We pay more attention to body language. Women at least some, can walk into a room and understand without asking what people are feeling, anger, fear, happiness, sadness can all be picked up on. These things are important clues in predicting how other members of a group will act, fight, and work together.
Women have a tendency to prioritize the others around them, they often put others first before themselves and that makes them protective of the groups they belong to.
While it is indisputable that the average man has more upper-body strength than the average woman, women have different physical abilities that enable them to offer unique capabilities in combat.
Distance running is one such arena, and it’s relevant because combat can be as much about physical endurance (sustaining activity over time) as physical strength. According to a study analyzing track-and-field records and published in the journal Nature in 1992, the gaps between male and female performance narrow as the distance is extended, and some studies show that at ultramarathon distances (100 miles or more), women with equal training as their male counterparts outperform men. Researchers theorize that women’s ability to metabolize fat more efficiently contributes to their endurance and success in longer runs. Women also tolerate hot and humid racing conditions better than men because of their smaller body size, according to a 1999 article in the European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology.
Here is some other information I picked up on the net:
Females are equipped to receive a wider range of sensory information, to connect and relate that information with greater facility, to place a primacy on personal relationships, and to communicate.
Women find it easier to master foreign languages, and are more proficient in their own, with better command of grammar and spelling. They are also more fluent.
Girls and women hear better than men. When the sexes are compared, women show a greater sensitivity to sound.
Women see better in the dark. They are more sensitive to the red end of the spectrum, seeing more red hues there than men, and have a better visual memory. Men see better than women in bright light. Intriguing results also show that men tend to be literally blinkered; they see in a narrow field - mild tunnel vision - with greater concentration on depth. They have a better sense of perspective than women. Women, however, quite literally take in the bigger picture. They have wider peripheral vision, because they have more of the receptor rods and cones in the retina, at the back of the eyeball, to receive a wider arc of visual input.
Women react faster, and more acutely, to pain, although their overall resistance to long-term discomfort is greater than men's.
This superority in so many of the senses can be clinically measured - yet it is what accounts for women's almost supernatural "intuition". Women are simply better equipped to notice things to which men are completely blind and deaf. There is no witchcraft in this superior perception - it is extra-sensory only in terms of the blunter, male senses. Women are better at picking up social cues, picking up important nuances of meaning from tones of voice or intensity of expression. Men sometimes become exasperated at a woman's reaction to what they say. They do not realise that women are probably "hearing" much more than what the man himself thinks he is "saying". Women tend to be better judges of character. Older females have a better memory for names and faces, and a greater sensitivity to other people's preferences.
Sex differences have been noted in the comparative memory of men and women. Women can store, for short periods at least, more irrelevant and random information than men; men can only manage the trick when the information is organized in some coherent form, or has specific relevance to them.