I know this isnt a rule, but men do handle their member when they pee.
So, there it is, he'll wash his hands (hopefully).So go ahead and touch the seat before use, and after.
If he puts the seat up, he wont pee on it and give the lady a wet butt. I dont think woman expect to sit on a wet seat, always a nasty surprise for me.( thanks to man peeing in the dark)
Is not a 90's thing. Probably started after indoor plumbing was a household thing.
So if he puts it up, well, then he can put it down.
If I have to put the seat down, then I've contaminated my hand before I've used the toilet.
This is how I won the situation at my house with 3 males. Figure that most everyone has to sit to poop. So thats 2 of 2 for a woman to have the seat down and 1 or 2 for a man's possible preference.So if we each used the toilet twice a day, then the seat would be down 5 times and up 3. Down wins.
Its up to him to raise and lower the seat, he's going to be touching other things anyway.
Yes, it is very gross to sit on cold porcelin or droplets on a seat.
I think a man must concede b/c he is proud of his gas either way, (inviting an intro by pulling his finger, and sometimes without regard to being in public or private). Man often just scratches his clothing in key places no matter who he is talking to or where. And old men close off a nostril lean a bit and force out anything in his other nostril, usually over a sewer but not always. Then theres the matter of spitting, and also spitting out of a moving vehicle.These and other things convince me that man has an abnormal delight or indifference to what comes out of their bodies. (how many delight in having plugged up the toilet and even happy to plunge?)
So we ladies prefer cleanliness. Guys, just put the seat back down. Its 5 to 3 here.