Is refusing to date a transgender woman bigoted?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Is refusing to date a transgender woman bigoted?
197 answers:
2015-08-25 13:41:54 UTC
How is that bigoted? Y'all are taking this shìt too far no. Don't no guy, in his right mind, want to date a damn dude. If he's not gay, he don't have to date you. If he is gay, he don't have to date you. Just because you got makeup on and a wig and dress don't mean a guy suppose to automatically want to date you because you look like a woman. You are a guy. You may have went as far as getting the surgery but genetically, you are a guy and will always be no matter what you do. No matter what. If that's bigoted, then bigoted I'll be.
2015-08-25 11:47:37 UTC
It's not bigoted at all. I have a few transgender friends and it's not as simple as a sex change. Femininity is seen in things like your voice, body hair, body/facial structure etc. and it can be hard to overlook these 'masculine' traits. Would you be willing to date a trans man? I also think you may be looking in the wrong place; there are quite a few trans dating websites that might be able to help you.
2015-08-25 09:10:39 UTC
having other people find you sexually attractive or dating or relationship material is not a fundamental right.

if you want to get a full education about this, ask a guy who is under the height of 5-9 about trying to date high status women.

women tend to be less attracted to shorter men - does this make such women bigoted?

of course not.

if a man is not attracted to heavy women, does this make him a bigot?

of course not.

here's a fundamental truth about life and dating:

attraction is not a choice.

if someone's not into you - there's nothing you can do about it - move on.

maybe make you life about something more than being with someone...
2015-08-27 15:01:56 UTC
Hmmmm. Well I asked myself would I - a natural born woman - date a transgender woman who'd "become" a man. Which I thought would be the nearest I could get to putting myself in the place of a man considering whether to date a transgender woman.

And my answer is probably not. For one I might be too afraid of society's censure, disapproval, lack of understanding and perhaps being laughed at and called a closet gay. And if I didn't care about that - well transgender is still a bit of a mystery. Is it "all in the mind"? Mentally a person believes themselves to be in the "wrong" body. Genetically they are still their original sex, male or female no matter how much plastic surgery they have or hormones they take. And I am straight. I don't date women. I feel no attraction to my own sex. If I saw a man and believed it was a man, and was attracted to that man - I really don't know how I'd feel if he told me he was transgender. To be honest I think I'd be upset and embarrassed to think I couldn't tell a "born" man from a "made" one. I suspect the romance would be off or at least deferred until I'd had a long, hard think about how much I wanted to be "with" the person in question, no matter their gender identity.

I could dye my hair, have plastic surgery, buy a new wardrobe and reinvent myself as a 20 something blonde bombshell. It would be a lie though. Under all that I'd still be a grey hair, boob challenged 57 year old woman. A transgender person is an artificial creation of plastic surgery and hormone tablets. Underneath that they are still the sex they were born. The fact that a transgender person is convinced that they are in the wrong body is something very personal to them. And other people may not be able to accept that mind alone determines gender. "I feel male/female therefore I AM male/female".

Having gender reassignment surgery, taking hormones, dressing the part doesn't make you 100% woman. And that doubt alone will deter some men. You are NOT a woman, no matter how much you feel like a woman. You are genetically a man who had gender reassignment surgery and chooses to live as a woman. As you have discovered, a lot of men have problems with that. I wouldn't call it bigotry either. You're asking a lot of a straight man to see you as a woman when he knows you were once a fully equipped man. He might respect your right to feel comfortable in your own body, but that doesn't mean he's going to feel comfortable dating you.
Jedi Jan
2015-08-25 19:10:45 UTC
I wouldn't say that was bigoted, just a personal preference (for whatever reason that may be). While I understand you feeling depressed over this situation you have to respect for others feelings and decisions. People shouldn't have to explain their preferences or feelings; you just have to accept them. If I don't want to date a male (or females etc.) that is just my personal preference and I don't think there is any reason the other party should feel offended by this. They just have to respect my decision. If a male is saying he won't date you publicly then it is your choice then to say hasta la vista and move on, as he would not be you would want; your decision. Whilst honesty is important one wouldn't think it was essential to reveal your situation on a first date. At least spend some time talking to each other first before you did this to see if you like his personality rather than feel you are being rushed off your feet. I can though also understand you wanting to know before you dated a person whether they are going to be fine with your situation, to save your time and/or possible disappointment. Unfortunately this is the problem with all dating; sometimes you never really know a person until you have dated them a few times. Dating can be very disappointing for most. Try to just put this into perspective; that is the way they may feel and choose to quickly move on as soon as you are aware if they have a problem with your situation. I am a straight female but I avoid dating all males, and have done for years ... that is my choice and I don't feel I have to explain myself to anyone. So, you are the brave one ... smile! I hope you find someone special soon and don't give up on finding that someone special to you. Certainly don't waste your time on someone that is not good enough for you; be strong and be ready to move on. Good luck.
2015-08-25 12:36:13 UTC
If someone's not attracted, they're simply not attracted. It's not bigotry because no-one is entitled to a date. If they were I'd be filing all sorts of law suits against the women of my dreams!
2015-08-26 14:22:39 UTC
Yeah, it probably is in some PC universe I dont' live in. I don't date girls, so am I bigoted against them? no, I don't swing that way. NO electricity.

I don't date because I am married. Am I discrimating against all those guys who want to mess with me anyway? Yeah.

So, my advice to you is to develop your character and stop worrying about your outsides. One of these days you will be old, fat and arthritic and you will be judged on what kind of neighbor you are and what kind of friend you are and how hard you work and so much more than whether you are a chicken or an egg.

Meanwhile, go to transgender clubs and support groups to meet nice people who aren't pigs.

Try just being a HUMAN for a while and save the drama for another time.

Human beings have a wide arrray of choices.
2015-08-26 13:28:36 UTC
"Is refusing to date a transgender woman bigoted?"


"I'm a trans woman and I want to date a man but ALL of them refuse to date me or acknowledge me publicly they ONLY want to hook up"

I suppose it is because you're looking to meet guys in the wrong places. Maybe you should look to make more trans friends, and perhaps they could point you in the right direction.

"The only reason they don't want me is because I was born with a birth defect that I had no control over"

Well no, they don't want to date you because they aren't interested in dating a transgender woman. Maybe that means you've got to look for guys in different places. It'd be the same if someone wanted to date you, but you weren't into them.

You need to find other trans people who can help point you in the right direction.
2015-08-26 06:18:41 UTC
No, you choose who you wanna date, if you're into that stuff go ahead, if you're not don't simple. It's about finding who's right for you. I'd never date a girl with sleeve tattoos, why? Because that's not my thing. I'd never date another man, why? Because I am not gay. The same way I'd never date a transgender woman, because that's not my thing. It doesn't make you a bad person, it means that you have free will to date whoever the fück you want!
Acid Breath
2015-08-25 13:56:02 UTC
its not bigoted, its preference and everyone has them .I'm not dating a man cross-dressing as a woman with injected female hormones , augmented breasts and inverted penis . i prefer a woman who was born a woman with a real vagina and boobs and can conceive children for me . Best thing u can do is date other trans ppl since yall will have a better understanding of each other
2016-05-22 04:02:43 UTC
2015-08-26 13:04:01 UTC
I am livid with how much hate and transphobia there is here. I'm so sorry that you have to read through all of these trash comments.

To answer your question, yes, refusing to date a trans woman is bigoted. And what the hell? They'll hook up, but they don't want to date? They're sexualizing trans individuals. I think that they probably see transsexuality as a "kink", and that's so wrong and hurtful.

I'm so sorry, I wish you weren't going through this. I wish I could help, but I'm not trans (I do fall on the LGBTQ spectrum), so I don't have the right to tell you what you should do.

But I want you to know that you're an amazing person. You're living through a battle every single day, and that is so incredible. I hope you see yourself as a strong and beautiful woman, because that's who you are.

I hope that soon you'll find someone who makes you feel like the happiest person in the world.
2015-08-26 10:48:05 UTC
I am livid with how much hate and transphobia there is here. I'm so sorry that you have to read through all of these trash comments.

To answer your question, yes, refusing to date a trans woman is bigoted. And what the hell? They'll hook up, but they don't want to date? They're sexualizing trans individuals. I think that they probably see transsexuality as a "kink", and that's so wrong and hurtful.

I'm so sorry, I wish you weren't going through this. I wish I could help, but I'm not trans (I do fall on the LGBTQ spectrum), so I don't have the right to tell you what you should do.

But I want you to know that you're an amazing person. You're living through a battle every single day, and that is so incredible. I hope you see yourself as a strong and beautiful woman, because that's who you are.

I hope that soon you'll find someone who makes you feel like the happiest person in the world.
2015-08-25 14:46:29 UTC
You mean the y chromosome that you got instead the other x chromosome? Is that what you're referring to as a birth defect?

First of all if they only want to hook up, maybe that's because they're gay, and since homosexuality is immoral, and sex outside of marriage is immoral, and promiscuity is immoral, it makes sense that they would be more likely participant in all three of those sexually-immoral practices.

In fact, that you're not, or shall we say, we assume that you're not, is more of a fluke, perhaps God protecting you from going that bit further in your sexual immorality, but keep pushing, you'll get there. Eventually, you'll come to realize that having a "friend" is simply inconvenient, and does not allow you the freedom to really serve your sin with whomever.

I would recommend you embrace that which is right in your life, and do not progress any further, and in fact seek God out to help you rebel and fight against your sin so that you are free of it, or it dwindles into a mere temptation that you can take care of by submitting your thoughts to the authority of Christ Jesus.

As for whether it's bigoted, I'm pretty sure the left would say so, if not today, then tomorrow, when such a claim is more politically expedient for some Democrat politicians.
2015-08-25 15:38:34 UTC
I really don't understand every single answer here. I mean everyone loves shemale porn. But when an actual woman with a penis comes up to you and asks to go out with you, you refuse?! WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU?! :O

You would refuse one of the greatest pleasures of life, and date a transgender woman.

Also I can sense a lot of discrimination here, some of these people are calling you a dude, even though you're a woman. I just want to punch them in the face.

Also don't you ever call it a defect, you were born with one of GOD'S GREATEST GIFTS! There is nothing I would want more than to date a woman with a penis. Given that facially she looks like a woman and doesn't show any signs of having a penis. It's one of my many big dreams to date a transgender woman, but it would be very awkward and uneasy for me, if facially she looked like a man in the slightest.
2015-08-28 02:14:17 UTC
It may well be.

But then again, everyone has their reasons.

Often, people feel uncomfortable when they are asked out by a transgender person. It's just people. Perhaps they don't support equality. Perhaps they do, but secretly, they are not happy with it. Yeah, people can be real harsh. But you can't change people. Sure, I would say yes to a transgender man, if I liked them. And I'm sure many people like you.

So, most people say no to a transgender person, if they are straight. Well, there are plenty of amazing transgender people, so they're missing out.

You just have to find someone who likes you as you are.

As whatever gender you choose to be.
2015-08-26 19:27:31 UTC
That's completely unfair to you. The thing about transgenders is when you were male it was hard to find respect because you were gay, and when you become female it's hard to be respected because you're a trans. Same goes for female/male. That being said, I'm sure there is some sort of an online dating website where you can find other trans people and people who don't mind dating transgenders. Good luck!
2016-02-29 04:25:01 UTC
Sorry hun, but I have no experience with this, but to me it sounds like your friend's daughter is attracted to the 'person,' rather than the 'gender.' If she is mature for 16, then that is prob why she is not interested in the guys asking her out and she is into older guys... (I a presuming they are her age LOL.) This could be a phase, it could be a short relationship which fizzles out, or it could be lasting, but whatever, I am inclined to think that the mom needs to let her date this Lee anyway, (which it sounds like she will,) because stopping her will only result in her hating her, rebelling, and then maybe running away from home or something..But Helen is quite entitled to be freaked out about this, because it IS unusual and it is a shock for her...anyone who says she has no right to have reservations, has obviously never been in your friend's shoes...and should not be commenting. I am sure this will not be her one and only relationship, and it won't last for long, but if it does, and Lee is good to her, does it matter? As long as Anna is happy? Hope it all works out... and I am not sure of the ramifications of being with a trans long term...... I am sure she will find out herself. She is 16 and not really a child anymore; she needs to make her own choices and have her mom support her. (And dad too hopefully..) BTW don't pay any mind to people making a point of saying you already posted this... If you want to post it every day, to get different viewpoints from different people, or until you get someone on here who *has* been through it (their child dating trans..) to say how they coped and dealt with it, then you do that; take no notice. The one who pointed it out didn't give one of the best answers when you posted it last anyway. LOL. All the others gave much more constructive and helpful advice.
2015-08-30 06:28:58 UTC
You aren't a bigot but you have to avoid hooking up with anyone who you love but doesn't show any interest in you. They are hypocrites.

Remember that no matter what in as much as you fancy dating someone as a trans gender they too legally and morally have the right to refuse you. How you you feel if someone you do not like force himself on you? This is how life is.

Though you feel depressed but life is not over yet for you. Keep trying believing that you'd succeed.
2015-08-26 15:46:24 UTC
Yes and No. Life has never been "Fair". We have no control over inherited DNA sequencing. No matter what your gender, deficiency, or lack of deficiency, BIGOTRY has been with us since time began. Nothing hurts worse than life not being what you expect. Ask any kid at any new school. Some kids not only go through school trying to make their natural born gender invisible to all but those you trust. I myself am bigoted in one area and I do not feel I can help it. I was raised so that this bias would be a part of my thinking. It has nothing to do with transgender issues, but it is just as bad. Only people who face what they are head on and with complete honesty will ever be accepted. It is not easy and I feel a deep sadness for you. Better Luck in the future as our young become more accepting.
2015-08-28 01:25:47 UTC
I don't see how that's bigoted, but hooking up is kind of hypocritical, I guess. I can see it that far, but you're talking about a fairly radical change in social norms; it wasn't until the last few years that reassignment surgery became anywhere near normal conversation. How long has it been since we let black people marry white people? And we're still listening to people ***** about it sometimes.

It seems, in your situation, you are looking for someone that can relate to you intellectually, but are finding people primarily interested physically. So - maybe consider a new approach to dating, and consider yourself a pioneer of a new millennium's struggle for equality, rather than be depressed that you are, at this time, simply not going to be accepted as readily as you deserve to be. Life's never been fair, and it isn't going to be to you. As is apparent from the comments, religion certainly seems to be a pretty big factor, which is obvious because religion is in the way of everything anyway.

Yeah, a lot of people ARE bigoted, but this specifically is probably going to be pretty much universal for a few generations, so it's currently just going to be a normal aspect of society that you will have to deal with. As unfair as that is.
2015-08-25 17:18:23 UTC
There are a few factors here that make me unable to fully answer the question like the severity of this birth defect, your misunderstanding of the term transgender, and why they do not publicly acknowledge you.

I was told that being transgender means that you love by personality and not by gender. You said you are going after men, you must be bisexual if you date both genders but favor men at the present moment.

It's virtually impossible that every guy refuses to acknowledge you, it is impossible for 100% of the male population to dislike people with birth defects. It just doesn't happen, there are guys that care.
2015-08-28 13:48:13 UTC
Whenever a person uses the word "bigot", that's a loud and clear indicator that they are the political correctness police enforcing egalitarianism. Egalitarianism, the theory that everyone is the same, all the races, genders, and religions are equal, is a false theory propagated by Leftist liars. People all have different attributes. Among the most personal is the "attraction template", that impulse that makes you attracted to another. The purpose of procreation is to improve the species. Until Leftist indoctrination convoluted people's thought process, people used to discriminate, be selective in seeking out the best possible breeding partner to improve the gene pool.

That's all out the window with evil democrats. Thanks for saying "bigot". It makes you easy to identify and take appropriate action against.

Sorry about your birth defect. There are many paths to take through life. You can achieve great things without people being attracted to you, and without procreating. And there's some chance you may find a person you like who reciprocates your affection notwithstanding your condition. STFU with the "bigot" name calling. You are abridging my rights and freedoms, and that will not stand.
2015-08-27 18:51:40 UTC
No. It's just people have a hard time with things like. So you can't call them bigoted right away because you need to know more about them. Just refusing to date trans does not make you bigoted. Talking badly of them is though.
2015-08-26 13:28:13 UTC
Than just forget about those guys who doesn't want to date you for you, some people can really be judgmental about who they date.

This is my own opinion, so if some of you don't like it than its fine with me; It's only a suggestion to Tyerese.

The most important thing about dating a person is their personality, because by now, appearances can be changed just by spending money these days.

Let's say for example, there was a female classmate that was fat, so because of that no body cared about her. Let's say her name was Ailsa. What people didn't know about Ailsa is that, actually she is the most kind hearted and caring person, yet would you actually know that about her if you just judge her by her looks? If Ailsa was fat all she needed to do was lose weight and she would just appear as beautiful as any other girls. Even if you find a girl that looks gorgeous she might be the type of girl who just likes to spend their boyfriends money all the time. Appearances can be deceiving, because in the end its just a look. If you actually care about a person not because of their looks, gradually you would accept how she is without even realizing it.

So just keep looking and don't get depressed over those guys, because they have their own image of their girl in mind. If it's not you, than just give up and find a guy that actually cares about you for who you are. There's always that special someone out there, you just got to find him or her? Sorry, don't know what to put for transgender people lol. (If I offended anyone, I'm sorry its just that I never actually thought about call transgender peole)

It might take days, months or even years, but once you do; You will forget every single negative experience in your life and be drowned in you're own happiness with you're partner. Hope it works out for the best :).
2015-08-26 11:44:30 UTC
First I want to say sorry for any angry answers. Second I want to tell that God loves you very much. I know it probably doesn't feel that way ,but all of us look at the world with our own eyes with our past and how we experienced our life and we all have some wounds from that. I want to encourage you to look past all of that including the transgender and the men. Reach out to God, he is Love( even if the church often doesn't always portray that, though there are some that do)and he accepts you how you are and that will help you to accept yourselves.Think about how much Love that is sending his son to be severely punished for all of the crap we have done? That is Love. I pray that you can accept that love. Go start reading the New Testament. Some good stories to start with are in John 4( Jesus talks to a woman, who was rejected from her own people and the Israelites) and Luke 15:11ff.Praying for you that you can experience that Love
2015-08-27 17:54:51 UTC
You dont seem to realize how brainwashed the average man is into gender roles and expectations. the average man will rather date the most ugliest woman in the world she can be 300 pounds and ugly as whoopi goldberg, but the average man will date her over u just cause for the sole reason they were not born with a penis. I personally am not so narrow minded, these fools will call me gay cause they just insecure about themselves. For me personally to date a transexual, she would have to be very attractive and look female from every angle, no masculine features but if i had to choose between a transexual or a butt ugly woman like whoopi goldberg, i would date the transexual cause unlike the bigots, i am sexually attracted to feminine features, not genitals. Also most men dont consider this as a possibillity even if theyre not bigots and are open minded cause they would want to have a kid with the person they love.
2015-08-25 19:26:37 UTC
No , everyone has choices that they get to make , who I date being one of them , just like you do. Dont rush looking for a relationship when most often it comes about when you are not even looking for it. Revel in the fact you are unlike most people , know who YOU are and become proud and comfortable in your skin. Work hard look good (yes that counts) and be feminine. Only follow what you believe to be what you need what you know in your heart is right and you will be fine. When you do find someone who is interested make them work for it (I as a man like the pursuit of a woman , it is a very satisfying experience when you finally get her) so you have confidence that he is someone you want to move forward with , because he is working to win your attention. An in shape feminine trans with confidence and a great rack is hot. A trans with a 5 o'clock shadow and chest hair with a voice deeper than mine.....creepy. Dont be a "diva" either. Men are much more likely to respond to a sassy yet classy woman with a little swagger but not the super flamboyance of say RuPaul.
2015-08-28 00:07:18 UTC
No. Enough of this BS! Here is the problem in a nutshell: The LGBT people are DEMANDING to be accepted by EVERYONE. But realistically speaking, no one can do that. I can't. You can't. We can't demand that everyone accept us. No one has to accept anyone else, whether they're gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgender, or any other category. We all have the right to self-determination and to free association, even though the radical liberals don't want to allow us those. I don't have accept anyone I don't want to. No one does. And that doesn't make me a "bigot." By the way, I've heard gays make ugly remarks about the hetero life, but of course, neither the legal system nor the news services take notice. But when the hetero community opens its mouth against LGBT, the whole world jumps on them; the liberals don't see the double-standard they live by. And this is because overall, world intelligence is falling about 10 "notches" every day. By the time we get to 2020, there will be a few intelligent people left on the planet, and the rest will all be ranting and whining about how no one wants to accept their particular way of life, whether it has to do with sex-orientation or diet or anything else. Very few people here on Y/A do any real thinking. Too many of them are worried about being name-called if they don't accept a certain way of life. Why are so many people so afraid to stand up and say, "No, I don't accept that way of life and I don't have to." ? Why have so many been beaten down by fear and peer pressure? No, refusing to date a transgender woman is NOT "bigoted" ...
2015-08-25 09:26:08 UTC
No more than refusing to date a black woman is bigoted. You can't be angry with people for having some basic standards.
2015-08-29 01:46:24 UTC
Being trans gender is a mental disorder, not a physical disorder. Some people feel they are born with a leg that doesn't belong to them or they are a chicken, it doesn't make it true just because they think it and society wouldn't accept it as true just because it's how they "feel." Yet we have made an exception when it comes to gender. It's pretty sad when you're called a bigot for not wanting to date someone who choses to mutilate their body rather than seek psychological help for a disorder. Not to mention that you feel entitled to do what you "feel" and expect everyone else to pander to your feelings, but call others a bigot for their feelings. I don't hate you, I don't even dislike you. I feel you are lying to yourself and it's making you miserable. This is why I don't get it when people say that what you are doing is "what makes you happy." Turns out that's a crock of bologna huh? You don't sound very happy. If you truly want to be who you were meant to be stop buying the social bs that's popular today and seek counseling. Be who you were truly born to be, who God made you, and stop trying to be something you're not. Accept yourself as God made you. May God bless you, guide you, and comfort you.
2015-08-27 17:40:28 UTC
No, for most it's just they don't understand... Find a transgendered man. I know thats going to be hard to find. But it's better to be with people who understand you. The guys who are just looking to hook up and leave. They don't want to get into all that confusion. It might mess up their head... There was a guy who got married to a transgendered, and was with them for like 20 years. After he found out they use to be a dude. The guy got a divorce, and had to get mental therapy.

Another guy killed his wife/gf then killed himself... It can mess up a person's head THAT bad! So you have to respect the decisions of others, and be careful. Try online dating and look for transgendered people, or who don't mind dating transgenders. You have no idea who you could meet online. Don't worry you'll find someone. There's so many people in the world. But I hoped this helped! :)
2015-08-28 20:51:23 UTC
Honestly I do think it is bigoted but I couldn't give a f*** because if people don't accept me for who I am that's just one less problem. If a person doesn't acknowledge you for who you feel that you are they have no respect for you at all regardless of if people want to be intolerant or not. There will always be morons and I do call them morons because they deserve the title, Morons will always want to call you bad names in any situation if you are gay, straight, or whatever. I mean people get hell just for being themselves and there are just people out there that don't care who they hurt. so if I were you and they give that vibe that they want to keep you on the down low tell them "I'd rather go solo" and I mean this about anyone.
2015-08-26 13:56:20 UTC
No matter how many surgeries you get to look like a woman, nothing takes away the fact that you were born a man!! If a man isn't gay, he's obviously not going to date you. I'm not trying to sound mean. I'm just being brutally honest here. I'm a woman and if a transgender man wants to date me, i'm not going to date her because i'm not lesbian.
2015-08-26 14:59:25 UTC
To be honest, most males (at least those with a strong hormonal drive) want to "hook up" on dates. If they found your body wasn't available for what they were wanting, they'd be very disappointed and irritated. i think you should look for companionship via the internet and find some other transgender friends who have the same desires you do. I'm sure there have to be transgender dating sites. Good luck to you.
2015-08-28 16:03:17 UTC
No because it is not the guy's preference to date a transgender woman. The man might prefer a woman who was born genetically a woman.

Some guys like only blonds, red heads, or Burnetts hair colored women..

Some men like women with big boobs, some guys like smaller boob women .

You need to be up front with men, since they might have a strong reaction when they find out that you are transgender.
2015-08-27 07:31:09 UTC
Not wanting to date you is not bigotted. If they won't date you specifically because of your intersex or transexual status that's definitely bigotry and intolerance. Unfortunately, I'm afraid that you will experience this from the vast majority of men. It's unfair and hard to deal with but it's the bald truth. I don't know if any organisations exist that can help introduce you to men who have no issue with your anatomy. Would that be a problem to you? If you meet Mr. Right does it matter how?
2015-08-26 09:37:46 UTC
I think it is kind of wrong for someine to just turn you away because of you being transgendered, attraction should be based more on who the person inside is rather than the outside shell. I am a straight woman but get turned down by men just because I am not there cup of tea in there eye department. I think you should be true to yourself and the right person for you will come along. I hope you find someone!
2015-08-29 00:51:06 UTC
It is a form of transphobia to refuse to date someone for being transgendered. There is nothing wrong with you, and I'm sorry there aren't more men out there who aren't secure and confident enough in their sexualities to accept you as the woman you are.
2015-08-29 10:29:52 UTC
No, would you. conversely, date a woman who was born as a man?

No matter what is done to modify the human body, a transsexual still has the body they were born with- the identity is psychological, and the body is simply physically altered to conform to it.

Caitlyn Jenner is still just a modified version of Bruce Jenner, a man. Most people simply will not consider a transsexual a true woman, and many women feel the same way- they are uncomfortable, for instance, with a transsexual male in a woman's restroom.
Doug Freyburger
2015-08-26 11:28:38 UTC
As the the "all" bit, I do have input. Being trans means you are in a minority that is one quarter of one percent of the population or less. If you have been out in the general population trying to meet people who will accept you, you need to go through 400 people before you even get to 1 who MIGHT be interested in you. To meet other trans folks or people attracted to them you need a specialist service.

Being upset at trans folks would count as bigoted. Declining to date trans folks does not count as bigoted. Words that are insults need to have real meaning and that distinction cuts to the real meaning. You're upset and lashing out in frustration. Find a specialist service. Meet ups, boutique dating companies, something like that. Have the service filter down to that 1 in 400 first.
2015-08-26 07:32:18 UTC
If i was a man i would date a transgender man or woman, as a woman i would date a transgender man or woman. At the end of the day for me personally it's someones personality that i'm looking at, i could fall in love with a man tomorrow and if that man told me he was born a woman i wouldn't have a problem with it and the same goes for women, if they told me they were born a male then i would not have a problem with it. Love is love. :)

There are plenty of men in the world that will want you for you. Don't give up hope! :D
2015-08-25 12:40:08 UTC
It's pretty crappy that they want to hook up with you, but not date you. It's not so much bigotry, though, as two-faced. They are more interested in how they imagine they will look than actually being in a relationship with another person. Them just wanting sex, without commitment is also all about them. These are the sort of men you are actually better off without. I hope, in time, you'll meet a genuine man who cares about you, for you. You deserve that.
2015-08-28 07:20:09 UTC
I would not call it bigoted, reality is you're not attracted to that person, and if you were a horrible person you really would not care if rejecting this person made you a bigot or not.

for myself, i would do the same as the reality is the person is really not the gender i am attracted to physically however if i was in a situation where over time i was to fall in love with someone who happens to be a trans gender and that does happen, i would probably re-consider.
2015-08-26 04:41:13 UTC
Not wanting to date a Transexual is As bigoted as a Gay man not wanting to date a cis-gendered woman.

Transexual women appeal only to Bisexual or other transsexual individuals with an overwhelming majority. other individuals who are unsure of their own sexuality and may think of themselves as straight may sometimes experimentally date transsexuals, but as an overwhelming majority, straight guys will NOT date anything that was not born with XX chromosomes and doesn't have the phenotype to match.

exceptions being Mermaids, and superhot Aliens, Elves or Robots; or other such creatures from the fantasy realm.

check out : for a larger comprehensive list on female monsters.
2015-08-28 15:45:19 UTC
You are truly delusional if you really believe that the only reason men won't date you is because of a birth defect. That said, it is NOT "bigoted" to refuse to date a "transgender woman". It's a free country. One can date, or not date, anyone whom one wishes. My best guess is that men don't want to "date" another man. No matter how many hormones you take, or surgery you've had, you're still the same gender you were born as. Don't believe me? Just stop taking those hormones for awhile. Watch your beard come back, and your t(ts shrink...
2015-08-27 21:54:12 UTC
It is unfortunate that the only type of adult relationship you have access to at the moment is hook up based. It is clear you want more and of course you deserve more but I wonder if you tried dating websites specifically for that? I know it is not fair to you and I do agree that there should be more acceptance of trans people but right now it does not seem to be going in a direction where this will be common practice for the mass. You may have to try online dating and be very clear on what you want in a LTR because most men will not change their minds about going from short term to long term after they get to know someone. I don't think it is fair or healthy of you to have to prove your worth to them in exchange for a long term relationship (and it is selfish and egocentric of them to assume that this is acceptable behavior on their part) It will take some time but there is someone out there that WILL respect you and want you as a whole person, not just for hook ups. Take care.
2015-08-26 06:28:56 UTC
Dating is part of a process that generally leads to sex, so it's important for people to know what that actually means. I think that most people are uneasy with the idea of "changing" because they themselves had a fixed idea of their own sexuality at an early age.

It's not surprising that a lot of men are primarily interested in the sexual aspect because they want to be open to a new experience.

Men are much more at the mercy of their sex drive, so if you are not like that it confirms you are a woman.

If you make your needs clearly known, you will find more suitable partners.
2015-08-27 01:44:38 UTC
Well you certainly are DIFFERENT.

Fact is you can't force people to like you and that isn't bigotry, its how humans are. Just look at the homosexuals who parade around forcing others to accept them and like them - the whole thing backfires in their faces with certain groups who will NEVER accept them no matter what. And calling others bigots doesn't get your way over other people, it only makes them hate you even more.

Just find your own way in life and be happy on your own - without the NEED for everyone to accept you.
2015-08-25 18:19:50 UTC
No it is not. It is a preference. We all have them. It's not "transphobic" either. A person cannot force themselves to be attracted to something that naturally turns them off.

And contrary to certain poster's ridiculously laughable assertions, not everyone likes shemale porn. I certainly do not.

And those men that you are referring to who won't date you because of something you have no control over, as well as myself, have no control over what turns us off. Nobody does.

Referring to someone who won't date a transgender as transphobic or bigoted is nothing more than a shaming tactic. It's no different than fat women calling the men who turn them down shallow, superficial, etc. When the whole time they turn down men that they are not attracted to.

There is another transgender on here who is always complaining about men who turn her down. Yet she was also on here talking about guys who had approached her and she turned down because the were ugly. She even had a question wherein she complained about ugly guys picking up on her. That being said, I'd be willing to bet that there are those who HAVE approached you and who DID want to date you, but who you turned down because of that one thing that everybody has.....

Can you guess what it is?????



Nobody is wrong for them. Nobody can help nor change what their preferences are.
2015-08-26 15:31:33 UTC
Transgender women have masculine features. You notice their shoulders are wider, they are taller,their muscles are larger and their voices are deeper. These things are traits that straight men get turned off by. Likewise, gay men are not attracted to those feminine features you acquired. So your best bet is finding a bisexual male who is open to a transgender date. .

So I'd say it is not surprising that transgender women have a hard time in the dating pool.
Tad Dubious
2015-08-26 11:58:53 UTC
Tyerese, no, I would say that is not bigoted. Instead, it is a matter of choice. For example, I refuse to date a woman who smokes, yet many will say they cannot help it, that they are addicted. (Not quite the same, but I hope you see my point.) Keep looking and good luck.
2015-08-25 11:18:36 UTC
I don't think people are reading between the lines of your question. Guys will have sex with you but they won't be seen in public with you. I don't blame you for being depressed. Basically, the guys who do this are using you. Don't let them. Is there some way to meet transgendered men? In your situation, that's what I'd do. I'm sorry this is happening to you.
2015-08-26 13:21:46 UTC
Please don't open yourself up to the thrashing on this site. Some of the folk on here live to attack people for no reason. I am new to this and I posted a question about insurance and almost had to cuss folk out for their insulting responses. I've read other answers and just can't believe how nasty people can be. It's not that serious. Find happiness within and believe that God loves you. Only God can judge you and trust, we ALL are subject to judgement. Peace and Blessings Upon You.....
2015-08-26 15:14:30 UTC
I think that calling your birth gender a birth defect is bigoted.

That being said, were you born female you would still face the problem of men just wanting to hook up and not commit to a serious relationship.

You don't find a relationship going to a place where people go specifically to JUST hook up.
2015-08-26 00:17:07 UTC
I met a beautyful girl once. I started to talk to her, and then work with her for a while. The weird thing was, that their was no sexual attraction on my part whatsoever. Not even in the slightest. I found that strange since everything about her personality and character was awesome + she was beautiful. I litteraly felt like i was hanging out with one of my male friends. ANd, as she later told me. She was gay and had a girlfriend.

Science made some interesting discoveries about how we select our partners and it is based, for a large part on genes. We are not conscious of it but we seem to be able to recognize other peoples genes and if the suit our own. Although things like sexual obsessions and desensitization can cloud that natural judgement leading men to seek out sexual extremes like having sex with people with huge birth defects.

What i'm saying is: You can never ever ever EVER seek the cause of your problem outside of yourself. To sugest or even hint that the man may be at fault for not being attracted to you is a vulgar statement.

I don't know anything about you so i would be overstepping a lot of boundaries by trying to give you advice on how to deal with your problem, but putting the blame on others is very much not a good idea. Maybe the only advice i can give is to look out for men who are only trying to satisfy their sexual obsession. Oh, and ofcourse realise that sex has NOTHING to do with love at all. If you start to form the opinion that men only want sex, than sex is probably the only thing you have to offer. Sounds harsh, but i can not make it clear any other way.
2015-08-25 22:41:26 UTC
If by "transgender woman" you mean a male who was born male, thus is male, but plays like he is female and another male does not want to date you because he is not gay, then how is that bigoted? He's not attracted to males, he is straight and normal. He doesn't want to date a he-she.
2015-08-25 18:50:20 UTC
A simple answer is "yes"

The why involves the way the traditional values created by religion affect society and its individuals in society, their beliefs and actions. The fact is religion is the cause for so much hypocrisy in our world allowing for the abuse of other people's rights while empowering their right to do the abusing (also dont forget religion is made up of individuals who take what they want from religion and will blatantly reject the rest)

Of course none of that helps your situation in the least.

The start of your journey to self empowerment begins with surrounding yourself with the right type of person, in fairness rejecting those who reject you is not as bad as it sounds as it's a major reason the aggressive have such a strong clutch on society (to accept a person's rejection is to empower them to reject and this hurts you in the end)

Once you have found a unbiased community to be apart of you will not only feel better but you will eventually find someone who will accept you for the person your are both heart and mind (these communities do exist and they only grow stronger as more people gain the strength to live life they way you were born to, free and equal to those around you)

Another tip is to celebrate yourself and who you are, to feel the need to hid your true self is to be limited and rejected by a society that is more than happy to celebrate the very fact it can do this and get away with it.

To be happy with who you are is not a crime but a gift, to love the person you are is strength and to reward yourself is to give endless value to yourself as an individual who is worth people investing their time and love in, Just look to anyone who is successful and charismatic and you will see their ability to win the hearts of others starts with their acceptance of self and their inner love the guides them throughout life.

Take care :-)
2015-08-29 07:25:07 UTC
Trying to open myself up. I would have no desire to be with a woman who still had a penis. As for a woman who uses to be a man, but did the change, I am not sure. I met 2 women who uses to be a man, but had the operation to be a woman. One was a turn off, 6'4" 250lbs. the other one looked more female, but did not even think about it at the time. I am not sure. To be honest to once be a man might make a difference. But I would not treat her, any different as a person with respect.
2015-08-26 04:55:54 UTC
Which is true? were you born with an actual defect! or did you actually change gender? Both cannot be true! or do you mean that you had both a vagina and a minor penis for instance, this would be vastly different from having a vagina like inversion of a former penis! No I wouldn't date such a person, and you can give it any label you like from phobia to bigotry I don't give a fig.
2015-08-26 13:26:58 UTC
Nope. Are you gonna get on Jews case for not marrying outside of their religion, or when a black man says he prefers black women?

Getting on a person s case for not dating a transgender person is about as bad and controlling as getting on a gay person s case for not banging the town slut...DAD.

Some people are so afraid of their kids being gay that they make them do all the heterosexual sins that the Bible condemns just as much. Missing the point, parents?


Yeah. Not gay. Don t agree with it. Don t hate it either. But it s a 2 ways street. Gotta practice what you preach, and I m hearing an awful lot about tolerance but not seeing many people practice it.
2015-08-27 10:14:33 UTC
No. I'm a lesbian and I wouldn't date a transgender woman and I can understand why bisexual people and straight men don't either. You should look for pansexual people because I believe they're open to dating trans people.
2015-08-26 00:28:29 UTC
I'd say you should just keep looking. I'm not a part of the LGBT community, but I suffer from a range of mental illnesses that effect me socially. I am all to familiar in regards to people judging before they actually know me, but I can't change the chemical makeup of my brain. You just have to weed through people. It's a long and painful process, but you'll do it. I think you should try to meet with other Trans people.
2015-08-27 07:45:21 UTC
No. It is simply a choice that each of us has the right to make. Shall we make it mandatory that each of us HAS to date anyone that wishes to date US, any other behavior being called "bigoted"; isn't that what you are really implying? The contradictions and absurdity of this type of comment becomes clear when the real implications are looked at.
2015-08-26 04:31:01 UTC
What is the point of actually dating you? Are you seeking a mate to marry and produce children? Oh, wait, you are a boy and have no uterus. Woman have a purpose, even if it is only a potential purpose. Men instinctively seek out females so that they can reproduce. No such luck with you. Go find a man with children who are grown. He wont want more children.
2015-08-29 21:17:21 UTC
Apparently there's a lot people don't see what's beyond the physicality and make judgments only upon tangible constructs. In other words, THERE ARE SO MANY MOTHER******* BIGOTS OUT THERE!
2015-08-27 07:44:50 UTC
No, it isn't. Despite the media brainwashing some appear to be victim too, in many people's eyes (mines included), you're still a man. And many straight men are simply not interested in being with another man romantically or sexually. Just the way it is.
2015-08-25 10:01:10 UTC
No, it's not bigotry. Other people have sexual and romantic preferences and that's something that everyone has to deal with. It is the mark of a healthy mind to accept the fact that being trans-gendered is something that sets you apart from other people in the dating scene. You have to be confident with what you have.
2015-08-26 05:45:40 UTC
A few great answers were already provided here. A person is never a bigot if he/she refuses to date trans people. If you are trans, consider dating another trans person.
2015-08-26 18:13:21 UTC
How is it bigoted? you're not a real, natural woman from birth and for many men that is only what we want. Men aren't as fluid as women are. sorry if i sound rude but i'm speaking honestly
logan m
2015-08-27 00:05:12 UTC
yes i am bigoted. i don't date black women either. or asians. or BBW. i also don't date redheads. or whatever i am supposed to call the mentaly challenged. or downs women. i should date homeless women, (i hear you can drop them off anywhere), but i don't. i don't date liberals if i know in advance. (oh. i already mentionioned the mentaly challenged). i don't date men either so i guess i must be a homophobe.

i am the most evil thing on the planet. a straight, white, american male from the south with a job. hate away people.
2015-08-27 06:23:20 UTC
i dont know what bigoted means, but its not right to "refuse" to date somebody.

and like the other guy said

It's virtually impossible that every guy refuses to acknowledge you, it is impossible for 100% of the male population to dislike people with birth defects. It just doesn't happen, there are guys that care.

so yeah
2015-08-26 15:34:18 UTC
As an LGBT+ supporter, that's pretty sucky. Gender is something you have no control of when you are first born, so to say that it's "disgusting" for someone to want to be themselves is rude and ignorant. And yes. Of course it is bigoted, I would have to say yes.
2015-08-28 22:44:11 UTC
Refusing? Who asks for the date? Does a male 'askee' know his 'asker' is transgender?

A lo-n-ng-g time ago I noticed a coworker depressed, SERIOUSLY depressed. I asked,

"What's the prob?" After demurring, and I persisted he explained. "At the club the other

night >this dancer< was REALLY HOT! After I learned she was XX KXKXK's girlfriend!"

I wondered "So?" The answer was "But SHE's a guy! Not exactly, she's 'between' surgeries

but EVERYONE KNOWS He and her -- She's a GUY!" I laughed. "DId YOU see 'guy' >parts<

(even 'girl' parts were covered in 'Clubs'; pasties and thongs). "Well, no, but---"

""Forget 'but'. When you SAW the show it was HER, not he/she." My friend's worry was if

his 'reaction' made him Kw eer!

Unless you're introduced as "Caitlyn Jenner" I wouldn't care; I mostly wouldn't notice (unless

you had a clumsy surgeon). Just in my character I want to satisfy you, then me. I've been

taught "Ladies First". Unless you feel it necessary to confess >>THE SECRET<< I'll proceed

on that basis. OUR plumbing works, right? I won't brag, will you? If I complain you gotta find

me to be angry. If you complain, I apologize and you B itch at your surgeon. . .
2015-08-26 05:01:25 UTC
People date who they are attracted to and that is a personal decision. There is no "affirmative action" for dating, LOL. No one is required to have sex with you because you are transgender. Gee, what a lunatic you must be to even suggest that.
2015-08-25 08:58:03 UTC
The birth defect is genetic, not physical. By getting physical surgery, all you did was delay more of the psychological and hormone problems you had before. If you're living a lie, why just go half way?
2015-08-27 15:29:39 UTC
I'm a woman and I would never even come close to considering dating a tranny. In my mind, they are still women and why don't I just become a ******* lesbian then? That's so nauseating.
2015-08-27 10:28:40 UTC
Nope. I wouldn't date a trans woman, no offence. As long as you're happy being the way you are, fair enough... just don't expect others to not be uncomfortable with it.
2015-08-26 06:02:36 UTC
1st of all If by birth defect you mean you were born a guy then screw you 2nd I have no problem with transgender/transsexual people 3rd no it's not bigoted
2015-08-25 12:31:48 UTC
Of course it isn't bigoted. You're not a real woman.
2015-08-26 07:10:32 UTC
Nope, It's called personal preference
2015-08-26 06:06:55 UTC
You are born with birth defect? Wow, i am so sorry to hear that. Well, there is really nothing much we can do because most people don't want to date a person who is defected. Sorry.
2015-08-25 13:45:48 UTC
No. It's called preference. You're NOT entitled to any men you want to date.
2015-08-27 05:50:26 UTC
No. It's a sign of a healthy mind, healthy sexuality and resistance to the pervasive PC brainwashing that's infested the West.
Big D
2015-08-25 16:34:33 UTC
it does not matter if you are a transgender male or female, every one has the right to date you or not, it is their choice, it is not bigotry, it is their right

show me the laws that state that I or any man has to date you or any one

then I will how you that it is a crime

personal choice is up to the person, you got your gay rights forced thru the Supreme court and now you want to make people date you
2015-08-26 09:09:19 UTC
Calling being born a female a birth defect is very offensive and misogynistic. Maybe that's why they only want to hook up with you no know you better,
David N
2015-08-26 14:07:06 UTC
The whole ritual of dating is based on personal preferences.

If you choose to perceive personal preference as bigotry, then that is YOUR bigoted position.
2015-08-27 00:12:09 UTC
2015-08-25 20:46:29 UTC
If men are refusing to date you, you're looking in the wrong places.
2015-08-26 00:21:29 UTC
Yes let the name calling begin. How dare some people actually not be open to dating a person who decided to change their gender! Let the PC crowd commence the shaming.
2015-08-26 07:35:31 UTC
2015-08-25 20:22:00 UTC
We have degraded so far down that this really don't matter because if you look long enough you'll find some one that we give you all that you desire. We are lost without any hope of salvation so why does it matter?
2015-08-25 12:09:06 UTC
It is NOT bigotry; it's a matter of personal tastes and likes. Just as some men do not like overweight or anorexic-looking women, or very tall or very short women, or very intelligent and educated women... for reasons of personal tastes.
2015-08-29 16:35:25 UTC
Nope not bigoted if ur not gay why would you , except to be on jerry springer BTW every hetrosexual man on this planet would refuse.
2015-08-25 23:45:12 UTC
Here's what I think: the technology to change a person's outward gender is relatively new. People aren't used to the idea yet. We're still think of human beings in binary terms according to birth: male and female.

I believe that in the future, we'll be MUCH more accepting of transgender and others who don't neatly fit into traditional male-female identities and roles.

I don't think it makes them "bad people". It's just that this is a new change and some people may find it difficult to adapt.
2015-08-26 03:38:10 UTC
Sorry, I don't want to date a transgender person. That person who says that everyone wants to look at tranny porn is full of ****, he means he wants to look at it.

No doubt you will find someone eventually, hope so. Good luck.
2015-08-26 10:15:08 UTC
< transgender woman bigoted?>>

I can choose to date, or not to date, whoever I want for whatever reason I want.

I doesn't interest me in the least, and it shouldn't interest you, whether or not some nosy third party wants to turn your dating un-interests into a hate-crime.

< to hook up>>

Frankly, I would consider yourself lucky any men even want the hook up!

< no control over>>

Well, that sucks because, like you said, it's something you have no control over.


Perhaps you're not looking in the right place for that different kind of person that is needed for you. . . ?
2015-08-26 18:07:34 UTC
2015-08-25 10:20:04 UTC
I just made an account to let you know your not alone in that struggle but there are people that will support you and help you enjoy you if you want someone to talk to message me i promise im a good listener
2015-08-25 15:14:34 UTC
Everybody has differences on what appeals to them and there are a lot of men who love transexual women.

It is so more accepted no and is a hate crime from which you should get protection if a person keeps harassing you.
2015-08-25 08:56:32 UTC
Not necessarily. It probably has more to do with preference. I respect trans gender people but I would not date one because I am only attracted to cis women.
Recovering Nice Guy
2015-08-26 17:59:25 UTC
This is known as the Cotton Ceiling where transgender women or men cannot get someone to date or have sex with them even by those who claim to be in support of their "victimhood status" already on tumblr and in the real world several feminists and SJWs are trying to shame people/coerce people into having sex with trans i.e. having sex with people you don't want to have sex with to begin with.

Even by feminists' re-broadening of the definition of rape to include "rape by coercion" this is advocacy FOR rape by when it comes to trans people feminists and SJWs are rape advocates...oh the irony.
2017-04-17 07:46:02 UTC
No it isn't. Not wanting to date a particular group of people is not any phobic, it's just a preference There are many reasons cis people don't date trans people - primary reason being - cis people have long term goals of having a biological family. Trans people are unable to provide them a biological offspring.

Desiring to have a family of your own is not a crime is it?

Not just cis men/women there are quite a few trans people, who would not date trans people either. Many trans women are interested in dating a gay, bi or pan sexual man/woman rather than another trans person. Again it's not ‘’internalized transmisogyny’’. It's a preference.

On the other hand there are plenty of men who are cis and would gladly date trans people. I pray you get to meet some of them in near future.

Your best bet is to find someone bi sexual, or pan sexual . Such a person will be more open to dating people of diverse gender spectrum.

Or you can also sign up to Grindr a dating app for the LGBT community. I dare say you are going to find some cute dating prospects there. I would suggest you avoid mainstream dating apps like OkCupid, Tinder and Plenty of Fish. The majority of the people there are cis straight folks. I am not saying you will never find the date you are looking for in those apps, but the odds are not that favourable.

It's natural that you are feeling depressed. However don't dismiss yourself as defected. By labelling yourself as defected you are also labelling the members of LGBT and minority communities as somehow defective.

Look at it this way, the guys you met did not refuse to date you because they found you unattractive, they refused because they found they were sexually incompatible to you.

Ex : A gay or lesbian person will not get depressed if a straight individual they approached, refused to go out with them.

I am a brown girl ( South Asian) I won't get depressed if some guy of other race I approached, told me they are not attracted to South Asians. Got it?

Being a particular race, or a gender identity does not make you defective, or ‘’special’’. It’s just a part of who you are.

I pray you get a date soon sister.
2015-08-26 05:46:58 UTC
welcome to dating as a woman...I am NOT transgender and in the last 10 years of being a widow, I have never met any man who was interested in more than hooking up.
2015-08-27 03:32:55 UTC
I am livid with how much hate and trans phobia there is here. I'm so sorry that you have to read through all of these trash comments.
2015-08-29 19:58:11 UTC
NO! It's called preference.
2015-08-25 13:40:30 UTC
There are dating sites for every type of person out there.
2015-08-26 13:41:08 UTC
So what. Whats it got to do with you or anyone else why another person reaches a choice based on their own wishes and desires. They dont have to justify to you the decisions they make.
2015-08-26 17:25:11 UTC
It's his choice not to date someone his own gender
2015-08-25 19:06:09 UTC
No. Transgender women can't have babies and guess what? Some men want babies!
2015-08-25 08:24:30 UTC
You can refuse to date anyone you wish.
2015-08-25 14:00:05 UTC
No. You're not a woman.
2015-08-25 13:32:15 UTC
It's not bigotry, it's just preference.

Don't mix them up just because someone disagree's with your actions or who you simply are.
2015-08-25 08:16:58 UTC
No it's not. People want what they want and saying someone is racist or bigoted or sexist or anything like that is just ridiculous in my opinion.
2015-08-25 14:01:07 UTC
there is not denying that there are plenty of anti-gay bigots. still, everyperson has their own sexual-orientation. while you are free to have your, others are free to have theirs.

so, we all know that there are plenty of people who like transsexual people.

maybe, it is your own personality which both turns you off to other people, and others off to you. still, i think it is better to be up-front, and make sure the person you are dating knows who you are first.

it is so much easier than the trouble with strangers .
2015-08-25 08:57:27 UTC
There is a reason trannies have such a high suicide rate.

Is because they realize they cant change who they really are. Also, did you hear about that one guy who is ex military, who strangled a trannie almost to death when he found out he wasnt a girl, and got tried for murder? Yea, thats the kind of thing a normal person would do if they found out they ****** a dude with a fake vagina
2015-08-25 21:31:14 UTC
It isn't bigoted, they just don't want to have sex with you. It's called preference.
2015-08-26 13:13:11 UTC
why would any man want to date you ?? you are a man . parts will never match no matter if you cut off your nuts and balls you need mental help . take some drugs or jump off a bridge
2015-08-29 13:25:51 UTC
Personally, I dont mind people being transgenedered, and I would date you. Especially if you have a penis. I dont date blak people though..
2015-08-25 21:46:46 UTC
No; only you decide who you date. Don't let anyone bully you into relinquishing that right.
2015-08-26 08:29:15 UTC
Where does one find a transwoman? I'd date one no problem.
2015-08-26 10:41:45 UTC
No. But it would be bigoted if they gave a bunch of dumb reasons why not.
2015-08-25 08:34:25 UTC
Matey, you'll always be a man to me, and I'm not going to date a man, fun as it might be.

Don't get depressed, let's be honest, it was you who chose to get a "sex change" wasn't it? Did you really think society would see you as a real woman?
2015-08-26 04:24:59 UTC
The nerve of those "men". They should be happy to date you and should get a taste of their own damn medicine by accepting your proposal over a damn freaking urinal! Arrogant bastards!
2015-08-26 16:44:01 UTC
The best way to stop depression is to put a bullet through your Brain
2015-08-25 12:46:21 UTC
Absolutely not ,guys want a real woman not a guy /girl
2015-08-26 06:29:23 UTC
No. People have preferences and some of them are hard wired through biology, This is one of those.
2015-08-29 13:51:41 UTC
That's so unfair to you
2015-08-26 05:58:14 UTC
You have a right to dating preferences,it is not bigotry
2015-08-26 16:18:48 UTC
don't tell them you are a transgender until u get married then your good
2015-08-26 19:58:28 UTC
No, but trying to pass yourself off as a female when you are a dude is wrong.
2015-08-26 17:17:01 UTC
I always figured the trans community inter dated among themselves, as most men would reject that.
2015-08-26 08:02:43 UTC
Most men are insecure uncaring jerks anyway in my opinion...welcome to being "not a man" in this world.
2015-08-27 20:47:47 UTC
oh my gawd why people reply after 10 comments i will never know... like the reader is going to take 3 hours to read through 50 comments, f**king dumbasses
2015-08-26 08:19:27 UTC
It is legal to refuse
2015-08-28 18:47:08 UTC
Cause guys think, she use to be a guy. I don't blame them sorry.
2015-08-25 08:22:17 UTC
No. Most men want to pass on their genes and trans women can't give them babies.
2015-08-27 09:03:20 UTC
Of course not. You can't force a penis onto someone.
2015-08-25 08:50:10 UTC
Certainly, yes, but I use my bigotry to refuse to date trolls as well.

Kinda evens things out, I hope!
2015-08-27 03:16:37 UTC
Multiply this by 7 billions, and it's the apocalypse, the end of the world, the end of humanity!!!!!!
Linda R
2015-08-25 12:43:16 UTC
NO. If one asks you - just say no and that's all.
D Salt
2015-08-27 10:52:53 UTC
Nobody wants to date anyone, it s not just you.
2015-08-26 11:33:05 UTC
The reason has to be studied in detail by an expert.
2015-08-26 11:40:20 UTC
No, it's knowing they don't have what you want.
2015-08-26 22:15:09 UTC
NO. You made a choice, others have the same rights to make their choices.
2015-08-25 12:18:47 UTC
Nope. I would refuse too.
2015-08-25 08:17:41 UTC
That's a hard one
2015-08-26 10:09:22 UTC
The only birth defect you may have is between your ears.
2015-08-30 22:26:41 UTC
trans woman... so you're a man
2015-08-25 13:20:58 UTC
the implication is that being male is a birth defect. I disagree.
2015-08-26 10:21:46 UTC
Sorry to hear this. What is your birth defect?
2015-08-25 16:58:16 UTC
EverybOdy is different and has thier own mind.
2015-08-25 15:51:53 UTC
no because they're not real women
2015-08-28 13:48:40 UTC
I have enough problems being straight.
2015-08-28 21:10:04 UTC
Chris Jill do people are black and I have no
2015-08-26 09:58:58 UTC
its actually the Media who has made it a joke..and you know how people want to fit in.
2015-08-26 08:35:34 UTC
You should SUE them and find out
2015-08-26 20:00:53 UTC
You are not a woman.
2015-08-26 07:48:19 UTC
Not everyone feels comfortable with it.
2015-08-25 12:06:37 UTC
No and who ever believes it is, is ignorant in my opinion.
2015-08-28 00:20:41 UTC
so people's sexually preference is considered bigotry now?
2015-08-25 08:37:01 UTC

It's how normal men react to other men who had their penis removed.
2015-08-26 09:37:21 UTC
It isn't in anyway.
2015-08-27 06:43:29 UTC
watch the south park episode the cissy and come back
2015-08-26 01:10:04 UTC
2015-08-25 18:49:03 UTC
2015-08-26 12:57:38 UTC
it ur choice at the end off the day tho
2015-08-26 20:05:59 UTC
lvoe who you want too lvoenn
2015-08-25 20:00:08 UTC
2015-08-26 04:04:30 UTC

2015-08-26 21:38:12 UTC
of course not
2015-08-26 12:34:30 UTC
find another trans
2015-08-25 08:21:03 UTC
Refusing to date a trans woman simply for being trans is mental violence.
2015-08-27 05:11:35 UTC
I think it is bad for us.
2015-08-28 00:55:27 UTC
its your right
2015-08-27 01:59:48 UTC
2015-08-26 16:03:32 UTC
2015-08-26 15:39:03 UTC
2015-08-25 15:18:10 UTC
2015-08-25 09:13:36 UTC
𝓒𝓸𝓼𝓶𝓲𝓬 𝓓𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓻
2015-08-25 08:48:20 UTC
2015-08-27 21:30:37 UTC
2015-08-26 11:36:06 UTC
nope if you do you're gay
2015-08-26 13:51:59 UTC
no. just freak avoidance.
2015-08-25 15:43:43 UTC
they are nasty stay away from them
ice man
2015-08-26 22:23:51 UTC
Nope. Why would it be?
2015-08-26 06:13:34 UTC
2015-08-28 02:58:29 UTC
2015-08-26 08:03:07 UTC
2015-08-26 00:59:09 UTC
2015-08-26 20:10:12 UTC
2015-08-26 12:07:19 UTC
2015-08-27 18:47:48 UTC
2015-08-25 19:59:54 UTC
2015-08-25 20:28:18 UTC
2015-08-29 00:28:34 UTC
2015-08-27 20:44:13 UTC
ew gross, no.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.