as your like.
2015-08-20 07:10:30 UTC
2015-08-20 06:35:18 UTC
Trolling is real...
M'leesa Mabalot
2015-08-20 23:37:16 UTC
This has to be fake.
2015-08-21 21:44:47 UTC
God... I hope you are a troll.
2015-08-19 19:16:23 UTC
if u are actually rly pretty, add me on snapchat ;) emmawalker_1 ;))))
2015-08-23 05:28:25 UTC
Seriously????????????????? think this is a "joke" question.
2015-08-25 03:05:15 UTC
Do you mother bruh?
2015-08-21 23:32:32 UTC
you're actually ****** lol
2015-08-21 03:33:10 UTC
you are the sickest **** out there
2015-08-20 11:40:16 UTC
plz go f u c k yourself and never produce again
2015-08-21 01:02:54 UTC
either a troll or a f##### retarded mother
2015-08-22 00:50:37 UTC
2015-08-21 09:34:17 UTC
2015-08-21 10:51:53 UTC
you need jesus
2015-08-21 07:55:46 UTC
2015-08-20 19:21:34 UTC
Are you for REAL! OH MY GOD!!!
2015-08-22 05:24:09 UTC
You can do it.
2015-08-21 04:55:24 UTC
2015-08-25 15:27:29 UTC
2015-08-19 20:58:57 UTC
what a jerk
2015-08-20 18:54:38 UTC
I pray that no child has a mother like you....................................
2015-08-20 17:10:30 UTC
2015-08-23 14:08:02 UTC
Please tell me this is a troll
2015-08-21 21:38:18 UTC
2015-08-21 05:44:19 UTC
2015-08-20 19:27:24 UTC
2015-08-23 07:22:17 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.