Do you believe in alpha females?
2013-07-10 09:33:11 UTC
A few times, I've seen people on here state that (amongst humans) there are alpha males, but no alpha females ... Where has this come from?

I'm presuming that the concept of alpha and beta males comes from observing animal behaviour and making parallels with human behaviour, right? (not sure what I think about this approach really, but anyway). But anybody who's ever watched a nature documentary about deer, or meerkats, or monkeys, or wolves, can tell you that females have a hierarchy too. Amongst animals, alpha females commonly have prime breeding rights and they often command a degree of deference from other females and lower-status males.

Now, I'm not necessarily trying to tell you that this is how it works amongst humans. What I'm asking is, why do we commonly talk about alpha males amongst humans as if it's "natural", but then we don't apply the same principles to female humans?
Eleven answers:
2013-07-10 09:40:28 UTC
Any alpha females in existence are just females mimicking alpha male behaviour.
2013-07-10 11:32:09 UTC
Depends on what you mean by alpha.

One answered accused women of mimicking male behavior. That might be the case in only some situations.

I worked for a woman who was definitely an alpha female. I mean, she was pretty brutal and I supposed she was drawing from the alpha mans play book because I did NOT like her at all.

I like leaders who are gentle and democratic. I like people that DONT yell at me and ask for my opinion before we do something.

I am in a social work class where I am surrounded by women and there are some really great leaders in that group.

Women who make good leaders don't act like femininity is a bad thing. In FACT I think it is the feminine traits that make for an effective leader.

Nobody likes a dictator, male or female. I HATE the my way or the high way type alphas.

Authoritative leaders don't throw their weight around and treat everyone as equals. They don't think they are better than anyone else. They speak firmly but without yelling.

If someone messes up, instead of yelling at them and humiliating them in front of co workers a good leader will gently pull them aside and calmly explain what they did wrong and how they can do better next time...

It's good for worker morale and productivity too. Look at the google model. They treat their employees like gold and are very productive.

Sensitivity training is not just for men. I know some female managers who could use some of this as well.... They have been poisoned by the idea that hyper masculinity and being confrontational make for good leaders.

This not true. Democratic leaders will trump authoritarian leaders any day regardless of gender.
2013-07-10 09:52:49 UTC
In my understanding, we do this because the term "alpha male" usually is used in a sexual manner i.e a male that is desired because of some "alpha qualities" eg leadership,confidence, built etc.So basically the standard of being an alpha is determined by the eternal concept of men being the providers/protectors etc.

But if we use the same concept (the prehistoric concept for responsibilities charged to women) the "alpha female" would essentially be the "best looking/physically attractive sandwich maker"

(No disrespect to females out there) ----

So I guess this is why we dont really believe in alpha female because the alpha male typa concepts are prehistoric, and if you apply them in this day and age especially in the west women would take offense to that----
2013-07-10 09:37:13 UTC
I seen some pretty tough looking Lesbians that seem to be pretty alpha-female to me.

Also know some straight woman that are dominating and give off the alpha (one in charge top dog) feeling.

so, yeah why not.

You can see this in some insect species as well, The blackwidow spider is a great example of female being the alpha, Prayingmantis as well, as its pretty normal for the female to just up and eat the male. Cant get much more Alpha then just eating your mate randomly :D
2013-07-10 12:04:25 UTC
no alpha females, never heard that

The terms don't strictly work for humans

According to research cited by the American Association of University

Professors, 87% of women and 81% of men reproduce.

"Eighty-seven percent of women become parents during their working

lives. 3


3. Jane Waldfogel, "The Effect of Children on Women�s Wages," American

Sociological Review 62 (1997): 209.

Similarly, 81 percent of men become fathers at some point in their

lives. See Nancy E. Dowd, Redefining Fatherhood (New York: New York

University Press, 2000)"


American Association of University Professors

Similar percentages are reported by the US Department of Health &

Human Services

Percentage of adults ages 45 and older who have ever had a biological

child (2000)

Males: 84%

Females: 86%


US Department of Health & Human Services

humans breed far to much for anyone one person to monopolise breeding and so Alpha doesn't fully work
Shorty Rhi
2013-07-10 09:42:44 UTC
I've only rarely heard the term alpha male used for humans and that's never been in a sexual sense if that's what you're suggesting. More often in something like business or leadership than breeding rights as you said. I guess if you were trying to find a female equivelent then perhaps matriarch? I've hear that one before but again, very rare.
2013-07-10 09:59:30 UTC
I think there is in general less hierarchy among women, however, I do believe that alpha, beta and omega females exist. Alpha females are the outgoing ones who make friends easily, have high self esteem and make things happen without complaining. They are usually heavily involved within the community and they are activists that make things happen. If they believe the children's playground is unsafe for example, they put up their best fight to do something about it. They are wise and moral. They will not be messed around by male partners and always believe they and their children are worth the best. They have a natural sense of leadership among their female counterparts and other women tend to follow and admire them. These women are not necessarily 'equal' to or 'dominant' over men, but they respect themselves, have a heavy sense of morality and they do their best in life by others and themselves without complaining. Certainly not me, I'm an omega female if you want to talk of female hierarchy.

An alpha male on the other hand is a man that all other men want to be and want to have a drink with. He's the one that says something and does it. He also has a good sense of morality and he is not afraid to put down boundaries when it comes to his families sense of wellbeing. Women find him attractive and they admire and obey him, because he's firm and fair but has a sense of human apathy for others. Alpha males will try to do their best to keep food on the table and a roof over their families heads even through times of financial hardship. Alpha males will do their best to make just a little money go a long way even if it involves great effort for their family's sake. They are doers, not talkers. Alpha males usually have an unquestionable confidence and are full of self esteem and they can laugh at things. They are not easily put down by others. They will do what they can to protect themselves and their family but they will not go out of their way to harm someone. They are chivalrous toward women and children and are at ease with their masculinity.

People's perception of alpha is usually 'bully' which is incorrect. Bullies usually have issues when it comes to their self esteem or sense of self. Alphas are usually the ones who stand up to bullies.
2013-07-10 09:40:02 UTC
I do not believe in alpha males or females in humans. Just myth that makes some feel big.
Game Over03
2013-07-10 09:38:39 UTC
Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez was one of the founding "fathers" in Mexico . she was known for bossing around her own husband and the rest of the military in Queretaro, Mexico .
2013-07-10 09:37:59 UTC
Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama
2013-07-10 09:36:44 UTC
I think you mean dominant people and yes, there are dominant women. One of my best friends is really dominant. Gets annoying sometimes...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.