Are all Anti-Feminists "Woman haters?"?
Bryan F
2008-02-29 21:02:34 UTC
The question pretty much sums up everything. Sometimes I look at the questions and answers that our outspoken Anti-feminists post here and it's striking..And no not in a negative a sense that sort of makes them seem like....Robin Hoods.

You're probably like "What are you talking about?" Well, they never said that they are against women...They are against Feminism. I think that it's a recognition issue myself. Everyone can be critical of themselves sometimes because it's what makes us individually stronger...But..are feminists here critical of that label...? This brings up another question...Do you think they would post these questions and answers if Feminism did not bring about inequalities? Would Feminists deny that these things that these guys post happen?

Sorry if this is confusing but..It's confusing to me as well. It's feeling like I'm around hypocrites at times...
Twenty answers:
edith clarke
2008-03-01 10:13:13 UTC
No, that's as simplistic as saying all feminists are man haters. People who advocate for different social movements have many different motivations, most are very personal (like their last relationship) and others because they think it's the right thing to do.

Gender and Women's studies and feminism exists because of sexism and inequalities in law, politics, and society, that have existed for decades in this country, centuries in other societies. You're assuming feminism existed first, and anti-feminists resulted, again, it's not that simple.

Many people still assume feminism is the same as it was 30-40 years ago, they're still quoting feminists who are dead or in their 70's and 80's, when feminism has evolved, just like most healthy social movements. Some of the effects of 2nd wave feminism have not been good, and I have questions about some laws and how they've been implemented as well, but I don't think all of feminism in the past and now is "bad". That's simplistic, too. I don't assume all anti-feminists hate women, but some of the anti-feminists do hate women, and unfairly blame feminism and feminists for many complex societal problems, which does not make others think highly of their true concerns. It's easy to throw out all the good with the bad; I'd rather keep the good, and work on changing the bad.
2008-03-02 14:09:27 UTC
I think the don't like what they stand for or they think they should go about reaching their goal in a different way. That may or may not mean that the men and women that are anti-feminist are against all women. It depends on that person and their values if they do think women or inferior. I think that the value of the individual matters more. If a women is not successful and her husband is but everyone knows the wife is a better person because she is kind and honest then she is considered better to most. Visa versa. Investigate what a feminist stands for and then what anti feminist stand for to be sure.
2016-05-24 16:25:43 UTC
I recently asked a question of what others' perceptions of me were, stating that I am not a feminist. From feminists, I got everything from I must have no self-respect to I am uneducated and must be perpetually pregnant and in the kitchen. Their view of a non-feminist is very narrow. I think what Kelly said summed it up best. "Feminism is about letting women do and be what they want, as long as it is a feminist-approved path." Thanks Kelly for finally helping me find the crux of the issue for me. I am all for individuals doing what they want, but there is a hidden agenda in feminism that you MUST do it their way.
2008-03-01 05:15:39 UTC
Yes the 'anti-feminist = anti-woman' accusation is very common and very brainless. Its like trying to say 'If you are anti nazi you are anti German'.

I personally am for freedom for men and women e.g. if a man or woman is interested and able to do a particular job they should have every possible opportunity and encouragement to do so.

I used to support feminism until I studied two gender modules at university. I was truly shocked to realise that so much of the 'facts' and 'research' done by feminists was extremely biased against men. I took a while for this to sink in, but I am very pleased to see that many others have woken up from the idea that feminism is simply about redressing an inequality. If feminism was just about redressing an equality I would support it 100%, but a lot of it is about making laws that are extremely biased against men (see evidence below).

Btw when I talk about 'waking up' I think this is a good way of putting it. I daydreamed through the early part of my life thinking that men in general were inherently violent, sexist etc and women were inherently gentle and caring and historically the victims of men. I now can't believe that I was such an idiot to fall for this kind of prejudiced nonsense, but that's the culture I was brought up in, and that's the culture I want to see changed forever.
2008-03-01 07:58:18 UTC
I have some issues against Feminism, but it would be pretty hard for me to be a "woman hater" I don't hate myself. My point of view is that the Feminists should realize they've won and give it a rest. Those of us women who still have traditional values have even been denied the right to live by them.

Son Gokū on the Flying Nimbus
2008-03-01 00:39:31 UTC
I'm an anti-feminist, and, shockingly, I am not a woman hater. What I don't like about feminism is that men have been demonized, plain and simple.

Here's an airline from New Zealand that makes it illegal for men to sit next to a child during a flight.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Just look at any talk show that shows succesful women and how they got there. For a full hour, they only talk about the "obstacles" they went through, how "tough" they had it, how many men tried to opress them, etc...

Instead of picturing men as partners, feminists picture us as the enemy, who are always trying to figure out how to opress the poor, innocent, woman

Anti-feminism is not about hating women, for one, I would dislike a male feminist just as much as a female one.
2008-03-01 07:40:13 UTC
I think its too early to determine. As long as no serious anti feminist movement forms a statement like that cant be made.
2008-03-01 21:02:49 UTC
Rebel Man, how are women not superior to men?

Anyway, I believe so. I'm all for equal rights for everyone. I know people in my classes make jokes like 'go make me a sandwich woman!' and stuff and it annoys the crap out of me. We're not here to be your personal servant, we don't have to cook and clean up for you. Women should be just as equal as men. If a male liked a female as a person, they wouldn't be anti-feminist. If they truly liked women, they'd want them to be equal, and I think some people are just afraid of the thought of women standing up for themselves and being independent. I appreciate all the males who support equal rights for both men and women. We're all the same even though we don't look like it. We're all humans and what make someone better than another person? Who says that men should have more rights than women, and are more superior than women? Or who gets to decide what race is better? We're all the same okay?
2008-03-01 07:02:26 UTC
Because people are against the disease of feminism doesn't at all mean they are against women. I love women and so do all normal men.

People should realize that 'woman' and 'feminist' are as different as chalk and cheese.
Colonel Reb
2008-02-29 22:14:45 UTC
No, we don't hate women. Well a few people on here seem to but most don't. I just don't think women are superior to men. Not all feminists claim that, but many do. Even the "equalist feminists" usually focus solely on women's issues, and never admit that men can be discriminated against too. That's what I'm against. I believe that's what most anti-feminists are against.
2008-02-29 22:51:12 UTC
No, you see were just against the fact that they have COMPLEATLY hijacked the school system, always being nice to girls and *** holes to boys. They can say girls have better verbal skills and mature faster, but if you DARE even say men are genaraly good at math and science, we get sued for sexual harrasment! Theve taken the schooles over SO much, that a harverd prof. said, mabey we should see why these boys seem to be better at math, nature or nurture. He got fired for saying that, his life went down the drain. They have multiple programs to help girls with bad grades, and thats cool, every one should have a chance, but the only program thats only for guys is the boy scoutes, wich got disowned by ny and is no longer being funded there because of ther "sexual discrimination" there taking away all the good progarams from the boys, then when it comes time to take pols and girls do better, they say it's NOT because of the fact that they give the girls extra help, its NOT because they threw the boys aside and said "I dont care" It's because girls are smarter, and NO teacher has been FIRED for saying that. But thats what feminist do, you make a protest agains there anti-male antics and they call you a chovenest pig. Well, if thats not enough proof for you, that feminist have stolen the school system, last year at our school book fare, they sold a book called "Boys are stuped, throw rocks at them" While a girl who purchased it was reeding it with her friends and staring at us boys and gigling, I told one sexest joke. Guess who got in trouble, cuz it sure as hell wasnt the girls. And also Phoenix Quill , you said it all man, you said it all.
2008-03-02 09:44:54 UTC
Why should feminists worry about issues germane to men? Isn't that what their inept 'masculinist' movement is all about? Doesn't the patriarchy take care of men's needs well enough? Why does feminism have to take care of men and boys when male privilege abounds?

Anti-feminists=anti-female. That's all there is to it.
Rio Madeira
2008-03-01 07:11:08 UTC
If they are opposed to what feminism really is, they can't like women that much. But most self-proclaimed anti-feminists will say, "Equality and all that is fine, but those feminists just . . . UGH!"
Phoenix Quill
2008-02-29 21:54:49 UTC
If you are a LIBERAL it works like this.

Anyone against illegal immigration HATES Hispanics.

Anyone against affirmative action HATES Blacks

Anyone against Gay marriage HATES Gays

Anyone against Feminism HATES Women &

Any skeptic of man made Global Warming HATES Earth.

The arguements don't mater because the ONLY possible reason for disagreeing with the Left is HATE.

I think Feminism is toxic, because it teaches women that life is a power struggle BETWEEN men & women, rather than a COOPERATIVE struggle OF men & women to create the next generation.

From my Darwinian perspective a soccer mom is by far more successful, than a female CEO who places career over children.

But, as I have said before, the arguement doesn't matter. To a Liberal, it's just a clever way of justifing my HATE.

I may CLAIM to love women but hate Feminism, but we all know that's just not possible.

You sense that something is wrong with this attitude.

You are correct.
2008-02-29 21:24:09 UTC
That's a bunch of crap that gets spewed around so us anti-feminists can get in arms and start defending ourselves, which in turn causes the feminists a good turn. Tell you what I'm a female anti-feminists and I don't give a rotten apple what they have got to say; either they stop whining about it and accept it that not all anti-feminists are not women haters, or choose something else to do.

uh Rio: you will never catch me saying equality is fine.
Tewis L
2008-02-29 21:21:58 UTC
peoples can be against gorup of people but not peoples. it happen all times.
2008-02-29 21:35:49 UTC
i don't think they "hate' woman, they just want them under their thumbs. Female "anti feminists" may not mind but the rest of us have better things to do with our lives.

feminism allows a women to live on her own terms. that's what some men hate.
2008-02-29 21:13:18 UTC
No, not at all.

They're against feminism, not women...
2008-02-29 21:10:46 UTC
It's pretty usual for those who have held power to be at loathe to share it .

Anyone who is 'against feminism' is against me. They assume the role of enemy. They define themselves as my would-be oppressor.
2008-02-29 21:07:16 UTC
no just feminists because feminists hate men period.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.