Hey. . A man fucked 25 diffrent girls..awesome man..amazing dud..
a women who got fucked by 25 difrent men ..is a s.l.u.t or w.h.o.r.e
A women can get pregnant if the man dose not ware condoms. A man cannot get pregnant ..
a man with a kid who ran off can have another affair and **** another girl or even marry one.
A women who has a child..not likely to settle that easy or find another man.
A women will lose the tightness of her flower ..making her less good for other man.
a man will gain experience making him good for other women.
This was upto dating and sex games..
The marriage have it reversed..In marriage a man suffers and women dose not. .(when divorced a man will lose 50 of his assets for some reason and has to pay alimony ..even tough a women can work on her own and support her self..but she has to take money from the man..even tough women say they are equal to men..)
in a marriage..obvious a man will have high sex drive and the wife will make him work or beg for sex..and if he have sex else where he will be divorced losing his property and a life time contract of alimony.
so yeah..men are also scared of marriage..who is making them sacred..feminist..
so men date and have sex and leave women pregnant. .
who is to blame. .i don't care..i am just telling this...