2009-07-29 09:59:18 UTC
"To me this is too much of a coincidence that the decline of this country started to happen when we gave women the vote.
I will give you examples to prove my theory. These are as follows:-
Women gained full voting rights in 1928. The following year there was the massive stock market crash which started the great depression of the 30s. Then a world war happened, followed by the Korean War, Suez crisis, followed by great industrial unrest in the 1970s, leading to the winter of discontent in 1978 / 1979. Then a woman prime minister wiped out most of our manufacturing industry, she also took us into the recession of the early 90s. Now we have an expenses scandal, rising unemployment etc etc.
Surely, this is down to women being allowed into cabinet or banking institutes, or just letting them vote. In my view, women should be banned from world politics. Their minds can not handle the pressure.
We should re-think our policy of votes for women. I am sure we would be a much safer world if they were kept out of this equation."